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「世界由高盛統治」 交易員言論嚇呆BBC主播

【明報專訊】英國一名獨立交易員周一在英國廣播公司(BBC)直播新聞節目中,宣稱經濟災難為交易員帶來賺錢良機,又揚言世界「並非由政府統治,而 是由(投資銀行)高盛統治」。這番驚人言論令節目主持張口結舌,網民與英美大小傳媒亦議論紛紛,有人質疑他精神有問題,有人讚他敢說「真話」。
「每晚夢見衰退 等賺大錢」
發 表出位言論的拉斯塔尼(Alessio Rastani)自稱具股票及外匯交易經驗,他在節目中預期「巿場已完蛋」,當主持追問有何解決辦法時,他聲稱大部分交易員並不關心要怎樣恢復經濟,「我 們的工作是從中賺錢」。他又稱最過去3年內「每晚上牀睡覺都會夢見另一次衰退,夢見另一個如同當前的時刻」。
顯 得驚訝的克羅克索爾指拉斯塔尼坦白得令「大家嚇得下巴都掉下來」。她追問衰退對其他人有何意義,拉斯塔尼卻強調,只要有恰當的對冲策略,「任何人」都能從 災難性的衰退中獲利,就像30年代的大蕭條一樣。他總結說:「經濟危機就像癌症,如果你只會等了又等,想着它消失,它會擴散,而那時處理就太遲了。」他更 預言數百萬人的儲蓄將在未來12個月內消失,克羅克索爾此時已啞口無言,另一主持問她會否夢見經濟情况時,她回應說:「我試着不要,那是噩夢。」
這 段長約3分鐘的訪問迅速在網上傳播。英美兩地均有輿論對拉斯塔尼的真實身分提出質疑,twitter更有傳言指他是惡化作劇組織「Yes Men」的成員,該組織多次假冒大型商業機構身分,表達針對大財團缺乏社會關懷等問題的關注。BBC在2004年曾上了該組織的當,一名扮成美國陶氏化工 代表的成員當時向BBC宣稱,陶氏化工願對1984年在印度博帕爾泄漏有毒化學品事件作出賠償。有網民找出當年的採訪片段,懷疑拉斯塔尼正是當年搞惡作劇 的人。但BBC後來發表聲明,強調沒有證據顯示拉斯塔尼是騙徒。福布斯網站昨找拉斯塔尼求證身分時,他堅稱自己「百分百是個交易員」。


2011年09月20日 08:24來源:新華網


愛滋病疫苗即將推出 - 實驗性疫苗導致死亡

2011年9月26日 22:59:51
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Scientists are hailing a new discovery in the field of AIDS research that may lead to the development of an AIDS vaccine. The discovery, revolving around the elimination of a cholesterol membrane surrounding the virus, emerged from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. However, the past of the AIDS vaccine is something that few scientists want to discuss. The controversial trials of experimental AIDS vaccines that led to the loss of innocent lives have been ignored by mainstream scientists and reporters. Even the scientists responsible for the deaths covered up the situation, failing to report the fatalities of their trials in order to prevent the public from finding out.

In 1991 it was reported by the Chicago Tribune that in a trial of only 19 participants based in Paris, at least 3 had died from adverse reactions to the experimental AIDS vaccine. In an attempt to cover up the deaths, the French and American authorities that sanctioned the experiments did not report the deaths in medical journals. Even after the deaths, the AIDS vaccine experiment continued, putting lives in danger purely to examine the nature of the reaction. It took the questioning of French physicians who examined 2 of the 3 dead participants to bring the truth to light, exposing the fraud to the media.

Even more shocking is the fact that the trials later continued in South Africa on unsuspecting victims looking to decrease their chance of contracting HIV. What researchers soon found was that the vaccine actually led to an increased risk of contracting HIV. 

Scientists: HIV Vaccine Increases HIV Risk

The censorship regarding the horribly unsafe nature of the AIDS vaccine is so extreme that it took scientific whistleblowers to warn South Africans against participating in the vaccine trails, citing the fact that the vaccine actually increases the probability that the recipient develops HIV. The report was
published in the Washington Post in 2007, after the trials were shut down after scientists claimed they were ineffective and needed more research. The whistleblowers state, however, that they were forced to stop due to an increase in HIV infection following the vaccine.

