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【愛爾蘭王冠珠寶】19世紀愛爾蘭國王威廉五世收集了很多珠寶——綠寶石、紅寶石、鑽石,這些珠寶都被安全地放置在都柏林城堡的貝德福德塔里,由阿爾斯特軍事首腦、他的外甥及兩名助手保管。 1907年6月18日,教區牧師稱塔的大門鑰匙不見了。 5天之後,一名清潔工在她工作時發現大門是開的。接著在7月6日,她又發現了更奇怪的事情:裝滿珠寶的金庫大門在整晚是敞開的。那天下午,牧師和威廉五世的外甥檢查黃金並為聖帕特里克(愛爾蘭聖徒)的領子裝飾珠寶,這時一位門童進來,牧師將鑰匙交與他並讓他完成剩下的珠寶鑲嵌,一分鐘之後,當牧師再次回到金庫時,他發現所有的珠寶都不見了!
警察一直沒有抓到罪犯,蘇格蘭偵探曾經寫出一張嫌疑人名單,但是這份報告被壓制了。之後愛德華七世認為當時的四個人都應為保護珠寶不力而負責。 14年之後,當年的牧師死在自己的花園中,令人不解的是他身中子彈,並被貼上標籤“愛爾蘭共和軍永遠不會被忘記”,但是大多數愛爾蘭人民認為這位受到英國政府惡劣對待的牧師是無罪的。而愛爾蘭王冠珠寶也再沒被找到。

【Dyatlov事件】 這個事件是指1959年2月2日晚發生在烏拉爾山脈北部9位滑雪登山者死亡的事件。這個團隊的隊長叫做Dyatlov,他們在登“死亡之山”的東脊時發生事故,整隊死亡。之後對此事的調查顯示這些登山者的帳篷是打開的,他們在厚厚的雪上赤著腳,他們的屍體沒有任何打鬥的痕跡,其中一個顱骨斷裂,兩個肋骨斷裂,一個舌頭失踪,還有一些人被破爛的衣服包裹,而這些衣服又好像是從已死的人身上剪下來的。研究發現,死者的衣服含有很強烈的放射物,儘管這些放射物有可能是後來被添加進去的。但是沒有任何證據顯示相關涉及。一位調查的醫生說三名死者的致命傷可能不是由人造成的,而是一種極端力量。迄今為止這種未知力量仍是個謎。

【船帆座事件】 至今仍然無法解釋1979年9月22日美國船帆座衛星顯示的兩道亮光。這兩道亮光一直被猜測為核爆炸的典型亮光,但是最近解密的文件顯示“儘管這像是核爆的信號,但這可能不是來自核爆炸。”這兩道亮光在1797年9月22日格林尼治標準時間00:53被發現,衛星監測顯示在印度洋的布維島和愛德華王子群島之間有兩道可能由於2—3千頓的核爆炸而引起的亮光(一道快而明亮,一道長且稍微暗淡)。美國空軍在亮光顯示之後的很短時間趕到那裡但沒有發現任何爆炸或放射跡象。

【聖亞努阿里烏斯的血】 聖亞努阿里烏斯是那不勒斯主教,羅馬天主教的殉教聖人。他曾在拜訪古城普特奧利(就是今天的波佐利)硫磺礦山的執事時被捕下獄。之後他受到嚴刑拷打,還被丟到波佐利弗拉維亞廣場內的獅群中,之後他與同伴在硫質噴氣孔火山被斬首,當時是公元前305年。根據早期的聖徒言行錄記載,那不勒斯主教圣西弗勒斯下令將他的遺體轉入那不勒斯地下墓穴。在10世紀前10年,他的遺體又被被貝內文托親王移到貝內文托,但他的頭還留在那不勒斯。

【北角和波音飛機】 波音飛機的創造者威廉·波音將他的第一架波音飛機取名為“藍鳧”,1918年,他將“藍鳧”和另一架波音飛機“馬拉爾”一起賣給了新西蘭的一所飛行學校,這是波音公司的第一筆交易。起初這兩架飛機被用來運輸郵件和乘客。 1924年新西蘭飛行學校關閉,1959年一位先驅飛行家給波音公司寫了一封信,信中透露,這兩架波音飛機後被運往北角的一個軍事基地,放在一個空隧道倉庫裡。一位軍事長官認為機身有火災危險,於是他下令關閉了隧道,但有證據顯示這兩座飛機至今依然存在。但由於軍隊和政府的隱瞞,這兩架具有歷史意義的飛機去向仍然是個謎。

