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李氏菌奪16人命 回收30萬箱哈密瓜

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)周三宣布,已經造成18州16人死亡的李氏桿菌疫情可望在未來數星期陸續傳出更多發病與死亡個案。追蹤發現遭李氏菌污染的哈密瓜來自科羅拉多州霍利附近的詹森農場(Jensen Farms),衛生機關已下令回收30萬箱哈密瓜。
最新收到這次哈密瓜李氏桿菌病毒感染病例報告的州有加州、科羅拉多州、佛羅里達州、伊利諾伊州、印第安納州、堪薩斯州、馬里蘭州、密蘇里州、蒙大拿州、內 布拉斯加州、新墨西哥州、北達科他州、俄克拉荷馬州、德克薩斯州、維吉尼亞州、西維吉尼亞州、威斯康星州和懷俄明州。
經過追蹤,發現受到病毒感染的哈密瓜來自科羅拉多州的霍利(Holly)的詹森農場(Jensen Farms)。
老人、孕婦和免疫系統虛弱的病患,感染李氏桿菌特別危險,症狀包括發熱、肌肉疼痛和有時會噁心或腹瀉,嚴重時會出現腦膜炎或敗血症。這次疫情患者平均年齡 為七十八歲。CDC和美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)建議,買到這批毒瓜的消費者即刻將其丟棄,並徹底清潔其可能接觸過的地方。
圖洩密中國 美領館警衛被控
September 29, 2011 06:03 AM
September 29, 2011 2:29:56
PM by The_Phantom
For years I have heard people talk about the Illuminati having the whole world in the palm of the their hands. Every time they are mentioned someone starts talking about the banks and Jews. Some time ago I thought, maybe the Catholics know something about the Illuminati, they have records on just about everything. So I went to the Catholic Encyclopedia and typed the word Illuminati in...'Alumbrados.' came up.
But before talking about the Alumbrados it is probably important to get a little bit of background of what was taking place in the Church at the time. It is not as if everybody within the Church were on the same side, their were powerful factions that were complete enemies, like the Borgia's and the Medici's. Just about anybody that was anybody during the the time period worked for these two families at one point or another. The Borgia's being the prototype that Machiavelli followed, but more then that they were just plain evil. And the Medici's being wealthy bankers that controlled Florence. Until a man came along and really stirred the pot, Giuliano Della Rovere, also known as Julius II, the Fearsome Pope, or my personal favorite, the Warrior Pope.
After trying to gain the position through manipulation a few times and creating problems and enemies in the process, Giuliano resorted to an ancient political tactic. The Catholic Encyclopedia says, "To ensure his success he made great promises to the cardinals, and did not hesitate to employ bribery." It then goes on to say that it was the shortest conclave in the history of the Papacy. So the election was rigged, the Pope had a lust for power, and the Cardinals were all conspirators. Julius fought against the Borgia's and caused a schism in the Church when he attacked France, he gained the help of Spain, England and Switzerland, ending the influence France had on Italy. He also brought in the Swiss Guard to defend himself.
When the Borgia's had power they kicked the Medici's out of Florence, but when Julius II took controlled he brought them back to run the show and streamlined their influence in the Church, that would change history forever. Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici or Leo X would become the very next Pope. He spent money like it was going out of style and in just two years the Vatican was in serious financial trouble, this was in 1515. Most likely he was using the debt of the Church to make his family even richer. And to pay for this debt he used the ignorant masses to finance construction and art throughout the Vatican, most notably St Peters Basilica. As the Catholic Encyclopedia puts it, "Various doubtful and reprehensible methods were resorted to for raising money. He created new offices and dignities, and the most exalted places were put up for sale. Jubilees and indulgences were degraded almost entirely into financial transactions." After continually messing things up the Cardinals decided to try and kill him. but Leo X found out had them punished and he replaced them all with Cardinals that could bring their own wealth into the Church. It was about at time that Martin Luther presented '95 Thesis' to the world, to argue that forgiveness of sins does not come from money but from God and the Pope should use his own money. As this was clearly not the way of the Church it caused widespread interest and a ultimately led to people waking up and seeing how the Church had abused them, leading to the Reformation.
The next Pope, Adrian VI, didn't like losing power, so he launched the Counter-Reformation. He didn't except the fact that the disorder of the Church could possibly be caused by the Church itself, so the Reformation spread and Adrian didn't really accomplish very much. Although the Medici's had influence over Adrian they had more when in the seat itself, so Clement VII was made the next Pope, a Medici. He had more of a militaristic view to evangelizing "by force and arms, if needful." But things just kept getting worse and worse for him and the Papacy, still unable to see that they were causing their own downfall. When the Reformation really took hold in England things got even worse as it reached the royalty and politicians. And so Pope Paul III a man who was raided at the court of Lorenzo de’ Medici turned to a military man from Spain to bring back the power of the Church. Ignatius of Loyola gathered a few very loyal men and created the Jesuits, he became the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. But the most interesting thing about the man is that he was accused of being an Alumbrados but was let off with a warning. The reason that this is interesting is because a couple hundred years later when the Jesuits were banned by the Pope with the 'Dominus ac Redemptor Noster" in 1773 the Bavarian Illuminati showed up in 1776 created by a man that taught in a Jesuit controlled school, Adam Weishaupt. The Alumbrados, or Illuminati, believed that their souls had reached perfection and it was impossible for them to do go or bad, that is how they justify their actions, no matter how evil they might be. But do not ever be mistaken, they were created with the purpose of trying to crush the protestants (protesters) and to bring everybody in the world under the power of the Catholic Church. After banning them Pope Clement XIV said this, Alas, I knew they [i.e., the Jesuits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner, then he died in 1774.
But they made their comeback thanks to Napoleon, he crushed their enemies through Europe, took control of the Pope, his conquest was stopped at Russia, the only safe haven for Jesuits. The Pope was freed and in August 1814 reversed the suppression of the Jesuits. Napoleon was then allowed to lose the battle of Waterloo in 1815 as the TPTB had no more need for him. It's also interesting to note the the Rothchild's made it big at this time and have been the face of the Illuminati ever since. But I feel like they are just the mask that they Jesuits hide behind.
The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."-Napoleon
