但是做出這一決定的法官不這樣認為。將 負責帶領三人小組的特別移民上訴委員會(SpecialImmigrationAppealsCommission)法官表示:「在我看來,一個有知識而 且公正的觀察者會意識到,議會的目的是我們應該使自己在可能的情況下具有足夠的經驗處理我們必須要決定的非常艱難、非常重要的問題。」
Alien, UFO, Conspiracy, 2012, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, World War 3, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vatican, Black Nobility, Fourth Reich, Paranormal Phenomena. Main purpose of this blog is to explore New World Order and how it related to our real life. Blog updated daily. 揭秘外星人,飛碟,陰謀論,2012,共濟會,光明會,新世界秩序,標達堡,第3次世界大戰,錫安長老會紀要,梵蒂岡,黑貴族,德意志第四帝國及超自然現象。資料訊息來自互聯網,Blog每天更新,這是一個開放的平台讓各網友了解有關新世界秩序的最新消息。
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義大利信評 遭穆迪連降三級
以色列擁核武 土總理視為威脅
(倫敦六日電)土耳其總理艾爾段(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)5日說,以色列因擁有核子武器,已成為所在地區的「威脅」。
歐盟團結救銀行 IMF再金援
(倫敦六日電)歐債風暴吹得歐洲銀行搖搖欲墜,歐盟二十七國財長四日在盧森堡集會後達成共識,矢言將全力捍衛、金援歐洲金融機構;另外,國際貨幣基金組織(IMF) 五日也宣布,為遏止歐債危機蔓延,將在市場收購義大利和西班牙公債。受相關利多消息激勵,在金融類股領軍下,歐洲股市五日一度大漲逾二%,美股三大指數也 小幅上揚。
受歐債危機侵襲,法國與比利時合資的跨國銀行「德克夏銀行集團」(Dexia SA)也宣告不支倒地,四日成為歐洲這一波金融危機中,第一家接受政府紓困的大型銀行,顯示歐債危機日漸失控,已由歐陸周邊國家延燒至歐陸心臟地區。
波吉斯估計,歐洲銀行資本重整大約需一千至二千億歐元,他呼籲,歐洲決策者應對歐洲大型銀行進行資本重組,以挽救市場信心。他還說,以EFSF規 模,應不成問題。對此,德國總理梅克爾五日表示,若歐洲各國達成共識,咸認在目前的市場環境下,銀行流動性吃緊,有必要建立「防火牆」,要求銀行進行資本 重整,歐洲經濟火車頭德國會予以支持。
受歐債危機侵襲,法國與比利時合資的跨國銀行「德克夏銀行集團」(Dexia SA)也宣告不支倒地,四日成為歐洲這一波金融危機中,第一家接受政府紓困的大型銀行,顯示歐債危機日漸失控,已由歐陸周邊國家延燒至歐陸心臟地區。
波吉斯估計,歐洲銀行資本重整大約需一千至二千億歐元,他呼籲,歐洲決策者應對歐洲大型銀行進行資本重組,以挽救市場信心。他還說,以EFSF規 模,應不成問題。對此,德國總理梅克爾五日表示,若歐洲各國達成共識,咸認在目前的市場環境下,銀行流動性吃緊,有必要建立「防火牆」,要求銀行進行資本 重整,歐洲經濟火車頭德國會予以支持。
91歲的二戰老兵格森•萊瑟爾(Gerson Lesser)拄著枴杖,在家人的攙扶下走完了示威遊行全程,令人感佩不已。萊瑟爾身體還很硬朗,但耳朵有點背。他對記者說,「佔領華爾街」示威能讓美國人猛醒,讓他們專注於自己的事情。
七點鐘,天色已晚,老人們陸續離開現場,年輕人還堅持留在現場抗議,並隨時準備向華爾街發起衝擊。來自布魯克林一所中學的年輕姑娘艾米莉(Emilie Strange)揮舞著手中的床單站在街頭抗議。
