這是一個異常奇怪的巧合,世界上許多領導人和政治家將在九月底休假。下面是政府和企業休假日期的名單。究竟是怎麼回事?有一個相關的傳聞,在科羅拉多州將召開許多安排好的會議,那裡有一個世界上最大的地下軍事堡壘(DUMBs)。此外,歐洲聯盟時報指出以下幾點:阿列克謝馬斯洛夫將軍,俄羅斯常駐北約的高級軍事代表,聲稱他被美國人告知將在9月27日舉行一個名為DEFCON 1“Cocked Pistol”最高戰備警報演習,而總統奧巴馬將在美國最安全的掩體中觀看這場演習,這個掩體就位於丹佛國際機場下方。
- 聯合國2011年9月23日到10月10日日程表都是空的。
- 英國議會從2011年9月15日到10月10日休會。
- 美國國會從2011年9月25到10月2日休假。
- 德國總統2011年9月25日之後的日程安排是空的。
2011年9月25日 - 2011年9月27日
IEEE - greencom
2011年Kentico連接 - 丹佛
Alien, UFO, Conspiracy, 2012, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, World War 3, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vatican, Black Nobility, Fourth Reich, Paranormal Phenomena. Main purpose of this blog is to explore New World Order and how it related to our real life. Blog updated daily. 揭秘外星人,飛碟,陰謀論,2012,共濟會,光明會,新世界秩序,標達堡,第3次世界大戰,錫安長老會紀要,梵蒂岡,黑貴族,德意志第四帝國及超自然現象。資料訊息來自互聯網,Blog每天更新,這是一個開放的平台讓各網友了解有關新世界秩序的最新消息。
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美造無人機將安裝面孔識別系統 實現“殺人自動化”(圖)

美國在阿富汗、巴基斯坦和也門廣泛使用無人機追殺恐怖分子,但未來科技將更進一步。香港《文匯報》9月21日援引《華盛頓郵報》的文章稱,美軍正研發 一種全自動化的無人戰機,精密科技面孔識別系統識別敵人後自動發射導彈,整個過程不需人工,堪稱“殺人自動化”。然而,有專家指出,高智能無人機使戰爭間 接正當化,會引發“誤殺無辜”的擔憂。
據報道,美國現在的無人機由數千英里以外的機師遙控,發射導彈的命令仍由人發出。未來無人機起飛後將自動操作,不需再受機師指揮。多架無人機同時偵察 時,則以“面孔識別系統”或其他軟件確定目標,自動發射導彈殺敵,例如,空中版的“未來戰士”。負責研發相關軟件的佐治亞州科學院研究所科學家皮平表示, 在實戰環境中,一切都由人工指揮太耗時,需要更快的技術應對。
Operation Mountain Guardian行動是大規模的反恐應急演習,原定2011年9月23日週五在丹佛大都會區進行。
這次演習是國土安全撥款資助的,可能是由國土安全部(DHS)通過聯邦應急管理署(FEMA )第八區和科羅拉多州州長的國土安全辦公室撥款的。
Operation Mountain Guardian 行動將在整個丹佛大都會區的下列地點舉行:
Park Meadows Mall - Smedley Elementary School – Denver Union Station
Community College of Aurora (Lowry Campus) – Sky Ridge Medical Center
Denver Health Medical Center - University of Colorado Hospital
Catholic Charities (NW Denver) - Sports Authority Field at Mile High

