發表於 2011 年 11 月 11 日 由 nnadmin
在《維他命水的騙局》 (The Vitamin Water Deception) 這支新的食品調查影片當中,非營利組織消費者健康中心這次鎖定了利用市場行銷誤導大眾 ─ 實際上含有大量糖分的維他命水 (可口可樂公司的產品)。這支影片是由消費者健康中心製作,麥可‧亞當斯擔任旁白;麥可先前製作了大受歡迎的《藍莓的騙局》影片,在網路上吸引了超過 100 萬的點閱率。
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維他命水使用的維生素 B12 只是便宜的合成物質,稱作氰鈷胺,含有氰化分子。
麥可‧亞當斯一系列的食品調查影片已經在網路盛傳、得到主流媒體的報導,並突破百萬人次的點閱率。本系列首部曲《藍莓的騙局》揭穿了食品業者 (如通用磨坊及家樂氏) 在穀片、貝果及麵包等食品中使用偽造藍莓成分的真相。在這部影片播出不久之後,家樂氏就把其中一項產品的包裝更新,移除藍莓的圖片。
Alien, UFO, Conspiracy, 2012, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, World War 3, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vatican, Black Nobility, Fourth Reich, Paranormal Phenomena. Main purpose of this blog is to explore New World Order and how it related to our real life. Blog updated daily. 揭秘外星人,飛碟,陰謀論,2012,共濟會,光明會,新世界秩序,標達堡,第3次世界大戰,錫安長老會紀要,梵蒂岡,黑貴族,德意志第四帝國及超自然現象。資料訊息來自互聯網,Blog每天更新,這是一個開放的平台讓各網友了解有關新世界秩序的最新消息。
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植物被淹 激活抗洪基因
福布斯︰中國的樓市價格暴跌 是因為經濟崩潰了嗎?(圖)
原文︰Property Prices Collapse in China. Is This a Crash?
當發展商在急劇惡化的市場中競相為年度銷售目標努力,中國的住宅價格一落千丈。中國最大的發展商近幾個星期開始把上海、北京和深圳的住宅打折出售。降 價潮已經蔓延至二、三線城市如杭州、合肥和重慶。就以重慶為例,香港的發展商和記黃埔把珊瑚水岸的叫價削減32%。"價格戰已經開始了。"物業顧問公司戴 德梁行的董事蔣尚禮向南華早報記者說。
他們錯了。在10月29日國務院會議之後,溫家寶重申他的政策,並表明地方政府應該繼續"在未來幾個月嚴格執行中央政府的房地產政策,以便市民能看到 抑制的效果。"然後,交投熱烈的開始了,"絕望"的發展商競相把手上的樓盤沽出。其中一個發展商--卓越集團--甚至說,他們會以開發成本價出售惠州樓 盤。
當北京官方的御用分析師也在說樓價在幾個月內會下跌一半的時候,我們就可以肯定他們認為最終的拋售情況會壞得多。無論哪種情形,市場都會很麻煩。投資者在拋售債券和中國發展商的股份。Jim Chanos在上月底提到樓市時說他對中國短期的前景看空的觀點仍然不變。
要理解"最大的樓市泡沫"會是怎樣額外的痛苦都不需要認同剡諾斯(Chanos 譯注︰他是去年最早提出中國經濟即將崩潰的看空者。)最令人印象深刻的話︰中國比"杜拜糟糕1000倍,或更甚"。分析師對北京的技術官僚很有信心,他們 曾經成功在全球經濟向下的時候保持制制造業的增長。但我們多數人看來忘記了一點︰中國巨額的刺激經濟方案給自己造成更大的難題。目前,北京還未能解決兩個 棘手的問題,持續不退的通脹和人為的房價高企。
然而過去四星期對溫家寶總理而言,一定很難熬,這不單是因為發展商開始發慌。首先,近期的買家還未入伙便遭受損失,因而走上街頭。10月22日,龍湖 地產停止一個樓盤的推廣優惠之後的兩天,上海有大約300人砸爛那發展商的售樓辦事處的窗戶。抗議的人買入了同一樓盤較早前推出的其它單位,售價比打了折 扣的單位高出多達30%。
美國取得“利比亞大捷” 新總理是美國籍 在美生活40年
美國取得“利比亞大捷” 新總理是美國籍 在美生活40年
美國取得“利比亞大捷” 新總理是美國籍 在美生活40年
商業電台 – 3小時前
明報明報 – 4小時前
Thursday, November 10, 2011
300,000 Flu Vaccines Recalled Over Serious Adverse Reactions
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
Baxter Healthcare Corp. has announced it is recalling around 300,000 doses of its Preflucel flu vaccine due to an ‘excessive’ amount of adverse reactions. Recalled from thousands of pharmacies and surgeries across Europe, the 300,000 units are to be immediately withdrawn.
