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(有片)1871年-共濟會Albert Pike預測3次世界大戰
All 3 WARS EXACTLY Predicted in 1871 by Mason Albert Pike - How Illuminati works!
From: OhioLeda | 1,243 views
For those unaware of Albert Pike.. This minion wrote these predictions in 1871 which have all come true! Except the looming third world war which is laid out here as well.
I suggest researching Elders protocols of Zion as well...
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Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & Funding Of Extraterrestrial Projects Exposed
2012年1月23日 1:18:05
Trillion dollar lawsuit exposes secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & funding of extraterrestrial projects
Michael E. Salla, MA., Ph.D.
© January 18, 2012
A mysterious trillion dollar lawsuit filed on November 23, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that 134.5 billion dollars worth of gold was secretly given to the U.S. government in the mid-1930s by the then Nationalist government of China for safekeeping.[1] The lawsuit claims that 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve notes were issued to the Chinese government, and the gold transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank.[2] It is claimed that a total sum of almost one trillion dollars representing both the principal and accumulated interest of the 1934 Federal Reserve notes was fraudulently taken from the plaintiff, Neil Keenan, an agent for the owners, a mysterious Asian entity called “The Dragon Family.” What makes the lawsuit worth paying attention to is that involves the unresolved June 2009 case of two Japanese citizens caught on a train in Italy while traveling to Switzerland with 134.5 billion dollars in US Federal Reserve notes, bonds and other financial instruments.[3]
The U.S. District Court lawsuit supports claims by David Guyatt, author of The Secret Gold Treaty, that missing World War II era national gold reserves have been intentionally kept out of public circulation (“black gold”). Furthermore, the lawsuit reveals a coordinated international effort to launder, trade and defraud owners or investors of bonds and other financial instruments issued against the “black gold”. At the heart of this internationally coordinated effort, according to Guyatt, is the Bilderberg Group – which in 1954 played a key role in the passage of a Secret Gold Treaty. What this paper will show is that what lies behind the Bilderberg Group’s involvement with “black gold” is to provide long-term funding for a globally coordinated ‘second’ Manhattan Project. The ultimate goal of this globally coordinated project is to comprehensively deal with a subject so vast and complex as to dwarf the resources of any one nation - extraterrestrial life and technology.
U.S. District Court Lawsuit involving the Dragon Family
The U.S. District Court lawsuit has aroused considerable controversy over its authenticity and the ownership of the 134.5 billion in Federal Reserve notes, bonds and other financial instruments. The lawsuit was filed by William Mulligan Jr and Justin Gardner from Bleakley Platt and Schmidt, a reputable New York law firm.[4]The principal plaintiff in the lawsuit, Neil Keenan, claims to have been defrauded by a number of official government agencies and political figures including a little known organization called the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), and its principal officers Dr Ray Dam (President) and David Sale (Deputy Chief of the Council for Cabinet of OITC). On the other hand, Sale claims that Keenan and his accomplices fraudulently gained possession of the bonds from the OITC. Importantly, neither of the two parties contesting ownership of the bonds dispute their validity.
The core claim of the November 2011 District Court filing is that the bonds apprehended near Chiasso, Switzerland in June 2009 by the Italian financial police were genuinely issued by the Roosevelt administration in exchange for gold deposited by the Nationalist Government of China some time before the Japanese invasion on July 7, 1937. The lawsuit states: Upon information and belief, between 1927 and 1938, as a result of arrangements made between China and the United States, the United States … leased vast amounts of gold from the nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. During this period, China was partly occupied by Japanese troops and there was a fear of China being overrun by the Japanese.[5] The lawsuit goes on to claim that the 134.5 billion dollars of gold given to the U.S. government was only a small percentage of the total gold held by China’s nationalist government, or the Kuomintang. The total was estimated to be “thousands of trillions” in value – which seems like an impossibly high estimate given current knowledge of world gold reserves.
According to Wikipedia, 165,000 tons of gold are known to exist - at the current market price of $1700 per ounce, this comes out to approximately 10 trillion U.S. dollars. Thousands of trillions would be gold reserves of approximately 20 million metric tons or more. Whatever the total value of gold acquired during the millennia of China’s dynastic rulers it is reasonable to believe that much of it was successfully hidden from Japan, and subsequently taken out of mainland China by the Kuomintang prior to the Communist takeover in 1949. According to Benjamin Fulford (the former Asia bureau chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998-2005 before he became a spokesperson for the Dragon Family in 2007) the gold transfer was secretly conducted by the U.S. Navy which in 1938 took possession of the gold via seven destroyers to the U.S.
