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1974 年7月,希臘軍人在塞島策動政變,土耳其出兵塞島,佔領塞島北部,並將土耳其裔的居民全部北移,戰爭中希臘裔約18萬人南遷。自此塞浦路斯共和國長期處於 南北分治。1983年成立北塞浦路斯土耳其共和國,塞政府堅決反對北部獨立,迄今除土耳其一國外,未獲其他國家承認。(綜合)土耳其威脅凍結與歐盟關係-094011461.html


英國皇家海軍將引入13艘環保護衛艦,每艘造價3億5千萬英鎊,將於2020年服役。這款名為Type 26的護衛艦,裝備先進,於航行時幾乎無聲,同時配備可從艦尾發放的無人駕駛探測船,將會成為皇家海軍的未來支柱。



華爾街示威 抗議權錢交易

華爾街附近的保齡球草坪(Bowling Green)一時間成了示威者們的聚集地。群情激昂的人們在高喊「現在就革命!現在就革命!」的口號,更有不少人在高呼「要工作!要工作!」

歐元蒙塵 德國厭倦當提款機

(法新社柏林18日電) 德國人厭倦當前債務危機之
德國馬歇爾基金會(German Marshall Fund)15日
德國外交關係協會德梅絲梅(Claire Demesmay)
Gerhard Schroeder)的勞動市場改革政策。(譯者:


(法新社伊斯蘭馬巴德17日電) 美國駐巴基
斯坦大使蒙特(Cameron Munter)今天直率指控以巴基


(法新社巴基斯坦米蘭夏18日電) 巴基斯坦安全官
區(South Waziristan),也就是美國所說的蓋達組織




Within the last month the World's largest energy company jumped in bed with the Russian Mafia. Exxon has gained exclusive right to explore and develop Russia's vast Arctic energy wealth. On the other side of equation BP has pulled off a major energy-coup in Canada by quietly inserting itself into every major Arctic energy project planned for the next 20 years.
Perhaps the greatest scam in the history of the energy market is about to take place. Canada is allowing China to invest hundreds of Billions in the murky soil known as the Oil sands. At the same time all of the major Oil companies are quietly de-leveraging themselves of about $1-Trillion in Oil sands debt. China is buying the development cost of these mega projects in hope of gaining long term oil supplies. BUT... Canada has separated Natural Gas rights from Oil sands leases. This means that Oil sands operators will have to buy Natural Gas on the open market. The equation goes like this: it takes more natural gas energy to produce one Barrel of Tar sands Oil than that same Barrel contains. It is a net energy loss.

600+ Billion Barrels

It's called the Davis Strait, south of Baffin Island. Horizontal drilling rigs situated on land can tap this massive oil field without the risk or cost of deep sea drilling. It's the largest untapped conventional oil reserve in the world.
Everybody in the Oil business knows that the Arabs have vastly overstated their oil reserves, in fact Gulf Oil producers have increased their estimated reserves Five fold since the 1970's, but all of their major oil fields are on a typical Bell curve depletion cycle.

Enter the Royals

The soon to be next King of England made his first official visit overseas to Canada. 2 months later the Government of Canada announces the The Canadian Forces will be changing it's name back to Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Air Force.
Then there have been rumblings that Canada will drastically cut back on their future purchases of the American made Joint Strike Fighter, in favor of the British version of the Eurofighter Typhoon2. Canada has also tapped the UK to build four ultra secret and advanced submarines. The UK pushed hard for a Canadian to be the NATO Commander in the Libyan air campaign at the same time 5 major 100+ Billion dollar energy deals were made between Canadian and UK energy companies.

Mega Natural Gas pipeline

Canadian natural gas is going to be pumped straight to the UK via a BP made underwater pipeline that will run through Iceland. The natural gas price war in Europe is going to heat up and for once wester European nations will have an alternative to the Russian gas monopoly.




Janus - 光明會混亂和欺騙的神


Janus Bifrons..who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?
by Zen Gardner
The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that's been foisted upon us.
Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.

Who Was Janus?

We see this two-faced image a lot in our lives. Many know it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology. However, there's much more to this character than meets the eye.
We'll start with the lighter version:
Janus means "archway" in Latin. Janus was the Roman god of gateways and beginnings, often depicted as having two faces looking in opposite directions. The month of January is named for him.
Interesting. Sounds pretty innocuous. Wikipedia also mentions:
As a god of motion he looks after passages, causes the startings of actions, presides on all beginnings and since movement and change are bivalent, he has a double nature, symbolised in his two headed image.
And more:
His two faces (originally, one was always bearded, one clean-shaven; later both bearded) originally represented the sun and the moon. He was usually depicted with a key. Janus head is a popular phrase for deception, that is, when action does not match speech.
OK. I can do that. "Two-faced" apparently came from this archetype emblazoned into our collective subconscious. There's a lot of deceit and cover up in the world, to the extent most people are quite leery of each other. Very unfortunate, when trust would go so much further but the world's been corrupted and corruption is glorified. And this "permission" to deceive to get ahead and even subjugate others is apparently too good to pass up for some.
A quick perusal of governmental, corporate, legal, financial and social leadership and behavior around the world is all the confirmation you need.