With seasonal flu vaccines already linked to nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome and narcolepsy and still being given out liberally to citizens worldwide, the adverse reactions must be quite serious in order to prompt a recall.
Even more concerning is the fact that vaccine makers actually have been given legal immunity thanks to a law signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.
Of course Baxter representatives are urging the public to stay calm, while also downplaying the risks associated with the shot. In the past NaturalSociety has revealed how Merck uses similar tactics to downplay the true side effects of the Gardasil vaccine, listing only minor side effects and ignoring the death link completely.
“The vaccine is being recalled because these side effects have been reported more frequently with this specific batch,” said a Baxter spokesmen. This spokesman also attempted to reassure the public that those who have already been vaccinated with Preflucel “should not be concerned (for their safety).”
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the same government organization that confirmed the link between the seasonal flu shot and Guillain-Barre Syndrome after extensive denial, has issued a warning over Preflucel:
“[Preflucel] should no longer be used and any remaining stock [of the recalled batches] should be returned to the original supplier for credit,” announced the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. “No further Preflucel of any batch should be administered at this time.”
Only time will tell what serious reactions are associated with this batch of Preflucel. In response to why the vaccine was recalled, Baxter states that “most of the side-effects are those usually associated with flu vaccines – they have started shortly after the vaccination and have been mild and short-lived.”
The problem with this statement is the fact that the seasonal flu shot has been repeatedly tied with serious adverse reactions. Therefore, it is not very reassuring that ‘most of the side-effects’ occur in the regular seasonal flu shot as well. Furthermore, it seems unlikely that Baxter would not recall flu vaccines, or at least investigate them further, after it was found that they are virtually ineffective and linked to nerve disease if they truly cared about your health. Therefore, it seems reasonable that despite the reassuring language of the Baxter spokesmen, this batch of Preflucel must be linked to something quite nasty.
While it may take some time to determine the true side effects of the shot, you can be sure Baxter will claim they are minor and virtually harmless.
Explore More:
Federal Committee Calls for Mandatory Flu Vaccines in Hospitals, Healthcare Facilities
Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions
Immune System Protects Against Flu, Not Vaccines
Institute of Medicine Admits Vaccine Dangers After Review
United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury in Vaccines
Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.
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300,000 Flu Vaccines Recalled Over Serious Adverse Reactions
Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
Baxter Healthcare Corp. has announced it is recalling around 300,000 doses of its Preflucel flu vaccine due to an ‘excessive’ amount of adverse reactions. Recalled from thousands of pharmacies and surgeries across Europe, the 300,000 units are to be immediately withdrawn.
With seasonal flu vaccines already linked to nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome and narcolepsy and still being given out liberally to citizens worldwide, the adverse reactions must be quite serious in order to prompt a recall.
Even more concerning is the fact that vaccine makers actually have been given legal immunity thanks to a law signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.
Of course Baxter representatives are urging the public to stay calm, while also downplaying the risks associated with the shot. In the past NaturalSociety has revealed how Merck uses similar tactics to downplay the true side effects of the Gardasil vaccine, listing only minor side effects and ignoring the death link completely.
“The vaccine is being recalled because these side effects have been reported more frequently with this specific batch,” said a Baxter spokesmen. This spokesman also attempted to reassure the public that those who have already been vaccinated with Preflucel “should not be concerned (for their safety).”
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the same government organization that confirmed the link between the seasonal flu shot and Guillain-Barre Syndrome after extensive denial, has issued a warning over Preflucel:
“[Preflucel] should no longer be used and any remaining stock [of the recalled batches] should be returned to the original supplier for credit,” announced the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. “No further Preflucel of any batch should be administered at this time.”
Only time will tell what serious reactions are associated with this batch of Preflucel. In response to why the vaccine was recalled, Baxter states that “most of the side-effects are those usually associated with flu vaccines – they have started shortly after the vaccination and have been mild and short-lived.”
The problem with this statement is the fact that the seasonal flu shot has been repeatedly tied with serious adverse reactions. Therefore, it is not very reassuring that ‘most of the side-effects’ occur in the regular seasonal flu shot as well. Furthermore, it seems unlikely that Baxter would not recall flu vaccines, or at least investigate them further, after it was found that they are virtually ineffective and linked to nerve disease if they truly cared about your health. Therefore, it seems reasonable that despite the reassuring language of the Baxter spokesmen, this batch of Preflucel must be linked to something quite nasty.