These events occurred in conformity with the 1934 Gold Act and President Roosevelt’s 1933 Executive Order (6102) which prohibited private ownership of gold, and instructed private citizens to sell all their gold to the Federal Reserve Bank at a prescribed rate of $20.67. Here is how the lawsuit describes the actual transfer of the gold and roles played by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury in issuing the financial instruments that were eventually seized near Chiasso, Switzerland:
… following the promulgation in 1934 of the Gold Reserve Act, the law required all bullion gold and gold coin to be surrendered to the Federal Reserve … Foreign Gold held by the Treasury was also surrendered to and thus leased to the Federal Reserve, which resulted in the issuance of the series of 1934 Notes by the Federal Reserve. These Dragon Family FRNs have never been redeemed and, upon information and belief, the accrued interest was met by the subsequent issue of certain 1968 series of Kennedy Bonds.[7]
The lawsuit then goes on to explain how Swiss banks acted as intermediaries:
… this gold was documented into accounts through the Union Bank of Switzerland, placed under protection of the Swiss Attorney General, registered through the Swiss National Bank into the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) International Collateral Combined accounts and then from within the BIS, blocked to form the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts of the Federal Reserve System.[8]
Most important was the procedure for redeeming the Federal Reserve notes which the lawsuit describes:
… in order to effectuate this process, the Notes were printed to appear as if they were not produced from official origin and bear obvious imperfections, therefore easily deniable. However, when proper procedures are followed, the number of the Note and other linking identic data allows ultimate authentication and verification through the Federal Reserve System screening process…[9]
This apparently was why original press reports of the 134.5 billion seized at Chiasso concluded they were forgeries. The lawsuit describes the owners of the Federal Reserve bonds as follows:
The Dragon Family is, in fact, a highly secretive and informal organization that operates between old families within China and Taiwan, above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments.[10]
Later in the lawsuit, the “old families” are described as "group of Asians of royal blood known as the Dragon Family” - the remnants of China’s former Celestial Kingdom.[11] The Dragon Family initially wanted to protect the gold reserves entrusted to them from Japan and later communist authorities. Currently headed by a mysterious General Haan, the Dragon Family had unsuccessfully attempted to redeem the bonds over several years through their signatory Yamaguchi. The Dragon Family subsequently appointed Neil Keenan to take charge of the Bonds in early 2009 with the purpose of lawfully redeeming them for “a wide range of global humanitarian purposes.” At a certain point in complex negotiations, Keenan instructed the two Japanese citizens –Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe acting as couriers for “The Dragon Family” - to transport the bonds to the proper Swiss banking authorities for their ultimate redemption. The detention of Watanabe and Yamagushi, and confiscation of the 134.5 billion in bonds by the Italian financial police on the border town of Chiasso, according to the lawsuit, was part of an elaborate attempt to steal the bonds by a host of actors. In addition to the Office of International Treasure Control and its principal officers, the named targets of the lawsuit include the Italian Financial Police, the Italian government and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the World Economic Forum and its banking head, Giancarlo Bruno, the United Nations and its Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.
David Sale and the Office of International Treasury Control
The case outlined in the lawsuit is very complex and details what appears to be an elaborate attempt to defraud Neil Keenan of bonds entrusted to him by the Dragon Family. Keenan is described as a US citizen currently residing in Bulgaria who first come into contact with the Dragon Family in August 2008 due to his political connections, and assistance with bank contacts in Cyprus. The principal parties named in the lawsuit are Dr Ray Dam and the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) which he founded; a senior OITC officer, David Sale; and Daniel Bosco who is described as having gained possession of the bonds in September 2009, and entering into an agreement with the OITC. The lawsuit contests: (d) the execution of a written agreement between DAL BOSCO and defendants OITC and SALE, with the full knowledge and authority of DAM, whereby DAL BOSCO openly repudiated his duties as custodian of the DFFI [Dragon Family Financial Instruments, e.g., Federal Reserve notes, etc., seized near Chiasso, Switzerland ]; (e) the issuance of an illegal and utterly baseless Cease and Desist Order under which OITC asserted the thoroughly and knowingly false proposition that the DFFI was, in fact, in the lawful possession of the OITC, which has acted for decades with impunity and under the asserted umbrella of protection allegedly accorded by the United Nations.[12] Prior to the lawsuit being filed in November 2011, David Sale gave a series of interviews back on April 7, April 12 and May 10, 2011, on the popular internet radio show, Rumormill News, Sale told the host Rayelan Allan, that in 1995 the head of the OITC, Ray Dam, had been given exclusive rights to the “collateral accounts” of all the gold secretly hidden during the World War II era, by descendents of a world wide association of exiled royal families – “the Hierarchy”.[13] Included in the list of royal families named by Sale are the descendents of the Hapsburgs, Savoy, Romanovs and many other royal families who collectively owned, according to Sale, two million metric tons of gold. According to Sale, the Royal Families handed over ownership of the “collateral accounts” once they realized that redemption of the 50 year bonds making up the “collateral accounts” would be challenged by powerful financial institutions from around the world. Dr Ray Dam, also an alleged royal family descendent, was tasked with the job of redeeming the bonds for the purposes of world wide humanitarian projects. The OITC website explains:
David Sale and the Office of International Treasury Control