Marquis de LaFayette said this about them based on his study of history, "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” - Marquis de LaFayette
"I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits...Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola's. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum...." -Thomas Jefferson
For years I have heard people talk about the Illuminati having the whole world in the palm of the their hands. Every time they are mentioned someone starts talking about the banks and Jews. Some time ago I thought, maybe the Catholics know something about the Illuminati, they have records on just about everything. So I went to the Catholic Encyclopedia and typed the word Illuminati in...'Alumbrados.' came up.
But before talking about the Alumbrados it is probably important to get a little bit of background of what was taking place in the Church at the time. It is not as if everybody within the Church were on the same side, their were powerful factions that were complete enemies, like the Borgia's and the Medici's. Just about anybody that was anybody during the the time period worked for these two families at one point or another. The Borgia's being the prototype that Machiavelli followed, but more then that they were just plain evil. And the Medici's being wealthy bankers that controlled Florence. Until a man came along and really stirred the pot, Giuliano Della Rovere, also known as Julius II, the Fearsome Pope, or my personal favorite, the Warrior Pope.
After trying to gain the position through manipulation a few times and creating problems and enemies in the process, Giuliano resorted to an ancient political tactic. The Catholic Encyclopedia says, "To ensure his success he made great promises to the cardinals, and did not hesitate to employ bribery." It then goes on to say that it was the shortest conclave in the history of the Papacy. So the election was rigged, the Pope had a lust for power, and the Cardinals were all conspirators. Julius fought against the Borgia's and caused a schism in the Church when he attacked France, he gained the help of Spain, England and Switzerland, ending the influence France had on Italy. He also brought in the Swiss Guard to defend himself.
When the Borgia's had power they kicked the Medici's out of Florence, but when Julius II took controlled he brought them back to run the show and streamlined their influence in the Church, that would change history forever. Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici or Leo X would become the very next Pope. He spent money like it was going out of style and in just two years the Vatican was in serious financial trouble, this was in 1515. Most likely he was using the debt of the Church to make his family even richer. And to pay for this debt he used the ignorant masses to finance construction and art throughout the Vatican, most notably St Peters Basilica. As the Catholic Encyclopedia puts it, "Various doubtful and reprehensible methods were resorted to for raising money. He created new offices and dignities, and the most exalted places were put up for sale. Jubilees and indulgences were degraded almost entirely into financial transactions." After continually messing things up the Cardinals decided to try and kill him. but Leo X found out had them punished and he replaced them all with Cardinals that could bring their own wealth into the Church. It was about at time that Martin Luther presented '95 Thesis' to the world, to argue that forgiveness of sins does not come from money but from God and the Pope should use his own money. As this was clearly not the way of the Church it caused widespread interest and a ultimately led to people waking up and seeing how the Church had abused them, leading to the Reformation.
The next Pope, Adrian VI, didn't like losing power, so he launched the Counter-Reformation. He didn't except the fact that the disorder of the Church could possibly be caused by the Church itself, so the Reformation spread and Adrian didn't really accomplish very much. Although the Medici's had influence over Adrian they had more when in the seat itself, so Clement VII was made the next Pope, a Medici. He had more of a militaristic view to evangelizing "by force and arms, if needful." But things just kept getting worse and worse for him and the Papacy, still unable to see that they were causing their own downfall. When the Reformation really took hold in England things got even worse as it reached the royalty and politicians. And so Pope Paul III a man who was raided at the court of Lorenzo de’ Medici turned to a military man from Spain to bring back the power of the Church. Ignatius of Loyola gathered a few very loyal men and created the Jesuits, he became the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. But the most interesting thing about the man is that he was accused of being an Alumbrados but was let off with a warning. The reason that this is interesting is because a couple hundred years later when the Jesuits were banned by the Pope with the 'Dominus ac Redemptor Noster" in 1773 the Bavarian Illuminati showed up in 1776 created by a man that taught in a Jesuit controlled school, Adam Weishaupt. The Alumbrados, or Illuminati, believed that their souls had reached perfection and it was impossible for them to do go or bad, that is how they justify their actions, no matter how evil they might be. But do not ever be mistaken, they were created with the purpose of trying to crush the protestants (protesters) and to bring everybody in the world under the power of the Catholic Church. After banning them Pope Clement XIV said this, Alas, I knew they [i.e., the Jesuits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner, then he died in 1774.
But they made their comeback thanks to Napoleon, he crushed their enemies through Europe, took control of the Pope, his conquest was stopped at Russia, the only safe haven for Jesuits. The Pope was freed and in August 1814 reversed the suppression of the Jesuits. Napoleon was then allowed to lose the battle of Waterloo in 1815 as the TPTB had no more need for him. It's also interesting to note the the Rothchild's made it big at this time and have been the face of the Illuminati ever since. But I feel like they are just the mask that they Jesuits hide behind.
The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."-Napoleon
Marquis de LaFayette said this about them based on his study of history, "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” - Marquis de LaFayette
"I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits...Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola's. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum...." -Thomas Jefferson
納粹專家:“我可以證明希特勒死在20世紀 60年代”
2011年9月30日 2:00:23