Interestingly enough, the AIDS vaccine in question is developed by Merck, creator of the Gardasil shot which has been linked to over 49 deaths and countless hospitalizations. The Gardasil shot, of course, may soon be forced upon young girls and boys thanks to legislators who were paid by Merck to pass a bill making the shot mandatory.

Vaccine risks are oftentimes covered up by mega corporations such as Merck in order to make a profit and avoid public scrutiny. It’s time to make vaccine manufacturers answer for their misdeeds through peaceful activism, as they have been granted legal immunity from all lawsuits — valid or not. Join the Vaccine Information Week movement and demand change within the vaccine industry.



科学界热衷探索超自然现象 称时空隧道存在







更為驚奇的是1978年5月20日,在美國南方的新奧爾良城,在一所中學的操場上,體育老師巴可洛夫在教幾個學生踢足球射門。 14歲的巴爾萊克突然一球射入球門,他高興地跳起來一叫,當著眾人的面,眨眼工夫就失去踪影。



美國物理學家斯內法克教授認為, 在空間存在著許多一般人用眼睛看不到的、然而卻客觀存在的“時空隧道”,歷史上神秘失踪的人、船、飛機等,實際上是進入了這個神秘的“時空隧道”。有的學者認為,“時空隧道”可能與宇宙中的“黑洞”有關。 “黑洞”是人眼睛看不到的吸引力世界,然而卻是客觀存在的一種“時空隧道”。人一旦被吸入“黑洞”中,就什麼知覺也沒有了。當他回到光明世界時只能回想起被吸入以前的事,而對進入“黑洞”遨遊無論多長時間,他都一概不知。

有些學者反對這種假設,認為這不能說明問題。 “泰坦尼克”號遊輪和乘客同時沉沒、消失,乘客們進入“時空隧道”,為什麼遊輪沒有進入?如果遊輪也同時進入,它應該和船長史密斯同時再出現。






地球深处或存另类人种 身居极地巨大洞穴(图)
地球深处或存另类人种 身居极地巨大洞穴(图)
在柏拉圖時代,人們最先猜測地球裡面可能也存在生命。柏拉圖認為地球裡面充滿地道和洞穴。研究人員埃德蒙-哈雷(Edmond Halley)研究了地球磁場,發現稍有變化,表明地球可能同時有幾個磁場。研究人員猜測地球裡面有另一個自帶磁場的球體。長久以來,行星有空洞的這一想法在科幻小說中普遍存在。甚至有幾位科學家進行不同的評價和實驗,以證明地球確實有空洞。
70年前,北極地圖顯示,此三分之一的地域是沒有探查過的,這意味著神秘的北極可能有人類生活。不過,俄羅斯自然科學院地質學與礦物學博士馬克-薩帝可夫(Mark Sadikov)確信,北極沒有洞穴能充當入口,可進入地下區域。北極地區位於北冰洋深海下,底下有山脈和盆地。
北極與南極研究院的地理學家瑪麗亞-加夫里羅(Maria Gavrilo)表示,當她考察北極時,沒發現北極有洞穴,北極是一個冰雪覆蓋的海洋,這一點沒錯。許多努力尋找洞穴的人都徒勞無功。

二十種抵抗糖尿病的食物 (下)

美國哈密瓜(cantaloupe)引發李氏桿菌疫情 已有13人死亡


位于亞特蘭大的美國疾病控制與預防中心(CDC)稱,這次疫情的感染源是位于美國西部科羅拉多州霍利市的延森農場(Jensen Farms)的哈密瓜。在李氏桿菌疫情爆發後,他們已經召回了在格拉納達、科羅拉多等地種植的哈密瓜產品。



