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美國空軍的飛碟 - 30年的核動力反重力三角飛碟,隱形科幻現實技術(有片)
USAF’s Ufo’s – 30 year old Nuclear Anti-Gravity Flying Triangle,Cloaked Sci-Fi Tech Reality (video)
The Space Launch System, or SLS, will be designed to carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, as well as important cargo, equipment and science experiments to Earth's orbit and destinations beyond. Additionally, the SLS will serve as a back up for commercial and international partner transportation services to the International Space Station.
"This launch system will create good-paying American jobs, ensure continued U.S. leadership in space, and inspire millions around the world," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said. "President Obama challenged us to be bold and dream big, and that's exactly what we are doing at NASA. While I was proud to fly on the space shuttle, kids today can now dream of one day walking on Mars."
The SLS rocket will incorporate technological investments from the Space Shuttle program and the Constellation program in order to take advantage of proven hardware and cutting-edge tooling and manufacturing technology that will significantly reduce development and operations costs. It will use a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propulsion system, which will include the RS-25D/E from the Space Shuttle program for the core stage and the J-2X engine for the upper stage.
The SLS rocket will incorporate technological investments from the Space Shuttle program and the Constellation program in order to take advantage of proven hardware and cutting-edge tooling and manufacturing technology that will significantly reduce development and operations costs. It will use a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propulsion system, which will include the RS-25D/E from the Space Shuttle program for the core stage and the J-2X engine for the upper stage.
SLS will also use solid rocket boosters for the initial development flights, while follow-on boosters will be competed based on performance requirements and affordability considerations. The SLS will have an initial lift capacity of 70 metric tons (mT) and will be evolvable to 130 mT. The first developmental flight, or mission, is targeted for the end of 2017.
Artist Concept of SLS on Launchpad: The Space Launch System, or SLS, will be designed to carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, as well as important cargo, equipment and science experiments to Earth's orbit and destinations beyond. Additionally, the SLS will serve as a back up for commercial and international partner transportation services to the International Space Station.

Image Credit: NASA
This specific architecture was selected, largely because it utilizes an evolvable development approach, which allows NASA to address high-cost development activities early on in the program and take advantage of higher buying power before inflation erodes the available funding of a fixed budget. This architecture also enables NASA to leverage existing capabilities and lower development costs by using liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen for both the core and upper stages.
Artist Concept of SLS on Launchpad: The Space Launch System, or SLS, will be designed to carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, as well as important cargo, equipment and science experiments to Earth's orbit and destinations beyond. Additionally, the SLS will serve as a back up for commercial and international partner transportation services to the International Space Station.

Image Credit: NASA
This specific architecture was selected, largely because it utilizes an evolvable development approach, which allows NASA to address high-cost development activities early on in the program and take advantage of higher buying power before inflation erodes the available funding of a fixed budget. This architecture also enables NASA to leverage existing capabilities and lower development costs by using liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen for both the core and upper stages.
NASA has selected the design of a new Space Launch System that will take the agency's astronauts farther into space than ever before, create high-quality jobs here at home, and provide the cornerstone for America's future human space exploration efforts. The booster will be America’s most powerful since the Saturn V rocket that carried Apollo astronauts to the moon and will launch humans to places no one has gone before.
The SLS will carry human crews beyond low Earth orbit in the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. The rocket will use a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel system, where RS-25D/E engines will provide the core propulsion and the J2X engine is planned for use in the upper stage.
Credit: NASA
Additionally, this architecture provides a modular launch vehicle that can be configured for specific mission needs using a variation of common elements. NASA may not need to lift 130 mT for each mission and the flexibility of this modular architecture allows the agency to use different core stage, upper stage, and first-stage booster combinations to achieve the most efficient launch vehicle for the desired mission.
"NASA has been making steady progress toward realizing the president's goal of deep space exploration, while doing so in a more affordable way," NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said. "We have been driving down the costs on the Space Launch System and Orion contracts by adopting new ways of doing business and project hundreds of millions of dollars of savings each year."
"NASA has been making steady progress toward realizing the president's goal of deep space exploration, while doing so in a more affordable way," NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said. "We have been driving down the costs on the Space Launch System and Orion contracts by adopting new ways of doing business and project hundreds of millions of dollars of savings each year."
Credit: NASA
The Space Launch System will be NASA's first exploration-class vehicle since the Saturn V took American astronauts to the moon over 40 years ago. With its superior lift capability, the SLS will expand our reach in the solar system and allow us to explore cis-lunar space, near-Earth asteroids, Mars and its moons and beyond. We will learn more about how the solar system formed, where Earth' water and organics originated and how life might be sustained in places far from our Earth's atmosphere and expand the boundaries of human exploration. These discoveries will change the way we understand ourselves, our planet, and its place in the universe.
Contacts and sources:
Michael Braukus / J.D. Harrington
Headquarters, Washington
Dan Kanigan
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
The Space Launch System will be NASA's first exploration-class vehicle since the Saturn V took American astronauts to the moon over 40 years ago. With its superior lift capability, the SLS will expand our reach in the solar system and allow us to explore cis-lunar space, near-Earth asteroids, Mars and its moons and beyond. We will learn more about how the solar system formed, where Earth' water and organics originated and how life might be sustained in places far from our Earth's atmosphere and expand the boundaries of human exploration. These discoveries will change the way we understand ourselves, our planet, and its place in the universe.
Contacts and sources:
Michael Braukus / J.D. Harrington
Headquarters, Washington
Dan Kanigan
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
2011年9月14日 2:52:20

Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the truth.
Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity.
He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it.

Ken Johnston in happier days at JPL
Over the past 40 years other scientists, engineers and technicians have accused NASA of cover-ups and obscuring data.
The growing number of accusers' allegations range from hiding information about anomalous space objects and lying about the discovery of artifacts on the surface of the Moon and Mars, to denying the evidence of life reported back by the Viking lander during the mid-1970s.

Strange object photographed by Apollo astronauts
According to Johnston, Apollo astronauts brought back photographic evidence of the artifacts they found during their lunar extravehicular activities (EVAs). Johnston claims NASA ordered him to destroy the EVA images while he was at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), but he refused.
When he went public, the space agency terminated him.

Kay Ferrari, JPL Director of the SSA program
In a news release, Kay Ferrari, the JPL Director of the SSA Program, explained why she asked Johnston to resign: he had publicly criticized his employer.
When Johnston refused to tender his resignation, he was summarily dismissed without cause.
After his abrupt departure, he indicated he'd had enough and was tired that the U.S. government had been sitting on the proof for more than four decades that ancient alien cities are the Moon.
“I have nothing to lose," he said. "I quarreled with NASA and I got fired."

Russian Lunik 13 photo of artificial, maufactured object

Lunik 13 enlarged photo of manufactured artifact
Evidence has emerged of large structures, perhaps even a base on the far side if the Moon, that seems to support Johnston's allegations. See Before It's News article "Claim: Secret American Base Discovered on Moon."
Space scientist livid over NASA cover-up
Ken Johnston isn't the only one to have a bone to pick with NASA.

Viking discovered life on Mars - Gilbert Levin
The scientist who oversaw the important life-detection experiment aboard the 1976 Viking space probe mission on Mars continues to blast the U.S. space agency.
Gilbert Levin insists his biology experiment proved life is in the Martian soil.
"We obtained positive data corresponding with all the pre-mission criteria, which proved the existence of microbial life in the soil of Mars," Levin told National Geographic. ["I Found Life on Mars in 1976, Scientist Says"]
The prominent scientist is so angry at NASA he's even created his own website designed to shout to the world that life really is on the Red Planet.
The color of deception
Many space scientists have challenged NASA about yet another fraud the agency allegedly perpetrated for decades: the color of the Martian sky.
For years the space agency released photos of Mars with a reddish tinged sky and rusty red landscape. They got away with it too until independent researchers and Mars missions undertaken by the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed that the Martian sky actually looked very similar to Earth's sky--and the Martian landscape pretty much resembled the pale salmon colored terrain of the American Southwest.
Holger Isenberg has written about it on the German site "The Color of Mars." Here's a translated link with the photographic evidence.
More controversy over photos
Former NASA employee, Donna Hare, has accused NASA of doctoring, obfuscating, and obscuring thousands of photos over the years. She has gone on record alleging the space agency erased inconvenient anomalies on certain damning photos.

Image purposefully smudged
During her time at NASA she was a specialist working as an illustrator and photographic slide technician. Her service awards include the 1969 Apollo Achievement award, a Skylab award, and a special commemorative medallion for meritorious service involving the joint American-Russian space mission, Apollo-Soyuz.