68歲的越戰老兵比爾•斯特耶爾特(Bill Steyert)孤零零地站在華爾街的入口示威抗議,多名警察站在不遠處盯著他。他對記者說,自己這些天都是僥倖沒有被捕,但他已經做好了被捕的準備。他說,大家應該衝進華爾街「革資本家的命」,而不是在幾個街區外「閒庭信步」。

2009 年,加州大學洛杉磯分校的研究人員有了一個驚人的發現:長期進行冥想的人的大腦與從未冥想的人不同;更具體的說,就是長期進行冥想的人大腦特定區域的發展較佳,腦中的灰白質也較從未冥想的人多。
這是很驚人而且重要的發現,因為大腦一般只會隨著年齡縮小,可能可以解釋為是老年人記憶力等認知功能退化的關係。最近,麻州總醫院的科學家表示,長達 8 週專注的冥想可促使研究對象大腦中與記憶力、自我感覺、同理心及壓力有關的區域獲得顯著的改善。
還有更多證據證實冥想對於人類大腦有深刻而且正面的影響。根據一項由加州大學洛杉磯分校所進行的後續研究顯示,冥想的人大腦區域之間有較緊密的連 結,而且大腦隨年齡萎縮的情況遠少於一般人。大腦區域之間緊密的連結能夠增加大腦中電子訊號傳遞的速度,對於思考及記憶有很大的益處;最重要的是這些影響 對於整個大腦都有幫助。
這項研究總共有 27 名平均年齡 52 歲、有冥想習慣的人參與,並且還有另外 27 名對照組;兩組都由 11 名男性及 16 名女性組成。冥想的組別所進行的冥想方式很多,且已經持續進行 5 年以上。
一名加州大學洛杉磯分校神經影像實驗室的客座助理教授及其他研究人員以擴散張量影像 (Diffusion Tensor Imaging,DTI) 進行研究,這是相對較新的大腦成像技術,能夠描繪大腦內部的結構連結。結果調查人員發現,冥想者與對照組之間的大腦差異並不僅限於核心區域,而是包含整個 大腦的網路,包括邊緣結構及腦幹。
研究人員補充,長期冥想可能在微解剖上引發了變化。冥想似乎是一種強烈的心理活動,具有能夠大幅改變大腦物理結構的可能性;換句話說,似乎已經找到 了方法來控制至今為止被認為是老化過程中無可避免的大腦衰退。即使年齡逐漸增加,冥想還是可能有助於保持大腦年輕、健康及更快更大量的運作。
如同 NaturalNews 先前的報導,其他研究早已經顯示冥想對於健康的益處,如取代藥物對抗憂鬱症、以及有效治療膀胱控制問題等。
發表於 2011 年 10 月 06 日 由 nnadmin
在最近一部好萊塢新電影「全境擴散」 (Contagion) 的預告中,似乎隱含了說服大眾接受疫苗有助於解決致命性重大疾病爆發的意圖。這種手法並不新鮮,只要回顧過去數十年來主流電影的題材並比較不久之後真實世界發生的事情,就可發現,好萊塢與各國政府的宣傳政策有著緊密的連結。
在 1998 年的電影「世界末日」(Armageddon) 當中有一幕不祥的場景:在紐約市一處被隕石碎片擊中時,一名計程車司機告訴乘客說這可能是一起恐怖炸彈攻擊,不久之後,電影就出現世貿大樓遭到小行星撞擊 的畫面;電影的另外一幕裡,太空船上的計時器正巧就顯示在 9:11 的位置。你可以看看這些片段:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkwap_bzeF0
這一切也許只是巧合。但是在電影中,海珊因為這起攻擊受到譴責,受到破壞的雙子星大樓也形似 911 實際發生之後倒塌前的樣貌,加上計時器停在 9 點 11 分的位置,完全預先指出了幾年發生的慘劇。
僅僅是世界末日一部電影可能還不夠具說服力,以下還有許多電影及電視節目可以作為和 911 有關的參考:
- 1999 年在電影「駭客任務」中,在特寫尼歐的護照時,有效期限即止於 2001 年 9 月 11 日。最有趣的是這段畫面是在電影時間 18 分 11 秒時出現,剛好 8 + 1 等於 9。
- 同樣 1999 年在電影「珍珠港」當中,班艾佛列克所飾演的角色進行視力檢查讀出的字也是 911,這起事件是日本帝國針對美國所發起的軍事突擊事件。這是巧合嗎?
