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(法新社威靈頓10日電) 貨櫃輪雷納號(Rena)5
沖上普蘭蒂灣(Bay of Plenty)海灘。營救人員也試
紐西蘭海事局(Maritime New Zealand)表示,芒
格努伊山(Mount Maunganui)的海灘上已發現「拳頭
般大小」的浮油。芒格努伊山是北島(North Island)
海事局營救小組負責人安德森(Bruce Anderson)
告訴紐西蘭廣播電台(Radio New Zealand):「這的







雷惠明 從美生堂鄰居到美生會(共濟會)總會長

雷惠明 從美生堂鄰居到美生會總會長
October 09, 2011 11:00 AM |
9月的最後一個周日,加州美生會(Masonry,又稱Freemasonry,中文也譯為「共濟會」)舉行總會長就職典禮。1500多名美生會員與眷屬 聚集在加州總會所——舊金山美生堂,參加這項盛大隆重的典禮。隨同總會長就任的,還有32位負責不同工作的執事人員。一批西方面孔中,唯一的華裔雷惠明坐 在正中央,宣誓就任總會長。他是加州美生會成立以來,第二位華裔被推選為總會長。也讓美生會這個全球規模最大的兄弟會,增加了華裔的聲音。記者問:華裔加入獅子會、扶輪社的人很多,但比較少聽說加入美生會。你當初怎麼會加入這個組織?
雷 惠明答:美生會一向不對外公開招募會員,也不會到處去拉人來加入。通常是對美生會宗旨有興趣的人,主動開口要求加入,經考核審查,確認符合資格,就可以入 會。我是在1986年,經小舅子的岳父介紹加入的。我太太娘家親戚總共有十個人入會。我們覺得美生會重視道德、重視教育、重視社區,也做很多慈善事業、發 揚博愛精神。入會的人都願意成為更好的人,是很積極正面的團體。不過美生會是兄弟會,只接受男性,所以我太太不能參加,只有我加入。
友善握手 兄弟相認暗號
答: 美生會最早是歐洲中世紀時的石匠互助會,正確起源時間地點已不可考。1717年,倫敦四個會所聯合組成英國第一個總會所,美生會正式成立。後來參加的人越 來越多,各行各業都有。尤其在革命時期、戰爭時期,美生會這種大型組織特別受到注意。例如希特勒就將美生會員當作屠殺對象,某些政權也禁止我們的組織,因 此美生會不得不改為秘密聚會。不過,平時美生會並不算是秘密組織。當然我們有特定的握手方式,叫做「友善握手」。透過這種握手方式,就可以認出對方是美生 會員兄弟。
答: 美生會是世界上歷史最悠久、規模最大的兄弟會,申請入會的人,必須人品操守良好,相信宇宙間有超越人類的主宰。入會者不拘宗教信仰,可以是佛教徒、基督 徒、天主教徒或回教徒,此外,像印度教徒、猶太教徒都歡迎,但不能是無神論者。不過,我們平日在會所,是不談政治或宗教的。有興趣加入美生會的人,要向會 所提出申請,該會所負責人就要指定一個委員會,去拜訪這名申請者。這就是考核。完成這個步驟之後,再由該會所成員投票,決定是否接受這名申請者。
入會儀式 終生難忘
答: 沒錯,美生會有特定的入會儀式,在入會儀式中將美生會的宗旨與信念,傳遞給入會者。美生會員最早是以建築城堡、大教堂起家,我們的會徽就是圓規與方矩相 接,中間是個大大的英文字母「G」。這個「G」字代表幾何、也代表各會員信仰的神,可以是上帝、阿拉或佛陀。總之,就是建構宇宙的超級性靈。我個人認為, 這項儀式好像是為入會者特別上演一齣戲,那種愉快鮮明的感覺,一輩子都難以忘懷。
答: 特別忙。要照顧到全加州的會務,事情很多。不過能夠為大家服務,感覺很好。美生會很多職務都是無給職,純粹是服務,總會長也是如此。我今年的目標是提高兒 童識字率,另外就是希望我們的會員加強對社區的關懷與聯繫。加州美生會從1850年成立到現在,超過160年,每年總會長從北加州與南加州輪流產生。明年 我卸任後,下一位總會長就會從南加州的會員中選出。
14位總統 也是會員
答: 我在舊金山華埠出生,我家距離加州美生會總會所「美生堂」只有幾個街口。當時我父親在旅館服務,母親在華埠從事車衣工作。我自伽利略高中畢業後,進入舊金 山市大拿了副學位,然後進入舊金山州大攻讀企業管理。畢業後,在貸款公司、郵局、律師事務所都工作過。然後跟太太在華埠開林苑餐廳11年,餐廳轉讓後,又 到百齡園服務。2007年起,加州美生會的附屬組織「蘇格蘭傳統儀式美生會」需要祕書長,我就過去任職。現在兼任總會長,一人當兩人用。

