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白宮﹕勿過度報道朝鮮射衛星 干預新聞自由 網民稱心寒

【明報專訊】美國新聞網站Politico記者爆料稱,正當朝鮮(北韓)就「發射衛星」一事大打「透明牌」,罕有邀請 美國CNN、美聯社等外國記者到發射場採訪,甚至派員觀看發射之際,美國政府的應對策略,是私下警告本國傳媒切勿「過分報道」,以免「淪為對方的宣傳機 器」。事件惹來干預新聞自由的非議,有美國專家亦反對華府的做法。
Politico記者拜爾斯(Dylan Byers)發表網誌文章稱,白宮國家安全委員會的發言人菲托爾(Tommy Vietor)周一提醒記者「提防為朝鮮宣傳」。菲托爾聲言﹕「你毋須是火箭學家都知道到這是(朝鮮的)文宣。記者須提防不要被收買。」

由 於朝鮮罕有廣邀國際傳媒採訪發射,包括CNN、全國廣播公司(NBC)、美國廣播公司(ABC)等美國電視台和媒體都派員遠赴朝鮮,幾乎天天發表採訪報 道。菲托爾質疑朝鮮想「利用傳媒」,向世界宣傳今次發射是一趟「宇宙開發」,他堅稱,朝鮮的運送衛星火箭,「實質是測試導彈技術」。他同時指出,朝鮮規範 了外國記者採訪範圍,令近一周鋪天蓋地的報道,大都聚焦於發射一事,卻無法走訪農村地帶了解捱餓的人民。

但拜爾斯指出,不少美國的朝鮮問題 專家,都認為這次發射是一次大事,絕對值得大幅報道,他引述小布殊時代的東亞事務官員里維爾(Evans Revere)說,現在是朝鮮涉嫌違反安理會決議發射火箭,是重要事件。回應拜爾斯文章的網民,普遍反對白宮限制傳媒報道的做法。一網民說﹕「華府如此經 常公開指使傳媒怎樣去作跟官方政策符合的報道,令人心寒。」另一網民說﹕「奧巴馬聲稱其政府是史上最透明的說法,是個笑話。」


負 責運送地球觀察衛星「光明星3」號的朝鮮火箭裝組已完成,預定於明天(周四)至下周一之間,朝南方發射,料將掠過沖繩上空。日本稱已作好攔截火箭準備,又 開始廣播通知船舶提防有火箭殘骸物落下。全日空、日本航空、菲律賓航空等涉及往來美日韓星菲的數十班航機屆時將改道避開火箭發射。中國外交部昨呼籲各方保 持冷靜克制,同時宣布推遲軍委副主席郭伯雄原定中旬訪日的行程。北京學者高海寬解釋,對於朝鮮這次發射,日本表現比過去激烈,部署了攔截導彈,在朝鮮問題 上,中日有較大分歧,「不讓中國支持朝鮮」是不易實現的。


明報專訊】美國「國家科學院學報」 (Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences)發表的一項研究顯示,台灣尿道癌和腎臟癌病例,近六成和含馬兜鈴酸的中草藥有關。台灣有三分之一人口近年曾攝取馬兜鈴酸。台灣人罹患尿 道癌和腎臟癌的病例較不常食馬兜鈴的西方國家高出4倍。

新世界秩序: 為何美國要在亞洲稱霸?

pipelineWhy Does The U.S. Have An Empire In Asia?

By Paul Craig Roberts – BLN Contributing Writer
Published on 11-06-2009
The US government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of the House and Senate.
Voters will vent their frustrations over their impotence on the president, which implies a future of one-term presidents. Soon our presidents will be as ineffective as Roman emperors in the final days of that empire.
Obama is already set on the course to a one-term presidency. He promised change, but has delivered none. His health care bill is held hostage by the private insurance companies seeking greater profits. The most likely outcome will be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund wars that enrich the military/security complex and the many companies created by privatizing services that the military once provided for itself at far lower costs. It would be interesting to know the percentage of the $700+ billion“defense” spending that goes to private companies. In American “capitalism,” an amazing amount of taxpayers’ earnings go to private firms via the government. Yet, Republicans scream about “socializing” health care.
Republicans and Democrats saw opportunities to create new sources of campaign contributions by privatizing as many military functions as possible. There are now a large number of private companies that have never made a dollar in the market, feeding instead at the public trough that drains taxpayers of dollars while loading Americans with debt service obligations.

陰謀論: 美軍正為“外星人入侵”作準備

FALSE FLAG ALERT: The U.S. Military Is Officially Preparing For An "Alien Invasion"