【蔡斯墓穴】 18世紀,瓦爾朗一個富裕的莊園主,他在巴巴多斯島的一個基督教堂裡建了一座岩石墓穴。墓穴有一道​​厚重的大理石門,1807年托馬西娜夫人葬於此。一年之後,蔡斯家族接管這座墓穴,蔡斯家族同樣是莊園主,蔡斯的兩個女兒分別於1808年和1812年葬在此墳墓,然而就在她們的父親托馬斯·蔡斯的棺材在1812年也被抬進這座墳墓時,人們發現他兩個女兒的棺材顛倒了。但是墓穴並沒有任何被闖進的跡象。當1816年另一位男孩的棺材抬進墓穴時,人們發現蔡斯的棺材又被弄亂了。當時托馬斯的棺材是由八個人抬進墓穴的,他的棺材是靠著拱頂垂直立著的。而八週之後這個男孩的棺材抬進墓穴時,有關這個奇怪墓穴的流言傳開了。儘管墓穴是密封的,但蔡斯家族的四個棺材又再次處於混亂狀態。之後巴巴多斯島政府官員康博威爾長官出手,在1819年命令將這些棺木按秩序排好,並在門上貼了封條。第二年他再次去墓穴時,封條完整無缺,但是裡面蔡斯家族的四個棺木再次被打亂。只有托馬西娜夫人的棺木還很平靜地躺在角落。

【哈羅德·霍爾特】 哈羅德·霍爾特(1908.8.5—1967.12.17),是一位澳大利亞政客,他於1966年當選為澳大利亞第17任總理,但是他的任期很快就結束了,因為一年之後的12月他在澳大利亞南部維多利亞海灣游泳時神秘失踪,他被推測為淹死。 1967年12月17日星期日,霍爾特和幾位好友在他最喜愛的游泳地切維厄特海灘游泳,它位於墨爾本菲力普海灣東側半島的尖角地區。


【那加火球】 那加火球是世界上有完整記錄但無法解釋的現象之一。每年10月的夜晚,成千上萬的觀察者聚集在泰國湄公河岸觀看自己從河裡出來的火球。這些球為淡紅色,大小如蛋。他們緩緩從河裡升起然後加速上升直至消失,人們每晚可以看到成千上萬個火球。這些火球並不在節日晚上出現,這證明這些火球更像是自然現象而不是官方所為。但是這種超自然現像還是受到質疑,來自儂開的一位醫生瑪納斯·坎諾克森認為火球是由於河底的沉澱物發酵產生沼氣,沼氣浮出水面時產生火花形成的。意大利的化學家也認為這是由於物體腐爛產生的氣體所引起的。但是也有其他一些研究人員反對這種觀點,他們認為河底並沒有太多的沉澱物,並且沼氣會在浮出水面之前被水溶解。所有的這一切還是個謎。

【消失的荷蘭人金礦】 在亞利桑納州的迷信山有一座金礦,如果用錘子將牆壁砸開,就會有成堆的天然金子滾下來。這座金礦最初是被印第安人一種族發現並作為秘密保守下來。直到一位從墨西哥來的修道士來到亞利桑那時這個秘密才被揭穿。而它之所以被稱為“荷蘭人的金礦”是因為在19世紀有很多被認為是來自荷蘭的探險家來到這裡,而其中兩位實際上是德國探險家雅各布·華茲、雅各布·韋瑟,他們在墨西哥小鎮的一次打架事件中救了唐·米格爾·珀拉塔,作為回報唐·米格爾·珀拉塔告訴了這兩位探險家有關一個家族金礦。接著三人根據珀拉塔家族地圖尋找到了金礦,三人得到了價值20000美金的金子。