歐債危機結局難料 德法大國騎虎難下

(倫敦八日電) 盡管歐洲各方努力控制歐債危機避免希臘違約波及其他國家,但歐洲領袖的救援速度、力度與決心似乎仍不足,歐債危機的結果難預測,德法大國進退維谷。







如果歐央行行長是一個義大利人,是否會成為義大利國債務一個主要購買方?這些只是一些問題,尚沒能答案。歐央行官員德拉吉將在本月底接替特裡謝成為歐洲央 行行長。歐央行行長特裡謝稱,歐元區、歐洲央行和歐元系統整體將在德拉吉(Mario Draghi)的管理下保持良好狀態。






目前歐洲領袖談論較多的有兩種解決方案,第一、希臘違約,將希臘最終踢出歐元區。希臘一直在靠以兩年80%的利率借債,肯定是難以為繼,希臘債務違約,也 許只是時間問題。很可能造成持有希臘政府債券的部分銀行系統崩潰,隨後可能會通過交易對手違約,造成風險的蔓延,不僅本國經濟受重創,也會波及義大利和西 班牙等國家,債券收益率會進一步上揚,購買力較小,賣盤興趣超過買盤興趣,打擊投資者信心,歐洲金融機構的資產也可能嚴重縮水。

第二、為希臘留在歐元區進行最大的努力,但這或許代價也過為昂貴。可以通過加大歐洲穩定基金的杠桿,使它有成倍的彈藥來幹預市場,穩定銀行及金融體系。允 許EFSF將幹預市場積累起來的債券拿到歐洲央行抵押借貸,然後取得資金進行下一輪幹預,是一個極具危險的做法。這樣做令EFSF及歐洲央行手頭全是歐豬 債、垃圾債。一旦任何一個歐債最終失敗,這兩家機構的壞帳勢必飆升,這肯定是德法等大國最不願看到的。


與此同時,再加上全球還面臨著經濟衰退的風險,甚至有的專家稱歐美已經進入二次衰退,恐怕歐債危機的結局更加難以預料。國 際貨幣基金組織(IMF)歐洲區主管柏格斯(Antonio Borges) 5日在布魯塞爾發布“歐洲經濟展望報告”(economic outlook for Europe)時警告,2012年全球經濟出現衰退將“不可避免”,同時也指出“全球經濟活動將會下滑”。

倫敦爆反戰遊行 阿桑奇等名人領頭

(倫敦八日電)隨著阿富汗戰爭滿十週年,英國民眾反戰情緒升溫,8日在倫敦,數千民眾走上街頭舉行反戰遊行,維基解密網站創始人朱利安•阿桑奇及社交活動家傑米瑪-可汗(Jemima Khan)等人也加入了遊行隊伍。









Written by richardmooretoday on October 9th, 2011 2:00 pm

The economic crisis in the eurozone is heating up world politics on the eve of G20 meeting. The financial crisis in Europe is getting critical day by day and threatening to drag the world economy into yet another massive depression. In such a situation, the European nation heads are at a loss to find a solution that is acceptable to all.

Greece is on the edge of becoming bankrupt, but the major economic powers are inclined to focus on Italy and Spain, which are safer bets. Should Greece get a fresh injection of help? Is it right to lend support to comparatively stronger economies like Italy and Spain? Europe is clearly divided when it comes to answering these questions. European Central Bank has agreed to buy Italian and Spanish Debt, but this has lead to the resignation of two members from Germany. The Bank’s outgoing President has resigned s well. Mario Draghi will be the new ECB President. Will he bail out his country? If he has such intentions, then he should be prepared for some stiff resistance.

There are major differences on other key issues as well. For instance, is it wise to use eurozone’s economic power (European Financial Stability Facility) to combat the crisis or save Greece for that matter? For President Sarakozy, the answer is a definite yes. For Germany, Europe’s strongest economy, the answer is no. Berlin wants to use this fund as a last resort. Sarakozy and Markel will soon meet to sort out this issue.

In any case, EFSF will not be enough to save Italy or Spain if their economies collapse altogether.  Neither can it support Europe’s banks completely if Greece defaults on its debts.