- 1997 年在著名的電視卡通「辛普森家庭」當中,河馬爸爸有一次必須自世貿大樓牽回違規停放的汽車,女兒點子手上的手冊上印著搭公車到紐約市 9 美元的廣告,這個 9 剛好就寫在雙子星大樓旁邊,看起來就像是 911。
這只是很多在 911 事件前發生的巧合中的幾個。你可以從這個大圖看到更多:
以 911 事件前所看到的東西為例,接下來將會發生的災難可能是爆發致命性生化武器戰爭。
在近幾年類似「全境擴散」的電影中,包括 1995 年的危機總動員 (Outbreak) 及 2009 年的 2012 等,似乎都指出將會有致命性病毒造成數百萬人死亡。報章媒體在過去幾年也大幅報導致命性病毒,如 2009 年的豬流感和 H1N1 新流感病毒,以及在這之前爆發的禽流感疫情。

在 1998 年的電影「世界末日」(Armageddon) 當中有一幕不祥的場景:在紐約市一處被隕石碎片擊中時,一名計程車司機告訴乘客說這可能是一起恐怖炸彈攻擊,不久之後,電影就出現世貿大樓遭到小行星撞擊 的畫面;電影的另外一幕裡,太空船上的計時器正巧就顯示在 9:11 的位置。你可以看看這些片段:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkwap_bzeF0
這一切也許只是巧合。但是在電影中,海珊因為這起攻擊受到譴責,受到破壞的雙子星大樓也形似 911 實際發生之後倒塌前的樣貌,加上計時器停在 9 點 11 分的位置,完全預先指出了幾年發生的慘劇。
僅僅是世界末日一部電影可能還不夠具說服力,以下還有許多電影及電視節目可以作為和 911 有關的參考:
- 1999 年在電影「駭客任務」中,在特寫尼歐的護照時,有效期限即止於 2001 年 9 月 11 日。最有趣的是這段畫面是在電影時間 18 分 11 秒時出現,剛好 8 + 1 等於 9。
- 同樣 1999 年在電影「珍珠港」當中,班艾佛列克所飾演的角色進行視力檢查讀出的字也是 911,這起事件是日本帝國針對美國所發起的軍事突擊事件。這是巧合嗎?
- 1997 年在著名的電視卡通「辛普森家庭」當中,河馬爸爸有一次必須自世貿大樓牽回違規停放的汽車,女兒點子手上的手冊上印著搭公車到紐約市 9 美元的廣告,這個 9 剛好就寫在雙子星大樓旁邊,看起來就像是 911。
這只是很多在 911 事件前發生的巧合中的幾個。你可以從這個大圖看到更多:
以 911 事件前所看到的東西為例,接下來將會發生的災難可能是爆發致命性生化武器戰爭。
在近幾年類似「全境擴散」的電影中,包括 1995 年的危機總動員 (Outbreak) 及 2009 年的 2012 等,似乎都指出將會有致命性病毒造成數百萬人死亡。報章媒體在過去幾年也大幅報導致命性病毒,如 2009 年的豬流感和 H1N1 新流感病毒,以及在這之前爆發的禽流感疫情。
2011年10月5日 9:55:29
'Mystery Image' In Pearl Harbor Photo
Load Up On Gold And Silver As Bernanke Dives Off The Deep End
Two Suns Filmed Over Hungary
Parallel Universes: Life Does Exists In Multiverse Parallel Universes
“地球刮刀“ 概念隱藏地下1000英尺的摩天大樓
The folks over at Mexican architecture group BNKR Arquitectura call this thing an "earthscraper," and the reason why should be obvious: it's a monstrous, beautiful, 65-story inverted skyscraper that hides a mini city underground.
