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美擬投票 升高制裁伊朗核計畫

(路透華盛頓30日電)美國參議院銀行委員會(SenateBanking Committee)議員擬投票,針對伊朗能源產業實施新一輪制裁方案,目的在阻斷疑為伊朗用以發展核武的資金。
委員會主席、民主黨籍的強生(Tim Johnson)表示:「伊朗持續藐視其國際法律義務,且拒絕坦承其核計畫,更顯示進一步孤立伊朗與該國領導者的必要性。」中央社(翻譯)url


美國伊利諾伊州北部一個核電站,兩個機組中,其中一個突然失去外部電力供應,要緊急停止運作。電力公司說,二號機組在當地星期一上午十時許停止運作後,隨 即安排後備電力供應,並釋放蒸氣,減低反應堆的壓力,當中帶有微量的放射性氚氣,但強調不會對核電廠職員及附近居民構成健康威脅。









日命名釣魚島四礁 京稱非法

《產經新聞》報道,日本政府已內定釣魚島周邊四座礁島的島名:釣魚島久場島附近的三座島嶼,分別取名為「北西小島」、「北小島」、「北東小 島」;大正島附近的一座島嶼取名為「北小島」。日本政府計畫在本年度(三月底前)內正式決定名稱,並記載於國土地理院的地圖等文獻內。


(有片)全套光明會紙牌遊戲 (330卡) 1& 2

Part 1

Part 2

歐研太空防衛盾 阻天體襲地球

【明報專訊】德國航天局(DLR)發起的國際「近地天體防衛盾」(NEOShield)準備展開為期3年半的研究,計 算小行星及彗星等近地天體撞擊地球的威脅,研究避免天體撞擊地球的方法,包括以飛船發射物體影響星體軌道、以離子火箭推進器驅動的「重力牽引機」產生輕微 引力移開星體,甚至向危險星體引爆核武等,可能將荷李活電影《絕世天劫》中阻止隕石襲地球的橋段變成現實。
天 體襲地球比想像中普遍,一顆如巴士大小的小行星,上周五才在離地球6萬公里(約等於地球與月球距離的1/6)的位置掠過。根據地質及觀測記錄,每年平均有 1個汽車大小的天體進入地球大氣層,每隔2000年就有一個足球場大小的天體撞擊地球,對地球局部地區造成顯著影響;每隔數百萬年,更會有直徑數公里以上 的天體撞向地球,產生環球影響。美國太空總署估計,目前約有1.95萬個直徑100至1000米的巨型近地星體,大多未被確認軌迹。
科學家初步擬定的對付方法,包括利用飛船發射物體撞擊天體,只要輕微改變天體速度,就可令地球渡過危機。當局又研究以飛船充當「重力牽引機」,接近目標天體 後,以離子推進器維持飛船與天體之間的距離,飛船與天體之間的引力,有可能牽引天體偏離原來軌迹。但這兩種方法很難在短時間內收到顯著效果。另一經常談論 方法是在天體附近或表面引爆核武,炸毁天體,但若沒法掌握天體結構,將難以評估引爆的影響力。

日海底活斷層200公里 世紀大海嘯或再現

 驚慄!日本世紀大地震及海嘯或再重現!日本東京大學發表一項令人恐懼的研究結果,指在本 州中部的紀伊半島近海,發現一個超過200公里長的海底活斷層,以地形特徵推斷,該斷層過去或曾引發過大地震,一旦再產生活動,或會引起強度達至黎克特制 八級的大地震。有本港學者稱,海底斷層造成的地震可導致火山爆發及海嘯,引起極大傷亡,現階段難以預料強震發生的時間。記者陳信熙報道
        東京大學的研究人員經八年時間,在本州中部紀伊半島的南面海域進行勘查,前日宣布利用日本海洋研究開發機構探測海底時的聲波數據,在紀伊半島南端的 潮岬西側海底,發現長度超過200公里的大規模海底活斷層。研究人員推斷,該活斷層曾經引發八級大地震,亦可能與1707年日本寶永年間在富士山一次大規 模噴發有關。
        負責有關研究的東京大學副教授朴進午表示,由於活斷層的錯位可能引發大規模海嘯,考慮到斷層長達200公里以上,認為日本政府有必要重新研究防災對 策。無獨有偶,東京大學地震研究部門同日亦作出推算,預計日本首都東京及附近都會地區,四年內有70%機會發生黎克特制七級的地震,同等強度的地震於30 年內發生的機率,則高達98%。
        去年3月11日,日本東北發生黎克特制九級大地震,奪去超過15,700人的性命,高達4,500人仍然失蹤,福島第一核電廠受大地震影響發生爆 炸,並演變成國際標準中最高級別的輻射洩漏事故,核電廠方圓20公里由於高濃度輻射被列為禁區;東京大學前日公開的兩項研究結果,瞬即引起國內外關注,令 人擔心地震惡夢重臨。
        香港大學地球科學系教授陳龍生昨接受本報訪問時表示,地殼上布滿大大小小的斷層,當中活動性較高的被稱為活斷層,這些斷層活動時,會引起不同程度的 地震,如斷層位於海底,更有可能引發海嘯,造成極大破壞,雖然是次發現的活斷層與日本富士山有一段距離,但陳龍生稱一旦發生地震,這座「沉默」超過300 年的活火山亦有可能受影響爆發。
        陳龍生說,雖然日本去年發生過九級大地震,但不代表短期之內不會再受地震威脅,國際的地震預測乃由平均數計算得出,例如全球每10年平均會出現一次 大規模地震,但2004年造成南亞海嘯的黎克特制8.5級印度洋大地震發生前,有近20年至30年不曾發生大地震,但2004年的大地震後不足10年,日 本東北便發生九級大地震,可見地殼活動實變幻莫測。



How Illuminati Evolved?

