投票步驟簡易流程:1、打開網頁 http://wh.gov/gkB 點擊右下“Create an account” 會打開一個頁面2、然後填寫“名”“姓”只要是英文就好···再填寫郵箱地址~~~國內的也行,再填寫居住城市 縮寫代碼 隨便填寫英文或選擇填寫。再填寫 圖片裡的英文碼~~~如遇到拉丁字母就點選框體右側按鈕換一個,需要注意的是這裡區分大小寫,有空格的也需填空格3、點擊Register,注冊成功後去 你填寫的郵箱地址,裡面有封白宮給你發的郵件,打開後能看到你的密碼,復制密碼4、重新進入http://wh.gov/gkB,點擊Sign in,填寫好郵箱和密碼,登陸上去後,點擊頁面中間左側的“SIGN THIS PETITION”5、恭喜你,你投出了你神聖的一票
Original Email
The Disclosure Petition is now active on the White House website at the above link. The wording of the petition is as follows:
"We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."
[Note to all those outside the US: a US Zip Code is required for registering.]
Should this petition receive a significant number of signatures it will draw media attention which will generate more signatures. It can become a direct referendum on the matter of Disclosure if the link to the petition can be taken viral on the Internet.
If you wish to support this petition, use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, bulletin boards, email lists, websites and all other social media to take the link viral. YouTubers can create Disclosure Petition videos and include the petition link. Webmasters can go to www.disclosurepetition.info and find graphic banners for attaching the petition link.
The link to the petition on the White House website is: http://wh.gov/gKC
Alien, UFO, Conspiracy, 2012, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, World War 3, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vatican, Black Nobility, Fourth Reich, Paranormal Phenomena. Main purpose of this blog is to explore New World Order and how it related to our real life. Blog updated daily. 揭秘外星人,飛碟,陰謀論,2012,共濟會,光明會,新世界秩序,標達堡,第3次世界大戰,錫安長老會紀要,梵蒂岡,黑貴族,德意志第四帝國及超自然現象。資料訊息來自互聯網,Blog每天更新,這是一個開放的平台讓各網友了解有關新世界秩序的最新消息。
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Evelyn Guzman - September 24 , 2011
LOS ANGELES (CBS) — AT&T reports that nearly 1,000 of their cell towers are down affecting countless customers throughout the Los Angeles area.
SANTIAGO: A widespread blackout plunged Chile's capital and other regions into darkness late Saturday due to a problem with the national power grid, the Chilean emergency service said.
Four of the South American nation's 15 regions -- including the Santiago capital area of more than six million people -- lost power around 2O30 local time (2330 GMT).
智 利大範圍停電兩個多小時後,已逐步回復供電,九成電網恢復正常。停電影響中部地區接近一千萬居民,除手機可使用外,大部分公共和家庭電力設備全部癱瘓,部 分礦場一度暫停運作,包括全球最大的銅礦生產商。首都聖地亞哥鐵路暫停運行,所有車站臨時關閉,幾千名乘客要疏散。智利警方話已經增派警力巡邏,又派直升 機監察。當地華人說,停電期間很多餐館要關閉,晚市不能做生意。
Uploaded by erGHaw on Sep 24, 2011
NASA欲設月球禁飛區 保護月球歷史遺跡
2011年09月06日 15:10:10 來源: 科學時報

受到谷歌公司和X大獎基金會給出的3000萬美元的獎金的激勵,這些在美國空間探索的黃金時代留下的痕跡——包括尼爾‧阿姆斯特朗和小埃德溫‧ 巴茲‧奧爾德林在月球表面留下的第一組人類足跡的現場,可能在最早于明年開始的由幾十個私人研究團隊參與的重返月球的競賽面前顯得不堪一擊。
在9月的晚些時候,美國宇航局打算向拜訪月球上的“美國政府財產”的航天器或未來的宇航員發布一些其所謂的“建議”。例如,根據美國《科學》雜 志的提議而在7月20日推出的一個指導方針的版本,要求那些以切線方向接近阿波羅號宇宙飛船著陸點和人造物品的探月項目避免與前者發生碰撞。它同時建議設 立禁飛區和緩衝區,從而防止火箭噴射的廢氣或塵埃墜落在那些具有歷史意義的儀器設備上。