【剛果恐龍】 剛果恐龍被認為生活在剛果河流域。據當地民間故事記載,剛果恐龍長得像大象,有長長的脖子、尾巴、小腦袋,這種描述很符合小蜥腳類動物的外觀。動物學家仍在繼續追踪剛果恐龍並認為它是恐龍遺跡,迄今為止,只有一些目睹者、模糊的遠距離錄像以及幾張照片證明剛果恐龍的存在。其中最引人注目的一條證據是有關一頭剛果恐龍被殺。 1979年美國俄亥俄州的牧師尤金·托馬斯告訴詹姆斯·鮑威爾和羅伊·P·麥卡爾博士在1959年一頭剛果恐龍在泰萊湖附近被殺。 1955年以來,托馬斯一直在剛果傳教,他收集了很多關於剛果恐龍的最早證據和記錄,並聲稱他自己就有兩次碰到剛果恐龍。泰萊湖附近的土著俾格米人說他們在泰萊湖支流上建了一道籬笆以防止剛空恐龍妨礙他們捕魚,一頭剛果恐龍試圖破壞籬笆,當地居民便殺了這頭剛果恐龍。托馬斯還提到有兩個俾格米人在射殺剛果恐龍時模仿它的叫聲,之後當地居民舉行了一次宴會,剛果恐龍被煮了吃了。但是參加這次宴會的人最終都死了,不是死於食物中毒就是自然死亡。


2011年10月22日 9:10:47
Ethan Huff
Natural News
October 21, 2011
In a recent interview on Infowars Nightly News(INN), international bestselling author Jeffrey M. Smith reveals in shocking detail the biotechnology industry’s laundry list of perpetual crimes against humanity via its propagation of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Smith explains how biotech giant Monsanto, in particular, has rigged the entire system to push its deadly products on the populations of the world.
Citing numerous scientists and former industry representatives that are now blowing the whistle in regards to the corruption, Smith sheds light on the fraudulent “science” that continues to be used to thrust GMOs on the public, and the revolving door between the biotech industry and politics that allows it to continue.
“We’re feeding the products of an infant science to the entire population and planting them outdoors where they cross-pollinate, and the self-propagating pollution of the gene pool is permanent,” says Smith. “We have no technology to fully clean it up. So the genes we release today can outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste.”
In the Bertram Verhaag documentaryScientists Under Attack, Dr. Arpad Pusztai speaks out about how the biotech industry destroyed his own career. Pusztai, a biochemist and nutritionist who was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was fired from his position at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health after his independent study on GM potatoes revealed that GM traits are inherently dangerous.
“The most shocking moment in his life was actually reading the superficial, flimsy studies done by the biotech industry, including Monsanto, to get their foods on the market,” says Smith about Pusztai’s later realizations that “what [he] was doing and what they were doing was diametrically opposed. [He] was doing safety studies, but these companies, the biotech companies, were doing as little as possible to get their foods on the market as quickly as possible.”
Several other scientists have also had their careers destroyed for daring to conduct real, independent scientific research into GMOs. Some have even been physically assaulted, resulting in their permanent paralyzation, for speaking out against the biotech industry’s deliberate use of flawed, poorly-conducted studies to get their products approved for human consumption.
“They confound the (study) design to make it really difficult to find something that’s statistically significant,” adds Smith. “In Monsanto’s 1996Journal of Nutritionstudy, which Arpad Pusztai told me that everyone in his team knew was rigged to avoid finding problems, they diluted the feed so they only had one-twelfth the amount of protein as the GM soy, so there’s almost no GM soy in this supposed feeding study.”
Be sure to check out the entire shocking INN segment with Jeffrey Smith at the following link:
This article originally appeared on Natural News.


2011年10月23日 5:39:13

Over the years, the Federal Reserve System has used many methods to communicate about the role it plays in support of stable prices, full employment, and financial stability. Current communication tools include the new press conferences by the Chairman, speeches by Bank presidents, public websites, economic education programs, local outreach efforts, and publications.