Keys, Janus and the Pope

Note Janus was depicted with a key. Turns out there's a lot to this. Remember he's the god of doors. Turns out there's another god, a goddess, who also bore a key. Remember, Catholicism teaches ancient paganism with Christian names and terms. This is another perfect illustration of that. Follow me:
About 378, the Pope fell heir to the keys that were the symbols of two well-known Pagan divinities at Rome. Janus bore a key, and Cybele bore a key; and these are the two keys that the Pope emblazons on his arms as the ensigns of his spiritual authority. (and flag)

By 378 A.D., this church was already talking about the bishop of Rome holding the power of the keys, making him Pontiff.

What was this power of the keys? It was these two gods (Janus and Cybele) that had the power of heaven and earth.

Cybele...with fish god mitre the pope wears, and key in hand...goddess worship anyone?
Whoa...that's a lotta power, heaven and earth. As you can see, all this ties in with the Isis-Samiramis et al lineage of goddess worship that goes down through millenia and in which today's Illuminati still revel. Look at early American architecture and symbolism from the goddesses on pedestals and domes around Washington DC to the Freemasonic gift called the Statue of Liberty. It's all essentially the same old goddess.
In the US she's called "Columbia". Ring a bell?
Yup, the government is fully based on Freemasonic paganism to the core. All for occult power as they honor the forces they worship and tap into. More on that in a minute.
But this Vatican connection and switchover from these pagan key gods to supposed "keys of the kingdom" that somehow links to Peter whom they claim to be the first Vicar of Christ of which the Pope is spiritually descended is absolutely typical historical revisionism.
The pagan Roman priesthood (before the birth of Jesus Christ) had a sovereign pontiff who held the keys. The goddess Cybele was also worshipped as Cardea, and the college of Cardinals was named for her.
Pagan keys of Janus and Cybele
She bore a key like Janus, which opened the gates of the invisible world.
In Greek mythology Cybele holds the key to Earth, shutting her up in winter and opening her again in the spring. Similarly, Janus opens the door of the sky and releases the dawn.
The term Cardinal is derived from Cardo, a hinge. Janus, whose key the Pope bears, was the god of doors and hinges...

It was only in the second century before the Christian era that the worship of Cybele under that name, was introduced to Rome; but the same goddess, under the name of Cardea, with the "power of the key," was worshipped in Rome, along with Janus, ages before. Source

Byzantine two-headed (faced) Eagle holding the keys

Now the "Flip Side" of Janus

Janus was no small potato. As you research more and more into him, he connects a lot of dots and represents serious forces.
He presides over the concrete and abstract beginnings of the world, such as religion and the gods themselves, he too holds the access to Heaven and other gods: this is the reason why men must invoke him first, regardless of the god they want to pray or placate. [empahsis mine]
He is the initiator of the human life, of new historical ages, and economical enterprises: in myth he first minted coins and the as, first coin of the libral series, bears his effigy on one face.  Source

Who WAS this guy?
He's apparently a gateway, for economic power and societal change. But is this a real entity? Someone they invoke? And/or a blueprint for chaos?
Texe Marrs calls it..
...the Illuminati secret formula for world revolution and deceit. This is how and why Satan is making such incredible progress. The Janus Factor is Satan’s hidden method. The two-faced Roman god Janus was known as "Keeper of the Keys" and as "Interpreter of the Mysteries." Throughout history, Janus operatives—Darwin, Hegel, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Obama, and others—have successfully employed the Janus method to psychically and culturally churn global events and overturn all standards of morality and human dignity. Source
In other words, by playing with right v. wrong and reversing social norms to bring society into chaos, or utilizing the use of opposites with the Hegelian dialectic where a planned action provokes a similarly planned re-action, and other techniques, you can do a lot of manipulative damage.
As they have. Another dialectical symbol found throughout history, signifying the same concept as Janus is the two headed eagle, or phoenix.

The eagle of the Holy Roman Empire

Double headed eagle on Albert Pikes Freemasonry book 'Morals and Dogma" with Order Out of Chaos slogan.