Someone I know via FB recently sent me a link to a video, with an accompanying message: "worth listening to" and "this is what we are up against."
This video was purportedly exposing the "Illuminati"--the recited text a list of ways 'they' are manipulating and controlling the masses, coupled with visual images meant to horrify and incense.
First let me say that the text itself, when examined, contains multiple contradictions and an inherent fallacy that makes the whole exercise a terrible joke. Looked at objectively the 'covenant' is a cunningly contrived discourse whose purpose is obviously to excite those of little understanding or discernment.
(The fact is, there doesn't need to be some elite group of puppet-masters manipulating the masses. The masses are well manipulated by the advertising industry alone. The ads we see every day that tell us in order to be happy we have to look like this, eat that, and drive the other are enough to convince the majority to stay on the treadmill of consumerism: spending one's time, energy and hard-earned money on conforming to the latest idea of 'in' or 'hip'--frittering away one's life chasing the carrot that always stays just out of reach, and burdened by never-ending debt. A slave who imagines he's free.)
What my (I'm guessing well-intentioned) acquaintance and those who spread the alarm about this so-called cabal apparently don't realize, is that by circulating this material they are serving the very purpose of those they condemn: the spread of fear and loathing--exciting the minds of the easily influenced to ineffectual rage. The upshot being that those who engage in this sort of conspiracy theorism are rendered useless in the larger struggle of Ignorance versus Enlightenment:for to engage at all is to concede one's energy to Ignorance. By dwelling on the insanity, or inanity, we feed it energetically (witness the Palin phenomenon), and only by withdrawing one's attention/energy may it be rendered impotent. Where there is no reaction there is no effect.
We are only at effect of that which we acknowledge.
By ceasing to engage in the maelstrom promulgated by the media--whose prime motive is profit, and secondary purpose to engage the populace in the turmoil of opinion, rendering them neutered in the ongoing process of overcoming Ignorance--we take the stand: we use our energy as we WILL, not as you would have us, reactively.
Those that understand this principle of Self-Mastery--and recognize our Oneness--focus their energy and attention on propagating that which fosters Understanding, Harmony & Compassion, for by so doing we eliminate the false barriers that have been erected to divide and conquer, and tip the balance toward the Light.
Be part of this intensifying phenomenon: embrace the Evolution Revolution and allow Consciousness to expand in you.


The Faith of Illuminati

The Illuminati is a very real institution. Whether it is the entity that is behind government that conspiracy theorists, survivalists, and fundamentalist Christian groups claim it is, is debatable, uncertain, and irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The point is that it is a real philosophy. The Illuminati faith is secular and does not have a belief in spirits, supernatural beings, or gods. It is basically materialistic, scientific, and rational. In this sense it cannot truly be classified as a "faith" or religion, perhaps. The Illuminati philosophy comes in two basic forms: Illuminism and Luciferianism. Luciferianism is actually a branch or one particular form of Illuminism, a sub-group, if you will. Luciferianism and Illuminism both focus on the Principle of Light as the symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. These philosophies are often the targets of much persecution by conspiracy theorists and fundamentalist Christian groups. Their influence, however, is far-reaching and all-encompassing, especially in the Western World.
Luciferianism and Illuminism truly are the same school of philosophy, with one fundamental difference. Luciferians see the Roman god Lucifer as the embodiment of Light, knowledge and illumination ("illumination" is the Luciferian/Illuminist term for "enlightenment"). Illuminism might also use Lucifer as this symbol, but might also use various sun gods, Light itself, God, Aton, Hiram Abiff, or Jesus Christ as this symbol instead of Lucifer. In fact, the vast majority of Illuminists are Christians and Jews, and are thus repulsed by the idea of using the symbol of Lucifer. Luciferians are a rarity in the Illuminist faith, despite what fundamentalist websites tell you.Thus, the one and only difference is that Luciferians typically revere the basic attributes associated with Lucifer while Illuminists might not always do this. It is also important to note that, according to the Luciferians, this Lucifer does not refer to the devil from the Christian Bible, which is the personification of evil. Most Luciferians do not believe in Christian mythology. Lucifer was a Roman god of light and the planet Venus, used by Luciferians as a symbol. These are considered two totally different entities.
The philosophy of Light (Illuminism and Luciferianism) sees the sun, fire, and Light as symbols of illumination and knowledge. They represent the advancement of Man in science, mathematics, physics, the arts, technology, etc. It represents science, reason, and logic. Rationality and humanism are major attributes of this philosophy. The All-Seeing Eye is also an important symbol of knowledge, the eyes being opened to see reality. It is also important to note that the All-Seeing Eye is the sun, and is a symbol of God's omniscience, which has been used in Christianity as well as other faiths. In these two "Illumined" philosophies, one that has received illumination and who has attained cosmic truth is referred to as an "illuminatus" (Latin: Enlightened One), the plural of which is "illuminati" (Enlightened Ones).
Why is Light the appropriate symbol of enlightenment? First, notice that "en-light-en" is merely the word "light" with "en" put on each end. Thus, the very word "enlighten" means to "bear light." Now, let me ask, what gives us the ability to see? Light. In darkness Man is blind and cannot see. Darkness, therefore, is the symbol of ignorance. But turn on a light switch, or light a candle and Man sees! Thus, Light is knowledge and darkness is ignorance. The Light of the Illuminati (Illuminated Ones) is the light of knowledge, science, and reason. Through the advancement of science Man will discover the undeniable truth of the universe and see reality as it is. This is what physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences do. By science and rational knowledge Man might rise in his evolutionary journey. One must shun all superstition and ignorance. Learn the sciences and the truth of the world. Be rational beings. This is the path of conscious evolution and advancement of humanity.
Luciferians are the branch of Illuminists that have chosen Lucifer as their philosophical symbol of Man's quest for knowledge. Why? First of all, if you ask any Luciferian, he or she will tell you this is different from the devil of Christian mythology. Lucifer is the Roman god of light. Lucifer is Latin, meaning "light-bearer." Thus, Lucifer is the Roman god of knowledge, which very much resembles the statue of liberty, with rays coming from his head and holding the torch of knowledge that Man may see. Also, from the Illuminists' standpoint, the Church has persecuted science and enslaved Man with ignorant doctrines and burned heretics (those that disagree with the Church authorities) at the stake. Look at what has happened to Galileo, Copernicus, and other great scientists. Why not choose the enemy of the Church as the symbol of knowledge? The struggle between Illuminism and the Roman Catholic Church has been a long and bloody one.
Illuminism is a philosophy of Dualism: The battle between the forces of Light and Darkness. Light is primarily the symbol of knowledge, while Darkness is seen as ignorance. Thus, one should learn the sciences and be rational and try to discover the truth in the universe. Blind dogmas and superstitions are to be overcome. Man is blinded and has been seeking knowledge since we rose above the animals. The reasoning faculty of Man, in fact, is the very thing which raises us above the lower kingdoms in nature. With Light Man sees and in the Darkness Man is blind. Light is also love, while Darkness is hatred. Love is what causes society to work together in groups and in harmony. Without the Principle of Good in the world, people would end up killing from each other, stealing, and harming others. Our governments' laws are set up for the very purpose of keeping social order, and religions have sprung up with sacred laws, helping to control the masses to work together efficiently in society. Laboriousness (having a good work ethic) is Light and laziness is Darkness, too. Laboriousness and doing one's duty in life causes society to be happy and to prosper, while laziness causes one to be a financial burden on others. Foolishness causes people to get into all kinds of trouble, while the Light of wisdom is like a lamp before Man's feet, showing him the way of right conduct. Therefore, the Illuminist concept of Light versus Darkness is much like the Christian or Mithraic concept of good and evil. One is to seek the Light and to overcome the Darkness.
The seekers of the lamp of knowledge are often called the "fire philosophers" because of their reverence for the light of flame. Why not? Remember, before the recent invention of the light bulb fire was the only means of light, whether from lighting a candle to see, an oil lamp. torch, or via the light of the sun, moon, or stars. One of the attributes of fire is transmutation. Fire transforms wood into ash and smoke, and ice into water and water into gas. The way of Light is the way of self-transformation through divine fire. For example, if one is lazy and does not work, he or she should get a job; if one is fat, one must lose weight; and angry person should be filled with patience and love; ignorance transmuted into knowledge, from vice, virtue; from hatred, love. This is also called spiritual or philosophical "alchemy." Alchemy involves turning base metals (like lead) into gold. Thus, philosophically, one must turn the baser elements of character into pure golden ones. This is perfection of the self, self-improvement and of the world. Go to college to get a better job. Advance the human race through science.
The philosophy of Light is a path of apotheosis: Man reaching divine union with God.In this way, its primary goal is the same as that of Yoga, Buddhism, Qabalah, and other mystical traditions. Man is to reach the spark of divinity, the seed of Light within. Man will advance through knowledge, science, the arts, technology, self-improvement, and enlightenment to rise as a species, the advancement of the human race: conscious evolution to reach the stars.