The case outlined in the lawsuit is very complex and details what appears to be an elaborate attempt to defraud Neil Keenan of bonds entrusted to him by the Dragon Family. Keenan is described as a US citizen currently residing in Bulgaria who first come into contact with the Dragon Family in August 2008 due to his political connections, and assistance with bank contacts in Cyprus. The principal parties named in the lawsuit are Dr Ray Dam and the Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) which he founded; a senior OITC officer, David Sale; and Daniel Bosco who is described as having gained possession of the bonds in September 2009, and entering into an agreement with the OITC. The lawsuit contests: (d) the execution of a written agreement between DAL BOSCO and defendants OITC and SALE, with the full knowledge and authority of DAM, whereby DAL BOSCO openly repudiated his duties as custodian of the DFFI [Dragon Family Financial Instruments, e.g., Federal Reserve notes, etc., seized near Chiasso, Switzerland ]; (e) the issuance of an illegal and utterly baseless Cease and Desist Order under which OITC asserted the thoroughly and knowingly false proposition that the DFFI was, in fact, in the lawful possession of the OITC, which has acted for decades with impunity and under the asserted umbrella of protection allegedly accorded by the United Nations.[12] Prior to the lawsuit being filed in November 2011, David Sale gave a series of interviews back on April 7, April 12 and May 10, 2011, on the popular internet radio show, Rumormill News, Sale told the host Rayelan Allan, that in 1995 the head of the OITC, Ray Dam, had been given exclusive rights to the “collateral accounts” of all the gold secretly hidden during the World War II era, by descendents of a world wide association of exiled royal families – “the Hierarchy”.[13] Included in the list of royal families named by Sale are the descendents of the Hapsburgs, Savoy, Romanovs and many other royal families who collectively owned, according to Sale, two million metric tons of gold. According to Sale, the Royal Families handed over ownership of the “collateral accounts” once they realized that redemption of the 50 year bonds making up the “collateral accounts” would be challenged by powerful financial institutions from around the world. Dr Ray Dam, also an alleged royal family descendent, was tasked with the job of redeeming the bonds for the purposes of world wide humanitarian projects. The OITC website explains:
On January 20th 1995, Dr. Ray C. Dam was appointed International Treasury Controller, and Legal Heir and Owner of the Combined International Collateral Accounts [hidden national gold reserves] of the Global Debt Facility, with full authority and dispositional control of same, under Legal Decadency RCD 1088, executed by the Nations of the World. Also established on January 20, 1995 was The Office of International Treasury Control, as the management, administrative and operations organization for His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam.[14]
According to Sale, the Federal Reserve bonds discovered near Chiasso, Switzerland in June 2009, are part of the “collateral accounts” entrusted to the OITC, and were stolen by Keenan. Sale further claims that he has documentation that Neil Keenan is in fact a CIA official who in collaboration with another CIA agent that had infiltrated the OITC, Keith Scott, had stolen the bonds from the OITC. How credible is David Sale? His core claim that Ray Dam was entrusted with all the “collateral accounts” of national gold reserves historically taken/stolen from royal families sounds fanciful. Yet Sale’s credibility is vouched for by Rayelan Allan who along with her ex-husband, Gunther Russbacher, was involved in locating and repatriating missing national gold reserves for several decades. Russbacher is of Austrian descent and his father was in Nazi Intelligence, and emmigrated to the US after the war, in 1954. Allan claims to have assisted Russbacher in the secret relocation of Austrian national gold reserves looted by NAZI Germany, from the Philippines back to Austria in 1994. She provided documentation concerning the Austrian gold transfer to the investigative journalist David Guyatt, author of the first book dealing with looted and missing national gold reserves, The Secret Gold Treaty (2000).[15]
Guyatt found Russbacher and Allan to be credible and described in some detail their role in relocating Austrian gold reserves which he described as a single transfer of 500 metric tons, though Allan claimed the total was much higher with multiple transfers (totaling an astonishing 500,000 metric tons). According to Allan, the OITC is authentic and Sale is telling the truth in exposing Neil Keenan as a CIA operative trying to steal the Federal Reserve bonds discovered by Italian authorities in June 2009. [See update 1/18/12 below] What certainly doesn’t help Keenan’s lawsuit is the claim that somehow Dal Bosco gained possession of the Dragon Family Financial Instruments (DFFI) in September 2009. If the DFFI were seized by the Italian authorities in June 2009, how did Dal Bosco gain possession three months later before handing them off to the OITC? This is not explained in the lawsuit, and the reader is left to assume that the Italian Financial police somehow handed the Federal Reserve notes and bonds seized at Chiasso to Dal Bosco. Why and how is not clearly explained in the lawsuit, making it difficult to imagine that the lawsuit will succeed. So while the lawsuit appears genuine enough and was lodged by a reputable law firm, its failure to explain the alleged transfer of the financial instruments seized at Chiasso into Dal Bosco’s possession does raise questions over the legal strategy behind the lawsuit. On the other hand, Keenan’s authenticity and the legitimacy of the lawsuit is supported by Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock, who runs the popular blog site, Divine Cosmos.[16] In an interview with Wilcock, Fulford claimed that 85% of the world’s gold was acquired over the millennia by China’s dynastic rulers.[17] If the world’s known gold reserves of 165,000 metric tones is 15% of the real figure, that means that approximately one million metric tons of missing gold reserves exist elsewhere. Much of this missing gold allegedly remains under the control of the Dragon Family whose interests Keenan was representing in the case of the Chiasso incident. If the Keenan’s account in the lawsuit is accurate, the Chinese gold transferred to the US Federal Reserve Bank in the mid-1930s is only the tip of the iceberg. Entrusting the Federal Reserve notes and bonds to Keenan appears to have been calculated gamble. In fact, Wilcock (and Fulford) refers to the actions of the Dragon Family as being an “elaborate sting operation.”