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日 本福島第一核電站的核洩漏情況嚴峻,東京電力發表數據顯示,一號反應堆內的核燃料可能全部穿透反應堆底部的混凝土,深達六十五厘米左右,距離外圍最薄處只 有三十七厘米。另外,統計表明,二號反應堆內可能有五成七,三號反應堆有六成三的核燃料,掉落到安全殼底部,高濃度輻射污水,從安全殼流出的可能性非常 大,令工作人員將核燃料從容器安全取出,增加很大難度。



腦退化症治療有新突破,澳洲科學家成功研製一種可延緩腦退化症病情的疫苗,更估計可 於五年內製成適合人類使用的疫苗,並進行大規模臨床研究。疫苗是從阻止腦部神經原纖維纏結的問題着手,透過阻止神經細胞變異,令症狀不會持續轉壞,下一步 研究是改良疫苗,希望能具有逆轉病情功效,首階段已在老鼠實驗取得良好結果。
腦退化症的患者,大腦組織會出現不正常的澱粉樣蛋白,即神經細胞結構出現變異,這些變異稱為神經原纖維纏結,是導致病情不斷轉壞,令患者出現記憶力衰退、認知功能障礙等症狀的關鍵。隨着人口老化,全球腦退化症患者會不斷增加,單是澳洲已有近 27萬名病人。


(法新社德黑蘭12日電) 伊朗國會國家安全委員會





航 空資訊網站Flight Global最近利用Google衛星地圖,發現內華達州亞卡湖(Yucca Lake)旁邊的一個神秘小型機場(圖),相信是官方用來測試RQ-170等無人機的基地。Flight Global稱,這些圖片在今年初拍攝,除了一條長近1600米的跑道外,從衛星圖片中還可清晰見到一個看起來像是「掠奪者」(Predator)或「死 神」(Reaper)無人機的物體,正被拖向停機坪。
退休美國空軍上校萊頓(Cedric Leighton)表示,伊朗對這類基地「最感興趣」,「因為這讓他們知道我們的偵察行動如何運作」。安全顧問公司Casaba首席科學家米切納 (John Michener)則表示,美國法律並不適用於太空,故Google展示無人偵察機衛星圖片沒有問題。









伊仿製無人機 奧巴馬促還


美最高階女性國防官員 表辭意

(法新社華盛頓12日電) 美國官員今天表示,國防
部政策次長佛洛諾伊(Michele Flournoy)計劃辭去職
國防部長潘內達(Leon Panetta)發表聲明表示,
國防部發言人威爾森(Douglas Wilson)告訴法新







火星可移民? 但要住地底



研 究團隊利用數十年資料,「綜合彙整」火星的各種條件進行研究,火星是最近地球的鄰居,地表溫度為攝氏負63度,之前已有研究在火星兩極發現冰凍水,但今次 發現,由於火星壓力低,水難以液態的型態存在,而會在表面蒸發,但可向火星地底土壤施加壓力,讓水保持液態;而且地底接受來自火星地核的熱,溫度能夠讓細 菌和其他微生物生長。


Europe Tells Britain Not To Ask For Help In A Crisis

By Bruno Waterfield
Telegraph News Officials from both euro and non-euro countries said Britain should not ask for help if it runs into trouble because it had not signed up to a £378 billion support fund.

French, Swedish and many Brussels officials have predicted that it is only a matter of time before Sterling is hit by the same market turbulence that came close to destroying the euro at the weekend.
Jean-Pierre Jouyet, a former French Europe minister and the current chairman of France’s financial services authority, yesterday predicted only “God would help” a rudderless Britain after it snubbed its euro zone neighbours.
“There is not a two speed Europe but a three speed Europe. You have Europe of the euro, Europe of the countries that understand the euro … and you have the English,” he said.
“The English are very certainly going to be targeted given the political difficulties they have. Help yourself and heaven will help you. If you don’t want to show solidarity to the euro zone, then let’s see what happens to the United Kingdom.”
French bank BNP Paribas yesterday warned that the post-election fallout could lead to Britain’s losing its high creditworthiness market rating, a move that could lead to a run on the pound. The UK is running an annual debt rate even higher than Greece.
Eurozone leaders and EU finance ministers meeting in emergency session last weekend prepared the bail-out as a financial crisis threatened to spread from Greece to engulf Spain and Portugal.
But despite supporting a rapid response EU financial “mechanism” to the tune of £13 billion, Britain declined to offer another £50 billion of loan guarantees in order to help “European partners” that get into trouble.
Sweden, with a centre-Right Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, who is a close political ally and personal friend of David Cameron, has called on Britain, a fellow non-euro country, to change its mind.
Anders Borg, Sweden’s finance minister, said his country was thinking of supporting the EU fund even though his country rejected euro membership six years ago.
“It is completely unrealistic to think one cannot,” he said. “I think it is unrealistic to imagine that Britain won’t take part. London is Europe’s financial centre. If bank financing and payments no longer work, it will only take a few days before the financial markets in London are dramatically affected.”
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You Can Now Get Your Flu Shot At Church!