The U.S has asked the European heavy weights to act fast. Obama and company believes that critical economic situation in this part of the globe is stopping the U.S to recover from the effects of the recent recession. Meanwhile, the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) economies have urged the euro leaders to fix the economic crisis with utmost urgency. However, their appeals have been greeted with plain hostility and indifference. Nonetheless, political leaders from Europe need to come up with an answer before the G20 meeting.

With every passing day, people in general and investors in particular are becoming more and more hopeful about the recovery of eurozone. This substantially increases the stakes and the price of failure can be more than what Europe can afford.


Written by Mr. Conspiracy on October 6th, 2011 10:55 pm

Ever since this Occupy Wall Street Protests in NYC, I have wondered to myself why people are protesting at Wall Street instead of the Federal Reserve which isn’t that far from where they’re at now. There has been little coverage of the event from the Mainstream Media; I have done two posts about the subject. One about the Media-Blackout and one about how the Marines are going to protect the protesters and how JP Morgan donated money to the NYPD. (Link 1, Link 2) There has been a lot of YouTube Videos, Forum Posts, and Alternative Sources which are covering the subject.. (Research if your not familiar with the protests or whats going on) Also look on our discussion forum for more links to sites about Occupy Wall Street. I have noticed that everyday this protest goes on it’s spread to other cities across the globe and when the MSM does cover this protest; they interview the craziest people to ‘discredit’ the movement as much as they can. But I have found out that many of these occupy wall street websites are ran by interesting activists. Below I have included some different articles and who-is data for the websites that are supporting this movement. (Most of the websites have hidden who-is information) Interestingly Enough, The Socialist Party of the USA supports the Occupy Wall Street Protests.. See The Link Here! I can’t keep up with all the information that has been hitting the web but ill make new posts as more information becomes available. Note: I’m just included information that I found across the website, doesn’t mean I believe what’s posted in this article. (For informational purposes) So is this the beginning of a revolution or another false flag? Time will only tell… Read the interesting information below:

ACORN Behind Occupy Wall Street Protest

A famously corrupt leftist community organization with deep ties to President Barack Obama is largely behind the national movement to “end economic segregation” and social injustice in the United States.

Best known as Occupy Wall Street, the rowdy protests have received quite a bit of mainstream media coverage around the world. Besides New York, disruptive marches have been held in other major U.S. cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami and Boston and more are scheduled in the coming days.

Among the goals is to get major banks to stop preying on the poor and people of color, according to the organizer of a Boston offshoot of an Occupy Wall Street rally. The event, promoted as Take Back Boston, was organized by dozens of local community groups that claim big banks have a pattern of pushing “bad loans on people of color and the poor.” As a result of the “predatory lending,” foreclosures have skyrocketed in urban communities, the organizers say.

Among the Take Back Boston organizers is a spinoff of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Amid a massive fraud scandal and a series of criminal probes, ACORN supposedly dismantled but the reality is that it simply changed its name. In fact, Judicial Watch recently published a special report (“The Rebranding of ACORN”) about the organization’s transformation into various spinoffs and affiliated groups.

In this particular case, ACORN’s Boston office simply rebranded into New England United 4 Justice. Same crooked group with the same general mission and president, but a different name. Headed by Maude Hurd, the former president of ACORN and ACORN Housing, New England United 4 Justice promotes “social justice” for “low and moderate income families.” The group also seeks to educate the general public about social justice issues and the needs of poor and middle class families.

This sort of rebranding has allowed ACORN to skirt a 2009 congressional ban on federal funding, consequence of its many transgressions. A few months ago a Judicial Watch investigation found the Obama Administration gave an ACORN reincarnation called Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) a $79,819 grant to “combat housing and lending discrimination.”


Created On: 09-Jun-2011 18:25:48 UTC
Registrant Name: Kalle Lasn

Biography of Kalle Lasn:

Kalle Lasn is the driving intellectual force behind the anti-corporate Adbusters Media Foundation. The filmmaker was born in Estonia in 1942. He spent his childhood in a German refugee camp and in Australia. In the 1960s, he founded a market research company in Toyko, and in 1970, moved to Vancouver, Canada. For twenty years, he produced documentaries for PBS and Canada’s National Film Board.

His “realization” that he did not fit into modern life hit him in a supermarket parking lot. Frustrated that he had to insert a quarter into a cart to shop there, he jammed the coin in so that the machine became inoperable. This was the first (quite literal) “culture jam” — defined as an act designed to subvert mainstream society.