The Faith of Illuminati

The Illuminati is a very real institution. Whether it is the entity that is behind government that conspiracy theorists, survivalists, and fundamentalist Christian groups claim it is, is debatable, uncertain, and irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The point is that it is a real philosophy. The Illuminati faith is secular and does not have a belief in spirits, supernatural beings, or gods. It is basically materialistic, scientific, and rational. In this sense it cannot truly be classified as a "faith" or religion, perhaps. The Illuminati philosophy comes in two basic forms: Illuminism and Luciferianism. Luciferianism is actually a branch or one particular form of Illuminism, a sub-group, if you will. Luciferianism and Illuminism both focus on the Principle of Light as the symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. These philosophies are often the targets of much persecution by conspiracy theorists and fundamentalist Christian groups. Their influence, however, is far-reaching and all-encompassing, especially in the Western World.
Luciferianism and Illuminism truly are the same school of philosophy, with one fundamental difference. Luciferians see the Roman god Lucifer as the embodiment of Light, knowledge and illumination ("illumination" is the Luciferian/Illuminist term for "enlightenment"). Illuminism might also use Lucifer as this symbol, but might also use various sun gods, Light itself, God, Aton, Hiram Abiff, or Jesus Christ as this symbol instead of Lucifer. In fact, the vast majority of Illuminists are Christians and Jews, and are thus repulsed by the idea of using the symbol of Lucifer. Luciferians are a rarity in the Illuminist faith, despite what fundamentalist websites tell you.Thus, the one and only difference is that Luciferians typically revere the basic attributes associated with Lucifer while Illuminists might not always do this. It is also important to note that, according to the Luciferians, this Lucifer does not refer to the devil from the Christian Bible, which is the personification of evil. Most Luciferians do not believe in Christian mythology. Lucifer was a Roman god of light and the planet Venus, used by Luciferians as a symbol. These are considered two totally different entities.
The philosophy of Light (Illuminism and Luciferianism) sees the sun, fire, and Light as symbols of illumination and knowledge. They represent the advancement of Man in science, mathematics, physics, the arts, technology, etc. It represents science, reason, and logic. Rationality and humanism are major attributes of this philosophy. The All-Seeing Eye is also an important symbol of knowledge, the eyes being opened to see reality. It is also important to note that the All-Seeing Eye is the sun, and is a symbol of God's omniscience, which has been used in Christianity as well as other faiths. In these two "Illumined" philosophies, one that has received illumination and who has attained cosmic truth is referred to as an "illuminatus" (Latin: Enlightened One), the plural of which is "illuminati" (Enlightened Ones).
Why is Light the appropriate symbol of enlightenment? First, notice that "en-light-en" is merely the word "light" with "en" put on each end. Thus, the very word "enlighten" means to "bear light." Now, let me ask, what gives us the ability to see? Light. In darkness Man is blind and cannot see. Darkness, therefore, is the symbol of ignorance. But turn on a light switch, or light a candle and Man sees! Thus, Light is knowledge and darkness is ignorance. The Light of the Illuminati (Illuminated Ones) is the light of knowledge, science, and reason. Through the advancement of science Man will discover the undeniable truth of the universe and see reality as it is. This is what physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, and other sciences do. By science and rational knowledge Man might rise in his evolutionary journey. One must shun all superstition and ignorance. Learn the sciences and the truth of the world. Be rational beings. This is the path of conscious evolution and advancement of humanity.
Luciferians are the branch of Illuminists that have chosen Lucifer as their philosophical symbol of Man's quest for knowledge. Why? First of all, if you ask any Luciferian, he or she will tell you this is different from the devil of Christian mythology. Lucifer is the Roman god of light. Lucifer is Latin, meaning "light-bearer." Thus, Lucifer is the Roman god of knowledge, which very much resembles the statue of liberty, with rays coming from his head and holding the torch of knowledge that Man may see. Also, from the Illuminists' standpoint, the Church has persecuted science and enslaved Man with ignorant doctrines and burned heretics (those that disagree with the Church authorities) at the stake. Look at what has happened to Galileo, Copernicus, and other great scientists. Why not choose the enemy of the Church as the symbol of knowledge? The struggle between Illuminism and the Roman Catholic Church has been a long and bloody one.
Illuminism is a philosophy of Dualism: The battle between the forces of Light and Darkness. Light is primarily the symbol of knowledge, while Darkness is seen as ignorance. Thus, one should learn the sciences and be rational and try to discover the truth in the universe. Blind dogmas and superstitions are to be overcome. Man is blinded and has been seeking knowledge since we rose above the animals. The reasoning faculty of Man, in fact, is the very thing which raises us above the lower kingdoms in nature. With Light Man sees and in the Darkness Man is blind. Light is also love, while Darkness is hatred. Love is what causes society to work together in groups and in harmony. Without the Principle of Good in the world, people would end up killing from each other, stealing, and harming others. Our governments' laws are set up for the very purpose of keeping social order, and religions have sprung up with sacred laws, helping to control the masses to work together efficiently in society. Laboriousness (having a good work ethic) is Light and laziness is Darkness, too. Laboriousness and doing one's duty in life causes society to be happy and to prosper, while laziness causes one to be a financial burden on others. Foolishness causes people to get into all kinds of trouble, while the Light of wisdom is like a lamp before Man's feet, showing him the way of right conduct. Therefore, the Illuminist concept of Light versus Darkness is much like the Christian or Mithraic concept of good and evil. One is to seek the Light and to overcome the Darkness.
The seekers of the lamp of knowledge are often called the "fire philosophers" because of their reverence for the light of flame. Why not? Remember, before the recent invention of the light bulb fire was the only means of light, whether from lighting a candle to see, an oil lamp. torch, or via the light of the sun, moon, or stars. One of the attributes of fire is transmutation. Fire transforms wood into ash and smoke, and ice into water and water into gas. The way of Light is the way of self-transformation through divine fire. For example, if one is lazy and does not work, he or she should get a job; if one is fat, one must lose weight; and angry person should be filled with patience and love; ignorance transmuted into knowledge, from vice, virtue; from hatred, love. This is also called spiritual or philosophical "alchemy." Alchemy involves turning base metals (like lead) into gold. Thus, philosophically, one must turn the baser elements of character into pure golden ones. This is perfection of the self, self-improvement and of the world. Go to college to get a better job. Advance the human race through science.
The philosophy of Light is a path of apotheosis: Man reaching divine union with God.In this way, its primary goal is the same as that of Yoga, Buddhism, Qabalah, and other mystical traditions. Man is to reach the spark of divinity, the seed of Light within. Man will advance through knowledge, science, the arts, technology, self-improvement, and enlightenment to rise as a species, the advancement of the human race: conscious evolution to reach the stars.


