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陰謀論: 垃圾食物讓你上癮,如同吸毒


根據 Bloomberg Businessweek 的報導,最近許多研究數據皆將垃圾食物成癮的嚴重性視同藥物成癮,高果糖玉米糖漿、味精、氫化植物油、精製糖分以及各種加工垃圾食品中的化學添加物對於大腦的影響就如可卡因一樣。
2010 年的一項研究發現,餵食培根、蛋糕、乳酪蛋糕及糖霜的老鼠大腦活動及功能皆產生大幅的轉變,而這些轉變和藥物成癮時的情況一模一樣。




In 1999 the world changed. The money trust changed, the law, technology, and the general direction of the planet. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show how they control everyone on demand, as well as end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public. This web site is my account of the entire last decade. I’m sure I’m missing something here or there, but this is 95% accurate I think.

The Reason for Everything

Let’s just get right too it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.

What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It’s only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies. A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would subsequently allow for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it.
The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma. Obviously, the advantage of such system is that it would not interfere with either the blood flow exchange of gases or produce any type of disruption of brain activity, due to the tiny space occupied in the vascular bed.

What is the Purpose of Chemtrails

Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. Its large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to idiots in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason

Rockefeller: 軟性人口滅絕計劃

For The Record: Rockefeller Soft Kill Depopulation Plans Exposed

Jurriaan Maessen
March 26, 2012
In the course of August and September 2010, I wrote several articles for Infowars on the Rockefeller Foundation’s admitted funding and developing of anti-fertility vaccines intended for “mass-scale distribution.” As the soft-kill depopulation agenda accelerates it seems all the more relevant to re-post these articles as one. I ask the great Infowars-readership to project this information out to as many people as possible. Only by countering the elite’s disinformation with genuine information do we stand a chance against their plans for humanity.
Jurriaan Maessen
1: Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction
In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called “anti-fertility vaccines” and their implementation on a mass-scale. From page 51 onward we read:
(…) several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those that have been tested have serious problems of toxicity. Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.
The possibility of using vaccines to reduce male fertility was something that needed to be investigated further, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, because both the oral pill and the IUD were not suitable for mass-scale distribution:
We are faced with the danger that within a few years these two “modern” methods, for which such high hopes have been held, will in fact turn out to be impracticable on a mass scale.”
The possibility of administrating hormone preparations to reduce fertility was also mentioned, although- states the report- they have been known to “cause bleeding problems, which may limit their usefulness.”
“A semipermanent or renewable subcutaneous implant of these hormones has been suggested, but whether or not the same difficulties would result has not been determined.”
Saying that research thus-far had been too low-grade to produce any substantial results, the report was adamant:
“The Foundation will endeavour to assist in filling this important gap in several ways:
1- “Seeking out or encouraging the development of, and providing partial support to, a few centres of excellence in universities and research institutions in the United States and abroad in which the methods and points of view of molecular biology are teamed with the more traditional approaches of histology, embryology,and endocrinology in research pertinent to development of fertility control methods;”
2- “Supporting research of individual investigators, oriented toward development of contraceptive methods or of basic information on human reproduction relevant to such developments;”
3- “Encouraging, by making research funds available, as well as by other means, established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control;”
4- “Encouraging more biology and biochemistry students to elect careers in reproductive biology and human fertility control, through support of research and teaching programs in departments of zoology, biology, and biochemistry.”
The list goes on and on. Motivation for these activities, according to the RF?
“There are an estimated five million women among America’s poverty and near-poverty groups who need birth control service (…). The unchecked fertility of the indigent does much to perpetuate poverty, undereducation, and underemployment, not only in urban slums, but also in depressed rural areas.”