Lasn started Adbusters in 1989, along with wilderness cinematographer Bill Schmalz. The two, working with other activists, launched a counter-ad to a media campaign by British Columbia’s forestry industry, then under attack by radical environmentalists. Television stations refused to air the activists’ ad, so they fought back through other media. The industry’s ads were pulled after hundreds of people complained, and Adbusters was born.

In his writings, Lasn rails against the modern world and the progress that has made everyone’s life better. “The aggregate level of American life fulfillment peaked in 1957, and with a couple of brief exceptions, it’s been downhill from there,” he writes in his book Culture Jam: How to Reverse America’s Suicidal Consumer Binge — and Why We Must. Lasn calls the car “arguably the most destructive product we humans have ever produced.”

Lasn’s utopia is far from that of most Americans. He recommends “Not just a carbon tax, but a global across-the-board pricing system.” An example of life in this brave new world? “Your private automobile will cost you, by some estimates, around $100,000. And a tankful of gas, $250.”

What is AdBusters?

Adbusters Media Foundation is a not-for-profit, anti-consumerist, pro-environment organization founded in 1989 by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The foundation describes itself as “a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.”

The Adbusters Media Foundation publishes the reader-supported, advertising-free Adbusters, an activist magazine with an international circulation of 120,000 devoted to challenging consumerism. Notable past and present contributors to the magazine include Christopher Hedges, Matt Taibbi, Bill McKibben, Jim Munroe, Douglas Rushkoff, Jonathan Barnbrook, David Graeber and others.

Domain Name: OCTOBER2011.ORG
Created On: 22-May-2011 18:56:49 UTC
Registrant Name: David Swanson

Biography of David Swanson

David Swanson is the author of the introduction to “The 35 Articles of Impeachment and the Case for Prosecuting George W. Bush” published by Feral House. Swanson holds a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and as a communications director, with jobs including press secretary for Dennis Kucinich’s 2004 presidential campaign, media coordinator for the International Labor Communications Association, and three years as communications coordinator for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Swanson is Co-Founder of, creator of and Washington Director of, a board member of Progressive Democrats of America, the Backbone Campaign, and Voters for Peace, and a member of the legislative working group of United for Peace and Justice.

The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Psyop

Clearly a staged and very well-funded, well-orchestrated protest consisting mostly of unwashed, bongo-banging idealists who think they hate the government but in reality want even more of it. When I saw Michael Moore was part of this event, it became all too clear. This is basically a pro-socialist, pro-government protest against so-called capitalism and Wall Street. It’s not against the monetary system or the psychopaths behind it, which these people know nothing about because The Huffington Post doesn’t talk about it. I notice the con artists in the Truth Movement are pretty much silent on this as well. Alex Jones is probably promoting it for all I know.

Events like this are designed to feed the dialectic and lead people astray, away from the big picture that transcends all the left/right partisan political bullshit and petty back-and-forth bickering used to distract and disorient the masses.

The outcome of the ongoing economic turmoil being witnessed is the emergence of a one world currency. As the economic situation deteriorates, not only in America but around the world, the controllers via their media outlets must divert people’s attention away from the real source of the problem. Wall Street is a convenient scapegoat because it symbolizes not only American capitalism, but capitalism period. Wall Street is merely the facade for the private banking cartel that operates out of London, which is the financial center of the entire planet, literally.

All monied systems are hierarchical and therefore used by an elite few to control the many who are in the dark and unaware of what money even is, which these days is simply worthless paper (or more often simply digits entered into a computer) that has value only because the system is backing it, saying it has worth. What most of the public does not understand is that capitalism and socialism are part of the same hydra head. They fall at opposite ends of the dialectic spectrum, yet are controlled from behind the scenes by the same hidden hand for a desired outcome.

Read More Here

Anonymous Admits Someone Is Impersonating Them

Recently something very disturbing has come to our attention. You must take all notices and information claiming to be ‘Anonymous’ with a grain of salt. Consider EVERYTHING.

Operation Invade Wall Street is bullshit! It is a fake planted operation by law enforcement and cyber crime agencies in order to get you to undermine the Occupy Wall Street movement. It proposes you use depreciated tools that have known flaws such as LOIC.

Anonymous would never tell you to use LOIC – Not after the arrests and failures of Operation Payback. Anonymous wouldn’t attack NYSE on a HOLIDAY – It is debatable if Anonymous would ever even attack NYSE. Be wary friends!

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect Us
Be wary of imitations!