When the U.S government approved Monsanto’s genetically modified ‘BT’ corn, they knew it would add a deadly poison into our food supply! The corn’s DNA is fitted with a gene from bacteria called Bacillus Thuringiensis that produces this BT-Toxin.. It’s basically a pesticide, which breaks open the stomach of insects and kills them! But Monsanto and the EPA said that this toxin would only affect insects.. They claimed that it wouldn’t hurt the human digestive system… Now don’t forget that most of the corn in the United States is genetically modified!
Now a study at Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec found that this BT-Toxin was found in the blood of pregnant woman and their babies.. (Specifically, the toxin was identified in 93% of 30 pregnant women, 80% of umbilical blood in their babies, and 67% of 39 non-pregnant women.) This study has been published in the journal for Reproductive Toxicology.. According to Daily Mail UK this study appears to “blow a hole in” safety claims that “has triggered calls for a ban on imports and a overhaul of the safety protocols of GM crops and food.” Organizations in European countries are calling for a independent investigation of GM crops..
Links to allergies, auto-immune disease, and other disorders
There has been plenty of evidence that shows BT-toxins which are produced in GM corn and cotton plants; are highly toxic to humans and mammals alike.. It triggers a unhealthy immune response in the body. It flows through the blood supply and later passes through the placenta into the unborn baby! This is why we have seen the rise of disorders within the US since these GM crops have been introduced back in 1996!
Government sponsored research in Italy has shown that mice fed Monsanto’s BT corn showed a wide rage of immune responses. Elevated antibodies of IgE and IgG which are responsible for allergies and infections. The mice had a increase of cytokines which are also associated with allergic and inflammatory responses. Now in humans this increase of cytokines, would result in arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, MS and even cancer!
Elevated interleukins | Associations |
IL-6 | Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, various types of cancer (multiple myeloma and prostate cancer) |
IL-13 | Allergy, allergic rhinitis, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) |
MIP-1b | Autoimmune disease and colitis. |
IL-12p70 | Inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis |

Young mice in this study also had a elevated amount of T cells, but when increased in children this resulted in asthma, a rise of food allergies, juvenile arthritis and even connective tissue diseases. The same BT corn that was fed to mice, it produced the same BT Toxic in women and their babies.. So no matter if an animal or a human eats this toxic corn, they will end up with a series of problems that will be passed through their genetics! Even when rats were fed another variety of Monsanto’s corn called MON 863, they still resulted in problems.. They found a increase of basophils, lymphocytes, and even white blood cells. Further resulting in more allergies, infections, toxins and other life-threatening diseases! There was also signs of toxicity within the liver and the kidneys.
Natural Bt is dangerous
Farmers have used the toxic BT soil bacteria as a ‘natural pesticide’ for years. But when it’s sprayed on the plant, it eventually washes off and then it biodegrades in the sun. But the GM version has it already built-in; which means every plant cell has it’s own bottle of toxic roundup! This toxin doesn’t wash-off and now it’s consumed by people.. So in theory, this new plant has a thousand more times the concentration of the spray and the plant before it! Many companies ignore the difference between the GM toxin or the ‘natural version’ but they deem both as safe to use in the agriculture field. But it’s okay to be putting this toxin directly in our food but alternative studies show the exact opposite! When this ‘natural’ toxin was fed to mice, they had tissue damage and a immune response that was just as powerful as cholera toxin! Even farmers have shown a immune response to this toxic chemical..
The EPAs own expert on the Scientific Advisory Panel said: that these studies “suggest that Bt proteins could act as antigenic and allergenic sources.” But the EPA ignored these warnings. They also overlooked studies in Washington state and Vancouver which showed allergic and flu-like symptoms when they were exposed to this same spray..
Bt cotton linked to human allergies, animal deaths