Painting depicting an aged Adolf Hitler in his 70s
"The biggest revelation is an authenticated secret German document which lists Hitler as one of the passengers evacuated by plane from Austria to Barcelona on April 26, 1945."
Although official history contends Hitler committed suicide with his newlywed wife, Eva Braun, on April, 30 1945 and their corpses were burned by others in the Berlin bunker, Abel Basti claims proof the story is a fabrication.
According to Basti's meticulous research, the leader of the Third Reich spent his last years as an art dealer and had facial plastic surgery to change his appearance.
Those are just two of the astounding revelations that respected Argentine journalist and historian Abel Basti documents in his book, Hitler's Exile.

TIME magazine announces Hitler's death in 1945
While the book was a runaway bestseller across South America, it's been suppressed in the United States and the Russian Federation. Those two countries still maintain that Germany's Führer committed suicide during the last days of World War Two.

World newspapers report Hitler dead...were they wrong?
The claim that Hitler and some high-ranking Schutzstaffel (SS) officers escaped Germany and fled to South America is not new.
Nil Nikandrov observes (Strategic Culture Foundation, "All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America"): "In his well-documented, The Hitler Survival Myth (1981), Donald McKale identifies the earliest source of the myth of Hitler's escape to the southern hemisphere as the unexpected surrender of a German submarine in early July 1945 at Mar del Plata, Argentina.
"Several Buenos Aires newspapers, in defiance of Argentine Navy statements, said that rubber boats had been seen landing from it, and other submarines spotted in the area.
"On July 16, 1945, the Chicago Times carried a sensational article on the Hitlers having slipped off to Argentina.”

July 16, 1945: Chicago Times reports Hitler fled to South America
The Hitler-in-Argentina tale first surfaced in a book back in 1947
"Ladislao Zsabó, a Hungarian advertiser, witnessed the arrival of the U-530 and saw its crew disembarking. He had heard that the destination was the German Antarctica and, mistakenly, made a supposition that Hitler had escaped to Antarctica, and published the book Hitler está Vivo (Hitler is Alive), where he speaks about the possible location of Hitler, in Queen's Maud properties, opposite the Weddel Sea, that was then renamed Neuschwabenland, when the area was explored in 1938/39 by the German expedition [led] by Captain Ritschter.