Designed to be built smack-dab in the center of Mexico City, BNKR's Earthscraper wouldn't ruin the skyline there (though, really, who would object to something that looks like this?) and is designed in such a way that it would incorporate Mexico's history in its design. The top ten floors — which, here, would be the "bottom" ten — is a museum and cultural center dedicated to the Aztecs. Below that you've got retail space, then apartments and finally, deep underground, businesses. Because, you know, that's where business do their best work. It all terminates some 300 meters below the surface.
Our favorite detail: the interior of the structure is actually hollowed out, and there are bridges that extend out into the center of it so you can look down. Think the Grand Canyon's Skywalk.
We've got plenty more for you down in the gallery below, but this gorgeous cross-section deserves its own spot, and will let you see how the structure breaks down by the floor:
More here
'Mystery Image' In Pearl Harbor Photo
Load Up On Gold And Silver As Bernanke Dives Off The Deep End
Two Suns Filmed Over Hungary
Parallel Universes: Life Does Exists In Multiverse Parallel Universes
“地球刮刀“ 概念隱藏地下1000英尺的摩天大樓
Designed to be built smack-dab in the center of Mexico City, BNKR's Earthscraper wouldn't ruin the skyline there (though, really, who would object to something that looks like this?) and is designed in such a way that it would incorporate Mexico's history in its design. The top ten floors — which, here, would be the "bottom" ten — is a museum and cultural center dedicated to the Aztecs. Below that you've got retail space, then apartments and finally, deep underground, businesses. Because, you know, that's where business do their best work. It all terminates some 300 meters below the surface.
Our favorite detail: the interior of the structure is actually hollowed out, and there are bridges that extend out into the center of it so you can look down. Think the Grand Canyon's Skywalk.
We've got plenty more for you down in the gallery below, but this gorgeous cross-section deserves its own spot, and will let you see how the structure breaks down by the floor:
More here
2011年10月5日 5:24:07
'Mystery Image' In Pearl Harbor Photo
The 65 Story"Underground SkyScraper"
Two Suns Filmed Over Hungary
Load Up On Gold And Silver As Bernanke Dives Off The Deep End
October 4, 2011
Down below four documentaries explores the possibility of Multiverse Parallel Universes and are other universes already trying to communicate with ours?
Discovery Channel - Curiosity: Parallel Universes – Are They Real? [September 4, 2011]
Curiosity - Parallel Universes 发布人 ufoblogger
National Geographic - Parallel Universes 发布人 videopedia
National Geographic - Parallel Universes 发布人 videopedia
National Geographic - Parallel Universes 发布人 videopedia
[Source www.ufo-blogger.com ]
'Mystery Image' In Pearl Harbor Photo
The 65 Story"Underground SkyScraper"
Two Suns Filmed Over Hungary
Load Up On Gold And Silver As Bernanke Dives Off The Deep End
October 4, 2011
In 1954, a young Princeton university doctoral candidate named Hugh Everett III came up with a radical idea: That there exist parallel universes, exactly like our universe. These universes are all related to ours; indeed, they branch off from ours, and our universe is branched off of others. Within these parallel universes, our wars have had diferent outcomes than the ones we know. Species that are extinct in our universe have evolved and adapted in others. In other universes, we humans may have become extinct.
This thought boggles the mind and yet, it is still comprehensible. Notions of parallel universes or dimensions that resemble our own have appeared in works of science fiction and have been used as explanations for metaphysics.
With his Many Worlds theory, Everett was attempting to answer a rather sticky question related to quantum physics: why does quantum matter behave erratically? The quantum level is the smallest one science has detected so far. The study of quantum physics began in 1900, when the physicist Max Planck first introduced the concept to the scientific world. Planck's study of radiation yielded some unusual findings that contradicted classical physical laws. These findings suggested that there are other laws at work in the universe, operating on a deeper level than the one we know.