Enter Freemasonry

Freemasonry is all about opposites and duality, and playing one side against another as some sort of occult ritualistic exercise, supposedly to evoke the illuminated man and world. It's basically what the motto on their two-headed eagle crest says, create chaos to bring about the new world order essentially.
Most involved in lower level Freemasonry don't know what the heck they're involved in, like lower level anythings. But the commitment to their agenda gets extremely serious at higher levels and human life takes a back seat to the "illuminated" program of using these techniques and powers for very evil ends.

Freemasonic symbolism is rife with duality..sun-moon, black-white, twin pillars, male-femaie etc.

Janus-Bifrons is his full name

The Illuminati are all about levels of disguise via carefully constructed lies, half-truths and diversions. Just as their doctrines of opposites seem to have this new-agey air of esoteric truth, these entities they literally worship in some form or another always have a cover.
What they are leaving out in the name Janus in all the popularized pictures and references to this guy is that Janus was actually known as Janus-Bifrons, and when you research THAT name it takes us to a whole different place.
In demonology Bifrons was a demon, Earl of Hell, with six legions of demons (twenty-six for other authors) under his command. He teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the gems and woods, herbs, and changes corpses from their original grave into other places, sometimes putting magick lights on the graves that seem candles. He appears as a monster, but then changes his shape into that of a man.
The origin of the name is, without any doubt, the Roman god Bifrons (Janus).
Other spellings: Bifrovs, Bifröus.
Bifrons was also one the names given to the baphomet allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman god Bifrons [emph. mine], one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the power of a demon (there were other suppositions on the figure of the baphomet). Source
It is also said the Janus-Bifrons appeared as a monster and then changed his appearance to that of a man.
In other words, he was (is) a shape-shifter.

A computer game demon named Bifrons (Janus' real name). Draco Reptilian with lesser reps. Hmmm

And Baphomet?

The Knights Templar were the precursors to today's Freemasons. Now we see how this all ties in together. Looks like this could be the same nasty dude in a few different disguises. Typical.

Now Baphomet actually takes us straight to witchcraft and the horned goat. Which also ties in with Freemasonry. Any way you connect it, we're down in the bowels of the occult now. And as we know, the Illuminati are drenched in witchcraft however you slice it or want to call it.
Speaking of keys, when it comes to evoking spirits as the Satanic Illuminati do, there's a lot of black magick involved that has very specific procedures. And many of these wicked controllers are adepts in this to increase their power and obtain favors.
The Lesser Key of Solomon contains detailed descriptions of spirits and the conjurations needed to invoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer (referred to as the "exorcist"). It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals. Source
Things to steer clear of. All this to say, Janus was considered the most important god of the Greco-Roman pantheon...even above Zeus (Jupiter), i.e. above the recognized head god.. a very Luciferian concept.
So when you see references to Janus it's nothing innocent, believe me.

Janus Global Communications logo.
Pleasant. By the way the dove at the top represents the goddess Columbia aka Isis aka Semiramis et all....right back to the other key holder, his contemporary Cybele...

Janus brought up to date

Janus is a very popular name and logo. Again, freemasonry rules the corporate world in addition to politics, finances, etc. They speak to each other in logos, and attempt to evoke spiritual power from their use.
The elite bloodlines and their minions have been into this for millenia. Take a look at an occult Rothschild party in the early part of last century:

Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild sporting golden calf baphoment, and Baron Alexis de Redé as two-faced Janus at a Rothschild soiree....
Janus was also a secret government psyop group. Again, nothing really constructive going on, one might say:
The super-secret Janus Group utilizes very highly-trained psychic assassins, who employ such techniques as the green and red marble systems, as well as the White Glove method. In order to psychically kill enemies of the Illuminati. The Director of Janus (an Illuminatus) wields more political clout than the hierarchy of the National Security Agency. He was an intimate friend of the late Roy Cohn -- a director of Permindex, the group which masterminded the assassination of President John Kennedy. Source

Comforting to know you're in good hands....

Weathered gargoyle embraces Shepard Hall, City College of New York

This one even boasts the Illuminati pyramid.

And Finally....

Speaks for itself. The lying, masked manipulative media in a Janus nutshell...