Brick from wall of Nazi complex in Patagonia
"Zsabó made the wrong assumption.
"Had he read the book by Professor Hugo Fernandez Artucio published in 1940, Nazis en el Uruguay, (Nazis in Uruguay) he would had discovered that there actually was a plan referring to German Antarctica, but this was nothing but the term they used for the Patagonia and that this information had been made public in New York in 1939." [Nil Nikandrov]

'Eagle's Nest" stonework on wall of German complex, Argentina.
Basti doggedly digs deeper
When there's so much smoke there's usually a fire. Basti tracked down that fire during seven years of sometimes grueling investigations.

Author-journalist Abel Basti holds copy of his bestselling book
He personally visited German compounds surrounded by security and stern-faced guards, interviewed surviving witnesses in villages near the strongholds, and even obtained authenticated photographs of Hitler and Braun during their exile years.

Alleged photo of Adolf and Eva with daughter Urich in Argentina
"Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and Führer's closest aides flew from the burning Berlin to Spain...and then crossed the Atlantic Ocean by three submarines and reached Argentina.
"In July-August, 1945 Hitler and his clique landed in the Rio Negro province near the Caleta de los Loros village and moved on further into Argentine.
"Allegedly, the same secret route prepared by SS chief Himmler's staff was later used by Bormann, Mengele, and Eichmann.
"Basti detailed the journey of A. Hitler and E. Braun across Argentina assisted by local Nazi sympathizers and described the couple’s family life during which—despite the hardships of hiding—they even had children."

Alleged photo of Hitler in disguise, Buenos Aires meeting, 1952
Stonewalling Soviets
The Soviets weren't helpful on the matter of the German leader's death.
"The Soviets continued to be difficult. They refused to allow Westerners into Berlin even after the surrender of Dönitz's government and the last armies in the field on May 7-9. On May 10, they announced the existence of the burned bodies in the Chancellory courtyard, but only allowed that one might be Hitler. The same report went on to say that his body might never be found.
"On June 6, a spokesman for the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally that Hitler had committed suicide and that his body had been identified. Three days later, Marshall Zhukov, the head of the Soviet army gave a press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinski looking over his shoulder. 'We did not identify the body of Hitler,' he said. 'I can say nothing definite about his fate. He could have flown away from Berlin at the very last moment.'" [Nil Nikandrov ]
Interview with Basti
In an interview on Deadline - Live, an Argentine news program, journalist Santiago Romero interviewed Abel Basti about Hitler's escape, life in Patagonia, and the events that followed World War Two. ["Hitler huyó a la Patagonia en un submarino que zarpó desde Vigo" Edited.]
Romero: What is your opinion on Hitler’s escape?
Basti: "Hitler escaped via air from Austria to Barcelona. The last stage of his escape was in a submarine, from Vigo, heading straight to the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva Braun, in a car with a chauffeur and bodyguard—a motorcade of at least three cars—drove to Bariloche (Argentina).
"He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of that town. It is a property of about 250,000 acres with a lake-front view of Lake Nahuel Huapi, which had been German property since the early twentieth century, when it belonged to a German firm by the name of Schamburg-Lippe."

An alleged Hitler family home: Hacienda San Ramon
Romero: "On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after leaving his Berlin bunker?"
Basti: "I was able to confirm the presence of Hitler in Spain thanks to a—now elderly—Jesuit priest, whose family members were friends of the Nazi leader. And I have witnesses that allude to meetings he had with his entourage at the place where they stayed in Cantabria.