Parallel Universes: Split or String?
The Many-Worlds theory and the Copenhagen interpretation aren't the only competitors trying to explain the basic level of the universe. In fact, quantum mechanics isn't even the only field within physics searching for such an explanation.
Following his famous Theory of Relativity, Einstein spent the rest of his life looking for the one final level that would answer all physical questions. Physicists refer to this phantom theory as the Theory of Everything. Quantum physicists believe that they are on the trail of finding that final theory. But another field of physics believes that the quantum level is not the smallest level, so it therefore could not provide the Theory of Everything.
These physicists turn instead to a theoretical subquantum level called string theory for the answers to all of life. String theory was originated by the physicist Michio Kaku.
His theory says that the essential building blocks of all matter as well as all of the physical forces in the universe -- like gravity -- exist on a subquantum level. These building block resemble tiny rubber bands - or strings - that make up quarks - quantum particles -, and in turn electrons, and atoms, and cells and so on. Exactly what kind of matter is created by the strings and how that matter behaves depends on the vibration of these strings. It is in this manner that our entire universe is composed. And according to string theory, this composition takes place across 11 separate dimensions.
According to the theory, our own universe is like a bubble that exists alongside similar parallel universes. Unlike the Many Worlds theory, String theory supposes that these universes can come into contact with one another. Gravity can flow between these parallel universes. When these universes interact, a Big Bang like the one that created our universe occurs.
His theory says that the essential building blocks of all matter as well as all of the physical forces in the universe -- like gravity -- exist on a subquantum level. These building block resemble tiny rubber bands - or strings - that make up quarks - quantum particles -, and in turn electrons, and atoms, and cells and so on. Exactly what kind of matter is created by the strings and how that matter behaves depends on the vibration of these strings. It is in this manner that our entire universe is composed. And according to string theory, this composition takes place across 11 separate dimensions.
According to the theory, our own universe is like a bubble that exists alongside similar parallel universes. Unlike the Many Worlds theory, String theory supposes that these universes can come into contact with one another. Gravity can flow between these parallel universes. When these universes interact, a Big Bang like the one that created our universe occurs.
Einstein didn't live long enough to see his quest for the Theory of Everything taken up by others. Then again, if Many Worlds is correct, Einstein is still alive in a parallel universe. Perhaps in that universe, physicists have already found the Theory of Everything.
Down below four documentaries explores the possibility of Multiverse Parallel Universes and are other universes already trying to communicate with ours?
Discovery Channel - Curiosity: Parallel Universes – Are They Real? [September 4, 2011]
Curiosity - Parallel Universes 发布人 ufoblogger
National Geographic - Parallel Universes 发布人 videopedia
National Geographic - Parallel Universes 发布人 videopedia
National Geographic - Parallel Universes 发布人 videopedia
[Source www.ufo-blogger.com ]
低維生素 B12水平可能會導致腦萎縮,認知問題
2011年10月7日 6:54:03
Older people with low blood levels of vitamin B12 markers may be more likely to have lower brain volumes and have problems with their thinking skills, according to researchers at Rush University Medical Center.
The results of the study are published in the Sept. 27 issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Foods that come from animals, including fish, meat, especially liver, milk, eggs and poultry are usual sources of vitamin B12.
The study involved 121 older residents of the South side of Chicago who are a part of the Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP), which is a large, ongoing prospective Rush a biracial cohort of 10,000 subjects over the age of 65.
The 121 participants had blood drawn to measure levels of vitamin B12 and B12-related markers that can indicate a B12 deficiency. The same subjects took tests measuring their memory and other cognitive skills.
An average of four-and-a-half years later, MRI scans of the participants’ brains were taken to measure total brain volume and look for other signs of brain damage.