By Dr. Mercola Recently the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held an invitation-only call.The call was co-sponsored by the U.S. Health and Human Services, the Office of Minority Health, and CDC. Conspicuously, the end of the invitation read:

This call is off the record and is not for press purposes” – but it became public when it showed up on the HHS website.
Fortunately one of our staff was able to get on the call. The focus of the call was on getting faith-based organizations to sponsor flu clinics with Walgreens. Basically, they want to move inside your church, mosque or synagogue, and set up shop, with your pastor, priest, imam and rabbi on hand to convince you to get a flu shot.
As an example, they cited a priest who stopped in the middle of mass to roll up his sleeve and get vaccinated, inspiring the rest of his parish to line up behind him.

Talk to God, Get a Shot

The idea of holding out your arm and getting a shot in the middle of a worship service, with your pastoral leader urging you on, really seems to be pushing it. The reason they’re doing this, health officials said on the phone, is that they’ve found that non-traditional settings such as worship services can be highly effective in influencing people’s decisions.
Speaking directly to church leaders, Joshua DuBois, executive director of the White House Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership, said:
“As trusted messengers, you’re able to spread messages and help get people vaccinated.”
Zeroing in on minorities, particularly older adults, blacks and Latinos, health officials said churches, mosques and schools are places where barriers to vaccinations can be taken down, and these minorities can be convinced to get vaccinated. Besides hosting flu shot clinics, churches can also help by putting reminders in their bulletins, and by church members personally reminding others to get their shots, officials said. Now even the CFIA urging flu shots for livestock workers….
They even went so far as to encourage the churches to pay people’s insurance co-pays so they’d be more inclined to get the shots. For those who simply can’t pay anything, there’ll be 300,000 free shots given out as part of the flu vaccine crusade.

Who’s Funding This?

The original concept of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, developed in 2001, was to help community leaders enhance the 1998 Initiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health.
The partnership targets cancer screening, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infant mortality, HIV/AIDS and vaccinations. It also originally covered complementary and alternative health care options, although that type of care, which would include health measures other than vaccines, was not even listed as an option during this phone conference.
For at least 10 years, this collaboration of community-based volunteers, nonprofit organizations and faith-based groups worked at a grassroots level in their respective neighborhoods, funded by Congress through various health care grants.
However, in 2010 the initiative took a turn with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which moved the initiative’s management to the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, paving the way for the federal government to fund and run projects like flu clinics right in your church.
Interestingly, flu shots were already covered by most insurance plans, Medicare and the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program.
But for some reason health officials have decided it’s OK to push the government into places of worship, mid-service, to sell and administer vaccines – and this no-press-allowed phone call reiterated that over and over again. I can only wonder which vaccine they’ll move into your church next, all in the name of “community health.”

The Secret’s Out – Flu Shots Are Hardly Effective, If at All

In February 2011, new research showed that 76 percent of white seniors get flu vaccines, with 68 percent of English-speaking Hispanic seniors getting them, and 64 percent of Spanish-speaking Hispanic seniors doing so. In the phone conference, officials emphasized that they want to increase flu vaccine coverage beyond those numbers. But unfortunately, they neglected to mention the shocking lack of evidence supporting flu vaccines.
The truth is flu vaccines just don’t do what the CDC claims they do. I’ve written about this several times so far this year and the past few years, along with major news media like Time Health. Even the Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP)admitted on its website on November 4, 2011 that it’s time to revise public messages regarding this vaccine.
Specifically, what happened is that a study published in the prestigious journal The Lancet revealed that flu shots provide only “moderate protection” against the flu, and in some seasons is altogether “reduced or absent.”
Specifically, the Lancet said the vaccine is about 59 percent effective. But when you break the numbers down statistically, what it really works out to is that the vaccine prevents flu 1.5 times out of 100.
That’s right. Using the Lancet’s own numbers, statistics show that the vaccine only works 1.5 times out of 100.
It’s a far cry from the 60 percent the CDC claims on its website, or the 70 to 90 percent it claimed before it changed the numbers this year. Some people call this lying with statistics, but any way you look at it the secret’s out: flu vaccine statistics just don’t add up to warrant pushing them in your church – or anywhere for that matter.
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Seven Million Tons Of Earth Soil On Mars!