Mr. and Mrs Hitler in Spain before voyage to Patagonia
"In addition, a document of the British secret services reveals that in those days, a Nazi submarine convoy left Spain, and after stopping in the Canary Islands, it continued its journey to the south of Argentina.
"Hitler and Eva Braun traveled onboard one of these submarines, which later arrived in Patagonia between July and August of 1945, under the de facto President Edelmiro Farrell and later Juan Domingo Peron, then his Minister of War. There is also another important document mentioning that the FBI was looking for Hitler in Spain after World War II."
Romero: "From where did he leave to Patagonia?"
Basti: "All the evidence points to the Galician coast, which was a significant base of supplies for Nazi submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic, to the extent that Churchill considered the possibility of invading it—an action that was scrapped when they built the code-breaking “Enigma” machine and managed to decipher Nazi submarine fleet messages and the course of submarine warfare was reversed.
“There is the possibility that he left from Vigo or Ferrol, but it is almost certain that he did from Vigo, according to Britain’s MI6."
Romero: "What was Hitler’s life in Argentina like?"
Basti: "Hitler lived as a fugitive with his wife and his bodyguard. His first years were in Patagonia, and then he lived in the more northern provinces [of Argentina].
"In the early years, he held meetings in different parts of Argentina, and with other Nazis in Paraguay, as well as with sympathizers from foreign countries.
“He shaved his head and mustache, so he was not easily recognizable. He lived away from large urban areas, although he had a few meetings in Buenos Aires. He died in the sixties in Argentina.
“I’m currently investigating where he was buried and how he lived his last days."
Romero: "Did you have access to documents from the former Soviet Union?"
Basti: "Until his death in 1953, Stalin always believed that Hitler had escaped. In 1945, Stalin told the Allies this same information. There are three different shorthand writings in which Stalin mentioned that the German leader had fled.
"In Argentina, I have interviewed people who had seen and met with Hitler. In the Russian archives, there is abundant documentation that shows that Hitler had escaped."
Romero: "How did your book impact the official story of Hitler’s death?"
Basti: "Despite the recent investigations that proved that Hitler’s remains at the Kremlin in Russia did not belong to him, most Russians have always rejected the theory that he escaped. The same applies to the nations involved in the war:
“The U.S. has just reclassified [under national security auspices] for 20 [more] years all official material related to this story, and when that deadline is met, it will probably be reclassified.
“The British reclassified all related documentation for 60 more years. The researchers cannot access that information."
Link to original article in Spanish.

Amazon books: El exilio de Hitler / Hitler's Exile: Las pruebas de la fuga del fuhre a a la Argentina (Spanish Edition) by Abel Basti (Apr 2010).

Painting depicting an aged Adolf Hitler in his 70s
"The biggest revelation is an authenticated secret German document which lists Hitler as one of the passengers evacuated by plane from Austria to Barcelona on April 26, 1945."
Although official history contends Hitler committed suicide with his newlywed wife, Eva Braun, on April, 30 1945 and their corpses were burned by others in the Berlin bunker, Abel Basti claims proof the story is a fabrication.
According to Basti's meticulous research, the leader of the Third Reich spent his last years as an art dealer and had facial plastic surgery to change his appearance.
Those are just two of the astounding revelations that respected Argentine journalist and historian Abel Basti documents in his book, Hitler's Exile.

TIME magazine announces Hitler's death in 1945
While the book was a runaway bestseller across South America, it's been suppressed in the United States and the Russian Federation. Those two countries still maintain that Germany's Führer committed suicide during the last days of World War Two.

World newspapers report Hitler dead...were they wrong?
The claim that Hitler and some high-ranking Schutzstaffel (SS) officers escaped Germany and fled to South America is not new.
Nil Nikandrov observes (Strategic Culture Foundation, "All the Leaders of the Third Reich Fled to Latin America"): "In his well-documented, The Hitler Survival Myth (1981), Donald McKale identifies the earliest source of the myth of Hitler's escape to the southern hemisphere as the unexpected surrender of a German submarine in early July 1945 at Mar del Plata, Argentina.
"Several Buenos Aires newspapers, in defiance of Argentine Navy statements, said that rubber boats had been seen landing from it, and other submarines spotted in the area.
"On July 16, 1945, the Chicago Times carried a sensational article on the Hitlers having slipped off to Argentina.”

July 16, 1945: Chicago Times reports Hitler fled to South America
The Hitler-in-Argentina tale first surfaced in a book back in 1947
"Ladislao Zsabó, a Hungarian advertiser, witnessed the arrival of the U-530 and saw its crew disembarking. He had heard that the destination was the German Antarctica and, mistakenly, made a supposition that Hitler had escaped to Antarctica, and published the book Hitler está Vivo (Hitler is Alive), where he speaks about the possible location of Hitler, in Queen's Maud properties, opposite the Weddel Sea, that was then renamed Neuschwabenland, when the area was explored in 1938/39 by the German expedition [led] by Captain Ritschter.

Brick from wall of Nazi complex in Patagonia
"Zsabó made the wrong assumption.
"Had he read the book by Professor Hugo Fernandez Artucio published in 1940, Nazis en el Uruguay, (Nazis in Uruguay) he would had discovered that there actually was a plan referring to German Antarctica, but this was nothing but the term they used for the Patagonia and that this information had been made public in New York in 1939." [Nil Nikandrov]

'Eagle's Nest" stonework on wall of German complex, Argentina.
Basti doggedly digs deeper
When there's so much smoke there's usually a fire. Basti tracked down that fire during seven years of sometimes grueling investigations.