Since that incident many other animals have died after harvest including thousands of sheep and goats. If they didn’t die, the animals got severely sick. This village never had a problem when they were growing natural cotton but soon as they switched to this GM cotton January 3rd, 2008; this is when all the problems began! There is no doubt in my mind that this new cotton is the problem of these mysterious deaths..
Living pesticide factories inside us?
Back to this BT toxin that has been circulation through the blood of Americans.. Now how did this toxin get into our bodies? The author of the study speculates that it was consumed in our normal diets without us even knowing! They also claim that this toxin also may have came from eating meat from animals that have been fed this BT corn as which most livestock are! The only human feeding study that was ever published on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) was conducted on ‘Roundup Ready’ soybeans. Scientists found the same bacteria growing in a chemical waste dump near their factory. It normal herbicide it normally kills the bacteria but in this organism it had a special gene which allowed it to survive. The Monsanto’s scientists figured out that we should put this in our food supply!
So by forcing this ‘special’ gene into soybean plants DNA, the plants then could survive from the deadly dose of Roundup herbicide.. In this human study, some of the subjects were found to have this same roundup ready bacteria within their stomach! This means that eating at least one GM crop, will cause this bacteria to grow within your intestines and probably still to this day it’s still functioning.. So after a couple years after of not eating GMOs this dangerous protein is still inside us! Our digestive systems are now a living pesticide which is continually manufacturing this BT toxin.. But there was a Canadian study that showed these BT toxins were found in a very high percentage of people.
So if this ‘Living Pesticide Factory’ hypothesis is correct; is this toxin damaging the integrity of our digestive tracts? I mean if it breaks apart the stomach of bugs, imagine what it’s doing to our insides? But companies insist that this BT toxin doesn’t interact with our intestinal walls. But a alternative study has published evidence that shows that his BT toxin does bind with the small intestines of mice and even monkeys. They also found out that it changes the electrophysiological properties of the organ after the BT toxin came into the contact with the body!

Now if this BT toxin is causing ‘leaky gut’ syndrom in newborns and adults; this passage of undigested foods and toxins into the blood from the intestines which could be devastating. Now is this toxin causing even more problems in newborns? Such as serious cognitive problems, autism, autoimmune diseases and even food allergies.. Since this toxin is colonizing bacteria in our digestive tract, it means that we will see the increase of gastrointestinal problems of Americans within the next couple years. Physicians are also stating that they have been seeing a increase of such disorders in Americans since 1996. Which proves that these GMOs are affecting us in ways that Monsanto and other companies are not telling us! We are pushing for an entire ban on GM goods.. More research is needed to prove that this stuff is nothing but toxic crap! Try to stay away GMOs lets protest against Monsanto! They are destroying our future and our food supply.. If you would like to add more information to this post please email me at
I recently came across some very interesting information which shows all the similarities between Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy. Now a lot people believe this only a coincidence. I believe there are way too many consistencies for this to be a just an accident. Jordan Maxwell has claimed that this is a reincarnation..(Ill Include the PDF Below) I don’t know what to think, but I wonder what the world would be like if neither of these presidents died? Anyway here is the conspiracy about Abe and JFK:

Both presidents had seven letters in their last name.
Both were over six feet tall.
Both men studied law.
Both seemed to have lazy eye muscles, which would sometimes cause one to deviate.
Both suffered from genetic diseases. It is suspected that Lincoln had Marfan’s disease, and Kennedy suffered from Addison’s disease. Marfan’s is a connective tissue disease which results in over elastic tissue.
Addison’s results in low levels of cortisol production, which leads to fatigue and exhaustion.
Both served in the military. Lincoln was a scout captain in the Black Hawk War, and Kennedy served as a navy lieutenant in World War II.
Both were boat captains. Lincoln was a skipper for the Talisman, a Mississippi River boat, and Kennedy was skipper of the PT-109.
Both had no fear of their mortality and disdained bodyguards.
Both often stated how easy it would be to shoot the president. Lincoln supposedly said, “If somebody wants to take my life, there is nothing I can do to prevent it.” Kennedy supposedly said, “If somebody wants to shoot me from a window with a rifle, nobody can stop it.” Note that both these quotes are each 16 words long.
Both presidents were shot in the head, on a Friday.
Both were seated beside their wives when shot. Neither Mrs. Lincoln nor Mrs. Kennedy was injured. Both wives held the bullet-torn heads of their husbands.
In each case, the man was injured but not fatally. Major Henry Rathbone was slashed by a knife, and Governor John Connolly was shot.
Lincoln sat in Box 7 at Ford’s Theatre. Kennedy rode in car 7 in the Dallas motorcade.
Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theatre. Kennedy was shot in a Ford product, a Lincoln limousine.
Mrs. Kennedy insisted that her husband’s funeral mirror Lincoln’s as closely as possible.
The Assassins
Both assassins used three names: John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. (It should be noted that Lee Harvey Oswald was known as just Lee Oswald prior to the assassination.)
There are 15 letters in each assassin’s name.
Both assassins struck when in their mid-20s. Booth was born in 1838, and Oswald was born in 1939.
Each assassin lacked a strong father figure in his life. Booth’s father died when he was 13 years old, and Oswald’s father died before he was born.
Each assassin had two brothers whose careers he coveted. Booth’s two brothers were more successful actors and Oswald envied his brothers’ military lives.
Both assassins were privates in the military. Booth was a private in the Virginia Militia, and Oswald was a private in the Marine Corps. Both assassins were born in the south.
Both assassins were known sympathizers to enemies of the United States. Booth supported the Confederacy and Oswald was a Marxist.
Both assassins often used aliases. Booth frequently used “J. Wilkes” and Oswald used the name “Alek J. Hidell.”
Booth shot Lincoln at a theatre and was cornered in a warehouse. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and was cornered in a theatre.
Each assassin was detained by an officer named Baker. Lt. Luther B. Baker was leader of the cavalry patrol that trapped Booth at Garrett’s Barn. Officer Marion L. Baker, a Dallas motorcycle patrolman, briefly detained Oswald on the second floor of the School Book Depository until he learned that he worked there.
Both assassins were killed with a single shot from a Colt revolver.
Both assassins were shot in a blaze of light, Booth after the barn was set afire, and Oswald in the form of television cameras.
Family and Friends
Both presidents were named after their grandfathers.
Both were born second children.
Both married while in their 30s. Lincoln married at 33 and Kennedy married at 36.
Both married dark-haired, 24-year-old women.
Both wives died around the age of 64. Mary Todd Lincoln died in 1882 at age 63 years and 215 days, and Jackie Kennedy died in 1994 at age 64 years 295 days.
Both wives were known for their high fashion in clothes.
Both wives renovated the White House after many years of neglect.
Each couple had four children, two of whom died before becoming a teen.
Each couple lost a son while in the White House. Willie Lincoln died at age 12 in 1862, and Kennedy’s son Patrick died two days after his birth in 1963.
Both presidents were elected to the House of Representatives in ’46.
Both were runners-up for the party’s nomination for vice-president in ’56.
Both were elected to the presidency in ’60.
Vice Presidents
Southern Democrats named Johnson succeeded both Lincoln and Kennedy (Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Baines Johnson).
Andrew Johnson was born in 1808, and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.
There are six letters in each Johnson’s first name.
Both Johnsons served in the military. Andrew was a brigadier general in the Civil War and Lyndon was a commander in the U.S. Navy during WW2.
Both Johnsons were former southern senators.
Both Johnsons had urethral stones, the only presidents to have them.
Both Johnsons chose not to run for reelection in ’68.
666: The Mark of the beast, and the men who follow the beast of the earth will bear this mark to display their allegiance to the beast. It has been disputed by some scholars that certain numeric ciphers would translate it over to certain words, names, etc… To find out how the whole world has been portioned out to the harmony of 666, click here to purchase your copy of 666 – The Divine Harmony. FYI: The information below is only pure speculation.. For now read the 666 things you didn’t know about London:

London to a measure of 666
Buckingham Palace – Westminster Cathedral = 666 metres.
Buckingham Palace – Wellington Monument = 666 metres.
Buckingham Palace – Victoria Station = 666 metres.
Buckingham Palace – Houses of Parliament = 1332 metres = 2 x 666.
Downing Street – St Jame’s Palace = 666 metres.
Downing Street – New Scotland Yard = 666 metres.
Downing Street – National Gallery = 666 metres.
Westminster Cathedral – Queen Victoria Memorial = 666 metres.
Queen Victoria Memorial – Duke of Wellington’s Memorial = 666 metres.
St Paul’s Cathedral – Bank of England = 666 metres.
St Paul’s Cathedral – Barbican = 666 metres.
Tower of London – London Bridge = 666 metres.
Bank of England – Cannon Street Station = 666 metres.
Bank of England – Fenchurch Street Station = 666 metres.
Bank of England – Liverpool Street Station = 666 metres.
Bank of England – London Bridge = 666 metres.
Lambeth Palace – Westminster Abbey = 666 metres.
Marble Arch – Roosevelt Memorial = 666 metres.
Piccadilly Circus – St James’s Palace = 666 metres.
St Pancras – Euston Station = 666 metres.
Southwark Bridge – Blackfriars Bridge = 666 metres.
Hungerford Bridge – Westminster Bridge = 666 metres.
Westminster Bridge – Lambeth Bridge = 666 metres.
Westminster Abbey – Piccadilly Circus = 1332 metres = 2 x 666.
Piccadilly Circus – Wellington’s Memorial = 1332 metres = 2 x 666.
Downing Street (Home of British Prime Minister Tony Blair) equidistant to:
National Gallery = 666 metres.
St James’s Square = 666 metres.
St James’s Palace = 666 metres.
New Scotland Yard = 666 metres.
Home Office = 666 metres.
The Old County Hall = 666 metres.
Albert Memorial – Natural History Museum = 666 metres.
Royal Albert Hall – Victoria and Albert Museum = 666 metres.
Oxford Circus – St James’s Palace = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
National Theatre – St Paul’s Cathedral = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
National Theatre – Westminster Abbey = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
Admiralty Arch – Buckingham Palace = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
Admiralty Arch – Oxford Circus = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
Guildhall – Walls of Tower of London = 2 x 666 = 1332 metres.
St Paul’s equidistant to:
Victoria Memorial = 5 x 666 = 3330 metres.
Hanover Square = 5 x 666 = 3330 metres.
Cavendish Square = 5 x 666 = 3330 metres.
The UFO phenomenon has fascinated me for a long time now.. I always wondered if there were actual aliens within those ‘saucers’.. I know our government will be disclosing the truth about these marvelious devices within the next couple years! But for now; this mystery still lingers within our minds.. Below I included the 10 biggest unsolved UFO stories ever..
1. The Foo Fighters
During WWII, American, British, German and French fighter pilots all reported seeing large glowing orbs in the sky that could not be explained – these came to be known as “foo fighters.” The genesis of the name itself is unknown, but some have theorized it comes from the German word for fire “feuer.” By Jessica Ferri.
2. Hopeh Incident, China
This photograph was taken in 1942 and later discovered in a photo album. The owner of the album claimed to have purchased the photograph from a street photographer in China. Some claim the UFO looks like a hat or a bird, others say it’s a flying saucer.
3. Men In Black
In 1947, a seaman claimed to have seen six doughnut shaped UFOs flying in the air above Maury Island off the Puget Sound in Washington. One of the objects dropped debris on the deck, injuring his son and killing his dog. The next morning, the seaman claimed a man dressed in black and driving a black Buick showed up at his doorstep and made vague threats that his family would be in danger if he ever spoke to anyone about the incident.
4. First Flying Saucer Sighting
Just a few days after the Men in Black incident, Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine UFOs flying in the air near Mt. Ranier, Washington. The press coined the term “flying saucer” to describe the objects, which stuck. Arnold stood by his story and became a semi-celebrity in the world of the paranormal.
5. Disappearance of Felix Moncla
While pursuing a UFO over Lake Superior in 1953, U.S. Air Force Pilot Felix Moncla disappeared into thin air. Ground control had both Moncla and the UFO on radar, and witnesses claimed the two blips “merged, then vanished.”In 1968, parts from an aircraft where found in the lake, but were never confirmed as part of Moncla’s aircraft.
6. Kecksburg Incident
On the night of December 9, 1965, residents of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania claimed something large crashed in the woods—an acorn shaped object with hieroglyphics written on the sides. The military quickly surrounded the area. In 2005, NASA explained that the falling object (recreated above) may have been debris from a Russian satellite, but witnesses claim that explanation is not consistent with what they saw.
7. Jimmy Carter’s UFO Sighting
President Jimmy Carter described seeing a bright white object which then changed color from blue, to red, back to white before receding into the distance in Leary, Georgia, in 1969. Though he later claimed he never thought the object was an alien spacecraft, he said, “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky.” “If I become President,” Carter said in 1976, “I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.”
8. The Grimming Man
Though The Grinning Man was first spotted after a UFO sighting in 1966 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, he has popped up all over the United States after other sightings, telling witnesses his name is “Indrid Cold.” Witnesses have described him as a tall man who looks human, but has no nose or ears—only eyes and a large grin.
9. O’Hare Airport
On Tuesday, November 7, 2006, the FAA received reports that 12 airline employees at Chicago’s O’Hare had spotted a metal saucer shaped craft hovering over one of the departure gates. According to witnesses, the disc hovered for about two minutes, but when people went out to investigate, it abruptly took off through the clouds. The FAA concluded that it must have been the weather playing tricks on people’s eyes, but witnesses continue to insist that it was a UFO.
10. Turkey
A night guard in Turkey named Yalcin Yalman witnessed a large amount of UFOs while on duty in 2008 and decided to tape them. He provided the Sirius UFO Space Research Center with two and a half hours of footage, prompting them to call the tapes, “the most important UFO images ever,” though their veracity has yet to be proven.