By Babu G. Ranganathan
Pravda In the Earth’s past there was powerful volcanic activity which could have easily spewed dirt and rocks containing microbes into outer space which not only could have eventually reached Mars but also ended up traveling in orbit through space that we now know as meteors. A Newsweek article of September 21, 1998, p.12 mentions exactly this possibility. “We think there’s about 7 million tons of earth soil sitting on Mars”, says scientist and evolutionist Kenneth Nealson. “You have to consider the possibility that if we find life on Mars, it could have come from the Earth” [Weingarten, T., Newsweek, September 21, 1998, p.12].
MIT scientist Dr. Walt Brown (a creationist) in his book In “The Beginning ” points out that during the great Genesis flood, as recorded in the Bible, the fountains of the deep that were let loose could have easily spewed out meteors and meteorites into space that very well may have contained micro-organisms such as bacteria. One thing for sure is that life requires intelligent creation and doesn’t come by chance. NASA knows all this but looking for life on other planets is a powerful way to motivate people to want their government to give more and more money to NASA. NASA, after all, is a business with hefty salaries at stake.
Also, what many don’t realize is that although oxygen is necessary for life’s processes, the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere would prevent life from coming into being. This is because oxygen is destructive unless there are mechanisms already in place to control, direct, and regulate oxygen such as what we find in already existing forms of life.
Evolutionists must assume that the early earth atmosphere had no oxygen. But, then that would mean there was no ozone layer in the atmosphere to protect from harmful radiation that would destroy life or even any budding form of life. Ozone is made-up of oxygen. It’s a Catch-22 situation for evolutions. In fact, there are numerous Catch-22 situations for evolutionists when it comes to the origin of life issue.
All the scientific evidence only supports the possibility of life coming from previously existing life. It is not scientific to believe that life can arise from non-living matter, at least not spontaneously (by chance). It was once thought by evolutionists that life arose spontaneously from garbage until it was shown that the reason for this is because of insects having previously laid their eggs in the garbage. Thus, the belief that life arose by chance (spontaneously) from chemicals in garbage was successfully refuted. But, evolutionists didn’t give up. They just got more sophisticated.
Stanley Miller, in his famous experiment in 1953, showed that individual amino acids (the building blocks of life) could come into existence by chance. But, it’s not enough just to have amino acids. The various amino acids that make-up life must link together in a precise sequence, just like the letters in a sentence, to form functioning protein molecules. If they’re not in the right sequence the protein molecules won’t work. It has never been shown that various amino acids can bind together into a sequence by chance to form protein molecules. Even the simplest cell is made up of many millions of various protein molecules.
Also, what many don’t realize is that Miller had a laboratory apparatus that shielded and protected the individual amino acids the moment they were formed, otherwise the amino acids would have quickly disintegrated and been destroyed in the mix of random energy and forces involved in Miller’s experiment.
In Nature there are what scientists call right-handed and left-handed amino acids. However, life requires that all proteins be left-handed. So, not only do millions of amino acids have to be in the correct sequence, they also all have to be left-handed. If a right-handed amino acid gets mixed in then the protein molecules won’t function. There won’t be any life!
Similarly, the nucleic acids in DNA and RNA must be in a precise sequence. The sugar molecules that make-up the various nucleic acids in DNA and RNA must be right-handed. If a nucleic acid with a left-handed sugar molecule gets into the mix then nothing will work.
In the midst of all the arguments over evolution and intelligent design, it is amazing how many in society, including the very educated, believe that scientists had already created life in the laboratory. No such thing has ever happened.
All that scientists have done is genetically engineer already existing forms of life in the laboratory, and by doing this scientists have been able to produce new forms of life, but they did not produce these new life forms from non-living matter. Even if scientists ever do produce life from non-living matter it will only be through intelligent design or planning so it still wouldn’t help support any theory of life originating by chance or evolution.
Even in the case involving synthetic (artificial) life, scientists don’t actually create or produce life itself from non-living matter. What scientists do in this case is create (by intelligent design) artificial DNA (genetic instructions and code) which is then implanted into an already existing living cell and, thereby, changing that cell into a new form of life. And, again, even if scientists ever do create a whole living cell from scratch (and not just its DNA) it still would not be by chance but by intelligent design. Synthetic life is just another form of genetic engineering. But God was the first genetic engineer. Remember that always!
If the cell had evolved it would have had to be all at once. A partially evolved cell cannot wait millions of years to become complete because it would be highly unstable and quickly disintegrate in the open environment, especially without the protection of a complete and fully functioning cell membrane.