[18] They were fully aware that their bonds would very likely be taken from Keenan at some point, but believed that the eventual lawsuit would be the catalyst for the rest of the world learning about the way in which China’s and other national gold reserves have been secretly taken out of circulation for decades. As mentioned earlier, Keenan’s account is strongly challenged by David Sale, Ray Dam, and the OITC who have been trying since 1995 to bring attention to the way in which national gold reserves were secretly taken out of circulation since the Second World War era. Along with Rayelan Allan who with her former husband, Gunther Russbacher, were also involved in efforts to bring public attention to missing national gold reserves, it is very possible that Keenan is part of an “officially sanctioned” attempt to co-opt and publicize such efforts; or he may simply be part of a “Dragon Family” sting operation to publicize the history behind the bonds as suggested by Wilcock (and Fulford). The Secret Gold Treaty & 1954 Bilderberg Meeting Regardless of the controversy over ownership of Federal Reserve bonds behind the trillion dollar lawsuit, both Keenan/Dragon Family and Sale/OITC agree over the bonds’ authenticity. Most importantly, both parties agree that the bonds were issued by the US Federal Reserve bank against gold reserves leased to it during the Second World War era. The national gold reserves of nationalist China, in Keenan’s/Dragon Family lawsuit version of historic events (somewhere in the range from one to 20 million tons); or the gold of most of the worlds exiled royal families in the Sale/OITC version of events (two million tons) dwarf in size the known world gold reserves of 165,000 tons. The most telling fact to emerge from the lawsuit is that the vast majority of the world’s gold has been hidden away from public knowledge and scrutiny for decades. As David Guyatt explains it back in 2000: … the full story of the nature of gold has yet to be told, and my guess is that it will remain hermetically sealed amongst the few for a very long time to come. Two things are certain, however. The historical official mining figures for gold are patently false and have been knowingly fabricated and thrust on an unsuspecting public. Second, and leading on from this, it is, therefore, evident that gold is not at all rare. Current statistics show above- ground stocks of the metal to total about 140,000 metric tones. The reality is far, far higher and, in all probability, is well in excess of one million tonnes. I doubt anyone really knows for certain, owing to the fact that so much is still buried in the Philippines and elsewhere in Southeast Asia that tallying it all up is impossible - even to this day.[19]
his historic gold deception can only have been achieved by the concerted efforts of central banks with the approval of senior government officials from around the world in order to manipulate national monetary policies. Guyatt succinctly describes the situation:
As we shall see, it is almost certainly the case that these "others" are a group of nations who were party to a secret agreement to exert control over plundered World War II gold and other assets and to ensure these did not enter the banking system or otherwise be utilised without such nations’ approval.[20]
After reviewing a number of documents describing the movement of Gold, David Guyatt concludes that the secret agreement happened in 1954: In the light of the foregoing, it is hard not to conclude that some form of “secret treaty” may well have been signed in 1954 that involved the recovery of World War II plunder -- both European and Asian -- and that a portion of it was subsequently used in US military and intelligence "black operations."[21] As to where this secret treaty was negotiated and even signed Guyatt settles on the first ever Bilderburg meeting: Whatever else might have happened in 1954 … one event cannot be overlooked. This was the first ever meeting of the Bilderberg group during 29-31 May 1954. That first meeting was dominated by American, British and then German participants who filled 36 of the available 67 slots.[22] The 1954 Bilderberg meeting had multiple reasons to convene. The public justification was that it was held to promote political and economic cooperation between Europe and North America as the best defense to what was now perceived as the long term threat of communism. To that end, prominent business and political leaders have been regularly invited to Bilderberg Group on an annual basis to discuss ways of coordinating national policies and anticipating global trends. The annual meetings of some of the worlds most powerful public figures has naturally led to much curiosity over the Bilderberg Group’s origins and goals. Here is how best selling author Daniel Estulin describes the Bilderberg Group: In 1954, the most powerful men in the world met for the time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family at the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek. For an entire weekend, they debated the future of the world. When it was over, they decide to meet once every year to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs. They named themselves the Bilderberg Group. [23] Estulin goes on to conclude that since 1954, the Bilderberg Group has become a shadow world government: … they have gathered yearly in a luxurious hotel somewhere in the world to try to decide the future of humanity … the Bilderberg Group has grown beyond its idealistic beginnings to become a shadow world government, which decides in total secrecy at annual meetings how their plans are to be carried out. They threaten to take away our right to direct our own destinies.[24]
Among the many notable individuals involved with Bilderberg Group meetings over the decades since its formation, Estulin gives special mention to the role of Henry Kissinger who was a protégé of the Rockefeller brothers. Estulin describes some of Kissinger’s work for the Rockefellers and the Bilderberg Group since the 1960s: As far back as the mid-1960s, the Bilderbergers placed Kissinger in charge of a small group consisting of James Schlesinger, Alexander Haig and Daniel Ellsberg. Working with them was the Institute of Policy Studies chief theoretician, Noam Chomsky…. In the ‘60s, Kissinger’s team and Chomsky were creating the “New Left: as a grassroots movement in the U.S. to engender strife and unrest.[25]
Later in the 1970s, Estulin describes Kissinger’s role in the removal of President Nixon: Kissinger was responsible for brainwashing and confusing President Niexon… With Nixon’s resignation, the Bilderbergs finally saw “their president, Gerald Ford, move into the White House. The New World Order’s yes man took direct orders from Henry Kissinger, an agent of David Rockefeller, a servant to the Bilderbergers.[26]
While Estulin identifies some of the Bilderberg Group’s key players, he only captures the surface layer of the Bilderberg Group’s origins and goals. The deeper secret justification for the Bilderberg Group’s creation was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to the key actors in forming the Bilderberg Group: the Rockefeller brothers; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; and a key Rockefeller protégé, Henry Kissinger. This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany’s advanced technology programs. Events which Nelson Rockefeller and Kissinger were deeply involved – the existence of extraterrestrial life and technology.