Author-journalist Abel Basti holds copy of his bestselling book
He personally visited German compounds surrounded by security and stern-faced guards, interviewed surviving witnesses in villages near the strongholds, and even obtained authenticated photographs of Hitler and Braun during their exile years.

Alleged photo of Adolf and Eva with daughter Urich in Argentina
"Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and Führer's closest aides flew from the burning Berlin to Spain...and then crossed the Atlantic Ocean by three submarines and reached Argentina.
"In July-August, 1945 Hitler and his clique landed in the Rio Negro province near the Caleta de los Loros village and moved on further into Argentine.
"Allegedly, the same secret route prepared by SS chief Himmler's staff was later used by Bormann, Mengele, and Eichmann.
"Basti detailed the journey of A. Hitler and E. Braun across Argentina assisted by local Nazi sympathizers and described the couple’s family life during which—despite the hardships of hiding—they even had children."

Alleged photo of Hitler in disguise, Buenos Aires meeting, 1952
Stonewalling Soviets
The Soviets weren't helpful on the matter of the German leader's death.
"The Soviets continued to be difficult. They refused to allow Westerners into Berlin even after the surrender of Dönitz's government and the last armies in the field on May 7-9. On May 10, they announced the existence of the burned bodies in the Chancellory courtyard, but only allowed that one might be Hitler. The same report went on to say that his body might never be found.
"On June 6, a spokesman for the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally that Hitler had committed suicide and that his body had been identified. Three days later, Marshall Zhukov, the head of the Soviet army gave a press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinski looking over his shoulder. 'We did not identify the body of Hitler,' he said. 'I can say nothing definite about his fate. He could have flown away from Berlin at the very last moment.'" [Nil Nikandrov ]
Interview with Basti
In an interview on Deadline - Live, an Argentine news program, journalist Santiago Romero interviewed Abel Basti about Hitler's escape, life in Patagonia, and the events that followed World War Two. ["Hitler huyó a la Patagonia en un submarino que zarpó desde Vigo" Edited.]
Romero: What is your opinion on Hitler’s escape?
Basti: "Hitler escaped via air from Austria to Barcelona. The last stage of his escape was in a submarine, from Vigo, heading straight to the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva Braun, in a car with a chauffeur and bodyguard—a motorcade of at least three cars—drove to Bariloche (Argentina).
"He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of that town. It is a property of about 250,000 acres with a lake-front view of Lake Nahuel Huapi, which had been German property since the early twentieth century, when it belonged to a German firm by the name of Schamburg-Lippe."

An alleged Hitler family home: Hacienda San Ramon
Romero: "On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after leaving his Berlin bunker?"
Basti: "I was able to confirm the presence of Hitler in Spain thanks to a—now elderly—Jesuit priest, whose family members were friends of the Nazi leader. And I have witnesses that allude to meetings he had with his entourage at the place where they stayed in Cantabria.

Mr. and Mrs Hitler in Spain before voyage to Patagonia
"In addition, a document of the British secret services reveals that in those days, a Nazi submarine convoy left Spain, and after stopping in the Canary Islands, it continued its journey to the south of Argentina.
"Hitler and Eva Braun traveled onboard one of these submarines, which later arrived in Patagonia between July and August of 1945, under the de facto President Edelmiro Farrell and later Juan Domingo Peron, then his Minister of War. There is also another important document mentioning that the FBI was looking for Hitler in Spain after World War II."
Romero: "From where did he leave to Patagonia?"
Basti: "All the evidence points to the Galician coast, which was a significant base of supplies for Nazi submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic, to the extent that Churchill considered the possibility of invading it—an action that was scrapped when they built the code-breaking “Enigma” machine and managed to decipher Nazi submarine fleet messages and the course of submarine warfare was reversed.
“There is the possibility that he left from Vigo or Ferrol, but it is almost certain that he did from Vigo, according to Britain’s MI6."
Romero: "What was Hitler’s life in Argentina like?"
Basti: "Hitler lived as a fugitive with his wife and his bodyguard. His first years were in Patagonia, and then he lived in the more northern provinces [of Argentina].
"In the early years, he held meetings in different parts of Argentina, and with other Nazis in Paraguay, as well as with sympathizers from foreign countries.
“He shaved his head and mustache, so he was not easily recognizable. He lived away from large urban areas, although he had a few meetings in Buenos Aires. He died in the sixties in Argentina.
“I’m currently investigating where he was buried and how he lived his last days."
Romero: "Did you have access to documents from the former Soviet Union?"
Basti: "Until his death in 1953, Stalin always believed that Hitler had escaped. In 1945, Stalin told the Allies this same information. There are three different shorthand writings in which Stalin mentioned that the German leader had fled.
"In Argentina, I have interviewed people who had seen and met with Hitler. In the Russian archives, there is abundant documentation that shows that Hitler had escaped."
Romero: "How did your book impact the official story of Hitler’s death?"
Basti: "Despite the recent investigations that proved that Hitler’s remains at the Kremlin in Russia did not belong to him, most Russians have always rejected the theory that he escaped. The same applies to the nations involved in the war:
“The U.S. has just reclassified [under national security auspices] for 20 [more] years all official material related to this story, and when that deadline is met, it will probably be reclassified.
“The British reclassified all related documentation for 60 more years. The researchers cannot access that information."
Link to original article in Spanish.