The cell seems to be irreducibly complex. For example, without DNA there can be no RNA, and without RNA there can be no DNA. And without either DNA or RNA there can be no proteins, and without proteins there can be no DNA or RNA. They’re all mutually dependent upon each other for existence! It could not have gradually evolved! Evolutionists generally believe that it took one billion years for the first life form or cell to have evolved. That belief, although still taught as gospel in many elementary and secondary schools, cannot be sustained by modern science.
Of course, once there is a complete and living cell then the genetic program and biological mechanisms exist to direct the formation of more cells. The question is how did life come about naturally when there was no directing mechanism in nature.
If humans must use intelligence to perform genetic engineering, to meaningfully manipulate the genetic code, then what does that say about the origin of the genetic code itself!
The great British scientist Sir Frederick Hoyle has said that the probability of the sequence of molecules in the simplest cell coming into existence by chance is equivalent to a tornado going through a junk yard of airplane parts and assembling a 747 Jumbo Jet!
We tend to judge something as being simple or complex by its size. So many of us assume that because the cell is microscopic in size that it must be simple. Not so! Size is relative, but not complexity. If you were as big as the Empire State building you would probably think that the tiny cars and automobiles on the street were simple and could easily happen by a chance combination of parts. However, we know that is not so.
Natural laws are adequate to explain how the order in life, the universe, and even a microwave oven operates, but mere undirected natural laws cannot fully explain the origin of such order.
Science cannot prove how life originated since no human observed the origin of life by either chance or design. Observation and detection by the human senses, either directly or indirectly through scientific instruments, is the basis of science and for establishing proof. The issue is which position has better scientific support. Both sides should have the opportunity to present their case.
If some astronauts from Earth discovered figures of persons similar to Mt. Rushmore on an uninhabited planet there would be no way to scientifically prove the carved figures originated by design or by chance processes of erosion. Neither position is science, but scientific arguments may be made to support one or the other.
Many think that natural selection in nature is proof that we had evolved. Natural selection does occur in nature. However, natural selection itself does not produce biological variations. Natural selection can only “select” from biological variations that are possible and which have survival value. Natural selection is a passive process in nature.
Natural selection is simply another way of saying that if a biological variation occurs which is helpful to an animal or plant’s survival then that that variation will be preserved and be passed on. Of course, nature does not do any active or conscious selecting. The term “natural selection” is simply a figure of speech. Also, natural selection can only apply once there is life and reproduction and not before. In other words, natural selection could not have been involved in any pre-biotic, non-living interactions of chemicals.
Evolutionists believe that random or chance mutations in the genetic code (caused by random environmental forces such as radiation) will produce the favorable evolutionary changes necessary for natural selection to act upon.
However, there is no evidence that random or chance mutations in the genetic code are capable of producing greater biological complexity (vertical evolution) among species. Most biological variations are the result of new combinations of already existing genes and not because of mutations which are almost always harmful precisely because they are accidents in the genetic code.
What about “Junk DNA”? The latest science shows that “Junk DNA” isn’t junk after all! It’s we who were ignorant of how useful these segments of DNA really are. Recent scientific research published in scientific journals such as Nature has revealed that the “non-coding” segments of DNA are very useful, after all, and even essential in regulating gene expression and intracellular activities.
Considering the enormous complexity of life, it is much more logical to believe that the genetic and biological similarities between all species are due to a common Designer rather than common evolutionary ancestry. It is only logical that the great Designer would design similar functions for similar purposes and different functions for different purposes in all of the various forms of life.
All of this simply means that real science supports faith in God. Science cannot prove that we are here by chance (evolution) or by design (creation). However, the scientific evidence can be used to support one or the other. It is only fair that evidence supporting intelligent design be presented to students alongside of evolutionary theory, especially in public schools which receive funding from taxpayers who are on both sides of the issue. Also, no one is being forced to believe in God or adopt a particular religion so there is no true violation of separation of church and state. As a religion and science writer, I encourage all to read my Internet article “The Natural Limits of Evolution” at my website for more in-depth study of the issue.
The Institute for Creation Research at offers excellent articles, books, and resources from Master’s or Ph.D degreed scientists showing how true science supports creation.
The author, Babu G. Ranganathan, has his bachelor’s degree with concentrations in theology and biology and has been recognized for his writings on religion and science in the 24th edition of Marquis “Who’s Who In The East.” The author’s articles may be accessed at