Ninety years ago, however, the options were more limited. The Fed was still new and the nation’s economy was plagued by a growing number of bank failures. The five posters below (from the mid-1920s), with their images of strength and stability, were part of a larger series designed for display at member banks. They were likely intended to inform the public about the Federal Reserve System and foster confidence in its member banks. Thanks to the San Francisco Fed archive for making the posters available:


2011年10月23日 5:42:04

(First off: I take everything with a grain of salt..) I’m not saying he is dead or alive, I’m not sure what to think of the conflicting stories about Gaddafi’s death.. I knew this day would come eventually, but the sad thing about his death is that Libya will never be the same! Here is some interesting facts about Libya and what Gaddafi has done for his people: Free Healthcare, Homes are considered a basic human-right! Also newly married couples get $50,000 for a new house.. This might be the best thing of all; loans have 0% interest by law! Back in 1951, Libya was the poorest country in the world and had the highest standard of living in Africa! So why did people want him out of office? Well my idea either that our government was telling the Libyan people they could have ‘freedom’ or that the people don’t know their own countries history, or what it was like before Gaddafi.. I have written two articles about Gaddafi and Libya. Libya Unrest: Disinformation and Gaddafi Is Not Bad As Our Government Wants You To Think… Now those two links have a lot of great information about what he has done for Libya and the lies surrounding this ‘revolution.’ Those links above and below make me think the death of Gaddafi is nothing but a lie much like the death of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

Nothing is final and confirmed until they do a DNA test on Gaddafi’s body.. (IMO) There is no solid evidence yet that Gaddafi is still alive or dead. There has been many reports of Gaddafi (And dictators alike) having ‘body doubles‘ that are completely identical. Now could the rebels mistaken a double for Gaddafi? Possibly but like I said, a DNA test or fingerprints would confirm this story and put all the conspiracies to a rest.. (Including this article) I also find it interesting that many media sources have a different story about how he died (See third video below).. I’m pretty sure, the images that the MSM has released looks nothing like Gaddafi! (Even CNN admits it) I also find it really weird that Hillary Clinton went to Libya right before he died.. Coincidence? Do some more digging on the internet, a lot of forums and other websites have more information regarding his death.. I’m not telling you to believe a conspiracy theory but to question what the Mainstream Media gives you.. Here is the picture that is being released, along with different quotes from MSM articles:

Libya: No confirm Gadhafi Captured in Sirte Fall

Libyan officials and NATO say they cannot confirm reports from revolutionary fighters that ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was captured or killed in the fall of his hometown Thursday.

The Misrata Military Council, one of multiple command groups for revolutionary forces, says its fighters captured Gadhafi in Sirte. Another commander, Abdel-Basit Haroun, says Gadhafi was killed when an airstrike hit a convoy trying to flee.

The spokesman for Libya’s transitional government, Jalal al-Gallal, and its military spokesman Abdul-Rahman Busin say the reports have not been confirmed. A NATO official also said the alliance could not independently confirm. Repeated past reports of Gadhafi family deaths or captures have later proved incorrect.


Gaddafi Body Being Taken To Secret Location: NTC Official

The body of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is being taken to a location which is being kept secret for security reasons, a National Transitional Council official said Thursday.

Gaddafi died of wounds suffered Thursday as fighters battling to complete an eight-month-old uprising against his rule overran his hometown Sirte, Libya’s interim rulers said.

“Gaddafi’s body is with our unit in a car and we are taking the body to a secret place for security reasons,” Mohamed Abdel Kafi, an NTC official in the city of Misrata told Reuters.


U.S. checking reports of Gaddafi’s capture, death

U.S. officials on Thursday scrambled to check reports that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had died after being captured near his hometown of Sirte following months of civil war.

Gaddafi was wounded in the head and legs as he tried to flee in a convoy that came under attack from NATO warplanes at dawn, a senior official with Libya’s National Transitional Council told Reuters.

A senior Obama administration official said the U.S. was working to confirm the reports.

“We’re working on it,” the official said.


Hillary Clinton Was There A Couple Days Before His Death (Weird)

Hillary Clinton details new aid package to Libya – Oct 18th

The Obama administration offered millions of dollars in new aid to Libya as secretary of state Hillary Clinton encouraged the country’s unsteady new leadership to commit to a democratic future free of retribution, and acknowledged in unusually blunt terms that the United States would like to see former dictator Muammar Gaddafi dead.