Amazon books: El exilio de Hitler / Hitler's Exile: Las pruebas de la fuga del fuhre a a la Argentina (Spanish Edition) by Abel Basti (Apr 2010).
2011年9月30日 8:40:27
US: Mysterious glowing tide turns Californian coastline into a neon blue alien landscape
It could be the grim denouement from a science fiction film, as the silhouette of a man solemnly watches a glowing sea, with a child perched atop his shoulders.
But this is not cinema trickery - it's a natural phenomena caused by a chemical reaction called bioluminescence, which happens when a naturally-occurring micro-organism in the water is disturbed, causing a chemical reaction which emits light.
The reaction is similar to the 'glow' that fireflies use to attract prey or mates. Many undersea organisms 'glow', especially creatures that live at depths where light from the surface is less likely to penetrate.
The spellbinding sight was captured at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, California, yesterday. The night-time glow is a side-effect of blooming red algae, known as red tide, which can turn entire beaches scarlet and murky during the day.
The smell of decay, caused by rotting kelp, plankton and fish often accompanies the event as the red algae starves the water of oxygen and light. By night, there is an increase in microscopic plankton called dynoflagellates, which glow in the dark when disturbed by currents or waves.

© KeystoneUSA-ZUMA /Rex Features
Michael Dermyer and his five-year-old son Colin watch the waves glow neon blue from the red tide at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, California
Michael Dermyer and his five-year-old son Colin watch the waves glow neon blue from the red tide at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, California
But this is not cinema trickery - it's a natural phenomena caused by a chemical reaction called bioluminescence, which happens when a naturally-occurring micro-organism in the water is disturbed, causing a chemical reaction which emits light.
The reaction is similar to the 'glow' that fireflies use to attract prey or mates. Many undersea organisms 'glow', especially creatures that live at depths where light from the surface is less likely to penetrate.
The spellbinding sight was captured at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, California, yesterday. The night-time glow is a side-effect of blooming red algae, known as red tide, which can turn entire beaches scarlet and murky during the day.
The smell of decay, caused by rotting kelp, plankton and fish often accompanies the event as the red algae starves the water of oxygen and light. By night, there is an increase in microscopic plankton called dynoflagellates, which glow in the dark when disturbed by currents or waves.
2011年9月30日 10:23:51
Watcher Note: This video, based on psychological manipulation of the UK citizenry, can apply just as easily here in the U.S.. After all, it's the same puppet masters pulling the strings whether it is Britain, Europe, Canada, America, or even China and Russia. This is a WORLD conspiracy, and we'd best pay attention to what is happening in the UK because it is also happening here. The threat is against human liberty everywhere, and in the end, it will take citizens everywhere to put an end to the New World Order attack on our faith and freedom.
By Brian Gerrish
Brian Gerrish gives a presentation in Bournemouth England about how The Nation is being subverted by suttle psychological techniques used by Schools, Media, Government. All meant to destabilise and change the nation. Direct attack upon the people and the culture.
“Keep Calm Carry on (wartime message) because We Have some very dangerous people now controlling the country. They are starting to really hurt people and are starting to pull the country apart…The violence is what they want…. if this happens we lose…in comes the Police State Measures..”. “The country is being subverted from the inside”. Through the use of: fraud, corruption, porn, drugs, child abuse, big brother, big society, codex alimentarius, wars, torture, vaccines, agenda 21, change, one world government, banksters, surveillance and more.
Filmed on Location by The Free World Alliance Camera Crew in England
Watcher Note: This video, based on psychological manipulation of the UK citizenry, can apply just as easily here in the U.S.. After all, it's the same puppet masters pulling the strings whether it is Britain, Europe, Canada, America, or even China and Russia. This is a WORLD conspiracy, and we'd best pay attention to what is happening in the UK because it is also happening here. The threat is against human liberty everywhere, and in the end, it will take citizens everywhere to put an end to the New World Order attack on our faith and freedom.
By Brian Gerrish
Brian Gerrish gives a presentation in Bournemouth England about how The Nation is being subverted by suttle psychological techniques used by Schools, Media, Government. All meant to destabilise and change the nation. Direct attack upon the people and the culture.
“Keep Calm Carry on (wartime message) because We Have some very dangerous people now controlling the country. They are starting to really hurt people and are starting to pull the country apart…The violence is what they want…. if this happens we lose…in comes the Police State Measures..”. “The country is being subverted from the inside”. Through the use of: fraud, corruption, porn, drugs, child abuse, big brother, big society, codex alimentarius, wars, torture, vaccines, agenda 21, change, one world government, banksters, surveillance and more.
Filmed on Location by The Free World Alliance Camera Crew in England
2011年9月30日 3:04:37