Project Paperclip and advanced Nazi technology
There is significant evidence that Nazi Germany had partially succeeded in developing highly advanced technologies gathered from extraterrestrial sources. The first source were a number of expeditions by Nazi SS Ahnenerbe research teams that searched for ancient advanced technologies buried remote locations such as Tibet, or knowledge recorded in historical texts.[27] Authors such as Zecharia Sitchin, Erich Von Daniken and others have cited extensive historical evidence of ancient astronauts and the knowledge they left behind.[28] The second source was reverse engineering downed extraterrestrial craft that had been discovered by Nazi authorities in the mid 1930’s.[29] Lt Colonel Phillip Corso, who was a senior officer in charge of reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, gave support to such an event in an interview: There were crashes elsewhere, and they [the Germans] gathered material too. The Germans were working on it. They didn’t solve the propulsion system. They did a lot of experiments on flying saucers. They had one that went up to 12,000 feet. But where all, we and they, missed out was on the guidance system. In R&D we began to realize that this being [an extraterrestrial] was part of the guidance system, part of the apparatus himself, or itself, as it had no sexual organs."[30]
The partly successful efforts by top Nazi scientists in understanding ancient historical texts discussing advanced technologies, and reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology was a major factor in Nazi Germany’s advanced weapons technology program. This led to the Nazis prolonging the war effort in order to fully deploy these new weapons systems. This is confirmed by Captain Edward Ruppelt who was the initial Chief Investigator for US Air Force Project Bluebook: "When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers…"[31] As the Second World War drew to a close with the inevitable defeat of Nazi Germany, the Nazi SS began to secretly remove its most advanced technologies, projects and scientists to sympathetic countries in Latin America. Importantly, the relocation of these advanced technology projects was also accompanied by the movement of looted Nazi gold reserves, as David Guyatt explains in his book, The Secret Gold Treaty: Russbacher told the BBC journalist that huge quantities of Nazi gold had been shipped to South America, via Spain, just prior to the close of World War II. The loot had sat in South America for a number of years, but as soon as its existence became known to Israeli intelligence the plunder was immediately transferred to the Philippines and hidden, Russbacher said.[32]
President Roosevelt appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the position of “Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs” in the Office of Inter-American Affairs in 1940. Rockefeller was responsible for a program of US cooperation with South American nations, and to counter rising Nazi influence in the region. With the help of the FBI which at the time had field offices in South and Central America, Rockefeller led counter-intelligence operations in order to find the relocated Nazi technology projects and the looted gold. While Rockefeller was dealing with Nazis in South America during the Second World War, in Europe, a top secret effort to repatriate Nazi scientists in order to utilize their expertise was begun by US Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps. ‘Operation Paperclip’ involved the removal of hundreds of Nazi scientists to the well funded military-scientific laboratories created to produce weapons for the war effort.[33] MORE HERE
Among the many notable individuals involved with Bilderberg Group meetings over the decades since its formation, Estulin gives special mention to the role of Henry Kissinger who was a protégé of the Rockefeller brothers. Estulin describes some of Kissinger’s work for the Rockefellers and the Bilderberg Group since the 1960s: As far back as the mid-1960s, the Bilderbergers placed Kissinger in charge of a small group consisting of James Schlesinger, Alexander Haig and Daniel Ellsberg. Working with them was the Institute of Policy Studies chief theoretician, Noam Chomsky…. In the ‘60s, Kissinger’s team and Chomsky were creating the “New Left: as a grassroots movement in the U.S. to engender strife and unrest.[25]
Later in the 1970s, Estulin describes Kissinger’s role in the removal of President Nixon: Kissinger was responsible for brainwashing and confusing President Niexon… With Nixon’s resignation, the Bilderbergs finally saw “their president, Gerald Ford, move into the White House. The New World Order’s yes man took direct orders from Henry Kissinger, an agent of David Rockefeller, a servant to the Bilderbergers.[26]
While Estulin identifies some of the Bilderberg Group’s key players, he only captures the surface layer of the Bilderberg Group’s origins and goals. The deeper secret justification for the Bilderberg Group’s creation was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to the key actors in forming the Bilderberg Group: the Rockefeller brothers; Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands; and a key Rockefeller protégé, Henry Kissinger. This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany’s advanced technology programs. Events which Nelson Rockefeller and Kissinger were deeply involved – the existence of extraterrestrial life and technology.