希臘有救!為市場注入強心劑 全球股市大幅反彈

京港台時間︰2011/9/28  消息來源︰世界日報 


受上述消息推動,道瓊指數飆升272.38點或2.53%,收盤11043.86點。史坦普500指數上漲26.52點或2.33%,收盤 1162.95點。那斯達克綜合指數上漲33.46點或1.35%、收盤2516.69點。這是9月7日以來道瓊指數漲幅最大的一天。

在希臘國債接近違約的時候,市場對于來自歐洲的消息都非常敏感。上周道瓊指數的累計跌幅6.4%,達到2008年10月也就是金融危機最嚴重時期以來的最大跌幅。代表歐洲主要股市動向的EURO STOXX50指數,26日上漲2.83%。



資本顧問公司的史密斯(Channing Smith)表示,「歐洲方面透露出的消息讓投資者看到希望,表示政客和歐洲各國央行正在協同制訂計畫。」


2011年9月26日 11:41:28

by Zen Gardner
I mean, c'mon.
What sparks this is the idiotic claim that NASA doesn't/didn't know where a bus-sized satellite was going to or did land!
Are you kidding me?

Satellite likely in ocean, but may have hit US

WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's as big as a bus and weighs 6 tons, but officials probably will never be able to pinpoint exactly where a massive NASA satellite plummeted to Earth.
NASA space junk scientists believe that all - or nearly all - of the parts of their 20-year-old dead satellite safely plunged into the Pacific Ocean, likely missing land. But if their estimates are off, by only five minutes or so, fiery pieces could have fallen on parts of northwestern North America. (Story)
Right. 'We' go to the moon, land on a dime, return to a safe the 60's!! Over 50 years ago! We now see galaxies zillions of miles away, watch minute troop movements and read license plates from space, and have satellite operated drones patrolling the globe?....
And we can't follow a BUS SIZED piece of junk hit defenseless people on earth?

What's true vs what we're supposed to know

It's negative, false info propaganda reinforcement, or something similarly nefarious. "We are not responsible"...(while we presume to own you with our super-knowledge yada yada...)
We're herded like sheep. We're being told what they want us to know. This is a perfect example. "How could WE know where it's going to land? There's so much that's unpredictable!.."
Yeah, whenever that's convenient.
They're screwing with us, again.
One time we get the qualifier, "Who knows?" Another time they tell us, "Scientists tell us". Look at this:
--Where's that "we don't know" disclaimer when they tell us about the phony "science" of global warming while ignoring the contrarian science and changes in the sun?
--Where's that "we're innocent silent scientists" attitude when we're being showered with radiation from Fukushima and the govt, EPA nor anyone makes a single reading or statement?
--And where's "air monitoring" when toxic chemtrails cover our skies in the form of supposedly "geoengineering" chemtrails and not a word is said in the mainstream media?
To continue the above absurdity:
"Pieces are falling off of this flaming fire ball, and some of it has enough momentum to go hundreds of miles," he said.
There were no credible reports of debris on the ground, said Nick Johnson, NASA's chief scientist for orbital debris. But if the satellite fell even five minutes later than estimated, some of it could have hit land, he said.
"We don't know where the re-entry point exactly was. We don't exactly know where the debris field is," Johnson said.

Funny how that ol' ignorance happens

You really have to see all this through different eyes to get it.
They're playing the unwitting public like fiddles. When you wake up to it it's almost beyond absurd. As I was telling my wonderful wife tonight, "It's better when people realize this bad, wicked, contrarian stuff gets exposed for what it truly is...however dark. They have to eventually deduce such a force exists which then explains so much!"
It's not circular reasoning; it's an honest understanding and insight of the truth. These guys are nasty!

Here's The Deal

These sold-out screwballs are so pushing the agenda they don't realize how absurd it is. Let's look at how they're lying to us with all the brashness the complicit, spineless mass media can muster:
--First and currently foremost: "This here satellite is untrackable....whoaa..."
--Global warming - "Man, are we f**ked! The planet is heating up cuz we are such bad, bad consumers of stuff we were told to consume! We need to die!"
--Air quality - Funny enough, the environmental watchdogs are completely silent. As is the weather monitoring community. Think it may have something to do with Raytheon running the show? No could never be that bought out...or could it?
--Radiation: When's the last time you heard a nuclear radiation report from anywhere, never mind alert, on any mainstain media network? Cuz there's no problem?