受到谷歌公司和X大獎基金會給出的3000萬美元的獎金的激勵,這些在美國空間探索的黃金時代留下的痕跡——包括尼爾‧阿姆斯特朗和小埃德溫‧ 巴茲‧奧爾德林在月球表面留下的第一組人類足跡的現場,可能在最早于明年開始的由幾十個私人研究團隊參與的重返月球的競賽面前顯得不堪一擊。
在9月的晚些時候,美國宇航局打算向拜訪月球上的“美國政府財產”的航天器或未來的宇航員發布一些其所謂的“建議”。例如,根據美國《科學》雜 志的提議而在7月20日推出的一個指導方針的版本,要求那些以切線方向接近阿波羅號宇宙飛船著陸點和人造物品的探月項目避免與前者發生碰撞。它同時建議設 立禁飛區和緩衝區,從而防止火箭噴射的廢氣或塵埃墜落在那些具有歷史意義的儀器設備上。
令人好奇的!丹佛 - 巨大的反恐演習由今天開始!我已搜查精英的日程 - 似乎所有的精英正從今天開始休假!
A Massive Terror Exercise has started today(23rd) in Denver Colorado.
Add that to the fact I had researched earlier this week to find where all the "Elite" of the world were going to be for the next couple of weeks, with my main target date of the 26th of September (Monday). Due to all the information about Elenin being in line and in between us and the Sun on the 26th and what could happen, I wanted to see if the "Elite" were going to be at their normal jobs.
I would say, Denver will be well protected starting today, for anyone going there for any reason!
I decided to do some research on the schedules of the "Elite".
I can confirm most of the Elite of the world will be out of their offices or have nothing scheduled starting this week/weekend.
This includes for some bizarre reason the House and Senate of the U.S., going on recess, even though they just now got back from a month long recess.
Here are all the links and information - that I have been able to dig up so far.
So it is not just rumor - but the sites confirm schedules.
I have not been able to pin point - the Russian/German/French government schedules, nor Clinton's schedule etc.
I have also looked at royalty sites and have not been able to find their schedules (Norway, Monaco, etc)
Here is what I have found:
FYI - the below did not come out the way it is situated online. Below from above link.
August 8 - September 5
September 26 - October 2 Senate Recess
House Recess
UK Parliament will be out of session
Conference 15 September 2011 10 October 2011
House of Lords will be out of session
15 September 2011 3 October 2011
Below see that somehow and for some reason a major amount of corporations happen to have "conferences" happening in Denver during those dates - which will be all the "elite" of those companies
He also has the fact that Obama's family will be joining him in Denver during those dates for a "campaign stop"
n a related story, there are many scheduled conferences in Colorado, where one of the world’s largest Deep Underground Military Bunkers (D.U.M.B.s) is located:
2011 ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource
September 25, 2011 – September 27, 2011
Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
Denver, CO
The Coca-Cola Company, NatureWorks and Cereplast headline the Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011
ControlLogix and RSLogix 5000 Training Seminar
September 27-29, 2011
September 26-27, 2011
2011 Homeland Security Symposium
September 26-27, 2011
6th Annual Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011
Strategies for Justice Conference
September 26-30, 2011
2011 Kentico Connection – Denver
September 26-30, 2011
EcoSys EPC (Enterprise Planning & Controls)
September 25-26, 2011
Annual Educational Networking Conference
September 25-27, 2011
NASA Lands in Colorado With International Space Station Events
September 21-27, 2011
Additionally, a report from the European Union Times states the following:
A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
(As noted above I have yet to confirm that the DEFCON 1 and Cocked Pistol information is true, not Sorcha Faal fear porn)
Someone just emailed me - that she read on GLP that someone had called the top Denver hotels and they all have rooms and are more vacant for those dates than filled. How is that possible if there are so many conferences there at the same time?
United Nations (clear on starting on 23rd of September) no specfic issues are scheduled on "general debates"
(check that one out and put in a date.... empty and says "no issue" - I checked all the way to the end of Sept.
Pope schedule:
Pope going to Germany on 23rd to 25th and then will be at his plane and at the airport (that is where they end it) saying then going back to Rome....
Canadian Govt going out of Session until Oct. 5
Bank of England has nothing on the schedule from 21st of September
Nothing at all on the Queen's schedule for anything the rest of the month.
Nothing for Prince Charles from 25th of Sept to 29th of Sept
Russian govt. site - can't tell where Putin will be - link above to schedule info
German govt. site - can't find their schedule for Sept.
That is what I have found so far - I have been researching this for a few hours.
Please add your information you find of an "Elite's schedule".
Where will Buffet, Soros, Gates, etc be this coming weekend?
David Icke
Number Six
Activist Post
Reports pertaining to the censorship and takedown of personal websites continue to flood in.
First, YouTube meddled with the view counts of folks like Alex Jones over at Info Wars and Prison Planet. Then Flickr, MySpace and Facebook began censoring comments and material. Now an increasing number of independent online media is beginning to feel the sharp edge of the blade.
Subsequently, we found out that the CEO and founder of Amazon attended the most recent Bilderberg group meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Is it any wonder that Amazon too has joined the bandwagon? Average Joe’s who shot to fame and fortune, respective business empire founders such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, have been enticed by the club of “good old boys” and awoken that innate and evil human desire to play God with the rest of us.
This author was responsible for the Wikileaks publication of the few Bilderberg meeting documents available a week before their meet in Greece of 2009. They had been obtained from the author of Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, whose website seems to have become now defunct. Apparently, they had floated around on the net some years before, to have been taken down, and this author figured it wise to republish the few documents available to aid research.
A final disclaimer on the subject of Wikileaks. This author believes Wikileaks to be a “US Government con job.” Esteemed analyst William Engdahl has written extensively on this topic. Daniel Estulin of Bilderberg fame has also recently published a book on the deceptive nature of Wikileaks and its use as a tool of disinformation, the results of which we are now witnessing. Founder of Cryptome (John Young) worked with “Wikileaks” in its infancy and left after growing suspicion.