In the modern era, the most notable depiction of the eye is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the United States one-dollar bill. I thought there was a separation of church and state…

The All Seeing Eye is used in Freemasonry and it is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health: otherwise called The Eye of Horus.
In this post ill be including all of the movies or TV episodes which feature the NWO pyramid…
It seems that most of the movies in Hollywood are using this “one eye” feature or a simple background image of the All Seeing Eye.. So is Hollywood run by the Illuminati?
- Take a Look at All These Photos Below… You Will Be Surprised!!!

All of the TV channels in the United States are owned by only six large corporations.
Our media is controlled by our government and they want us to have a lost sense of reality. Even cartoons are now showing up with these references… South Park, Family Guy and the Simpson are all known to include these “secrets” within the show.

To the right is the poster for the Bat-Man Movie.. Notice the one eyed joker?
Now a lot of movies and celebrities love to

But why does this symbol appear so much and in so many different things? To subliminally embed a message into the back of your brain to remind you that someone is watching you? Our government is playing mind games with the citizens.

There is a method behind their madness, as William Cooper once said. This conspiracy is much bigger than I thought, I have so many pictures I won’t be able to include them all but ill try..People need to realize that this All Seeing Eye is EVERYWHERE! Embedding it into the back of your brain….

Above is a screen shot taken from an episode of CSI.. I guess to remind you if you commit a crime the “All Seeing Eye” will be after you.. CSI is so fake but maybe it’s the governments plan to make you think that you’ll get caught by the police if you commit a crime…

Now back to the left side, this is from the Men Who Stare at Goats which is a movie about “secret ops.” Super soldiers who can do anything if he puts his mind to it.. Notice the All Seeing Eye above the goat…

Now this one is interesting as well… This one seems to have two towers at the left with people running away. 9/11? Two All Seeing Eyes in this photo. One at the bottom in red and the one eye in the girl… These images keep popping up on Google!
Now this is the first transformers movie