Bottom Line

If you haven't yet, wake the hell up---bigtime. There's no more time for screwing around with little personal shibboleths. We need to pull together to get the truth out about what these freaks are up to.
Our last shot is this internet link to each other and hopefully the outside world.
Let's take advantage of it lest one day we hear, "What were you doing when the world was taken over?"
Love, Zen


2011年9月28日 1:50:32

Two astrobiologists charge NASA killed Martian life with its space missions

Scientist Gilbert Levin insists his biology experiment proved life is in the Martian soil. Dirk Schulze-Makuch, an astrobiologist at Washington State University and his German colleague, Joop Houtkooper of Justus Liebig University charge NASA killed it.

Their explosive allegation—raised at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle, Washington—raises one more doubt about the US space agency.

Viking scans Mars [Courtesy NASA]

Scooped up and killed

When the Viking mission tested for life it detected hydrogen peroxide from oxidation. The two scientists claim the oxidation process didn't come from the soil, but in the killing of Martian life scooped up and chemically destroyed by the robot space explorer.

Viking robot arm scoops sample [Courtesy NASA]

The two have stirred up controversy—nothing new to NASA—with their report alleging the death of Martian life.

"It is interesting to note that the Viking experiments were conducted under too warm and wet conditions from the perspective of the hydrogen peroxide hypothesis for Martian life," they concluded in their in-depth report. "If the hypothesis is true, it would mean we killed the Martian microbes during our first extraterrestrial contact."

Expert Sir Gilbert V. Levin flatly states Mars has life

No doubt Gilbert Levin would agree with them. Levin continues to insist his biology experiment proved life was in the Martian soil sample.

"We obtained positive data corresponding with all the pre-mission criteria, which proved the existence of microbial life in the soil of Mars," Levin told National Geographic. ["I Found Life on Mars in 1976, Scientist Says"]

In essence, the two scientists argue, NASA unwittingly killed exactly what they were seeking: life.

Some think reddish bacteria like this tints the Martian soil

NASA didn't do it on purpose, Schulze-Makuch and Houtkooper rush to explain. The agency was just ignorant...

Increasing doubts...increasing fire   

In recent years NASA's come under fire and increasing investigation for its alleged cover-ups and public suspicions of gross incompetency.

The beleaguered space agency's fallen far since its glory days of Apollo. Initially led towards the heavens by its visionary genius, ex-Nazi rocket man Werner von Braun, NASA's gone from a rising star to a falling one. It's become politically correct and no longer has a focused mission or a manned space program.

Sir Charles Shults [website]

Evidence of Martian life scattered across planet

Sir Charles Shults has cataloged stacks of images revealing the evidence of Martian life. The scientist has gathered proof—proof that NASA studiously ignores. ["A Fossil Hunter's Guide to Mars"]

During the Mars rover missions, scores of armchair astronauts screamed in disbelief as NASA systematically steered their little juggernauts towards fossil evidence and then blithely pressed the little rovers ahead, mindlessly crushing the precious fossils under their grinding treads.
Shults: Photographic evidence of Martian life

Evidence of various Martian fossils [Courtesy NASA]
Seashell on Earth...and one photographed on Mars

Another view of Martian seashell [Courtesy NASA]

Gallery of Martian fossils [Courtesy NASA]

Martian sand dollar with telltale star marking outlined in red

These fossils are just like Earth's sand dollars [Courtesy NASA]

Fossil of ancient segmented sea creature [Courtesy NASA]

Fossils of trilobite same as found on Earth millions of years ago

Fossilized bacteria on Martian surface [Courtesy NASA]

Close-up of Martian bacteria colored for clarity [Courtesy NASA]
NASA: Hard days ahead

According to a growing number of scientists and researchers NASA is hiding evidence of ancient technology scattered across planets and moons in the solar system, manipulating photos of artifacts on the Moon, Mars, Phobos and Titan ["NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist"], ignoring evidence of fossils on Mars, dismissing proof of life on the Red Planet first discovered more than 30 years ago and massaging the data gleaned from satellites and computer modeling of climate change.