The Illuminati?

Some thoughts on the Illuminati...
Well as far as a secret society goes the Illuminati haven't done a very good job at remaining secret in recent years have they?
As far as history is concerned I think it is true to say that the Illuminati were a secret society, said to have formed in the late 18th Century in Bavaria - well if we are trying to be correct a date of 1776 has been proposed. It is difficult to piece together any meaningful history of this 'society' as the whole subject has become tainted with poorly referenced conspiracy paranoia, pseudo-historical analysis and the odd fraud (hoax) or two.
Starting with the choice of name - Illuminati - it seems that the society professed to be in line with some kind of information or approach that made its members 'the enlightened'. It is likely that they had a republican political agenda which included the abolition of monarchies. It is further suggested that they tried to bring about change by means of subterfuge, secrecy, and conspiracy, including the infiltration of other organizations. They were not very successful and were destroyed, or at least outlawed, within fifteen years of their origin (Pipes 1997).
The founder is reputed to be Adam Weishaupt from the University of Ingolstadt and it appears that the society's aims were closely linked to ideas from the Enlightenment i.e. to combat religious thinking and promote and encourage rationalism. Wieshaupt was an anti-monarchist and secularist which, obviously, informed the nature of the society he created. In 1777, Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria and, in 1784, his government banned all secret societies including the Illuminati and they disbanded (or perhaps were imprisoned, 'destroyed' or otherwise dispatched!)
There is no empirical evidence that this society survived the 18th Century.
What we hear of today is a melange of conspiracy theories from which have at their core the notion of some kind of elite, powerful and probably wealthy 'secret society' behind veils of other 'secret' or at least 'clandestine' groups.
Like an onion skin, although conspiracy theorists would prefer the image of a pyramid, the outer layers are the lowest levels of the New World Order movers and shakers and at the core can be found the Illuminati.
Sometimes we are told that this inner core of is run by a number of key families (13 is often quoted for effect more than genealogy) whose 'bloodlines' are linked and perhaps manipulated by visitors from another world.
This inner core of people is so secret that the families are actually named on several websites...Their existence is so shadowy that they insist on leaving symbols of their very existence behind for us mere mortals to discover...
This then is the real Illuminati!
Seems like they're not doing a very good job at keeping their manipulative presence hidden!
I mean stop for a moment to consider some simple ideas.
The bloodlines of monarchy and aristocracy are very likely to be linked in any case, what with marriage being the vehicle by which alliances were made. Such links do not require the organising agents of 'secret' human societies let alone the interference from some passing aliens - or am I missing the point?
Of course there are 'symbols' which seem to survive and be repeated from time to time and place to place. As a species we are very good at creating symbolic language and meaningful patterns (you're reading some right now)... AND of course some 'magical symbols' will form part of our everyday society as they have been a part of our psyche for a very long time. Assuming these symbols need to have any other significance is a bit of a stretch. The 'Great Seal' on US currency is often quoted as being Masonic or Illuminati in origin having been designed by Illuminati, or at least High Degree Freemasons. If you really check this story out (see Skeptoid) there are more than enough questions raised which serve to question the key assumptions in the conspiracy theorists rhetoric.
What do Governments do?
They rule, they plan, they organize, they fight, they assert sovereignty!
There's no need to imagine a global conspiracy to explain the actions of Governments.
Now here's where there is, perhaps, an element of truth in all of the Conspiracy Theories you have ever heard. It seems obvious to me that Governments cannot tell us the truth all of the time, truth after all is a relative concept, and there are things that must be on a need to know basis. More importantly some major Governments have been shown to be involved with somewhat dodgy dealings and certainly individuals within Governments are not above corruption, error and simply being wrong.
The simple fact the 'the truth outs' from some of these accidental, and not so accidental, cover-ups seems to belie the existence of ability to 'keep' secrets of any real magnitude.
Perhaps there is a rule of thumb that is worth exploring - the more people who need to be involved in any form of cover-up or covert action the LESS likely it is to be possible.
Google returns over 34,000,000 results for a search on Illuminati and a mere 1,000,000 for a search on Illuminati + Sceptic. Surely that suggests something!


