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日本東北及本州以東海岸先後發生6.8級地震,氣象廳一度發出海嘯報。北海道及青森縣沿岸,分別湧起10厘米及20厘米高的海浪,當局勸喻居民疏散。地震在本港時間下午大約5時發生,震央位於北海道釧路以南大約235公里,震源深度10公里。到本港時間晚上7時前, 在本州以東海岸附近再發生6.1級地震,震源深度9.5公里。東北地區幾座核設施均無異常。

光明會: The Anglo-Saxon Mission Part I

Interview transcript – Project Camelot January 2010
B: Now somebody reading this will ask: Okay, so this is what they were discussing in 2005. How can you know that this plan is still on track, that things haven’t changed radically, that they haven’t abandoned it completely, that there hasn’t been some big U-turn or epiphany here? What makes you so certain that this is still on track?
W: Because of the events that have taken place since 2005. I think that’s probably the most coherent way to look at it. We’ve already had a so-called financial collapse. It wasn’t a collapse at all. It was a centralization of financial power. That’s happened. It’s certainly happened in the United States. It’s most certainly happened in the United Kingdom. It’s most certainly happened in France and in Germany. So all the key players in the Western world centralized their financial assets.
B: Was this talked about in the meeting?
W: Yes! It took up quite a large part of that meeting about how it was going to happen. Bear in mind where the meeting took place – in the City of London. The City is the financial hub of the world, beyond any question.
B: So what you’re saying then is that all of these things have happened according to their roll-out of this plan.
W: That’s right – and all the preparations that need to be in place before this type of conflict takes place, that’s already been put in place too.
B: Such as what? What are you referring to?
W: Well you’re talking about key figures taking over. Let’s take a good example here and this is one that probably most people in the United Kingdom are unaware of, is that the British private security industry employs somewhere in the region of 500,000 people, which is far more than the UK military. The UK military is far smaller than that. The UK military is only a couple of hundred thousand. You’re talking 500,000 people working in private security industry at the moment.
Now prior to 2005, there was no regulation for that. There was no training for them. There was no unification of that force of people. And behind the scenes – and this is something people should be able to be aware of, especially living in the UK – there was the 2001 Private Security Industry Act.
Now, that act meant that anybody working within the private sector had to undergo certain training. They also had to be police-checked. It makes a kind of civilian sense for people who are working in areas of such security responsibility should be police-checked.
These police checks… everything gets found out. It’s not just if you’ve committed a crime or not. Believe me, you can find out far much more about that individual through a police check.
And then there’s training. This training is all about managing conflict: what to do in times of conflict, how to manage it, how to control it. And then they’re taught how to use controlled force. It extends from there.

光明會: The Anglo-Saxon Mission Part II

Illuminati: The Anglo-Saxon Mission Part II

Interview transcript – Project Camelot January 2010
B: Now somebody reading this will ask: Okay, so this is what they were discussing in 2005. How can you know that this plan is still on track, that things haven’t changed radically, that they haven’t abandoned it completely, that there hasn’t been some big U-turn or epiphany here? What makes you so certain that this is still on track?
W: Because of the events that have taken place since 2005. I think that’s probably the most coherent way to look at it. We’ve already had a so-called financial collapse. It wasn’t a collapse at all. It was a centralization of financial power. That’s happened. It’s certainly happened in the United States. It’s most certainly happened in the United Kingdom. It’s most certainly happened in France and in Germany. So all the key players in the Western world centralized their financial assets.
B: Was this talked about in the meeting?
W: Yes! It took up quite a large part of that meeting about how it was going to happen. Bear in mind where the meeting took place – in the City of London. The City is the financial hub of the world, beyond any question.
B: So what you’re saying then is that all of these things have happened according to their roll-out of this plan.
W: That’s right – and all the preparations that need to be in place before this type of conflict takes place, that’s already been put in place too.
B: Such as what? What are you referring to?
W: Well you’re talking about key figures taking over. Let’s take a good example here and this is one that probably most people in the United Kingdom are unaware of, is that the British private security industry employs somewhere in the region of 500,000 people, which is far more than the UK military. The UK military is far smaller than that. The UK military is only a couple of hundred thousand. You’re talking 500,000 people working in private security industry at the moment.
Now prior to 2005, there was no regulation for that. There was no training for them. There was no unification of that force of people. And behind the scenes – and this is something people should be able to be aware of, especially living in the UK – there was the 2001 Private Security Industry Act.
Now, that act meant that anybody working within the private sector had to undergo certain training. They also had to be police-checked. It makes a kind of civilian sense for people who are working in areas of such security responsibility should be police-checked.
These police checks… everything gets found out. It’s not just if you’ve committed a crime or not. Believe me, you can find out far much more about that individual through a police check.
And then there’s training. This training is all about managing conflict: what to do in times of conflict, how to manage it, how to control it. And then they’re taught how to use controlled force. It extends from there.