I hope this little foray into this age old deity has been "illuminating".
It continues to amaze me how it always traces back to an innate lust for power and control by these elite Illuminati minions right through the ages. They preserve what they consider to be their "inside edge" within their bloodline, and this can be traced back to the dawn of this civilization...and probably the one before.
It's important to decode their language, be it through symbolism, mythology, alchemical practices or societal engineering and programming.
Once you're on to it, it loses its power. The simple and ignorant will pass on and suffer the consequences.
Keep on learning, and most of all....keep wondering.
Love, Zen
You may also like: 11 Occult Secrets Now In The Open
And: Faces Of Evil That Rule The World

Keiser Report:烈焰銀行,燒壞的經濟(有片)

NASA美國太空總署指出亞特蘭蒂斯航天穿梳機再飛入神秘之球(Mysterious Orbs)(有片)

美安全部門稱基地組織可能襲擊載英美乘客飛機   2011年09月17日 17:37   北京日報
  新華社專電 多名美國官員16日說,由於受到“基地”組織威脅,美國駐阿爾及利亞大使館正向一些可能受到襲擊的對象發布警告。

會商債務問題 歐洲反擊美國

會商債務問題 歐洲反擊美國
(法新社波蘭布洛斯勞17日電) 歐洲國家財政部長今天結束就債務危機舉行的會議時,針對美國對公共財政問題的教訓提出反擊,堅稱歐元區的狀況其實優於全球競爭對手。
歐洲聯盟27國的財長和中央銀行總裁結束會議時,歐洲中央銀行總裁特瑞謝(Jean-Claude Trichet)針對歐元區17國的負債紀錄表示:「整體看來,可能較其他主要先進經濟體為佳。」
應邀與會的美國財政部長蓋特納(Timothy Geithner)昨天敦促歐元區,迅速採取行動處理由希臘擴散的債務危機。他的說教引發與歐洲國家財長爭執,使得這次會議蒙上陰影。

愛德華甘迺迪長女心臟衰竭去世 享年51歲

她的弟弟「派翠克」表示,「卡拉」在2003年動手術割除一個肺部惡性腫瘤之後,體力及健康就日益惡化,近年來,「卡拉」致力慈善活動,協助殘障人 士從事藝術創作。報導指出,「卡拉」是在華府一家健康俱樂部運動完後去世。她的弟弟「派翠克」說,「卡拉」向來熱愛運動,只是癌症治療使得她的體力急速衰 退。

空襲格達費家鄉 傳逾3百人死

空襲格達費家鄉 傳逾3百人死
格達費(MoamerKadhafi)的發言人伊布拉欣(MoussaIbrahim)透過衛星電話告訴路透社的突尼斯辦事處:「北約組織 (NATO)昨晚攻擊蘇爾特市,發射逾30枚火箭,目標是市內的主要飯店和一棟大樓,大樓裡有超過90戶住家。結果一夜之間造成逾354人死亡,還有89 人失蹤,以及近700人受傷。」

印度泰姬瑪哈陵附近發生爆炸 3傷


抗議財富不公 美國人示威   2011年09月17日 05:27   中國日報
  (綜合十六日外電)埃及、葉門、突尼西亞、敘利亞等國今年風起雲湧的發動民主示威潮,而今美國人也要起來了,不過目標是華爾街。全球有 10萬讀者的反文化網路雜誌AdBusters在發起的「佔領華爾街」和平示威活動,定當地時間17日中午展開,號召兩萬美國人人在華爾街公牛銅像前集 合,並計畫在華爾街扎營兩個月。
目前並不清楚有多少人會響應,AdBusters的臉書網頁只有8000人回應。AdBusters最初希望有9萬人參加,目前的目標是兩萬 人。不過,消息在網路傳開後引發熱烈討論,全球有74座城市可能參與,包括日本、以色列和歐洲多個國家,AdBusters將播出各地活動的實況。網路駭 客組織Anonymous 上個月也以影片表示支持。
拉森說:「2011年阿拉伯之春」的示威潮,引起我們省思,各地民衆透過推特、臉書等社群媒體串連起來要求民主。在歐美,許多人認為金融業高層 宛如金融騙子,卻能置身事外,沈默的大衆應該也站出來,在華爾街和全球各地的金融區集合,迫使世界經濟制度走向更理想、更公正的方向。」
活動的高潮是在紐約證券交易前靜坐示威,仿效突尼西亞示威衆佔領突尼斯的「11月7日廣場」、以及埃及人群集在開羅的解放廣場(Tahrir Square)要求改革。

美軍基地封鎖 否認爆發槍戰   2011年09月17日 05:27   中國日報
美國亞利桑那州土桑的大衛斯-蒙桑(DavisMonthan)空軍基地發言人瓊斯(Caitlin Jones)中士告訴法新社,基地因為安全因素,全面封鎖,但他沒有說明原因。
當地的KVOA電視台透過他們的推特(Twitter)帳號報導,土桑消防局(Tucson Fire Department)正在處理基地內的病患「身上可能有多處槍傷」。電視畫面顯示,至少有1輛救護車進入基地。