What doesn't NASA want you to see?
A technical illustrator by profession, Hare has just about done it all during her tenure with the space agency, working as a space illustrator and in the Precision Slide Lab. She illustrated space vehicles, satellites, launch pads, landing sites, lunar maps and much, much more.
Hare worked as a sub-contractor with the agency for more than 15 years. When she blew the whistle on NASA, she went public and appeared as a guest on WOL-AM radio in Washington, D.C.

This Youtube video exposing NASA image tampering was ordered removed by NASA
Her testimony is controversial and some support her contentions while others do not.

Did NASA miss smudging this photo?

Enlargement of photo? Artificial? What do you think?
Apollo 17 and the astonishing 'robot head'

"In December of 1972 Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent about 75 hours on the Moon. During their lunar expedition they took the photo seen above. As incredible as it sounds it appears to be the severed head of a robot. As Cernan put it, even though he was seeing it with his own eyes, he still couldn't quite bring himself to believe it," writes author Joe Szostak in his book and website.
"After overcoming his initial shock he realized that it couldn't be a human skull. After all, it was lying in a debris field from an impact crater, which had tossed up all manner of junk and material from just below the valley floor. Something as fragile as a fossilized bone could not possibly survive such an impact.
"Furthermore, exposure to extreme solar and cosmic radiation would have long since reduced organic material to a fine powder. This object was unmistakably of mechanical origin. Color enhancements showed that the 'head' had a distinctive red stripe around the area where the upper lip should be, a feature that clearly appeared to be painted or anodized on the object.
"Composites of other frames showed that the 'head' had two eye-sockets, a forehead, brow ridges, a nose with nostrils, twin cheek bones and the upper half of the jaw. The lower jaw seemed to be missing.
"Cernan dubbed the area 'one mysterious looking place.' Many of the rocks had highly unusual spectral qualities, reflecting light more like crystals or highly polished metallic boxes.
"The bottom photo is an enlargement of the severed head photographed in Shorty Crater by Cernan and Schmitt. To this day there hasn't been a satisfactory explanation for this artifact from the scientific community..."

Lunar artifact is obviously not natural
The incredible Hubble photo of perfect pyramid on the moon

Who built this? When" Why?
The image of this pyramid on the Moon was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in December 2008.
The Aristarchus Crater complex

Look closely. Is this really a 'crater?'
"The Aristarchus Crater enigma is one of numerous so-called transient lunar phenomena (TLP). It is the brightest spot on the Moon as seen from Earth, which changes color, sometimes producing a red or bluish glow, and appears to emit gas. In 1958 Aristarchus Crater's strange phenomena were observed by Russian astronomer Nikolai Kozyrev. They were also reported by the crew of Apollo 11.
"The nature of the crater phenomena has given credence to a theory that there could be some sort of a power device, possibly a fusion reactor, in the crater. On any photo published by NASA except for a Clementine image this object is shown as a bright white smudge with no definition [Emphasis added]. This structure appears to be supported by 5 or 6 arches. In the foreground is a road that leads to a brightly lit tunnel entrance." [Joe Szostak]
Russian Luna 9 photographs space vehicle
"Luna 9 was an unmanned space probe of the Soviet Union's Luna program. On February 3, 1966 Luna 9 became the first spacecraft to achieve a soft landing on any planetary body other than Earth and to transmit photographic data back to Earth from the Moon. [The] photo is from the Luna 9 probe. It shows what appears to be a large craft or vehicle whose shape resembles that of an ocean going ship on Earth, coming to a point at one end and having an elevated section on top. A cable or tube appears to extend from the rear of the object toward the surface. Contact with Luna 9 was lost on February 6, 1966 just three days after landing." [Joe Szostak]

