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太陽磁暴臨 港航班須改道
(綜 合報道)(星島日報報道)由太陽風暴引起的十年來最大型磁暴,周二與地球大氣層相撞,使到航機須改變飛行路綫。美國達美航空公司表示,他們已調校由美國飛 往亞洲的跨極地航綫,避免磁暴影響航機飛行。來自香港、上海和首爾的航機,由周日起已改為偏南航綫飛行。這場磁暴相信會持續至周三,它對人類沒有傷害,但 會影響極地衞星通訊及無綫電短波。天文愛好者則可追看太陽粒子與大氣粒子猛烈相撞後產生的更壯觀極光。法新社
Google新政策 「六合一」追蹤用戶
Google解釋這是希望簡化「有點複雜」的私隱政策,讓條文更容易令人了解。此外,Google希望根據用戶口味,為他們提供度身訂做的廣告 資訊,例如用戶曾在YouTube觀看英超聯賽的片段,他們的Gmail就會收到售賣球票的廣告。不過,估計Google新政策將令捍衞私隱的人士不滿。 外界認為Google修訂政策顯示它與社交網站facebook競爭日益激烈,由於facebook蒐集大量用戶私人資料數據,成為其吸引廣告商的武器。
美 國等西方國家指摘伊朗試圖發展核武器,但伊朗堅稱其核活動僅用於和平目的。由於伊朗拒絕停止鈾濃縮活動,聯合國安理會迄今已對伊朗實施四輪制裁。此外,歐 盟、美國、韓國等還對伊朗實施單邊制裁。本月23日,歐盟外長會議宣布新一輪制裁措施,禁止成員國從伊朗進口石油並對伊朗中央銀行實施制裁。
萬 鋼表示,中國原子能科學研究院位於北京西南郊的房山區,是中國核事業的發祥地。中國上世紀五十年代建成的的第一座核反應堆(重水慢化反應堆)就坐落在原子 能院。中國的第一座快中子實驗堆——中國實驗快堆也坐落在該院,中國實驗快堆是中國開發快堆核電站技術的研發平台,並非商業發電所用。該堆於2010年7 月實現首次臨界,2011年7月實現40%熱功率下併網發電試驗,達到工程的驗收目標。
從 安全管理上講,萬鋼表示,原子能院建立了有效的安全監督機構,中國實驗快堆的運行人員都持證上崗,特別是主控室的操縱員,都持有國家核安全局頒發的操縱員 和高級操縱員證。中國實驗快堆的主控室嚴格按照國家的相關標準設計和建設,根本不可能出現「床」等不該有的東西。在停堆工況,主控室運行人員按五班三倒的 方式排班,每班都配一個值長和一個操縱員,24小時都有操縱員值守,環境保護部華北核與輻射安全監督站每天都有人到主控室進行現場監督。
萬 鋼說,快中子反應堆(簡稱快堆)是國際上正在研發的先進堆型。其安全性好,屬於第四代核電堆型之一。中國實驗快堆採用非能動安全技術、固有安全設計、縱深 防禦思想等,確保安全目標的實現。中國實驗快堆嚴格按照中國的核安全法規要求設計、安裝調試和試運行。國家核安全局對其設計、安裝、調試等進行了全方位監 管,環境保護部華北核與輻射安全監督站進行24小時全過程監督。
對付大陸 傳美菲談判擴大駐軍
(路透馬尼拉26日電)「華盛頓郵報」(Washington Post)今天報導,菲律賓正與美國政府會商,討論擴大美國駐軍問題,以因應愈來愈自負的中國大陸。
美建海上浮動基地 淘汰舊戰機
美軍重返菲律賓制華 軍艦料再泊蘇碧灣 有利監視南海
DNA sample to be taken from students before allowed to take SAT college entrance exams
Thursday, January 26, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer(NaturalNews) Standardized testing is a common method by which colleges and universities evaluate the competency of applying high school students. But an increasing amount of students are cheating on such tests, which has caused lawmakers in New York to consider actually harvesting "digital DNA" from students and applying it to special ID cards that students would be required to furnish both before and after taking the SAT or ACT exams to prove their identities.
The digital DNA card idea was birthed after a major cheating scandal at Great Neck North High School on Long Island. Students struggling with their studies and the standardized test protocol apparently hired Sam Eshaghoff, a former student who performed well on his own SAT exam, to take the test for them in exchange for cash (
Dr. James Hayward from the applied DNA sciences lab at Stony Brook University, which is currently working on perfecting digital DNA technology, claims it is "absolutely unbreakable for securing the identity of a student taking the SAT exam." He explained to lawmakers in Albany, NY, recently that a student's identity code is wirelessly uploaded to an IT "cloud," which allows test proctors to remotely access it and verify that it matches both that student's digital DNA card and his or her actual image.
Currently, students are required to show their normal photo IDs before being admitted to the SAT or ACT testing room. But IDs can relatively easily be forged, say many, which means that an imposter could easily slip in and take the test for someone else. On the other hand, requiring students to submit to forensic image analysis in order to digitally encode their identity may be going way overboard, as it represents a huge step towards authoritarian encroachment into the lives of individuals.