Project Paperclip and advanced Nazi technology
There is significant evidence that Nazi Germany had partially succeeded in developing highly advanced technologies gathered from extraterrestrial sources. The first source were a number of expeditions by Nazi SS Ahnenerbe research teams that searched for ancient advanced technologies buried remote locations such as Tibet, or knowledge recorded in historical texts.[27] Authors such as Zecharia Sitchin, Erich Von Daniken and others have cited extensive historical evidence of ancient astronauts and the knowledge they left behind.[28] The second source was reverse engineering downed extraterrestrial craft that had been discovered by Nazi authorities in the mid 1930’s.[29] Lt Colonel Phillip Corso, who was a senior officer in charge of reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, gave support to such an event in an interview: There were crashes elsewhere, and they [the Germans] gathered material too. The Germans were working on it. They didn’t solve the propulsion system. They did a lot of experiments on flying saucers. They had one that went up to 12,000 feet. But where all, we and they, missed out was on the guidance system. In R&D we began to realize that this being [an extraterrestrial] was part of the guidance system, part of the apparatus himself, or itself, as it had no sexual organs."[30]
The partly successful efforts by top Nazi scientists in understanding ancient historical texts discussing advanced technologies, and reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology was a major factor in Nazi Germany’s advanced weapons technology program. This led to the Nazis prolonging the war effort in order to fully deploy these new weapons systems. This is confirmed by Captain Edward Ruppelt who was the initial Chief Investigator for US Air Force Project Bluebook: "When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported to UFO observers…"[31] As the Second World War drew to a close with the inevitable defeat of Nazi Germany, the Nazi SS began to secretly remove its most advanced technologies, projects and scientists to sympathetic countries in Latin America. Importantly, the relocation of these advanced technology projects was also accompanied by the movement of looted Nazi gold reserves, as David Guyatt explains in his book, The Secret Gold Treaty: Russbacher told the BBC journalist that huge quantities of Nazi gold had been shipped to South America, via Spain, just prior to the close of World War II. The loot had sat in South America for a number of years, but as soon as its existence became known to Israeli intelligence the plunder was immediately transferred to the Philippines and hidden, Russbacher said.[32]
President Roosevelt appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the position of “Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs” in the Office of Inter-American Affairs in 1940. Rockefeller was responsible for a program of US cooperation with South American nations, and to counter rising Nazi influence in the region. With the help of the FBI which at the time had field offices in South and Central America, Rockefeller led counter-intelligence operations in order to find the relocated Nazi technology projects and the looted gold. While Rockefeller was dealing with Nazis in South America during the Second World War, in Europe, a top secret effort to repatriate Nazi scientists in order to utilize their expertise was begun by US Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps. ‘Operation Paperclip’ involved the removal of hundreds of Nazi scientists to the well funded military-scientific laboratories created to produce weapons for the war effort.[33] MORE HERE
伊朗如何能不費一槍一彈就能打敗美國和以色列: 其他注意事項
How Iran Could Whip The United States And Israel Without Firing A Single Shot: Additional Considerations
2012年1月23日 7:59:17
My inbox over the past few days has been absolutely inundated with emails from people from all over the world who took time out of their busy lives to denounce me as "crazy," "delusional," and, my personal favorite, "smoking the good stuff." What got so many people fired up and so eager to diagnose my mental health was my article "How Iran Could Whip the U.S. and Israel without Firing a Single Shot." In that article I made the suggestion that the Iranians have the ability to avoid conflict with the U.S. and Israel by doing exactly what is demanded of them. Instead of allowing themselves to be dragged into a bloody war with two of the most powerful nations in the history of the world, I suggested that the Iranians hold a trump card that will allow them to escape that outcome by abandoning their nuclear program in toto. This suggestion, according to many people who wrote to me, is a sign that I have fallen off my rocker.
Before anyone runs out to secure a court order to have me committed (or drug tested), allow me to make some additional observations in defense of my argument.
The first thing that I would note is that my argument is really just a different way of saying that the Iranian government can and will try to avoid a brutal and bloody war with two of the most heavily armed countries in the history of the world. Duh. They will try to avoid this outcome not because they particularly care about the wellbeing of their citizens, (of course they don’t, they’re politicians after all), but because they are acutely aware that wars with the United States eventually result in "regime change." Two of their neighboring governments were overthrown by the U.S. military in just the last ten years, despite the fact that those governments had nothing to do with 9-11 and did not attack the United States, and they just watched the U.S. help to overthrow the Libyan government. Surely the Iranian government is aware that war with the U.S. and Israel will produce a similar outcome for themselves. If they are foolish enough to allow a war to develop, they would have to assume that would meet a fate similar to Saddam Hussein or Mullah Omar.
