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為了避免化學添加物對健康造成的影響,消費者刻意選購一些產品以代替高度加工的食品,不幸的是,許多看似健康的選擇通常也含有速食等食品中同樣有的 添加物及味精。這些化學物質添加在食物中是為了以減少生產成本、延長保存期限來增加食品業者的利潤,並讓食品看起來更吸引人,以促進銷售。
製作牛油只需奶油或發酵奶油 (cultured cream) ,一些產品可能還含有鹽,但是你會很訝異的看到天然香料、檸檬酸及紅木等添加物也標列在許多產品中。天然香料經常添加於無鹽的產品當中,以增添風味;紅木 有時則會添加在使用劣質奶油製成的牛油當中,以增加色澤。務必詳讀標示,並且謹慎選擇有機的產品。
製做酸奶所需的成分只有發酵奶油,但一些市售酸奶的成分標示首先出現的卻是牛奶。由於奶油比牛奶濃稠,因此這些產品通常必須添加鹿角菜 膠 (carrageenan) 、改造食物澱粉及關華豆膠 (guar gum) 等添加物來增加濃稠度;因為同樣原因,低脂及無脂酸奶也普遍使用添加物。
以吃鬆餅糖漿來展開一天顯然不是一種健康的飲食方式,但當你知道下列事實可能會更驚訝 ─ 市售的糖漿實際上大多不含楓糖,反而含有高果糖玉米糖漿混合人工香料、色素及六偏磷酸鈉 (hexametaphosphate) 等添加物。購買糖漿之前務必仔細閱讀成分標示,確定產品中只有純楓糖漿;儘管純楓糖漿價格會比玉米糖漿製成的仿冒品昂貴,但因為製造 1 加侖的純正楓糖需要 40 至60 加侖的樹液,價差是可以理解的。
Google changes internet privacy March 1st, US President Barack Obama will host a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington on March 5th. The F.B.I. shuts down the internet March 8th (just like the Egyptian Government during a 'crisis' in Egypt). Spring Equinox falls on March 20th. War Coming???
"The White House wants to see sanctions work. This is not the Bush White House. It does not need another conflict," said an official knowledgeable on Middle East policy. "Its problem is that the guys in Tehran are behaving like sanctions don't matter, like their economy isn't collapsing, like Israel isn't going to do anything. Sanctions are all we've got to throw at the problem. If they fail then it's hard to see how we don't move to the 'in extremis' option." The White House has said repeatedly that all options are on the table, including the use of force to stop Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, but that for now the emphasis is firmly on diplomacy and sanctions. But long-held doubts among US officials about whether the Iranians can be enticed or cajoled into serious negotiations have been reinforced by recent events. "We don't see a way forward," said one official. "The record shows that there is nothing to work with." Scepticism about Iranian intent is rooted in Iran's repeated spurning of overtures from successive U.S. presidents from Bill Clinton to Barack Obama, who appealed within weeks of coming to office for "constructive ties" and "mutual respect."
(SENATOR COONS "This is a DEADLY SERIOUS moment" Feb 17, 2012)
PSALM 83 is about to be fulfilledUS officials believe Iran sanctions will fail, making military action likely
WASHINGTON - Officials in key parts of the Obama administration are increasingly convinced that sanctions will not deter Tehran from pursuing its nuclear program, and believe that the US will be left with no option but to launch an attack on Iran or watch Israel do so. The president has made clear in public, and in private to Israel, that he is determined to give sufficient time for recent measures, such as the financial blockade and the looming European oil embargo, to bite deeper into Iran's already battered economy before retreating from its principal strategy to pressure Tehran. But there is a strong current of opinion within the administration -- including in the Pentagon and the state department -- that believes sanctions are doomed to fail, and that their principal use now is in delaying Israeli military action, as well as reassuring Europe that an attack will only come after other means have been tested."The White House wants to see sanctions work. This is not the Bush White House. It does not need another conflict," said an official knowledgeable on Middle East policy. "Its problem is that the guys in Tehran are behaving like sanctions don't matter, like their economy isn't collapsing, like Israel isn't going to do anything. Sanctions are all we've got to throw at the problem. If they fail then it's hard to see how we don't move to the 'in extremis' option." The White House has said repeatedly that all options are on the table, including the use of force to stop Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, but that for now the emphasis is firmly on diplomacy and sanctions. But long-held doubts among US officials about whether the Iranians can be enticed or cajoled into serious negotiations have been reinforced by recent events. "We don't see a way forward," said one official. "The record shows that there is nothing to work with." Scepticism about Iranian intent is rooted in Iran's repeated spurning of overtures from successive U.S. presidents from Bill Clinton to Barack Obama, who appealed within weeks of coming to office for "constructive ties" and "mutual respect."