On the same token, the technology has the potential to be widely abused by the government, as it could eventually be used to force compliance with totalitarian dictates like forced medication or vaccination. If a student is not up to date with his or her recommended vaccinations, for instance, he or she could one day be barred from certain opportunities, including the freedom to go to college. There is really no limit to the type of control that could be exerted over individuals is such technology becomes the norm (
Dentist used paper clips in root canals as part of fraudulent Medicare scam
Thursday, January 26, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Before the expiration of his most recent dental license in 2008, Clair apparently had a long history of fraud. He reportedly had dental licenses revoked in numerous states including Florida, West Virginia, and Maryland according to The Herald News. And his most recent crime spree at Harbour Dental, located in the New Harbour Mall in Fall River, is definitely no exception.
Clair's practice, if you can even call it that, was suspended from participating in the Medicaid program back in 2002 for unstated reasons. But reports indicate that he continued to bill Medicaid through June 2005, garnering $130,000 in illegal reimbursements between August 2003 and June 2005. Clair also illegally submitted Medicaid claims under the names of other dentists working in his practice as well.
Clair has also been charged with illegally prescribing drugs like hydrocodone, Combunox, and Percocet to his fellow staff members, only to have those same staff members give the medicine back to him. And his use of paper clips rather than surgical steel during root canals takes the cake as far as greed and reckless endangerment of patients is concerned.
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley told FOX 25 News in Boston that Clair's entire case "paints a picture of someone who shouldn't be practicing dentistry in Massachusetts, or anywhere else for that matter." But based on his extensive record of repeated and continual fraud, this assessment hardly seems to go far enough.
On Jan. 30, 2012, Clair will face Superior Court Judge Richard Moses on two counts of assault and battery for the paper clip fiasco, three counts of larceny, five counts of Medicaid fraud, three counts of illegally prescribing controlled substances, and one count of tampering with evidence and intimidating a witness. If convicted, Clair could spend 15 years or more in prison for these crimes.
Oklahoma lawmaker wants to stop Pepsi from using aborted fetus cells in soda flavoring research
Thursday, January 26, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer(NaturalNews) In order to simulate various flavors in processed foods, some food manufacturers are actually using aborted fetal cells to test and produce these artificial chemical enhancers that millions of Americans consume every single day. Concerned about the ethical and moral implications of such a process, Oklahoma Senator Ralph Shortey has introduced new legislation to prohibit this practice from occurring in his home state.
Senomyx, a California-based biotechnology company that specializes in developing food flavorings, is one such company that uses aborted embryonic cells to create "isolated human taste receptors," which are used in the production of food chemicals. And this company has partnered with several major food manufacturers, including Kraft, PepsiCo, and Nestle (
"There is a potential that there are companies that are using aborted human babies in their research and development of basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors," Sen. Shortey is quoted as saying by KRMG News Talk Radio. "What I am saying is that if it does happen then we are not going to allow it to manufacture here."
According to Children of God for Life (CGL), a pro-life watchdog group, Senomyx uses HEK 293 to produce its artificial flavor enhancing chemicals. HEK 293 is code for human embryonic kidney cells that are manipulated to produce taste receptors that express a specific protein known as the G protein. But CGL says the company could also use animal, insect, or other more acceptably-derived cells instead, and still procure the same results.
While aborted fetal cells are not necessarily in the final products made by PepsiCo, Kraft, or Nestle, such cells appear to needlessly play a part in the production of artificial flavor chemicals used by these companies. And since there are viable alternatives to this questionable practice, Sen. Shortey, CGL, and many others are calling for its end.
As we reported previously, the Campbell Soup company used to be a Senomyx partner until CGL contacted them about the fetal cell issue. Shortly thereafter, reports indicate that Campbell's officially cut ties with Senomyx, which in 2003 filed a patent for "recombinant (genetically modified) methods for expressing a functional sweet taste receptor."
美國麻省一名前牙醫克萊爾,被控為病人進行俗稱「杜牙根」的牙齒根管治療手術時,以萬字夾代替不銹鋼物料植入病人牙齒內,同時向政府醫療補助制度申請購買 高價物料的資助。克萊爾被檢察部門起訴傷人、盜竊、提出虛假申請、非法處方藥物等多項罪名。克萊爾本人於○二年已停牌,但涉繼續聘請其他牙醫在他的診所工 作。 (綜合報道)
美國麻省一名前牙醫克萊爾,被控為病人進行俗稱「杜牙根」的牙齒根管治療手術時,以萬字夾代替不銹鋼物料植入病人牙齒內,同時向政府醫療補助制度申請購買 高價物料的資助。克萊爾被檢察部門起訴傷人、盜竊、提出虛假申請、非法處方藥物等多項罪名。克萊爾本人於○二年已停牌,但涉繼續聘請其他牙醫在他的診所工 作。 (綜合報道)
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