While it may take some time to determine the true side effects of the shot, you can be sure Baxter will claim they are minor and virtually harmless.
Explore More:
Federal Committee Calls for Mandatory Flu Vaccines in Hospitals, Healthcare Facilities
Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions
Immune System Protects Against Flu, Not Vaccines
Institute of Medicine Admits Vaccine Dangers After Review
United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury in Vaccines
Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a 'New Human Species'
Human Genome Sequence - Wikimedia Commons
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
If some of the information emerging from the technology, governmental, and academic worlds are any indication, not only is the police state here; the scientific dictatorship is right around the corner. Indeed, if recent comments made by Juan Enriquez are indicative of the coming state merger between technology and genetics, we have much to be concerned about.
For those that are unfamiliar with Enriquez, he may not be the most flashy of the science superstars currently on the scene, but he is not exactly a nobody either. Enriquez was the founding director of the Harvard Business School Life Sciences Project and is currently chairman and CEO of Biotechonomy LLC., a “life sciences research and investment firm” and managing director of Excel Venture Management. He is the author of numerous books, including As The Future Catches You: How Genomics And Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health, and Wealth and The Untied States of America: Polarization, Fracturing, and Our Future.
Enriquez also serves on the boards of Cabot Corporation, The Harvard Medical School Genetics Advisory Council, The Chairman’s International Council of the America’s Society, the Visiting Committee of Harvard’s David Rockefeller Center, Tuft University’s EPIIC, and Harvard Business School’s PAPSAC.
Enriquez is a Harvard graduate himself who has previously served as CEO of Mexico City’s Urban Development Corporation, Coordinator General of Economic Policy and Chief of Staff for Mexico’s Secretary of State. Enriquez also boasts of working closely with Craig Venter, who is generally credited with the mapping of the human genome.
Obviously, Enriquez has established quite the résumé in the academic and business worlds. This, combined with his appearances on the very popular TED conference talks, only add to his qualifications in the field of culture creation which is most likely his role. Indeed, much like the other scientific superstars provided to the public by the culture industry, it appears Mr. Enriquez may be more talented in the area of delivering messages than making discoveries. This is why Enriquez’s comments during the interview with Technology Review’s Emily Singer are somewhat disturbing.
The interview was conducted after Enriquez’s speech at a Technology Review conference where he mentioned that, as described by Singer, “Our newfound ability to write the code of life will profoundly change the world as we know it.” According to Enriquez, because we as humans can engineer both our environment and ourselves, humanity is now breaking the “boundaries” of our own natural existence and development which, of course, is described as “Darwinian evolution,” itself a questionable strand of a highly suspect theory to begin with.
Nevertheless, when asked why he thought there is going to be a new human species, Enriquez responded in typical eugenicist fashion. He said,
The new human species is one that begins to engineer the evolution of viruses, plants, animals, and itself. As we do that, Darwin’s rules get significantly bent, and sometimes even broken. By taking direct and deliberate control over our evolution, we are living in a world where we are modifying stuff according to our desires.
He goes on to discuss the manner in which humans are already influencing their own “evolution.” He says:
If you turned off the electricity in the United States, you would see millions of people die quickly, because they wouldn’t have asthma medications, respirators, insulin, a whole host of things we invented to prevent people from dying. Eventually, we get to the point where evolution is guided by what we’re engineering. That’s a big deal. Today’s plastic surgery is going to seem tame compared to what’s coming.
Enriquez’s comments in this regard are a bit puzzling if the reader does not fully understand the position from which he is coming. The fact that millions of people are attached to electronic devices on which their lives depend is not a testament to guided or enhanced evolution at all. If anything, this would indicate a move in the opposite direction.
Keep in mind that Enriquez is a Darwinian Evolutionist, so he is keenly aware of the process by which Darwinian evolution allegedly progresses. For that reason, his comments may seem to be a contradiction of his own belief system to some. However, when one reads the rest of the interview, Enriquez’s statement begins to make more sense.
During the course of the short interview, Enriquez makes reference to how the new technology, as it emerges, will change virtually everything in society as we know it.
And he means everything. Not just industries. Not just economic disparity. Everything.
This includes morality itself. In fact, Enriquez even goes so far as to define this shift in morality as the “new ethics.”
Enriquez saves the best for last, however, when he explains how the “new ethics” will come into play.
