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「靜到癲」密室 極限捱45分鐘 99.99%靜音 待久令人生幻覺
研發人奧菲爾德(Steven Orfield)表示:「我們邀請挑戰者坐在黑暗的密室中……當一切寂靜一片時,耳朵會適應環境,當周遭環境愈靜,你能聽到的愈多。你會聽到自己的心跳, 有時你還能聽到肺部的起伏和胃部的響聲。在密室中,你是一切聲響的來源。」奧菲爾德稱,這是一個很迷失的經驗,使人倉皇失措,必須坐下才能捱過。
This morning, we're talking about noise pollution and the negative health affects it can cause. In Minneapolis' Seward neighborhood, you can find the world's quietest room.
The room, which holds the Guinness World Record designation, is located in the Orfield Laboratories. The recording studios where "Funkytown" and Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" were recorded are also in this building.
The world's quietest room is called an anechoic chamber, which means there is no echo as it absorbs sound. Sound doesn't bounce off the walls the way it does in a regular room.
A typical quiet room you sleep in at night measures about 30 decibels. A normal conversation is about 60 decibels. This room has been measured at -9 decibels.
Orfield Labs uses the room to test products, including switches that go on car dashboards and the sound an LED display makes on a cell phone to make sure they're not too loud.
To get into the anechoic chamber, you go through two bank vault-like doors. The floor in the room is mesh like a trampoline so there's nothing on the floor for the sound to bounce off of. The walls are lined with sound-proofing wedges that are a meter long so they absorb the sound.
"When you sit in any rooms a person normally sits in, you hear the sound and all its reflections," said Steven Orfield, president of Orfield Labs. "When you go into an anechoic chamber, there are zero reflections. So if you listen to me talk and hear my voice, you're hearing my voice exactly. And if I turn around and talk, the only thing you'll hear is the sound bending around my head."
人工病毒: 三病毒齊發惡 流感再奪7命
上周死亡個案 最年輕僅44歲
RSV病毒檢測 較上月初增44%

上周死亡個案 最年輕僅44歲
RSV病毒檢測 較上月初增44%
Texas Tornado Outbreak Illustrates HAARP Signatures
Nicholas WestActivist Post
It is indisputable that weather weapons have been considered as a means for agricultural and societal control. Elite grand master, Zbigniew Brzezinski, stated in his book Between Two Ages (1970) that "Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." (Source) Moreover, it is a stated military goal to "Own the Weather by 2025."
This HAARP facility and its substations scattered throughout the U.S. have been tracked by intrepid weather researcher Dutchsinse who has made some startlingly accurate predictions based on the tell-tale radar flares of these facilities, already linked to earthquakes in the area of the New Madrid seismic zone.
Beyond earthquakes, however, there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that the injection of frequencies into storm systems can prolong, or intensify their output. The massive system that moved through the Dallas area yesterday seems to bear the signatures of a similar frequency injection that Dutchsinse has used to predict previous tornado outbreaks. The patterns show up as HAARP rings (circle sweeps) or scalar squares (square waves) which are pinpointed below.
Incidentally, I have two friends who live in the Dallas area and they observed very different cloud behavior than previous tornadic systems. Whether or not HAARP is to blame in this instance, the manipulation of earth's ionosphere should not go without further open-minded study.
If We Discover Aliens, What’s Our Protocol for Making Contact?
Natalie Wolchoverlivescience
It is conceivable that humans could someday discover aliens. We scour the cosmos looking for their radio signals, and though we’re not capable of interstellar space travel, it is remotely possible that we could find what we’re looking for right here in our solar system.
Life could theoretically exist on Mars, or on Europa, a moon of Jupiter, which appears to have an underground ocean. It’s even possible (though highly unlikely) that these nearby life forms could be sentient. “It is consistent with current human exploration of the solar system that intelligent beings could have evolved in the deep oceans of Europa,” said Jacob Haqq-Misra, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University.
Another possibility, Haqq-Misra said, is that “intelligent extraterrestrial beings have traveled from a distant star system and taken up residence in the solar system. They might be living in an underground base on Mars or the moon, or they could be residing in the asteroid belt (or any number of other plausible, albeit unlikely, options).”
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