Capitalist Creates Fake Occupy Wall Street Website

The “invisible hand” of capitalism may be showing Occupy Wall Street protesters its middle finger. NPR reports a “Seemingly Bogus Website Uses ‘Occupy Party’ Name To Sell Ads,” which isn’t sitting well with the anti-bank crowd.

The professional-looking site sports a patriotic blue theme, a picture of the U.S. Constitution and pictures of a smiling, good-looking group of non-radicals waving U.S. flags. But the site has nothing to do with the nascent youth-inspired movement, and the domain — — was registered from Australia.

A single video on the site shows a lively Wall Street protest. Other links simply refresh the single-page site. But there are a few Google ads. I bet someone has already made more than $1 off this charade! The real Occupy Wall Street site, under a “This Site Has Nothing To Do With Us,” simply says “We are not a political institution.”


Some Links & Videos

Wall Street Protest is a Joke: Occupy Wall Street Movement Hoax
UPDATE: Organizer admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters [VIDEO]
Ben Bernanke on ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest: I can’t blame them
Occupy Wall Street – Fraud by Power Elite! Major Deception Program
Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement!
Alex Jones calls for occupy of Federal Reserve!
Occupy Wall Street Dead On Arrival or Simply Misdirected?
Occupy Wall Street is a Psy-Op/Controlled Opposition
“America is long overdue for a revolution” (World Socialist Website)
Yes, The Police Did Force The Protesters On To The Bridge
Anonymous: Is Invade Wall Street a false flag operation?

This is only a few of the articles, links and videos that I found searching on the web.. This article is ment to show you who’s behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. Some of the demands of the people are alright and others are just ridiculous! I think there needs to be a leader with common goals between everyone. Some people don’t even know why they’re in NYC protesting and others are giving all the wrong reasons. Like I said above; people should go to Washington D.C, The Federal Reserve and Other Government buildings to protest the actual people who let theses bankers run the show.. Now if you have anything you would like to send me, please email me at (Remember this is not to bash the movement but to give you a informational article with ideas from others across the internet)


2011年10月9日 14:19:04
There has been a growing controversy that the world is going to end in 2012. Perhaps, December, 21st, 2012 would become the last day for all of us in the world. There are many beliefs which goes with the concept that world is really going to end on this day. But, is it really true? Will the world really going to end? Read on to find more.
There are many reasons why the date of December, 21st 2012 has been assumed to the last day of the world. One argument is that it is the last day of the Mayan Calendar. The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was usually used in Central America prior to the arrivals of Europeans. The Mayan societies have been anticipating this day for a long time and the countdown has finally begun.
The destruction of planet earth can be done in many ways. Planetary implosion is perhaps one of the ways. With the developing of a substance called Quark-Gluon plasma in the solar system, there are possibilities of planetary implosion to take place in the earth. Quark-Gluon plasma is a highly dangerous substance which usually has existed the initial aftermath of the Big Bang. It is believed that the substance is 100,000 times hotter than the sun itself and is much denser than any other object in the universe. It is assumed that one particle of this substance can literally sink to the center of the earth and it will pull the mass within. This will make the entire planet implode.
Nuclear devastation could be another cause which might destroy the earth. With cold war between countries, terrorist attacks and more and more countries putting their strength into nuclear power, there could be a situation of third world war which might destroy the world because of the use of nuclear power. Equilateral Plane of the Milky Way Galaxy could lead to devastating effects which would perhaps end the earth. Apart from nuclear war, there is also a fear that the countries may get themselves involve in biological warfare using virus or by some other reason.
Another reason which is deemed to end the earth is the asteroid impact. As per the scientists, the chance of class 10 impact of the asteroids is considered to be 10 in 1000. Class 10 is considered to be the most dangerous which can wipe out the entire civilization.
There is also a belief that the solar flares from sun would reach at its peak in 2012 and could reach the planet earth also. Just like the aliens can cause mayhem in the earth, the micro organisms from space can also cause devastation which could lead to destruction of human race.
There will be massive destructions all around which would eventually destroy the earth. Massive earthquakes, uncontrollable eruptions of volcanoes, floods, tsunamis, etc would be very common which would eventually destroy the world. However, these are all based on assumptions, and the same assumptions were made several times in the past.
Check more things to know about different 2012 predictions that discuss about the fate of the world in December 21 2012.

獸印揭密 (有片)

2011年10月9日 9:38:19
As citizens of the Untited States, we should not and must not require the permission nor approval of the federal government before we can buy, sell, travel, or work. The federal government is aggressively seeking to know the who, what, how, when and where of our lives.