I’m not making this stuff up people! These are all the real

Somebody has this stuff already figured out.. I wonder how many subliminal messages are really out there.. They happen so fast that our eyes might not even pick up on it but our brain stores that “image” forever. What is the main goal of the one eyed figures? We many never know but I can tell you that someone is spending too much time on this “secret project”.. Like I said in my other post; TV and Movies Predict the Future… Just beware of what could come next… 2012 or Aliens? That’s what all the new movies seem to be about… Preparing us for a New World Order? A world with One Eye upon Everyone??? Or for the End of the World Completely?!?
Well that’s all that I’m going to write about this topic today. The Illuminati is a real secret society which are trying to brainwash us by using techniques that have been scientifically effective. Below are some videos that will further your questions about the All Seeing Eye and it’s role in our society. Enjoy… If you have any tips please send them to We will be updating this with more info every a couple weeks, so check back often!
6萬美國人死於NWO地下基地:NWO在戰爭中針對人民及整個世界 code red!
supposedly if true(!) this is allegedly being suppressed on 'both ends' nevertheless because of the intel's implications (?)
reporter claims two huge underground cities were destroyed a month ago
Colorado & VA's earthquake (not at all typical for that region,
at time of posting blogger's last update is 9/19 and everything vague.
supposedly MSM is suppressing USA's struggle with growing NWO resistance of not just american 'white hats' but also 87 countries so far (you're either with us or terrorists?)
"White Hat" U.S. military group resisting the 4th Reich Rockefeller Illuminati's New World Order (NWO)
demolished some of their deep underground bases (they were going to use to ride-out their upcoming concocted WW3 nuclear war) in Colorado and Virginia--and these were the actual causes of the recent earthquake(s)
supposedly if true(!) this is allegedly being suppressed on 'both ends' nevertheless because of the intel's implications (?)
reporter claims two huge underground cities were destroyed a month ago
Colorado & VA's earthquake (not at all typical for that region,
at time of posting blogger's last update is 9/19 and everything vague.
supposedly MSM is suppressing USA's struggle with growing NWO resistance of not just american 'white hats' but also 87 countries so far (you're either with us or terrorists?)
"White Hat" U.S. military group resisting the 4th Reich Rockefeller Illuminati's New World Order (NWO)
demolished some of their deep underground bases (they were going to use to ride-out their upcoming concocted WW3 nuclear war) in Colorado and Virginia--and these were the actual causes of the recent earthquake(s)
新型質子晶片可以讓機器控制生活的所有事......例如, 包括你...
Source: Dateline Zero
University of Washington scientists have just crossed another major threshold between humans and machines: they’ve built a transistor that uses protons instead of electrons. Their ultimate goal is to create devices that can communicate directly with certain biological functions that involve protons — eventually even control them.
Amara D. Angelica wrote at that the ultimate goal is to create devices that can “communicate directly with certain biological functions that involve protons — eventually even control them — a ‘first step towardbionanoprotonics.’” Yes, that means creating devices that can remotely interact with, or even control, living things. Long term possibilities might include devices that can re-wire a human brain.