While obvious, this point is critical for understanding why the Iranian government could eventually scuttle its nuclear program and secure peace. Many people, for example, wrote to me with doubts that the Iranian government would ever be willing to "lose face" with their own people by dismantling its nuclear program. What these people fail to consider, however, is that the Iranian government has to consider not only the disposition of its citizens, but also what is likely to happen if they allow a war to develop with the U.S. Losing face with one’s own citizens is usually a bad thing for a politician, but when the alternative is getting overthrown by a powerful foreign military and being executed like a dog in the street, losing face doesn’t look nearly such a bad alternative.
It is not clear, by the way, that the Iranian government would lose face by scuttling its nuclear program. After all, as I noted in my previous article, the Iranian government has surely made the Iranian people aware that even the American intelligence agencies and the IAEA agree that it is not developing nuclear weapons, which means that the Iranian people are no doubt aware that the U.S. and Israel are provoking Iran for reasons unrelated to nuclear weapons or nuclear power. To save face, the Iranian government need only say to the Iranian people "Look, these guys are trying to do to us what they did to Iraq, and we are going to do everything we can to avoid foreign occupation. If that means scuttling our nuclear program, so be it, because foreign occupation by the lawless and brutal Americans is worse than almost anything." The hordes of Iraqi refugees, orphans and widows in Iran would no doubt testify to the truth of this statement, in case the there are any Iranians who are stupid and chauvinistic enough to want to fight the Americans in order to "save face."
Some of my critics argued that even if the Iranian government was to scuttle its nuclear program completely, it would still face bombing or invasion, and they pointed to Iraq and Libya as examples. What these critics fail to notice is that "appeasement," to use their pejorative word, did in fact work for Libya. When Gaddafi scuttled his own nuclear program the U.S. sponsored sanctions on Libya were lifted! Of course the U.S. eventually took advantage of Gaddafi’s weakness and intervened after he lost control of "his" people, but that was eight years after the UN lifted sanctions on Libya. If Iran can buy eight years of sanction-free détente by scuttling their nuclear program today, do you really doubt that they would seize the opportunity? Is their civilian and medical nuclear program so vital to their existence that they can afford to jeopardize their entire economy, including the solvency of their central bank, in the naïve hope that the Americans and Israelis will leave them alone? Who’s being crazy now?
The case of Iraq does not support these critics’ case either. Saddam Hussein did not have nuclear weapons or WMD, just like Iran does not have a nuclear program, but he thought he could stand up to the Americans and intimidate the Iranians by refusing entry to UN weapons inspectors. This decision, which is precisely what my critics think the Iranians will do today by continuing their civilian nuclear program at all costs, gave the Americans and their lapdogs a reason to invade in 2003. Had he relented and renounced WMD and nuclear weapons completely, (as Gaddafi was doing the very same year!), things might have turned out very differently in Iraq.
The Iranians, having intently watched both of these scenarios play out in Muslim countries in their backyard, are surely less forgetful of the circumstances surrounding American invasion than my critics. How else can we explain the Iranians’ almost blasé response to Israeli/American terrorism within their borders, overt threats of war, aggressive American drone missions, and American naval posturing in the Persian Gulf? One would expect, if my critics are right that the Iranians would never consider "appeasing" the Americans, that they would have already closed the Straits of Hormuz, as they recently claimed they are capable of doing. Instead, all they have done is to send a "letter of protest" to the U.S. to complain about American-sponsored terrorism on their soil. Can you imagine that? Their only response to terrorism, of all things, is to send a "letter of protest" to the terrorists? Isn’t that a sign that the Iranians are reasonable people who truly do want to avoid a murderous war at all costs?
Recently by Mark R. Crovelli: How Iran Could Whip the United States and Israel Without Firing a Single Shot
My inbox over the past few days has been absolutely inundated with emails from people from all over the world who took time out of their busy lives to denounce me as "crazy," "delusional," and, my personal favorite, "smoking the good stuff." What got so many people fired up and so eager to diagnose my mental health was my article "How Iran Could Whip the U.S. and Israel without Firing a Single Shot." In that article I made the suggestion that the Iranians have the ability to avoid conflict with the U.S. and Israel by doing exactly what is demanded of them. Instead of allowing themselves to be dragged into a bloody war with two of the most powerful nations in the history of the world, I suggested that the Iranians hold a trump card that will allow them to escape that outcome by abandoning their nuclear program in toto. This suggestion, according to many people who wrote to me, is a sign that I have fallen off my rocker.
Before anyone runs out to secure a court order to have me committed (or drug tested), allow me to make some additional observations in defense of my argument.