Having high levels of four of five markers for vitamin B12 deficiency was associated with having lower scores on the cognitive tests and smaller total brain volume.
“Our findings definitely deserve further examination,” said Christine C. Tangney, PhD, associate professor in the department of clinical nutrition at Rush University Medical Center, and lead author of the study. “It’s too early to say whether increasing vitamin B12 levels in older people through diet or supplements could prevent these problems, but it is an interesting question to explore. Findings from a British trial with B vitamin supplementation are also supportive of these outcomes.”
On the cognitive tests, the scores ranged from -2.18 to 1.42, with an average of 0.23. For each increase of one micromole per liter of homocysteine—one of the markers of B12 deficiency—the cognitive scores decreasedby 0.03 standardized units or points.
Tangney noted that the level of vitamin B12 itself in the blood was not associated with cognitive problems or loss in brain volume. She said that low vitamin B12 can be difficult to detect in older people when looking only at blood levels of the vitamin.
“Our findings lend support for the contention that poor vitamin B12 status is a potential risk factor for brain atrophy and may contribute to cognitive impairment,” said Tangney.
Other researchers at Rush involved in the study were Dr. Neelum T. Aggarwal, Hong Li, Robert S. Wilson, PhD, Dr. Denis Evans and Martha Clare Morris, ScD.
The study was supported by the National Institute on Aging.
Older people with low blood levels of vitamin B12 markers may be more likely to have lower brain volumes and have problems with their thinking skills, according to researchers at Rush University Medical Center.
The results of the study are published in the Sept. 27 issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
Foods that come from animals, including fish, meat, especially liver, milk, eggs and poultry are usual sources of vitamin B12.
The study involved 121 older residents of the South side of Chicago who are a part of the Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP), which is a large, ongoing prospective Rush a biracial cohort of 10,000 subjects over the age of 65.
The 121 participants had blood drawn to measure levels of vitamin B12 and B12-related markers that can indicate a B12 deficiency. The same subjects took tests measuring their memory and other cognitive skills.
An average of four-and-a-half years later, MRI scans of the participants’ brains were taken to measure total brain volume and look for other signs of brain damage.
Having high levels of four of five markers for vitamin B12 deficiency was associated with having lower scores on the cognitive tests and smaller total brain volume.
“Our findings definitely deserve further examination,” said Christine C. Tangney, PhD, associate professor in the department of clinical nutrition at Rush University Medical Center, and lead author of the study. “It’s too early to say whether increasing vitamin B12 levels in older people through diet or supplements could prevent these problems, but it is an interesting question to explore. Findings from a British trial with B vitamin supplementation are also supportive of these outcomes.”
On the cognitive tests, the scores ranged from -2.18 to 1.42, with an average of 0.23. For each increase of one micromole per liter of homocysteine—one of the markers of B12 deficiency—the cognitive scores decreasedby 0.03 standardized units or points.
Tangney noted that the level of vitamin B12 itself in the blood was not associated with cognitive problems or loss in brain volume. She said that low vitamin B12 can be difficult to detect in older people when looking only at blood levels of the vitamin.
“Our findings lend support for the contention that poor vitamin B12 status is a potential risk factor for brain atrophy and may contribute to cognitive impairment,” said Tangney.
Other researchers at Rush involved in the study were Dr. Neelum T. Aggarwal, Hong Li, Robert S. Wilson, PhD, Dr. Denis Evans and Martha Clare Morris, ScD.
The study was supported by the National Institute on Aging.
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Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
The Food and Drug Administration, a very pro-vaccine government organization, has stopped Merck’s attempts to increase the approved age range for death-linked HPV vaccine Gardasil to 45. It appears that even the FDA is concerned about the effects of the Gardasil immunization, which has been tied to over 49 deaths along with countless negative reactions that have led to hospitalizations and crippled health.