2012 -The Mystery-Illuminati

Whenever conspiracy in world government is discussed, the mysterious "Illuminati" or "the enlightened ones" are most often pointed as being involved. While some people don't believe that the Illuminati are involved, a shadow of secret is always attached to the name "Illuminati". The group had existed for 225 years yet no one had succeeded to discover their secrets.
The documented facts about Illuminati is that on May 1, 1776, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University and a former Jesuit, formed a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati within the existing Masonic lodges of Germany. He wrote his philosophy of Illuminism, which calls for a one-world government and religion that controls the population. It outlined that private property was to be abolished and that its master plan was to be carried out in secret.
The Free Masons is another secret society that still exists throughout the world. The origin of freemasonry is also not documented but some trace it back to biblical times. Others place it in England because of the Free Masons' formal establishment of various lodges there in medieval times. The society is believed to have a set of beliefs linked to the ancient religions of Egypt and Greece. With this history and the association of Knights Templar, an inner circle of Free Masons developed.
The Knights Templar is a secret society formed approximately in 1119 AD during the time of the crusades. They are a handful of European knights that were supposedly assigned to protect European travelers on their journey to and from the Middle East. The Knights Templar became powerful that they were able to accumulate a vast amount of wealth. They were the first people who established the first international banking system. When King Philip IV of France influenced the Pope against the Knights Templar, the Catholic Church put an end to the secret society. The survivors were believed to have joined other societies such as the Free Masons.
Together, the Illuminati's, the Knights Templar and the Freemasons joined together. The three societies have one thing in common, to create a New World Order. It is speculated that in the present day, the Illuminati have infiltrated European and U.S. positions of power and are behind the scenes influencing policies and world events. The Order of Skull & Bones, a secret society based at Yale, is believed to be an American extension of the Illuminati. Members of the order include Averill Harriman, Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry. And now there are many speculations that the current US president is involved as well.
The idea of the conspiracy called the New World Order is total population control, one world government, currency, religion, and language. The conspiracy is believed to be religious in nature, a plan to usher in the antichrist. Interestingly, the book of revelations speaks of the antichrist, his one-world government and one-world religion. Events that could possibly lead up to a conclusion such as this is the act by the United Nations or some other global establishment to force control over many nations.
It is hard to believe that there is an existing secret organization plotting for more than 200 years to control the world - and that the Free Masons are somehow a part of it. Whether the debate is true or not, this ancient bloodline of Illuminati dynasty is extremely interesting.


Have you hear about Illuminati Card Game?

Below is a variety of different illuminati card games that are in print.

Illuminati: Deluxe
Illuminati Deluxe is the classic card game brought to you by Steve Jackson. The object of the game is to take over the world by controlling illuminati societies such as, but not limited to: The Bavarian Illuminati, The Discordian Society, The UFOs, The Servants of Cthulu, The Bermuda Triangle, The Society of Assassins, The Network and The Gnomes of Zurich; keep in mind, some societies will only be available by purchasing separate expansion packs or stand-alone games.
As for gameplay, in Illuminati Deluxe players will trade, form alliances, and backstab each other in order to gain control of a world represented a group of cards such as: Secret Masters of Fandom, CIA, International Communist, etc. In order to win, players must complete the aim of the game; for example, building a power structure consisting of a given number of cards, or controlling at one card of each alignment; though, there are many other ways to win.

Illuminati: Crime Lords

Illuminati: Crime Lords is a stand-alone expansion brought to by Steve Jackson; in it, rival mobs compete with each other over control of the city in ruin. When starting out, you'll control a few gangsters; however, with ambition you'll be able to take over the entire world.
To do this, take control over bordellos, chop shops, and racketeering schemes to earn income. But don't let the Feds or the police stop you. The game supports a total of 2-8 players that directly compete with each other in order to take control of the world.
As for the rules, there are none: players can cheat, steal, and do whatever it takes to the win the game. Think you have what it takes? Form alliances, break them, and win.

Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction
Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction is an expansion pack brought to you by Steve Jackson. In this version, you're given a set of cards to help you, once again, take control over the world.
With this set of cards, you'll have new tactics at your disposal; for example, use the media to propagate headlines that read about health care form and a collapsing financial system to control a docile population with fear.
Furthermore, this game set introduces "New World Cards" to your collection, which means that your cards will now affect all players and not just the one who put it down.
Illuminati: Bavarian Fire Drill
Illuminati: Bavarian Fire Drill is an expansion pack brought to you by Steve Jackson; in it, your goal is to take over the world using a variety of new cards that players have never seen before.
To win, players must control new groups like bloggers, reality television shows, and Intelligent Design. But beware; players will have new opponents to look out for such as the bird flu and bobble heads.

The expansion pack introduces a new type of card: artifacts. Some of which are magical, rendering their owners new abilities, while others are just technological. Either way, however, players will have new powers that they can use to take over the world. With cards like Hitler's brain, the Spear of Longinus, and the Screaming Meme, player's can cheat, steal, and do anything in their powers to wind.URL


(有片)全套光明會紙牌遊戲 (330卡) 1& 2

新技術取活樣本 人皮複製腦細胞

愛丁堡再生醫學中心的 研究人員,利用思覺失調、躁鬱或其他精神病的病人皮膚細胞,複製出與病人神經細胞擁有同樣基因的腦細胞,這些細胞能在實驗室培育。中心總監弗倫奇康斯坦特 (Charles ffrench-Constant)表示:「我們發現,只要取得皮膚樣本並以此製成幹細胞,然後便可讓幹細胞分化為腦神經細胞。這是先前不能做到的技術, 往後我們能複製肝臟、心臟和其他器官以進行活組織檢查。」
科學家計劃把研究成果應用於研究多種腦神經疾病,包 括柏金遜症、多發性硬化症等。愛丁堡皇家醫院的麥金托什(Andrew McIntosh)教授表示:「我們在實驗室裏以不同精神科藥物察看複製腦細胞對藥物的反應。然後能以複製出來的腦細胞作為測試新藥的平台。我們應能在數 年內開始測試。」在此之前,科學家只能在病人死後才能剖屍取出所需細胞或組織作檢查。

伊朗年內恐製核彈 美:力阻

法新社華盛頓29日電) 美國國防部長潘內達(Leon Panetta)今天表示,伊朗可能在約1年內開發核彈,並會在接下來2到3年建立發射管道。他重申總統歐巴馬阻止伊朗的決心。
潘內達在哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)節目「60分鐘」(60 Minutes)上表示:「總統表明,美國反對伊朗發展核武。」「這是美國的紅線,且顯然對以色列人也是如此,因此我們的目標一致。」潘內達堅持,若華府接獲任何情資,顯示伊朗進行核武開發,美國官員「將採取必要行動遏止」。被問到這是否意味軍事行動,潘內達說:「任何選擇都有可能。」潘內達向節目主持人表示:「我們一致認為,如果他們(伊朗)要開發核彈,大概要約1年時間,且可能要耗費另外1到2年將核彈裝到某種可發射的載具上。」(譯者:中央社徐嘉偉)url