“We hope he can be captured or killed soon so that you don’t have to fear him any longer,” Clinton told students and others at a town hall-style gathering in the capital city.

Until now, the US has generally avoided saying that Gaddafi should be killed. US officials usually say they want to see him brought to justice, something Clinton also said during her daylong visit.

“I am proud to stand here on the soil of a free Libya,” Clinton said. “The United States was proud to stand for you in your fight for freedom and we will continue to stand with you as you continue this journey.”

She met with the leader of Libya’s Transitional National Council, Mahmoud Jibril, and offered about $11m in additional aid. The fresh aid boosts Washington’s contribution since the uprising against Gaddafi began in February to roughly $135m.

The new aid package includes medical aid for wounded fighters and additional assistance to secure weaponry that many fear could fall into the hands of terrorists. Aides said the money is meant partly as a pledge to ongoing US support during what will be a difficult passage to free elections and a new government after four decades of dictatorship.

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10-21-11 UPDATE: Gaddafi Will Be Buried At Sea To Destroy Evidence

Col Gaddafi’s burial has been delayed by differences among Libyan officials about how to dispose of the body. Under Islamic tradition burial should have taken place as soon as possible. But Libya’s oil minister said the remains may be kept “for a few days”. (Did they have Osama for a few days as well?)

It is unclear whether the ex-leader will be buried in Sirte, where he was killed on Thursday, in Misrata where the body has been taken, or elsewhere.

Meanwhile Nato is expected to declare an end to its Libya campaign. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the death of Muammar Gaddafi meant Nato’s military intervention had reached its conclusion.

They have said they will conduct a secret burial and there is some speculation that they might even try to bury him at sea, as al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was buried, to prevent any grave being turned into a shrine, she adds.

Oil Minister Ali Tarhouni told Reuters news agency that Col Gaddafi’s body was not going to be released from a morgue in Misrata for immediate burial. “I told them to keep it in the freezer for a few days… to make sure that everybody knows he is dead,” he said.


10-22-11 UPDATE: Gaddafi’s body put on display in shopping center

Muammar Gaddafi’s blood-streaked body was on display in a commercial freezer at a shopping centre on Friday as Libyan authorities argued about what to do with his remains and questions deepened over official accounts of the longtime dictator’s death. New video emerged of his violent, chaotic last moments, showing fighters beating him as they drag him away.

Nearly every aspect of Thursday’s killing of Gaddafi was mired in confusion, a sign of the difficulties ahead for Libya. Its new rulers are disorganized, its people embittered and divided. But the ruling National Transitional Council said it would declare the country’s liberation on Saturday, the starting point for a timetable that calls for a new interim government within a month and elections within eight months.

The top UN rights chief raised concerns that Gaddafi may have been shot to death after being captured alive. The fate of his body seemed tied up in squabbles among Libya’s factions, as fighters from Misrata – a city brutally besieged by Gaddafi’s forces during the civil war – seemed to claim ownership of it, forcing the delay of a planned burial on Friday.

Also muddled was the fate of Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, the only Gaddafi son who stayed in Libya and reportedly survived after his father’s Aug. 21 ouster. It appeared on Friday that he was still at large: some government ministers had said he was wounded and in custody in a hospital in the city of Zlitan, but a military official at the hospital, Hakim al-Kisher, denied he was there.

In Misrata, residents crowded into long lines to get a chance to view the body of Gaddafi, which was laid out on a mattress on the floor of an emptied-out vegetable and onions freezer at a local shopping centre. The body had apparently been stowed in the freezer in an attempt to keep it out of the public eye, but once the location was known, that intention was swept away in the overwhelming desire of residents to see the man they so deeply despised.

Men, women and children filed in to take their picture with the body. The site’s guards had even organized separate visiting hours for families and single men. “We want to see the dog,” some chanted.

Gaddafi’s 69-year-old body was stripped to the waist, his torso and arms streaked with dried blood. Bullet wounds in the chest, abdomen and left side of the head were visible. The bloody siege of Misrata over the summer instilled a particularly virulent hatred of Gaddafi there – a hatred now mixed with pride because he was captured and killed by fighters from the city.

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2011年10月23日 10:49:50


2011年10月23日 13:01:06