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非洲天降神秘金屬球   2011年12月22日 12:21   明報
【明報專訊】非洲納米比亞有一巨型金屬球(圖)從天而降,落在該國北部一處偏遠村落,當局迅即聯絡美國太空總署和歐洲太空總署,但仍未弄清那是 什麼。該巨球圓周1.1米,直徑35厘米,重6公斤,表面粗糙,當地官員稱相信它是「人類所知的金屬」製造,於11月中在墜地撞擊點外18米發現,不會構 成爆炸危險。撞擊點出現了33厘米深、3.8米闊的坑。村民稱幾天前曾聽到連聲小型爆炸。當局在上網搜尋後發現,過去20年,非洲澳洲拉美都曾報稱有類似 圓球墜落。


(法新社德黑蘭22日電) 月初謠傳伊朗計畫封鎖荷莫茲海峽(Strait of Hormuz)之後。媒體報導,伊朗將從24日開始在海峽附近舉行10天的海軍演習。

法斯通訊社(Fars)今天引述海軍司令塞雅瑞(Habibollah Sayari)上將的話報導:「我們的海軍演習將從12月24日開始,為期10天,地點在荷莫茲海峽與阿曼灣(Gulf of Oman)以東至亞丁灣(Gulf of Aden)。」


出現封鎖海峽的謠言之後,外交部發言人梅赫曼帕拉斯特(Ramin Mehmanparast)12月14日說,「沒有討論」封鎖海峽的議題。這個謠言似乎來自伊朗某位國會議員。


塞雅瑞今天被問到,即將舉行的海軍演習是否會封鎖荷莫茲海峽。根據伊朗學生通訊社( ISNA )報導,他說:「我們有能力這麼做,是否這麼做,將由伊朗政權最高官員決定。」















批准基因改造的愛滋病疫苗 -在短期內展開人體試驗

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Genetically Modified HIV Vaccine Approved – Human Tests to Begin Shortly
Mike Barrett
Activist Post

As a further attempt to halt the spread of HIV, the United States is making a bold and extremely risky decision.

Researchers from the University of Western Ontario have developed a new vaccine, and the Food and Drug Administration announced its approval on Tuesday for use in the United States.

Not only should you be wary of this vaccine due to the negative history revolving around vaccines, but the fact that it is made with a genetically modified virus.

While the researchers are delighted by the creation, individuals are being sought out for human trials – but you won’t want to volunteer.

The Researchers have been studying HIV and AIDS for 20 years and have spent the last 10 developing the vaccine. Starting in January, the vaccine will undergo three phases of human clinical trials.

Phase I – The first phase is meant to analyze the vaccine and determine if it is toxic in the human body.

Phase II – During phase two of the human clinical trials the researchers will look at the immune response to see if the vaccine actually performs like it is supposed to by inducing the proper immune response.

Phase III – In phase three, 6,000 people are needed so that statistical data can be accumulated and later presented. For the testing, a vaccinated and non-vaccinated group will be compared to see if the vaccine protects against HIV infection or not.

Unfortunately, the researchers will likely be dismayed, as nearly all vaccines are toxic to the body thanks to the rather large amount of heavy metals present in vaccines.

We can see from the history of the flu vaccine as well as the gardasil vaccine that many problems can arise from vaccinations. To add to the potential dangers of this new vaccine, the fact that it contains a genetically modified virus simply can’t be overlooked. The insurmountable evidence linking genetically modified substances with both the downfall of public health as well as the ruin of the environment shows that there is no room for extreme genetic modification in our lives. I know I certainly wouldn’t volunteer to be a part of the experimental genetically modified-vaccine concoction.

(有片)避免第3次世界大戰 - 對人類的演講


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

As predicted, government advisory board officials are warning of bioterrorist attacks that could result from the full release of a study detailing how virologist Ron Fouchier mutated the bird flu virus to potentially transmit quickly between humans.

If the findings are released, scientists are warning that the virus could mutate to mimic past pandemic flu outbreaks such as the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 which killed 50 million people.

Virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands seeks to publish his work in the journals Science and Nature, though United States government officials from the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity have asked the journals to exclude the specific details of the study that could lead to the replication of the experiments. So far the editor of Science has agreed to withhold some data under the circumstance that the government sets up a medium to provide the withheld data to scientists around the world who ‘need’ it. 

Sparking Bioterrorist Pandemic Attacks, Disregarding Public Health

Revealing the entirety of the study would allow for individuals to reproduce the results of the study – he heavy weaponization of the H5N1 bird flu virus. Rare in humans, the 5 mutations performed by Fouchier may allow for the deadly virus to transfer freely from human to human similar to the seasonal flu.

What is quite different than the seasonal flu, however, is the fact that since 1997 the H5N1 bird flu virus has killed more than 1 in every 2 people that it infected.

This is an extremely fatal virus that if weaponized and released on the public could create a major pandemic taking millions of lives.

Why are some scientists and organizations pushing for this mutated bird flu strain blueprint to be released to the public?

Amazingly, the very individual who released the bioweapon would not even be able to fully control the outcome. Paul Keim, chair of the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity, explained how volatile of a weapon the mutated bird flu could become:
'This is such a dangerous biological weapon, it would not be controllable. Whoever used it would doubtlessly decimate their own people as well,' Keim said.
If the entirety of the study data is released, it is simply a waiting game to see if a bioweapon is developed as a result. The most concerning part of the potential release is the fact that the individuals pushing for complete data dumping will have indirectly facilitated a large-scale pandemic that could threaten the lives of millions worldwide. Also, groups dedicated to large-scale destruction and chaos would be able to go incognito with their release of the heavily mutated and weaponized virus, as the results are available to the public.

(有片)Google 地球上發現菲律賓海中的秘密 UFO或HAARP基地? 20°2532.21ñ - 136° 0452.15Ë

Secret UFO or HAARP Base found on Google Earth in Philippine Sea 20° 25 32.21 N - 136° 04 52.15 E






火球UFO調查,美國俄亥俄州曼斯菲爾德 - Fox News

UFO Creates Cloud And Shocks City In Russia, 23 December 2011