As the few, the wise, those that enter through the narrow gate have long been warning and preparing for such issues as food storage, survivalism and spiritual preparedness, our essential lines of communication are gradually being cut. Skynet is becoming self-aware. Take all preventative measures and bat down the hatches. There be a storm on the horizon. Godspeed.

Global Governance Archive is an information war desk which seeks to aid researchers both new and old in sifting through the most important material on everything from economy to the architecture of global government which is now being built.
Activist Post
Reports pertaining to the censorship and takedown of personal websites continue to flood in.
First, YouTube meddled with the view counts of folks like Alex Jones over at Info Wars and Prison Planet. Then Flickr, MySpace and Facebook began censoring comments and material. Now an increasing number of independent online media is beginning to feel the sharp edge of the blade.
Amazon & Wikileaks
When Wikileaks went under fire for its publication of material such as the quarter million diplomatic cables (or Pentagon Papers 2), Amazon decided to pull the plug on its service to the whistleblower website.Subsequently, we found out that the CEO and founder of Amazon attended the most recent Bilderberg group meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Is it any wonder that Amazon too has joined the bandwagon? Average Joe’s who shot to fame and fortune, respective business empire founders such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, have been enticed by the club of “good old boys” and awoken that innate and evil human desire to play God with the rest of us.
This author was responsible for the Wikileaks publication of the few Bilderberg meeting documents available a week before their meet in Greece of 2009. They had been obtained from the author of Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, whose website seems to have become now defunct. Apparently, they had floated around on the net some years before, to have been taken down, and this author figured it wise to republish the few documents available to aid research.
A final disclaimer on the subject of Wikileaks. This author believes Wikileaks to be a “US Government con job.” Esteemed analyst William Engdahl has written extensively on this topic. Daniel Estulin of Bilderberg fame has also recently published a book on the deceptive nature of Wikileaks and its use as a tool of disinformation, the results of which we are now witnessing. Founder of Cryptome (John Young) worked with “Wikileaks” in its infancy and left after growing suspicion.

Don’t Tread on Me
A few weeks ago, Silver Shield’s popular economic and political commentary blog had been hacked. He has been wildly popular with his Sons of Liberty Academy and drive to make people aware of the true nature of the monetary system, suggesting the purchase of physical silver as one way to be free of the false paradigm. A similar hack had also been perpetrated against Freedom Force International a few years ago.SGT Report & Bank of America
Just recently, SGT Report, who provides excellent economic reality and freedom related reporting, had been subjected to COINTELPRO commentary assault by the Wall Street-Pentagon nexus which includes Bank of America. See the site editor’s excellent detective work HERE.Activist Post & Google via Blogger
The excellent Activist Post, to which Global Governance Archive is a frequent contributor, seems to have just been taken down by Google-owned Blogger. Recall that Google CEO Eric Schmidt also attended the last Bilderberg meeting.
Rick Rozoff (Stop NATO) & WordPress
The website of important analyst Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, has now been threatened by WordPress, who seems also to have taken to the chopping block.Yahoo & the Day of Rage
Finally, we have Yahoo censoring the Day of Rage attempts to coordinate their occupation of Wall Street.Full Spectrum DominanceFull Spectrum Dominance
This insane Pentagon doctrine seeks to dominate land, air, sea, outer space, inner space and cyber space. It seeks "informational superiority" which is defined as "the capability to collect, process and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying adversary's ability to do the same."

Prepare for the Cyber False Flag
Corporate interests have been co-opted by the global elites and their secret societies. Bilderberg 2011 saw the coming together of Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Amazon, among others. We are now only beginning to witness the outcome of their policy agenda. Companies are being bought up and merged by the new world elites, with Skype going to NSA Microsoft and YouTube to CIA Google.As the few, the wise, those that enter through the narrow gate have long been warning and preparing for such issues as food storage, survivalism and spiritual preparedness, our essential lines of communication are gradually being cut. Skynet is becoming self-aware. Take all preventative measures and bat down the hatches. There be a storm on the horizon. Godspeed.

Global Governance Archive is an information war desk which seeks to aid researchers both new and old in sifting through the most important material on everything from economy to the architecture of global government which is now being built.
盜百萬fb網民資料 廣告公司遭控
Twitter允自我審查 遷就歐美法律 難換華解禁
D Region Absorption Predictions (D-RAP) 2011/9/25
Conditions in the D region of the ionosphere have a dramatic effect on high frequency (HF) communications and low frequency (LF) navigation systems. The global D Region Absorption Predictions (D-RAP) depicts the D region at high latitudes where it is driven by particles as well as low latitudes, where photons cause the prompt changes. This product merges all latitudes using appropriate displays, and is useful to customers from a broad base that includes emergency management, aviation and maritime users. [more]
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