Russian military drafts options for responding to attack on Iran
MOSCOW prepares military response for Iranian attack — Russia has been preparing for the prospect of an Israeli or U.S. air strike on Iran in 2012. Officials said the Kremlin has ordered the military to draft options for a Russian response to any foreign attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. They said the Defense Ministry has established a facility to monitor Teheran, an ally and trading partner of Moscow. Russian Chief of Staff Gen. Nikolai Makarov "Iran, of course, is a sore spot," Russian Chief of Staff Gen. Nikolai Makarov said. Makarov said Iran has become the leading focus of the Kremlin. He said the Defense Ministry has established a center to closely monitor Iran and the rest of the Middle East. Makarov said international pressure on Iran has been growing and could be followed by military action. He said the current sanctions on Teheran could lead to a confrontation in mid-2012url
報告: Area 51建立巨大的外星金字塔
Report: Area 51 Builds Massive Alien Pyramid
Pyramids. Are some alien? Scientists in China and Russia think so. Now, it seems the hidden technology of those ancient structures is being activated as massive pyramids around the globe are shooting pulsing streams of raw energy deep into space. What is their purpose? Are they really conduits of cosmic energy as some have claimed? Were some pyramids actually designed by alien 'gods' that created a worldwide network of advanced city-states based on their superscience? Who really knows? Well, maybe the United States Air Force knows.
The Air Force's infamous supersecret base at Groom Lake, Nevada—also known as "Area 51" or "Dreamland"—has just finished constructing a massive desert pyramid. Will it tie into the network of ancient pyramids worldwide and draw upon alien technology to absorb the rippling dimensional energies to power…what?
Energy beam projected from Bosnian pyramid [Artist conception]
World's pyramids reactivating
Pyramid technology is ancient and global. Fantastic pyramids have been discovered beneath the twisted growth of South American jungles, the ocean's floors, on high plateaus and desolate deserts.
Some who've researched these ancient silent stone sentinels are convinced that at least a few of the mighty structures are actually advanced machines—machines engineered to accomplish purposes so vast that the energies unleashed could dwarf today's most advanced technology.
Mayan pyramid shooting energy beam into space
With the recent astonishing activity of Aztec and Mayan pyramids, and the giant pyramid in Bosnia, the hypothesis that some of the ancient structures are machines suddenly appears entirely credible.
Giza pyramids compared to the possible Martian Cydonia pyramids
According to some bold science pioneers like Richard C. Hoagland, the plains of Mars—specifically the Cydonia region—has pyramids. What might be pyramids have also been found on regions of the lunar surface.
Pyramid power
Recently, Chinese scientists have activated a special team that has been studying the great Xianyang pyramid that sits near Mount Baigong in the western province of Qinghai, China. They are now closely monitoring the pyramid for signs it might activate as others have. [See: Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid]
Mysterious Xianyang pyramid — some scientists think it's alien
Giant machines capable of generating incredible amounts of energy…is it really possible? The evidence suggests that it is, and if so it raises the question: to what purpose will all that energy be put? The Chinese think their famous flat-topped pyramid was used many thousands of years ago as a landing pad to recharge the internal power of gigantic alien ships.
A generator that may be able to pump out megajoules of energy can be used for almost anything: opening doorways to other universes, time travel, climate manipulation…even as a planetary defense system against careening space rocks or incoming attacking alien armadas.
The possibilities are almost endless.
Sign at perimeter of Area 51 warning that deadly force will be used
The Area 51 pyramid
Area 51, first brought to the public's attention by Las Vegas investigative television journalist George Knapp, has long been a hotbed of UFO speculation and investigations into the likelihood of the secretive desert base being used to reverse-engineer captured alien technology.
The 'Extraterrestrial Highway' leading to Area 51
If true—and there's strong circumstantial evidence that at least some of the allegations made by Bob Lazar and others that the USAF top-secret test base is hip deep in ET artifacts and technology—then some of that technology must require a charge-up to power the unearthly devices.
The Chinese scientists may be on to something. For if the pyramid in Qinghai truly was erected to power up extraterrestrial spacecraft, then the USAF may require something similar when their scientists and engineers reach the stage in the decades-long project to back-engineer unworldly technology that's allegedly stumped some of the world's best thinkers for more than two generations.
If the USAF reached the stage where they need a massive, alien-designed, power base they would more than likely build a pyramidal structure very much like the one in China.
And they have.
Study the following series of photos:
Google satellite photo of new complex near Groom Lake Area 51 base
Enlargement of pyramid structure with flattened top 'landing pad?'
Aerial view of the mysterious, possibly alien, Chinese Xianyang pyramid
Comparison of Chinese flat-topped pyramid to Area 51 flat-topped pyramid
The USAF version also appears to have some upgrades compared to the ancient Chinese version. In particular a square receptical that sits in the middle of the flattened top of the Area 51 pyramid.
For more than 20 years UFO activity has been regularly spotted in and around Groom Lake. Strange craft unlike any aircraft flown by any airforce have been seen time and again hovering and manuevering over the nearby mountain range.
When the pyramid is fully powered up and activated, there might be many more strange craft skimming over the lonely Nevada desert than at any time in the past.
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