福島核電廠漏水 無入海之虞




UFO – Unusual huge ice blocks found in the Ural River residents – Jan 27, 2012

UFO – Huge ice blocks found in the Ural River residents, Jan 27, 2012
Translated: Unbelievable but true – superhuman size lumps found in the Ural River by local residents. Eyewitnesses say that this is nothing more than tricks of the aliens. How else to explain that the huge blocks of ice, as children’s toys are scattered within a radius of 20 meters.
Paul Singilevtsev, huntsman Rubezhinskogo Forestry:
- I walked away from there, I saw, I thought there trees, poles lie far away it seems logs. And when he came – the ice. This I have not seen in my life for 50 years for the first time.
Hunter, not a little frightened, immediately called emergency services on site. The only thing that could tell experts: the chemical composition of the river old and radiation, either. According to one version, so the ice could raskurochit poachers. But, according to foresters, fish, this place does not. Meanwhile, in the Uralsk today persistently rumored that in the vicinity of the river fell a svyatyaschiysya object.
It is true that the witnesses of this event, however, as aliens, to find it was not possible.
Nikolai Sitnikov, Mayor Rubezhinskogo rural district: - No sound or anything of the incident, nor the explosion of the residents have not heard anyone, not specific to say. The place is pretty dull.

Note: Besides the suggestion of a UFO, other possibilities may be a meteor or satellite crash?
Source and author: * EriGIA007 (youtube) ufo




火球UFO調查,美國俄亥俄州曼斯菲爾德 - Fox News

UFO Creates Cloud And Shocks City In Russia, 23 December 2011



加 州一名腫瘤外科醫師羅伯特‧沃許 (Robert Wascher) 表示,儘管胰臟癌的死亡率是所有癌症中最高的,但只要簡單改變飲食及生活方式,還是能夠大幅預防及治療。在最近一次訪談中,沃許博士指出,只要攝取薑黃這 種亞洲常用天然香料,可能就足以預防及治療胰臟癌。

胰臟癌是一種使人挫折的致命型疾病,蘋果執行長賈伯斯正是被這病所折磨。但是就如其他癌症類型一樣,只要適度改變飲食及生活方式,預防機率可高達 65%。
胰臟癌的發展非常緩慢,通常需要 20 年才能夠被偵測到。一旦經確診,傳統癌症業者通常會以化療及放射治療作為解決方案 ─ 儘管除了手術之外,這兩種方式實際上完全沒有效用;即使進行手術,治癒的機率仍然只有令人沮喪的 5%。
沃許經常使用的一項替代療法是讓他的病患服用薑黃 (一種含有薑黃素的抗癌香料)。沃許在第二階段臨床實驗中發現,薑黃的效用相當於目前美國食品及藥物管理局 (FDA) 所核准的藥物,甚至更好,卻不會導致相同的不良副作用。
由於單獨使用這種香料不容易被人體吸收,因此若是與魚油、橄欖油或黑胡椒等其他營養素一起使用,即可進一步加強薑黃的抗癌效果。大量攝取維生素 D、飲用綠茶及食用十字花科蔬菜能幫助抗病,避免高果糖漿、阿斯匹靈及含有硝酸鹽的加工肉類等物質也有助於預防胰臟癌,因為這些物質皆已經證實可促使癌細 胞生長。url





日農:被迫種輻射米 受污農地無賠償








美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機



美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海












美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機


美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海








美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機

國 防部公布的年度國防預算約為6130億美元,當中包括5250億美元基本開支,及884億行動開支。美軍將在2017年之前逐步削減10萬人,陸軍將由 2010年的57萬減至49萬,海軍則由2010年的20.2萬減至18.2萬。軍方並考慮兩年後研究關閉部分美軍基地。此外,軍方將淘汰120架舊式戰 機,亦會讓7艘作戰能力不足的巡洋艦提早退役。國防部預計,有關計劃可望在5年內節省2590億美元。雖然國防開支會在兩年內繼續增加,但之後增速會放 緩。
軍方亦希望繼續撥款,發展高技術軍事力量,包括斥資建造可快速運送特種部隊的海上浮動基地,以減少對航空母艦的需求壓力;增加無人機數 量,將現時61隊無人機巡邏編組增至65隊,必要時或增至85隊;研發新一代轟炸機及潛艇等。特種部隊軍力則計劃於2015年前由6.38萬增加到7萬。 軍方將維持現有11艘航母、轟炸機戰鬥群及兩棲作戰部隊的規模,並加強美國在中東及亞洲區的海空軍事力量,建議在新加坡部署近岸戰艦、在巴林部署巡邏艇 等,加強美軍在當地盟國周邊部署。
只減開支增幅 軍費未縮
防長帕內塔表示,美國經過10年戰爭及大幅增加國防經費後,正處於 戰略轉捩點。他強調美軍將保持決定性的軍事科技優勢,維持近年軍事影響力。自由派智庫國際政策研究所(IPS)指出,預算案實際只是減少了國防開支的增 幅,軍費並無減少。法新社亦指出,美國即使削減國防開支,仍比國防開支達911億美元、佔全球第二高的中國高很多。



美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海








美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機





反咬歐盟 伊朗擬停止石油出口










該研究所收到了全國約五千家醫療機關的調查報告,平均每個醫療機關接收的流感患者人數增加了約三倍。隨着冷空氣未來逐漸散去,氣溫將有所回升。 但預計在今後一個月時間裏,仍可能會爆發大規模流感。各個感染群體中,以五至十四歲的兒童染病人數增幅最為顯著,較上周增加了四點三倍。