He says:
The issue of [genetic variation] is a really uncomfortable question, one that for good reason, we have been avoiding since the 1930s and '40s. A lot of the research behind the eugenics movement came out of elite universities in the U.S. It was disastrously misapplied. But you do have to ask, if there are fundamental differences in species like dogs and horses and birds, is it true that there are no significant differences in humans? We are going to have an answer to that question very quickly. If we do, we need to think through an ethical, moral framework to think about questions that go way beyond science.
This statement alone echoes the same mentality that was accepted and promoted during the early half of twentieth century to justify mass sterilization, institutionalization, social segregation, even infanticide.
Although eugenics is now allegedly abhorred by academia and the mainstream media, the fact is that it still plays as much a role in both science and government policy as it ever did. Only the names have changed.
Instead of “eugenics” and “racial hygiene,” the scientific community now promotes “social biology” and “sociobiology.” “Deficient” genes now replace the term “inferior” genes. “Family planning” now replaces “abortion” and “sterilization.”
As quoted above, Enriquez stated that eugenics were disastrously misapplied in the 1930s and 1940s. Although he does not clarify whether he is referring to the American or the German version (or both), we can reasonably assume that he meant that the program was often race-based, as opposed to being based simply on “inferior genetics” across the board. Or, perhaps he is merely referring to the public relations issues that arose from these systems. At this point, it is difficult to determine.
Regardless, he openly questions whether or not some humans are so different from one another that they may be considered an entirely different species. This, in and of itself, is reminiscent of a language used in eugenics campaigns in both Europe and America years ago.
Considering the fact that Enriquez is in favor of the creation of a “new ethics,” this statement alone, if his philosophy gains any traction, is quite concerning.
In light of the increase in propaganda masquerading as science and being peddled by science superstars like Enriquez, there is no doubt the world’s population is being prepped for a eugenics-based future. This time, of course, the system will be assisted by a much more sophisticated technological machine and, thus, a much more efficient system of eugenics. After years of non-stop television, media repetition, and “experts” who tout the benefits of merging man and machine, as well as the cost of inheriting “inferior” genes, there is also little doubt that the world’s population will march into this future willingly.
Although greatly improved in terms of implementation and public perception, we have seen this system before and, unfortunately, what Juan Enriquez labels a “new ethics” may not be very new at all.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He also the author of Codex Alimentarius - The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies and Five Sense Solutions.
The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a 'New Human Species'
Human Genome Sequence - Wikimedia Commons
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
If some of the information emerging from the technology, governmental, and academic worlds are any indication, not only is the police state here; the scientific dictatorship is right around the corner. Indeed, if recent comments made by Juan Enriquez are indicative of the coming state merger between technology and genetics, we have much to be concerned about.
For those that are unfamiliar with Enriquez, he may not be the most flashy of the science superstars currently on the scene, but he is not exactly a nobody either. Enriquez was the founding director of the Harvard Business School Life Sciences Project and is currently chairman and CEO of Biotechonomy LLC., a “life sciences research and investment firm” and managing director of Excel Venture Management. He is the author of numerous books, including As The Future Catches You: How Genomics And Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health, and Wealth and The Untied States of America: Polarization, Fracturing, and Our Future.
Enriquez also serves on the boards of Cabot Corporation, The Harvard Medical School Genetics Advisory Council, The Chairman’s International Council of the America’s Society, the Visiting Committee of Harvard’s David Rockefeller Center, Tuft University’s EPIIC, and Harvard Business School’s PAPSAC.
Enriquez is a Harvard graduate himself who has previously served as CEO of Mexico City’s Urban Development Corporation, Coordinator General of Economic Policy and Chief of Staff for Mexico’s Secretary of State. Enriquez also boasts of working closely with Craig Venter, who is generally credited with the mapping of the human genome.
Obviously, Enriquez has established quite the résumé in the academic and business worlds. This, combined with his appearances on the very popular TED conference talks, only add to his qualifications in the field of culture creation which is most likely his role. Indeed, much like the other scientific superstars provided to the public by the culture industry, it appears Mr. Enriquez may be more talented in the area of delivering messages than making discoveries. This is why Enriquez’s comments during the interview with Technology Review’s Emily Singer are somewhat disturbing.
The interview was conducted after Enriquez’s speech at a Technology Review conference where he mentioned that, as described by Singer, “Our newfound ability to write the code of life will profoundly change the world as we know it.” According to Enriquez, because we as humans can engineer both our environment and ourselves, humanity is now breaking the “boundaries” of our own natural existence and development which, of course, is described as “Darwinian evolution,” itself a questionable strand of a highly suspect theory to begin with.