The FDA stated that clinical data presented by Merck, the creator of the vaccine, failed to show that Gardasil effectively prevented infections in women 27 to 45 years old. This is particularly shocking due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies oftentimes illegally alter the numeric turnouts of studies regarding the effectiveness and safety of their drugs and immunizations. What this means is that in the event Merck smeared the results, they were still unconvincing enough to pass by the FDA, an agency that allows for genetically modified foods to be consumed by United States despite the warnings of health experts and major studies worldwide.
The rejection will also lead to changes on the Gardasil label. The label will now state that the product ”has not been demonstrated to prevent HPV-related cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3 or worse in women older than 26 years of age,” says Merck.
Gardasil, of course, is highly ineffective and unsafe at any age. One recently compelling piece of evidence against the Gardasil vaccine is the finding of rDNA inside the vaccine vials. SANE Vax, a vaccine research organization, tested vials of Gardasil to get a better understanding as to why the vaccine has resulted in so many deaths and adverse health reactions. What they found was that more than a dozen of the Gardasil vaccine vials studied were contaminted with the rDNA of the human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV).
This rDNA is not naturally occurring, and has serious implications. It is the result of genetically modified HPV virus, meaning a heavily altered form of HPV is actually added to the vaccine during its manufacturing process.
In addition, the vials were not only found within the United States. Vials were also collected from Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Poland and France.
Dr. Lee, the pathologist who ran the tests, explained:
Stay away from this vaccine.
Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.
Activist Post
The Food and Drug Administration, a very pro-vaccine government organization, has stopped Merck’s attempts to increase the approved age range for death-linked HPV vaccine Gardasil to 45. It appears that even the FDA is concerned about the effects of the Gardasil immunization, which has been tied to over 49 deaths along with countless negative reactions that have led to hospitalizations and crippled health.
The FDA stated that clinical data presented by Merck, the creator of the vaccine, failed to show that Gardasil effectively prevented infections in women 27 to 45 years old. This is particularly shocking due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies oftentimes illegally alter the numeric turnouts of studies regarding the effectiveness and safety of their drugs and immunizations. What this means is that in the event Merck smeared the results, they were still unconvincing enough to pass by the FDA, an agency that allows for genetically modified foods to be consumed by United States despite the warnings of health experts and major studies worldwide.
The rejection will also lead to changes on the Gardasil label. The label will now state that the product ”has not been demonstrated to prevent HPV-related cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3 or worse in women older than 26 years of age,” says Merck.
Gardasil is dangerous and ineffective at all ages
Gardasil, of course, is highly ineffective and unsafe at any age. One recently compelling piece of evidence against the Gardasil vaccine is the finding of rDNA inside the vaccine vials. SANE Vax, a vaccine research organization, tested vials of Gardasil to get a better understanding as to why the vaccine has resulted in so many deaths and adverse health reactions. What they found was that more than a dozen of the Gardasil vaccine vials studied were contaminted with the rDNA of the human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV).
This rDNA is not naturally occurring, and has serious implications. It is the result of genetically modified HPV virus, meaning a heavily altered form of HPV is actually added to the vaccine during its manufacturing process.
In addition, the vials were not only found within the United States. Vials were also collected from Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Poland and France.
Dr. Lee, the pathologist who ran the tests, explained:
Natural HPV DNA does not remain in the bloodstream for very long. However, the HPV DNA in Gardasil is not ‘natural’ DNA. It is a recombinant HPV DNA (rDNA) — genetically engineered — to be inserted into yeast cells for VLP (virus-like-particle) protein production. rDNA is known to behave differently from natural DNA. It may enter a human cell, especially in an inflammatory lesion caused by the effects of the aluminum adjuvant, via poorly understood mechanisms. Once a segment of recombinant DNA is inserted into a human cell, the consequences are hard to predict.Children are being injected with genetically modified forms of the very virus that Gardasil seeks to “treat” with unknown consequence. With possible mutation of affected cells, the HPV rDNA may cause irrevocable damage to young bodies worldwide, in addition to the deaths and other side effects it has already been linked to.
Stay away from this vaccine.
Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.
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