13歲童流感 疑併發腦膜炎

35天無雨無雪 濕度如撒哈拉 乾燥催病氣 東京爆流感

流感病毒樣本 急增一倍


日本本州兩次逾5級地震 東京有震感




智利6.2地震 傷亡損害不明


紐西蘭南島6.1地震 無災情

伊朗東北地震 至少100傷

Twitter允自我審查 遷就歐美法律 難換華解禁

【明報專訊】一直強調捍衛言論自由、被視為「阿拉伯之春」推手的社交網 絡Twitter宣布,現可視乎各地特殊情况,審查「推文」內容,選擇性地禁止在個別國家上載,以便進入那些「對言論自由尺度有不同意見的國家」,令外界 關注Twitter是否為了商業利益而犧牲言論自由。有分析認為,中國無論如何都不會給Twitter解禁。
Twitter指出,當公司業 務「不斷在各地擴張,我們將進入那些對言論自由尺度有不同意見的國家」,部分國家基於歷史文化原因,對部分言論有不同的限制,例如德國及法國就有法例禁止 鼓吹納粹主義的言論。該公司為新措施辯護稱,現時收到個別政府對敏感「推文」(tweets)的投訴,公司就要把有關留言徹底刪除,令全球網民無法獲得消 息,但在Twitter提升軟件系統後,部分信息即使因為在個別國家屬於違法而無法在當地顯示,其他地區的網民仍可繼續瀏覽,新措施變相令更多網民有機會 獲得信息。
非徹底刪除 辯稱更多人獲知信息
「意見南轅北轍國 不容我們存在」
Twitter 沒表明新審查技術將於哪些國家採用,但預期「那些對言論自由持南轅北轍意見的國家,不會容許我們存在」,《華爾街日報》稱,此話矛頭似乎是指以防火牆封殺 了Twitter兩年的中國。分析指出,由於中國在網上全面封殺指定關鍵詞,就算Twitter肯在中國加強自我審查,但其打算向其他用戶公布刪除信息決 定的做法,恐怕都難以換取Twitter在中國解禁。
免犯歐美法 曾稱不會審查推文
對Twitter來說,新措施的更大效 用,似乎是避免觸犯歐美法律。Twitter年多前公開披露華府暗中取得法庭頒令,他們在法庭令下公開4個帳戶的資料,懷疑帳戶主人與公開美國外交密電的 「維基解密」網站有關。當時Twitter解釋說:「我們其中一個核心價值,是捍衛及尊重每位用戶的聲音,將盡可能保持內容流通。當我們不能做到時,也會 對用戶保持透明度。」去年1月,突尼斯、埃及等國家爆發「阿拉伯之春」,該網站曾發布《推文必須流傳》的網誌,聲言不會審查推文內容,新做法難免被質疑向 個別政府妥協。


盜百萬fb網民資料 廣告公司遭控


盜百萬fb網民資料 廣告公司遭控

專頁作餌 須「讚好」解封內容
案 情指Adscend以一些設計吸引的fb專頁為誘餌,假裝成來自朋友的信息,聲稱可讓用戶觀看有趣或色情內容,要求用戶先對專頁「讚好」,其後用戶便被連 接到fb以外的廣告網站,要求用戶填寫網上問卷或訂閱廣告信息等,以開啟聲稱被封鎖的網頁內容,但最終用戶預期中的內容可能根本不存在;而用戶在「讚好」 後,朋友亦會收到通知,幫助散播誘餌專頁。當局指單在去年2月,就有28萬fb用戶曾到訪Adscend開設的專頁,相信受騙fb用戶可能高達數百萬人。


Twitter允自我審查 遷就歐美法律 難換華解禁


FBI 戰略資訊及行動中心(SOIC)正就開發可靠的社交媒體監察程式,在網站公開邀請科技公司提供可行方案及估算成本。SOIC希望透過監察程式,快速自動蒐 集網民於社交網絡公開發布的資訊,甚至將之即時翻譯為英文,並容許以不同關鍵字進行搜尋。SOIC要求,有關程式可把資料整合,在3D Google地圖上實時顯示全球各地區面臨的「威脅程度」,另系統須可保存有用資訊,兼易於分享情報。
被斥侵私隱 牽連無辜用戶
稱只蒐公開資訊 YouTubeFlickr有份
SOIC 暫計劃監察短片網站YouTube、相簿網站Flickr,以及專門分享fb熱門內容的網站ItsTrending.com等,當局列舉了一些搜尋關鍵字 例子,諸如gang(幫派)、smallpox(天花)、leak(泄漏)等。但「leak」這例子,卻不禁使人想到爆料網站維基解密,令人關注FBI的 監控目標,是否只涉調查罪案和反恐。
英國組織「私隱國際」稱,社交網絡將大量用戶互相連結,即使警方監控目標只有一人,但可能牽連數以百計 無辜用戶同被監視。美國私隱關注組織EPIC直指FBI這項收集情報計劃「荒謬」,認為FBI意圖繞過授權程序,調查他們根本無權調查的人,欠缺公信力及 透明度,亦缺乏監管。

Twitter允自我審查 遷就歐美法律 難換華解禁

盜百萬fb網民資料 廣告公司遭控 




美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海

美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機


美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海





美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海

【明報專訊】在撤出蘇碧灣基地20年後,美軍又再準備大舉重返菲律賓, 以配合美國「重返亞洲」牽制中國的戰略。《華盛頓郵報》稱,美菲兩國正商討重新擴大美軍在當地的部署和活動,雙方官員今明兩日在華府開會,為3月兩國高層 協商作準備。若美菲達成協議,菲律賓將成為美軍其中一個最接近中國本土的落腳點,更可成為美國全力監視南海的前哨站。
菲律賓蘇碧灣(Subic Bay)曾是美軍在太平洋的最大軍事基地,然而隨着冷戰結束,駐菲美軍於20年前因菲律賓拒絕續約而被迫撤走,此後美軍在當地就再沒有正規常駐部隊。《華盛頓郵報》透露,美菲目前考慮加強軍事合作的選項包括:
籠絡星澳越泰 圍堵中國
路 透社引述菲律賓海軍一名指揮官說,美軍擴大在菲國的活動,「是一項有效的震懾力量」,有助加強菲律賓的海防,以及在南海主權爭議上的本錢。去年華府推動 「重返亞洲」的大戰略,提出在澳洲北部達爾文派駐千計海軍陸戰隊,又準備在新加坡定期停駐新型近岸作戰艦隻,目前美國還在跟越南和泰國洽商,務求大舉加強 在東南亞的軍事存在,聯同一直存在的沖繩美軍基地,以及在韓國的駐軍,大有加緊圍堵中國之勢。
菲方官員昨 強調,受憲法限制,美軍不會在菲律賓重新建立永久軍事基地,但加強在菲律賓的聯合軍演確是雙方的洽商方向。根據菲律賓1987年通過的憲法,在沒有簽署國 際條約下,外國部隊不得在菲國「長期駐軍」。但菲律賓官員認為,只要美方增派到當地的部隊和軍艦,屬於「輪替」而非長駐,就可以解釋為「短期」性質,沒有 違憲。



