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Part I
16 Jan 2006

While Mass is being said in the Sistine Chapel and tourists are being shown the works of Michelangelo, deep within the bowels of the Vatican sits a large, circular room with 13 separate chambers, each leading to a distinct catacomb.

When a mummified body is placed in front of each doorway, a young child is then brutally sacrificed with a long, golden knife during what is said to be a secret induction ceremony for new members of the Illuminati, better known as the New World Order.

As a young freelance reporter in Rome during the early 1980s, I heard many rumors of these secret ceremonies from local shop owners, several drunken priests and a couple of local clairvoyants or fortune-telling card readers, one who apparently advised and guided the film career of the famous Italian film director, Federico Fellini.

Although a product of a Catholic education and graduate of Notre Dame High School before going on to college, I still couldn’t help but wonder if the stories about the brutal child sacrifices were actually true.

While on a story assignment or covering the weekly Papal address, I remember sneaking around the Vatican, on one occasion taking a flight of stairs down to the basement level in search of the secret room and the catacombs.

Of course, I never found the secret room or a hidden doorway leading to the tombs, my secret Indiana Jones hunt for the Satan’s Den interrupted by a Vatican security guard who escorted me to the top of the stairs after showing my press card and saying I was lost.

“One night alone in this place and I know I could break the biggest story in my lifetime,” I thought to myself, as I walked through St. Peter’s Square and looked up at the sculptures of the 12 Apostles staring down at me from the Vatican roof. 
Rome is like a huge small town with many neighborhoods, functioning like dozens of little villages within the city proper, each having its own distinct feel and flavor.

That particular day after trying to uncover the exact location of the Illuminati’s secret induction ceremonies, I stopped for cheese and a glass of white wine on the first narrow, cobblestone street next the Vatican, known in English as the “Street of the Whores.”

According to the locals, the street received this rather unusual name since for hundreds of years it housed many of the whores whose primary clientele were the Vatican cardinals, bishops and priests, as well as any visiting members of the clergy.

After World War II, the prostitution on the street eventually moved to a more secretive location, making way now for stores engaged in the lucrative business of selling religious paraphernalia like rosaries, pictures of the Pope’s and holy water. 

As I sat having a glass of wine and going through the Italian papers, the main headline read how Cardinal Paul Marcinkus, head of the Vatican Bank from 1971 to 1989, was indicted by Italian authorities (in 1982) as an accessory in the $3.5 billion collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, an Italian financial institution with close ties to the Vatican Bank.

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英國會要網路業者 監控極端主義

(路透倫敦6日電)英國國會內政事務委員會(Home Affairs Committee)今天表示,網路在大多暴力極端分子激化他人案例上扮演重要角色。網路服務業者(ISP)應加強監控網路內容,並制定守則。
委員會主席瓦茲(Keith Vaz)表示:「需投入更多資源因應這些威脅,並避免極端分子透過網路和私密空間激化他人。」
檢方上週表示,坦承陰謀策劃炸毀倫敦證交所的4名伊斯蘭教徒,是受奧拉基(Anwar al-Awlaki)網路宣傳刺激。奧拉基為美國公民,與葉門蓋達組織(al-Qaeda)有關。美國中央情報局(CIA)去年發動無人機攻擊,擊斃奧拉基。

菲中部地震43死 宿霧掀海嘯恐慌






反兒童虐待 教廷首召高峰會

(法新社梵蒂岡6日電) 教宗本篤十六世(PopeBenedict XVI)今天敦促天主教「深刻復興」防止虐待兒童,儘管受害者屢屢提出抗議,此為梵蒂岡教廷首次舉行討論此議題的高峰會。
家的主教、33位宗教組織領袖、教廷最高反虐待執行官員希克魯納(Charles Scicluna),以及1名曾遭虐待的受害人、來自愛爾蘭的柯林斯(Marie Collins)。這場閉門會議也將推動在德國成立兒童保護中心,打擊全球神職人員性虐待情事,天主教領袖明天將於教會服務中祈求寬恕。(譯者:中央社張詠晴)


說,福島第一核電廠的二號反應堆,安全殼底部的溫度,持續在攝氏七十度以上。雖然當局向機組增加注水,但無法為反應堆降溫。東電說,根據安 全殼內氣體分析結果,反應堆內並無出現「再臨界」狀態,即是指已經停止核分裂的反應堆,再度達到臨界狀態,持續核分裂,產生輻射。當局由凌晨起注入硼酸, 防止「再臨界」出現。目前仍然未知道,反應堆的溫度因何回升。