The first thing that I would note is that my argument is really just a different way of saying that the Iranian government can and will try to avoid a brutal and bloody war with two of the most heavily armed countries in the history of the world. Duh. They will try to avoid this outcome not because they particularly care about the wellbeing of their citizens, (of course they don’t, they’re politicians after all), but because they are acutely aware that wars with the United States eventually result in "regime change." Two of their neighboring governments were overthrown by the U.S. military in just the last ten years, despite the fact that those governments had nothing to do with 9-11 and did not attack the United States, and they just watched the U.S. help to overthrow the Libyan government. Surely the Iranian government is aware that war with the U.S. and Israel will produce a similar outcome for themselves. If they are foolish enough to allow a war to develop, they would have to assume that would meet a fate similar to Saddam Hussein or Mullah Omar.
While obvious, this point is critical for understanding why the Iranian government could eventually scuttle its nuclear program and secure peace. Many people, for example, wrote to me with doubts that the Iranian government would ever be willing to "lose face" with their own people by dismantling its nuclear program. What these people fail to consider, however, is that the Iranian government has to consider not only the disposition of its citizens, but also what is likely to happen if they allow a war to develop with the U.S. Losing face with one’s own citizens is usually a bad thing for a politician, but when the alternative is getting overthrown by a powerful foreign military and being executed like a dog in the street, losing face doesn’t look nearly such a bad alternative.
It is not clear, by the way, that the Iranian government would lose face by scuttling its nuclear program. After all, as I noted in my previous article, the Iranian government has surely made the Iranian people aware that even the American intelligence agencies and the IAEA agree that it is not developing nuclear weapons, which means that the Iranian people are no doubt aware that the U.S. and Israel are provoking Iran for reasons unrelated to nuclear weapons or nuclear power. To save face, the Iranian government need only say to the Iranian people "Look, these guys are trying to do to us what they did to Iraq, and we are going to do everything we can to avoid foreign occupation. If that means scuttling our nuclear program, so be it, because foreign occupation by the lawless and brutal Americans is worse than almost anything." The hordes of Iraqi refugees, orphans and widows in Iran would no doubt testify to the truth of this statement, in case the there are any Iranians who are stupid and chauvinistic enough to want to fight the Americans in order to "save face."
Some of my critics argued that even if the Iranian government was to scuttle its nuclear program completely, it would still face bombing or invasion, and they pointed to Iraq and Libya as examples. What these critics fail to notice is that "appeasement," to use their pejorative word, did in fact work for Libya. When Gaddafi scuttled his own nuclear program the U.S. sponsored sanctions on Libya were lifted! Of course the U.S. eventually took advantage of Gaddafi’s weakness and intervened after he lost control of "his" people, but that was eight years after the UN lifted sanctions on Libya. If Iran can buy eight years of sanction-free détente by scuttling their nuclear program today, do you really doubt that they would seize the opportunity? Is their civilian and medical nuclear program so vital to their existence that they can afford to jeopardize their entire economy, including the solvency of their central bank, in the naïve hope that the Americans and Israelis will leave them alone? Who’s being crazy now?
The case of Iraq does not support these critics’ case either. Saddam Hussein did not have nuclear weapons or WMD, just like Iran does not have a nuclear program, but he thought he could stand up to the Americans and intimidate the Iranians by refusing entry to UN weapons inspectors. This decision, which is precisely what my critics think the Iranians will do today by continuing their civilian nuclear program at all costs, gave the Americans and their lapdogs a reason to invade in 2003. Had he relented and renounced WMD and nuclear weapons completely, (as Gaddafi was doing the very same year!), things might have turned out very differently in Iraq.
The Iranians, having intently watched both of these scenarios play out in Muslim countries in their backyard, are surely less forgetful of the circumstances surrounding American invasion than my critics. How else can we explain the Iranians’ almost blasé response to Israeli/American terrorism within their borders, overt threats of war, aggressive American drone missions, and American naval posturing in the Persian Gulf? One would expect, if my critics are right that the Iranians would never consider "appeasing" the Americans, that they would have already closed the Straits of Hormuz, as they recently claimed they are capable of doing. Instead, all they have done is to send a "letter of protest" to the U.S. to complain about American-sponsored terrorism on their soil. Can you imagine that? Their only response to terrorism, of all things, is to send a "letter of protest" to the terrorists? Isn’t that a sign that the Iranians are reasonable people who truly do want to avoid a murderous war at all costs?
Global Chemtrail Secrets Revealed
2012年1月22日 12:30:24
(!Chemtrails/化學凝結尾 )他們在空中向我們噴灑了什麼? - 全片
Fox News 宣傳人工影響天氣,它仍然是一個陰謀論嗎?
奇怪的雲... 化學凝結尾? (有片)
英外相撇清 無意對伊動武
(法新社倫敦24日電) 英國外相赫格(WilliamHague)今天堅稱,英國並未計畫也未鼓吹對伊朗採取軍事行動,以反制德黑蘭的核子計畫或威脅封鎖赫莫茲海峽(Strait of Hormuz)的動作。
美國官員說,嚴重關注中國軍警周一在四川向抗議藏人開槍, 導致一名藏人被打死的報道。
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