2012極秘謀體戰 The Secret Media War of 2012

By Ron Holland

"See this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is president." – A hot microphone picked up a reporter attacking Ron Paul recently before a Pentagon briefing began.
We are currently in the middle of the long war of the Internet Reformation, although the press will never mention this. Effectively, there has been an ongoing war between the non-controlled alternative media and the establishment media since the inception of in 1999. Since then many quality alternative media websites have been added to the competition while the elite media's credibility, reach and ability to manipulate debate and public opinion has been declining. The Internet Reformation is slowly winning and to date, this has been shown most clearly with the 2012 Ron Paul presidential campaign.
The GOP neocon puppet-masters are terrified, especially when Republican crowds at televised debates cheer Ron Paul's non-interventionist foreign policy remarks because this threatens their control over US foreign policy in what was formerly their secure home turf. Try as they might the media has not been able to destroy the Ron Paul Campaign.
Is the Great Establishment Media Purge Beginning?
"They can't be afraid of me...I'm not going to be President of the United States. They are afraid of the ideas we express because they're afraid of the people." – Pat Buchanan
Back in the old Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin created the "Great Purge" of political repression and persecution during 1936 to 1938. Stalin was paranoid and very fearful of individuals he considered enemies of the people and counter-revolutionary because these dissenters threatened his dictatorial control and authority over the nation.
It appears the mainstream media elites in the US may also worry about their future ability to control public opinion and elections in America. In the last week we have seen MSNBC, on the left, purge Pat Buchanan from the network and Fox News, on the right, eliminate Judge Andrew Napolitano's "Freedom Watch" after both expressed opinions and views that threaten the political institutions, control and goals of the power elite. The first question asked must be: Why now rather than later as, after all, both men have expressed their anti-establishment views for years without repercussions?

2012: 外星人控制地球檔案 2012: The Case For Alien Control Of Earth

by Zen Gardner
Just think about how pervasive the control plan is and some of the freakier phenomena we’re witnessing. I don’t subscribe to all of us being hopelessly co-opted, but if we don’t realize the extent and nature of this massively powerful matrix projection we’re living in we’ll never be able to fully dispel it.
There are some very huge dots that perhaps many are not connecting. Just don’t let it freak you out when the picture comes into focus. The real you, your eternal consciousness, your true soul, is not subject to all this mumbo jumbo we’re being hit with. That’s why hiding the knowledge of your innate eternal unstoppable true inter-dimensional freedom is the biggest cover-up of all.

The fact is, whomever’s making this mess of humanity and our planet, we clearly don’t need them. They need to be exposed by the light of Truth and done away with. But to do that we need to realize what we’re up against.

Artifact make you think?

2012年:地極轉移?進入陰陽魔界? 2012: Has Something Shifted? Entering the Twilight Zone?

by Aluna Joy Yaxk’in

Has Something Shifted? Entering the Twilight Zone?

Just as you thought life couldn’t get any weirder – it did! You don’t have to be a super psychic to feel that the energy has accelerated with a strange new twist. Many are feeling a little dizzy or out of balance / out of body, while others are feeling just plain tired and taking some much needed catnaps.We are also seeing a trend of small and some not so small weird mishaps; from bumping your heads to full on life threatening accidents. Other health issues are on the rise as well. Some are feeling confused and feel stuck and without guidance.

We Can Feel It. Something Has Shifted

This transformational, evolutionary amplified energy has certainly got everyone’s attention. Something has shifted and you are not real sure what this means, what caused it, and how you fit into the new energy. You find yourself questioning who you are and why you are here with a renewed vengeance.

Do you remember that you came to Earth this time around for the much anticipated BIG SHIFT of the ages? Your not being here this time around was completely out of the question. That would be like missing out on getting tickets to the Big Movie Premiere. You couldn’t have that so away you came all in a big hurry to get here so you wouldn’t miss out. Well the mission was accomplished. You haven’t missed out on a thing and the front row tickets to the big show is in your pocket. You made it just in time!

Now being here for the big shift, the premiere for earths ascension, means that you will learn and enjoy energy fluctuations and accelerations without knowing fully what is going on. The big mystery of knowing you do not know, is part of the fun you expected when you bought the ticket. We are little kids exploring the world and we make of it what we will. It is like a big cosmic roller coaster, we scream on the way up and down, but we love it just the same.

陰謀論: 奧巴馬正在謀殺美國? Obama Is Killing America

Dr. Laurie Roth
The assaults against our freedoms, people and business by this President are making Katrina and the Tsunami that hit Japan look like a mud puddle kids play in. We have politicians putting on the ‘face’ of human service in the House and Senate these days. These zombie, people impersonators are peppered through the ranks of Republicans and Democrats. Their treasonous drool is staining our Constitution, freedoms, and pocket books. health and reputation as people.
It is time for a real Doctor to weigh in on the dying patient. There can be no more radiation, chemo or surgeries. The disease has spread everywhere. Congress and our President cannot be trusted. There are only three ways to save the patient now: 1) Cut out 100% of the Obama and anti America infection in November 2012. 2) Pray to the living God of the Holy Bible for help and guidance. 3) Put in a President in 2012 who loves and submits to the God of the Holy Bible, loves the United States of America and has real and visionary ideas to get us back on track.
I don’t know about you but I like plain talk and am sick of the sea of betrayals, attacks and lies by the Obama regime and anti America scum in the House and Senate. Why are there polite lunches and ‘appropriate anything’ at this stage? There should be screaming, pounding of fists on tables and demands by real conservatives in the House and Senate that the attacks and constitutional breaches stop at the hands of Obama’s regime.
You would have thought ages ago, our congress would have filed impeachment papers against this President, but no. Whether the Senate cooperated or not it doesn’t matter a hill of beans. Some of our political leaders filing impeachment papers against Obama would have demonstrated at least leadership amidst rampant corruption in the White House!
The people are wondering – can and does anyone have the guts to lead and serve America and HER values. I think we now know the answer to that question. This week I talked with Executive Director of, America’s legal analyst and regular radio guest Steve Eichler about the gross neglect of congress all this time. He said at this point the best thing they could do is simply nothing. I was dumb struck at first hearing this, then realized he was probably right. Those who have voted against our Constitution, the people and freedoms in the House, Senate and White must be thrown out.