Nevertheless, when asked why he thought there is going to be a new human species, Enriquez responded in typical eugenicist fashion. He said,
The new human species is one that begins to engineer the evolution of viruses, plants, animals, and itself. As we do that, Darwin’s rules get significantly bent, and sometimes even broken. By taking direct and deliberate control over our evolution, we are living in a world where we are modifying stuff according to our desires.
He goes on to discuss the manner in which humans are already influencing their own “evolution.” He says:
If you turned off the electricity in the United States, you would see millions of people die quickly, because they wouldn’t have asthma medications, respirators, insulin, a whole host of things we invented to prevent people from dying. Eventually, we get to the point where evolution is guided by what we’re engineering. That’s a big deal. Today’s plastic surgery is going to seem tame compared to what’s coming.
Enriquez’s comments in this regard are a bit puzzling if the reader does not fully understand the position from which he is coming. The fact that millions of people are attached to electronic devices on which their lives depend is not a testament to guided or enhanced evolution at all. If anything, this would indicate a move in the opposite direction.
Keep in mind that Enriquez is a Darwinian Evolutionist, so he is keenly aware of the process by which Darwinian evolution allegedly progresses. For that reason, his comments may seem to be a contradiction of his own belief system to some. However, when one reads the rest of the interview, Enriquez’s statement begins to make more sense.
During the course of the short interview, Enriquez makes reference to how the new technology, as it emerges, will change virtually everything in society as we know it.
And he means everything. Not just industries. Not just economic disparity. Everything.
This includes morality itself. In fact, Enriquez even goes so far as to define this shift in morality as the “new ethics.”
Enriquez saves the best for last, however, when he explains how the “new ethics” will come into play.
He says:
The issue of [genetic variation] is a really uncomfortable question, one that for good reason, we have been avoiding since the 1930s and '40s. A lot of the research behind the eugenics movement came out of elite universities in the U.S. It was disastrously misapplied. But you do have to ask, if there are fundamental differences in species like dogs and horses and birds, is it true that there are no significant differences in humans? We are going to have an answer to that question very quickly. If we do, we need to think through an ethical, moral framework to think about questions that go way beyond science.
This statement alone echoes the same mentality that was accepted and promoted during the early half of twentieth century to justify mass sterilization, institutionalization, social segregation, even infanticide.
Although eugenics is now allegedly abhorred by academia and the mainstream media, the fact is that it still plays as much a role in both science and government policy as it ever did. Only the names have changed.
Instead of “eugenics” and “racial hygiene,” the scientific community now promotes “social biology” and “sociobiology.” “Deficient” genes now replace the term “inferior” genes. “Family planning” now replaces “abortion” and “sterilization.”
As quoted above, Enriquez stated that eugenics were disastrously misapplied in the 1930s and 1940s. Although he does not clarify whether he is referring to the American or the German version (or both), we can reasonably assume that he meant that the program was often race-based, as opposed to being based simply on “inferior genetics” across the board. Or, perhaps he is merely referring to the public relations issues that arose from these systems. At this point, it is difficult to determine.
Regardless, he openly questions whether or not some humans are so different from one another that they may be considered an entirely different species. This, in and of itself, is reminiscent of a language used in eugenics campaigns in both Europe and America years ago.
Considering the fact that Enriquez is in favor of the creation of a “new ethics,” this statement alone, if his philosophy gains any traction, is quite concerning.
In light of the increase in propaganda masquerading as science and being peddled by science superstars like Enriquez, there is no doubt the world’s population is being prepped for a eugenics-based future. This time, of course, the system will be assisted by a much more sophisticated technological machine and, thus, a much more efficient system of eugenics. After years of non-stop television, media repetition, and “experts” who tout the benefits of merging man and machine, as well as the cost of inheriting “inferior” genes, there is also little doubt that the world’s population will march into this future willingly.
Although greatly improved in terms of implementation and public perception, we have seen this system before and, unfortunately, what Juan Enriquez labels a “new ethics” may not be very new at all.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He also the author of Codex Alimentarius - The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies and Five Sense Solutions.
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英國外交事務大臣夏偉林(William Hague)表示,國際原子能機構(IAEA)對伊朗核野心的評估報告,「全盤否定」了伊朗此前的辯解。消息說,英國政府高層官員的共識認為,以色列可能嘗試「盡快」對伊朗的核設施發動攻擊,而美國將提供物資上的支援。
英國外交事務大臣夏偉林(William Hague)表示,國際原子能機構(IAEA)對伊朗核野心的評估報告,「全盤否定」了伊朗此前的辯解。消息說,英國政府高層官員的共識認為,以色列可能嘗試「盡快」對伊朗的核設施發動攻擊,而美國將提供物資上的支援。
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