by Zen Gardner
A picture's worth a thousand words. And when it's stamped on precious metals?
It seems the silver coin above that appeared in a BeforeItsNews post today is a limited edition produced by a private minter in 2009. However, the intent is unclear. Either way it's meant, it's still a shocker to see it "set in metal" as it were.
However, this reminded me of the "Unity In Diversity" gold "United Future World Currency" coin which is very much for real. This limited run from Russia was debuted, or should I say "run up the flagpole", at the G8 summit by Russian President Medvedev, also in 2009.

Come to think of it, how about the expression "to coin a phrase". Powerful symbols and messages stamped on their little energy tokens that people fondle, covet and stare at all day long.
And these new NWO coins can only portend more societal breakdown and "order out of chaos" manipulation as they attempt to reformat the world and shape it into one of their own wicked design. And money control is at the root of their power wielding.

by Zen Gardner
A picture's worth a thousand words. And when it's stamped on precious metals?
It seems the silver coin above that appeared in a BeforeItsNews post today is a limited edition produced by a private minter in 2009. However, the intent is unclear. Either way it's meant, it's still a shocker to see it "set in metal" as it were.
However, this reminded me of the "Unity In Diversity" gold "United Future World Currency" coin which is very much for real. This limited run from Russia was debuted, or should I say "run up the flagpole", at the G8 summit by Russian President Medvedev, also in 2009.

Coins of the Realm
Besides displaying significant imagery that the PTBs are always trying to rally their plebeian masses around, the fact that a central power recognizes only its own issued currency is a pretty powerful fact. While people will always barter amongst themselves to some extent, the more any centralized cabal can control this energetic life blood called "money", be it metals or electronic debt credits, the easier the world is dominated.Come to think of it, how about the expression "to coin a phrase". Powerful symbols and messages stamped on their little energy tokens that people fondle, covet and stare at all day long.
And these new NWO coins can only portend more societal breakdown and "order out of chaos" manipulation as they attempt to reformat the world and shape it into one of their own wicked design. And money control is at the root of their power wielding.
Apt Quotes To Sink Your Teeth Into
James Madison:
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance."Abraham Lincoln:
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war"James Paul Warburg:
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."Barry Goldwater:
"Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside of the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States."G. D. McDaniel:
"If, as it appears, the experiment that was called 'America' is at an end ... then perhaps a fitting epitaph would be ... 'here lies America the greatest nation that might have been had it not been for the Edomite bankers who first stole their money, used their stolen money to buy their politicians and press and lastly deprived them of their constitutional freedom by the most evil device yet created --- The Federal Reserve Banking System."Louis McFadden:
"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is eager to enter into close relationship with the Bank for International Settlements.... The conclusion is impossible to escape that the State and Treasury Departments are willing to pool the banking system of Europe and America, setting up a world financial power independent of and above the Government of the United States.... The United States under present conditions will be transformed from the most active of manufacturing nations into a consuming and importing nation with a balance of trade against it."
Don't go down with the ship.
Detach from banks, liquidate what holdings you can, and invest in a lifestyle outside of their world. Don't participate. They can't sell their wicked machinations if we're not buying it.
Set an example. Don't just talk about it, but do it. It'll feel great when you do..in fact, just get started and it takes on a life of its own!
See you there!
Love, Zen
Alternative News posts: www.beforeitsnews.com
Website: www.zengardner.com
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