7 October 2011) The Constitutional Alliance has received hundreds of inquiries about Kaye Beach's lawsuit. Kaye's attorneys filed a petition/lawsuit on September 21st in Oklahoma. Many people in many states are indicating a desire to do what Kaye Beach is doing. There are two causes of action within Kaye's lawsuit. One is based on the Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act. The other is based on the Oklahoma State Constitution; Article II Section 30. Article II Section 30 of the State of Oklahoma Constitution is essentially the same as the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

We need your contributions so we can work with people and groups in each state.

As citizens of the Untited States, we should not and must not require the permission nor approval of the federal government before we can buy, sell, travel, or work. The federal government is aggressively seeking to know the who, what, how, when and where of our lives. Kaye's lawsuit addresses the rights for Christians and non-Christians.

Many have asked if we are generally opposed to photographs on our driver license; we are not. Any reasonable and prudent person can view a low resolution photo and readily match that photo to a person standing before them. However, the high resolution digital facial image/photograph being demanded as a biometric allows people to be identified at distance in public without their knowledge nor direct consent. Biometric collection of any kind should not be required as a prerequisite for obtaining a driver license.

Finally, we have been asked if Kaye's lawsuit interferes with law enforcement's criminal databases; the answer is no.

It is crunch time, every person is needed. We ask that everyone share this information with all of the people and groups you are connected with. We cannot stress enough, the importance of raising the funding so that our work with people across the country can proceed. There is no contribution too small or insignificant, please contribute what you can. We can't leave this for others to do. Each person has an opportunity to take a partial stake in what Kaye Beach is doing and what the Constitutional Alliance is doing. The government is taking action, now so must we, the people.

密蘇里州的戶外音樂會拍到5個UFO (有片)

2011年10月10日 1:49:25

日本已死,美國都是一樣 (有片)

2011年10月8日 5:33:36


United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury in Vaccines

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

Mercury in vaccines has been known for a long time to cause health problems, but global awareness of how much of an impact it can have is growing rapidly. While many nations and organizations such as the UN push for the use of vaccines containing toxic compounds like mercury, other organizations such as the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD) is pushing for a ban.

In order to prepare for the United Nations Environmental Program’s third intergovernmental negotiating committee (INc3) on mercury, governments were asked to send information to the United Nations secretariat concerning the use of mercury in pharmaceuticals and especially vaccines. The INC meetings are supposed to lead to a legally binding, global mercury treaty by 2013.

The information on mercury in vaccines and pharmaceuticals was requested in March of this year for the meeting to take place in the fall. CoMeD was happy about this information, as they’ve been revealing information concerning the dangers of mercury at previous INC meetings. 

Mercury in vaccines 
Vaccines contain toxic compounds such as aluminum, lead, arsenic, and something called thimersosal. Thimerosal is a preservative placed in vaccines that is made up of approximately 50% mercury. Mercury is such a toxic compound that is has been linked to neurological disorders, cancer, birth defects, and is also a major contributor to environmental pollution. The U.S. Public Health Service and American Academy of Pediatrics both called for thimerosals removal from U.S. vaccines “as soon a possible”. Despite over 100 studies highlighting vaccine dangers and the harmful effects of toxic compounds such as thimerosal, the vaccines are still being pushed, especially on young children and pregnant women. 

What do to about all the toxicity

Like the old saying goes, it’s a lot easier to stay out of trouble than it is to get our of trouble. Similarly, it is a whole lot safer and easier to avoid toxic compounds than it is to neutralize them or take them out of the body. However, there are certain measures to take if vaccinated. If you do receive a vaccine, the first thing to do is to get a cold ice pack and hold it on the infected area for up to 2 days. If the immune response does not subside, begin and continue to take cold showers. This will further help to block the immune reaction.

Another thing to do is to perform a heavy metal cleanse. A heavy metal cleanse will flush out the heavy metals and cause your body to be much less toxic. Although vaccines contain many heavy metals, they aren’t the only things to look out for when it comes to heavy metal toxicity. Silver fillings known as dental amalgams are also made up of mercury and can cause lots of problems. Mercury is also found in those environmentally friendly fluorescent bulbs. Mercury has even been found in high fructose corn syrup.

But the easiest thing to do is avoid mercury altogether. More people are refusing the flu shot and other vaccines this year as opposition grows worldwide. Each person can ‘be the one’ to urge organizations and governments to make serious changes in the healthcare system. As the opposition grows, the changes will come.

Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.