Odd things are on the Moon and Mars. Strange things have been found on the Martian moon Phobos, Saturn's moon Titan, and a handful of other more obscure moons.
The evidence seems to be mounting that we were not always alone in the Solar System. In fact the place seemed downright crowded.
Maybe it still is...
築起奇怪的能量:HAARP磁強計九月的讀數 -是什麼意思?
美要求核電廠 檢討耐震能力 2011年09月14日 05:18 中國日報
(維州裡奇蒙十三日電)美國核子管理委員會(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)的小組建議,核管會應立即要求美國核電廠經營者,重新評估這些核電廠是否承受得了地震與洪水的威力。
維吉尼亞州北安娜(North Anna)核電廠的營運業者1日表示,8月底震撼美國東岸的大地震,導致核電廠內又大又重的核廢料桶移位,最遠移位11公分。
維州「裡奇蒙時報」(Richmond Times-Gazette)引述北安娜核電廠運營商道明資源公司(Dominion Resources Inc.)主管的話表示,共25個桶子被這起規模5.8的地震震到移位。這些桶子每個高4.9公尺,重達115公噸,全都安放在水泥台上。
維吉尼亞州北安娜(North Anna)核電廠的營運業者1日表示,8月底震撼美國東岸的大地震,導致核電廠內又大又重的核廢料桶移位,最遠移位11公分。
維州「裡奇蒙時報」(Richmond Times-Gazette)引述北安娜核電廠運營商道明資源公司(Dominion Resources Inc.)主管的話表示,共25個桶子被這起規模5.8的地震震到移位。這些桶子每個高4.9公尺,重達115公噸,全都安放在水泥台上。
超級地球 太陽系外發現第2顆適居行星 2011年09月14日 05:18 中國日報
距地球36光年 可能適合生命生存
馬克斯普朗克研究所天文學家卡騰內格在美國舉行的研討會中指出,在太陽系外發現五十顆新行星,其中最令人振奮的是,在所謂的適居帶(Goldilocks zone)中,發現第二顆適居行星。
這一群新行星,包括可能適合生命生存的「HD85512b」,是位於智利的歐洲南天天文台(ESO),利用「高精度逕向速度行星搜索器」 (HARPS)所發現,當中有十六顆行星是所謂的「超級地球」(super-Earths),也就是質量不高於地球十倍的行星,這樣的發現鼓勵了天文學 家,讓他們相信發現像地球般的行星來日不遠。相關報告已提交「天文與天體物理學」學報。
距地球36光年 可能適合生命生存
馬克斯普朗克研究所天文學家卡騰內格在美國舉行的研討會中指出,在太陽系外發現五十顆新行星,其中最令人振奮的是,在所謂的適居帶(Goldilocks zone)中,發現第二顆適居行星。
這一群新行星,包括可能適合生命生存的「HD85512b」,是位於智利的歐洲南天天文台(ESO),利用「高精度逕向速度行星搜索器」 (HARPS)所發現,當中有十六顆行星是所謂的「超級地球」(super-Earths),也就是質量不高於地球十倍的行星,這樣的發現鼓勵了天文學 家,讓他們相信發現像地球般的行星來日不遠。相關報告已提交「天文與天體物理學」學報。
美銀裁3萬人 華爾街人人自危 2011年09月14日 05:18 中國日報
《CNNMoney》報導,美國銀行(Bank of America)(BAC-US)星期一宣佈將裁掉 3 萬名員工, 比起今年年初預計削減 6000 個工作增加 5 倍之多。
美國銀行的大動作預料將在幾個星期或幾個月內於同業間發酵,掀起一波或許不很劇烈但將影響深遠的裁員風潮。證券公司 Rochdale Securities 銀行分析師 Dick Bove 指出,「綜觀銀行産業,漣漪很快就會擴散出去。」
包括高盛證券與瑞信證券在內的企業早已開始實施一連串「寧靜裁員(quiet layoffs)」,員工在 8 月時被告知能夠繼續保留薪資與職稱頭銜,但是從 10 月 1 日起將失去工作。
趨動這波「寧靜裁員」的主因有二:第一,如果員工找到其他工作,金融機構能夠降低裁員的數據;其次,銀行可望在第 4 季減少開支。