NASA caught changing color of Mars

Caught in the act of changing the color of the Martian sky and surface with red filters, NASA looks worse and worse as its credibility crumbles.

Some question why NASA would hide, ignore and censor evidence. After all, it could only serve to ignite the public's interest in space exploration and missions back to the Moon and beyond to mysterious Mars.

Others say they have the answer: the United States of America has had a 'secret space program' since the 1960s. The US—they claim—has had bases on the Moon, and maybe Mars too, for almost 40 years. ["Claim: Secret American Base Discovered  on Moon"]

NASA faces hard choices and hard days ahead as the world's other space agencies—in Europe, Russia, China, Japan and India—gear up with their own lunar missions and Mars probes.

What their cameras find there may spell the end of NASA.

Some alien life out there might fight back [Image - commons]


以色列 - “所有生命都比我們低等”


美國政府警告 - 強烈的太陽風暴到達地球,它可以在任何時刻摧毀地球

2011年9月28日 7:04:31
We just have received the following E-mail from one of our readers, who had got this from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

From: NOAA Communications;………
Date: September 26, 2011 22:42
To: ………
Subject: Strong solar storm reaching Earth; NOAA experts available

Media Alert

Contact: Katy Human
303-497-4747 September 26, 2011

Strong solar storm reaching Earth; NOAA experts available
NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center – the nation’s official source of warnings and alerts about space weather and its impacts on Earth – issued a warning for a strong, G3 geomagnetic storm on Earth resulting from a significant explosion from the sun’s corona Saturday morning. G-scale solar storms range from G1 (minor) to G5 (extreme).

NOAA’s space weather experts are available to discuss this and the potential for more solar storms this week.

Impacts have arrived on Earth, jolting the planet’s magnetic field and triggering strong “geomagnetic storming” in some regions. Saturday’s coronal mass ejection – a burst of charged particles and magnetic field that streamed out from the sun at about five million miles an hour – delivered a glancing blow to the planet. If it had been directed straight at Earth, the geomagnetic storming could have reached “severe” to “extreme” levels.

Geomagnetic storms on Earth can impede the operation of electrical grids and temporarily damage radio and satellite telecommunications. No impacts to the power grid, satellite or other technological systems have yet been reported yet from today’s geomagnetic storm, which could persist for several more hours.

The spot on the sun that produced Saturday’s coronal mass ejection remains active and is well positioned to deliver more storm activity in the next several days. NOAA’s SWPC will continue to watch the active region for activity, and will continue to inform its customers – grid operators, satellite operators, airlines and more – about what to expect, so they can protect infrastructure and the public.

Space weather can also trigger spectacular aurora (northern and southern lights). Tonight, viewers in Northern Asia and Europe have a chance of seeing aurora.
G 3
Power systems: voltage corrections may be required, false alarms triggered on some protection devices. Spacecraft operations: surface charging may occur on satellite components, drag may increase on low-Earth-orbit satellites, and corrections may be needed for orientation problems.
Other systems: intermittent satellite navigation and low-frequency radio navigation problems may occur, HF radio may be intermittent, and aurora has been seen as low as Illinois and Oregon (typically 50° geomagnetic lat.)**.

Space weather can also trigger spectacular aurora (northern and southern lights). Tonight, viewers in Northern Asia and Europe have a chance of seeing aurora.


In the last paragraph NOAA inform that is warning: “grid operators, satellite operators, airlines and more – about what to expect”. We think solar storm could also trigger an 6+ Magnitude Earthquake in coming days as it did before.

In other words NOAA is telling that they expect that a big solar storm can devastate the planet at any moment.If the NOAA forecast happens you will not have anything, nor water to drink because the water pumps to supply it to the city will not work, obviously no emergency service could help you.

Other detail to take into consideration are the nuclear centrals, if the grid systems become complete collapse or blackout, then the cooling systems of atomic reactors will not work and all them will explode progressively as happened at Fukushima,when Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Caused By "Solar Flare".