美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機


美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海





漢堡扒混阿摩尼亞水 名廚轟人當狗養 美麥當勞棄用「粉紅肉渣」

(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)英國名廚奧利弗去年初開始批評美國快餐集團麥當勞和Burger King,多年來在漢堡包牛肉餡料中,夾雜經阿摩尼亞消毒處理、通常賣作狗糧的牛肉渣,即奧利弗所謂的「粉紅肉渣」(pink slime)。美國麥當勞周四終於宣布改變漢堡扒成分,停用「粉紅肉渣」。香港麥當勞餐廳表示,所採用的供應商與美國不同,會進一步跟進牛肉是否採用同一配方。
奧利弗(Jamie Oliver)較早前知道美國麥當勞餐廳使用的牛肉漢堡扒餡料,混入牛肉周邊的廉價「牛肉渣」和加入阿摩尼亞水消毒後,十分震驚。
奧利弗在節目中,向美國觀眾展示牛肉供應商BPI(Beef Products Inc)加入阿摩尼亞水製成的「粉紅肉泥」。
英加沒售賣 港店稱跟進
Burger King和Taco Bell較早前表示,已在其產品棄用經阿摩尼亞處理的材料。

(有片) 粉紅肉渣製作過程

(有片) 粉紅肉渣製作過程

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution: 70% of America's Beef is Treated with Ammonia

漢堡扒混阿摩尼亞水 名廚轟人當狗養 美麥當勞棄用「粉紅肉渣」


【明報專訊】連鎖快餐店的漢堡包標榜以優質純牛肉作餡料,看上去肉香味 美。但原來美國麥當勞和漢堡王的漢堡扒,一直以來夾雜了經阿摩尼亞消毒、用以製造貓糧狗糧的牛肉渣。名廚占美奧利華(Jamie Oliver)去年揭發這種粉紅泥渣(Pink Slime)的製作過程後,美國快餐連鎖店終屈服暫停不再使用。有醫生指食用含牛隻神經系統的牛肉碎,有可能感染瘋牛症。
有 人將這些混雜了牛頭、牛尾、牛蹄的肉渣,稱為粉紅泥渣。這些牛廢物既含較多細菌,食用價值亦不高,以往多被賣去製造狗糧和貓糧。不過,美國一間食品製造商 BPI(Beef Products Inc.),以離心機抽出這些牛隻廢物中的牛肉渣。這些牛肉渣較易滋生大量大腸桿菌和沙門氏菌,BPI遂加入阿摩尼亞殺菌,再混合純正免治牛肉,製作成漢 堡扒,賣給連鎖快餐店,每磅牛肉可節省3美仙成本。
名 廚占美奧利華去年4月在其美國電視節目《食物革命》(Food Revolution)中,示範了粉紅泥渣的製作過程,再度引起公眾關注。日前美國麥當勞終宣布,將停用BPI供應的粉紅泥渣,但強調停用是集團內部決 定,與節目無關。在麥當勞以前,美國漢堡王、Taco Bell亦宣布不再使用粉紅泥渣。

(有片) 粉紅肉渣製作過程
漢堡扒混阿摩尼亞水 名廚轟人當狗養 美麥當勞棄用「粉紅肉渣」






博物學家斯蒂芬斯David Stephens) 最近在南極拍到一隻罕見的「白色」頦帶企鵝(Chinstrap Penguins)。牠與普通黑背白身的企鵝不同,其背部的黑色變成淺黃色,專家指由於該企鵝出現「基因色素紊亂」(isabellinism),以致深 色的羽毛變淺。在海洋裏,企鵝的黑背可成為一種偽裝,有助躲避天敵,免遭從牠們上方游過的獵物發現。


(綜 合報道)(星島日報報道)禽流感陰霾揮之不去,以食燒鵝馳名的深井,附近泳灘發現帶有H5N1病毒鵝屍,傳染病專科醫生認為,鵝對禽流感病毒抵抗力較強, 此事為本港禽流感風險響起警號,須研究病毒有否變種。深井著名燒鵝飯店負責人指出,有關消息不會影響他們生意,但亦有食客表示暫時不吃鵝。
深井裕記燒鵝飯店負責人吳小姐稱,他們的燒鵝來貨均來自廣州三個飼養場,十多年前已沒有自行屠宰,來貨全部均通過食環署抽驗,包括驗血清等,確 保來貨沒有禽流感。她又說:「我們每天會引入二百至三百隻鵝,會確保來貨穩定及健康,其實香港很多年前亦曾在鵝身上發現禽流感病毒,但對於我們的生意影響 不大。」
傳染病專科醫生勞永樂表示,鵝對禽流感病毒的抵抗力較強,一旦發現鵝屍帶禽流感病毒,顯示禽流感風險增加,認為當局須研究病毒有否變種。政府應加強檢驗內地輸港家禽,及打擊走私禽鳥活動。記者 黃文威 張聲慧 尹敬堂





染禽流感 越柬報2起死亡病例



梵蒂岡的秘密社團 Part 1-Part 4

梵蒂岡的秘密社團 Part 1

梵蒂岡的秘密社團 Part 2

梵蒂岡的秘密社團 Part 3

梵蒂岡的秘密社團 Part 4




黑夜中的明燈: 聖經中你不知道的秘密


梵蒂岡神秘管道 - 美國情報文件顯示170萬美元的納粹黃金被運到梵蒂岡

by Frank Pellegrini
from Time Website
recovered through WayBackMachine Website

File photo of the Vatican.

Tuesday, Jul. 22, 1997

WASHINGTON, D.C.: Is there Nazi gold in the Vatican basement? A recently declassified 50-year-old Treasury Department memo says the Vatican held onto 200 million Swiss francs passed it by a Nazi puppet government. Quoting a "reliable source in Italy," Treasury agent Emerson Bigelow wrote his superior in 1946 that after the fall of Nazi Germany, members of the Nazi puppet Ustasha government of Croatia sent 350 million confiscated Swiss francs to the Vatican "for safekeeping."
En route, some 150 million were apparently seized by British authorities at the Austrian-Swiss border. The balance was held in the Vatican. The Vatican is denying the charge. "There is no basis in reality to the report," said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls. He said it is based on an anonymous source, apparently a U.S. intelligence agent, "whose reliability is more than dubious." Historians have roundly criticized the Vatican for maintaining ties to the Utasha regime, which exterminated hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies during the war.
Without further evidence, the charge stands largely as rumor. The money itself, if the Vatican ever held it, may long since have been returned to Utashas who fled to Spain and Argentina after the regime's collapse. But while those rumors persisted, the intelligence source speculated they were a "smokescreen to cover the fact that the treasure remains in its original repository." Search warrant, anyone?




黑夜中的明燈: 聖經中你不知道的秘密