除了美國銀行計畫裁員,巴克萊證券和瑞信證券也不約而同宣佈將在今年各削減 3000 和 2000 個工作職位;而花旗(C-US)和摩根士丹利(MS-US)則尚無裁員行動。
專家表示,若把摩根大通排除在外,華爾街今年蒸發的工作數量可能將高達 6 位數。熟悉銀行産業聘僱狀況的人士指出,「部門主管每天都在精算員工數目,思索應該可以再炒掉哪些人。」
今年銀行股確實震盪劇烈,美國銀行搖搖欲墜,從今年初開始,股價重挫 47% ,花旗好不到哪裏去,跌掉 43% ,摩根大通集團和巴克萊證券分別下跌 24% 和 44%。
官方數據隨着股市下挫不斷波動,而美國銀行或其他金融機構最可能裁員的部門就是旗下廣大的零售通路,因此銀行零售端的員工可能得做好收拾包袱隨 時走路的心理準備。券商 Raymond James 銀行分析師 Anthony Polini 指出,「銀行正處在削減成本的模式,大規模裁員之後,是銀行達成增效率、減成本目的的最佳方式。」
資産管理招募企業營運商 Frank Carr 表示,他已經從在各大銀行中被解雇的人裏面,尋找主要經濟業務或提供避險基金服務的個人。「就過去看來,那裏曾經是非常安全的地方。」
2007 年金融風暴,整體經濟環境都遭華爾街的困境狠狠掃過一遍。北卡羅來納州夏洛特市是美國銀行和富國銀行總部所在之處,根據一份紐約獨立預算辦公室(IBO) 和紐約和北卡商會的統計數字顯示,這兩處的金融部門的員工數在 2007 年底金融風暴之前到 2011 年之間,下降了大約 11% ,而這份數據並不包括所有在 2011 年宣佈的裁員數字。
在紐約金融部門工作的人數大約有 16 萬 8277 人,雖僅占整體工作人口約 6% ,然而它對整體經濟有巨大的影響力。
IBO 副主任 George Sweeting 指出,當金融産業生氣蓬勃,會帶動整體社會欣欣向榮;反之,整座城市病容懨懨也是可預期之事。
《CNNMoney》報導,美國銀行(Bank of America)(BAC-US)星期一宣佈將裁掉 3 萬名員工, 比起今年年初預計削減 6000 個工作增加 5 倍之多。
美國銀行的大動作預料將在幾個星期或幾個月內於同業間發酵,掀起一波或許不很劇烈但將影響深遠的裁員風潮。證券公司 Rochdale Securities 銀行分析師 Dick Bove 指出,「綜觀銀行産業,漣漪很快就會擴散出去。」
包括高盛證券與瑞信證券在內的企業早已開始實施一連串「寧靜裁員(quiet layoffs)」,員工在 8 月時被告知能夠繼續保留薪資與職稱頭銜,但是從 10 月 1 日起將失去工作。
趨動這波「寧靜裁員」的主因有二:第一,如果員工找到其他工作,金融機構能夠降低裁員的數據;其次,銀行可望在第 4 季減少開支。
除了美國銀行計畫裁員,巴克萊證券和瑞信證券也不約而同宣佈將在今年各削減 3000 和 2000 個工作職位;而花旗(C-US)和摩根士丹利(MS-US)則尚無裁員行動。
專家表示,若把摩根大通排除在外,華爾街今年蒸發的工作數量可能將高達 6 位數。熟悉銀行産業聘僱狀況的人士指出,「部門主管每天都在精算員工數目,思索應該可以再炒掉哪些人。」
今年銀行股確實震盪劇烈,美國銀行搖搖欲墜,從今年初開始,股價重挫 47% ,花旗好不到哪裏去,跌掉 43% ,摩根大通集團和巴克萊證券分別下跌 24% 和 44%。
官方數據隨着股市下挫不斷波動,而美國銀行或其他金融機構最可能裁員的部門就是旗下廣大的零售通路,因此銀行零售端的員工可能得做好收拾包袱隨 時走路的心理準備。券商 Raymond James 銀行分析師 Anthony Polini 指出,「銀行正處在削減成本的模式,大規模裁員之後,是銀行達成增效率、減成本目的的最佳方式。」
資産管理招募企業營運商 Frank Carr 表示,他已經從在各大銀行中被解雇的人裏面,尋找主要經濟業務或提供避險基金服務的個人。「就過去看來,那裏曾經是非常安全的地方。」
2007 年金融風暴,整體經濟環境都遭華爾街的困境狠狠掃過一遍。北卡羅來納州夏洛特市是美國銀行和富國銀行總部所在之處,根據一份紐約獨立預算辦公室(IBO) 和紐約和北卡商會的統計數字顯示,這兩處的金融部門的員工數在 2007 年底金融風暴之前到 2011 年之間,下降了大約 11% ,而這份數據並不包括所有在 2011 年宣佈的裁員數字。
在紐約金融部門工作的人數大約有 16 萬 8277 人,雖僅占整體工作人口約 6% ,然而它對整體經濟有巨大的影響力。
IBO 副主任 George Sweeting 指出,當金融産業生氣蓬勃,會帶動整體社會欣欣向榮;反之,整座城市病容懨懨也是可預期之事。
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