Amara D. Angelica wrote at that the ultimate goal is to create devices that can “communicate directly with certain biological functions that involve protons — eventually even control them — a ‘first step towardbionanoprotonics.’” Yes, that means creating devices that can remotely interact with, or even control, living things. Long term possibilities might include devices that can re-wire a human brain.
From an article at
Devices that connect with the human body’s processes are being explored for biological sensing or for prosthetics, but they typically communicate using electrons, which are negatively charged particles, rather than protons, which are positively charged hydrogen atoms, or ions, which are atoms with positive or negative charge.“So there’s always this issue, a challenge, at the interface – how does an electronic signal translate into an ionic signal, or vice versa?” said lead author Marco Rolandi, a UW assistant professor of materials science and engineering. “We found a biomaterial that is very good at conducting protons, and allows the potential to interface with living systems.”
While I don’t doubt that something like this would allow for much better robotic limbs, or more efficient bionic eyes, or other devices; this could also allow for some scary technology. DARPA, for example, has already been working on mind-controlling helmets — you know, just in case a member of the military has moral objections to something.
In September of last year, Dr. William J. Tyler, an assistant professor of life sciences at ASU, proudly wrote at the DoD’s ‘Armed With Science’ blog about how his lab had “engineered a novel technology which implements transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery.”
Such technology would benefit tremendously from a chip that can “communicate directly with certain biological functions that involve protons — eventually even control them.”
Full article at Dateline Zero.,_for_example.html
Is Something Big Going to Happen Between Sept. 23rd & the 27th?
2011年9月23日 3:24:48
Read It At Our Website..
If you have been looking on different forums, websites and searching on google you will find that many people have been saying that something might happen between September 23rd to the 27th; which is only a few days away.. Now this is not ment to spread fear or disinformation but rather to give you the evidence and for you decided if something is going to happen or not. Here is some of the information that I gathered across the web, is it all just a coincidence? I think there is too many similarities for it to be just a coincidence… If your not familiar with ELEnin, the next alignment is the 25th and 26th of September! Now I’m not sure if this that anything to do with all the recent activity by our government, world leaders, UFO sightings, strange sounds in the sky, the upcoming satellite failure and even the training exercise which is taking place at Denver International Airport! Well here is the information, decided for yourself:Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military
By EU-Times
A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport. Under the SALT I Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Agreement signed between Russia and the US, both parties are required to notify the other in all cases of such maximum readiness drills occurring, but are not required to state their reasons for doing so.
General Maslov states in his report, though, his concern over this drill is “heightened” due to last months nuclear attack on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) branch of the intercontinental military tunnel complex between Washington D.C. and Denver, and which we reported on in our 24 August report Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network.
Important to note is that shortly after the devastating attacks on American on 11 September 2001, the Bush regime moved to completely militarize the CIA by placing as its Director former US Air Force General Michael Hayden who served in that capacity until February, 2009 when Obama then put in place the former US Army intelligence officer Leon Panetta to run this most powerful of spy agencies. After Panetta, Obama put Americas top general David Petraeus in charge of the CIA barely a week after the aforementioned nuclear attack upon it.
Read More Here
Denver is Having A Emergency Drill On September 23rd
By Douglas County Sheriff
Operation Mountain Guardian is a terrorism-based, full-scale emergency exercise scheduled to take place in numerous locations in the Denver metro area on Friday,September 23, 2011. The exercise will involve first responders from 81 different agencies**, will be conducted at ten separate locations and will include loud noises, simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other equipment that will be audible and visible throughout the day.
Operation Mountain Guardian will be held at the following locations throughout the Denver Metropolitan area:
Denver International Airport
Park Meadows Mall
Smedley Elementary School
Denver Union Station
Community College of Aurora (Lowry Campus)
Sky Ridge Medical Center
Denver Health Medical Center
University of Colorado Hospital
Catholic Charities (NW Denver)
Sports Authority Field at Mile High
The exercise has been designed as a learning event for regional first responders to test their capabilities in a scenario that will involve a terrorist-driven catastrophic situation. Exercise play will occur at the four primary sites and DIA. Catholic Charities and Sports Authority Field at Mile High will participate in an administrative fashion to test student/teacher processing activities. Sky Ridge Medical Center, Denver Health Medical Center, and University of Colorado Hospital will participate for the purpose of testing medical surge capabilities and communicating within Incident Command. The exercise is scheduled to begin at 0500 hours and end by 1630 hours. The exercise is a Homeland Security Grant funded event made possible due to grant funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through FEMA Region VIII and the State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Homeland Security. While Operation Mountain Guardian is primarily a Homeland Security Grant funded exercise, the event will also rely heavily on local government emergency response agencies, military organizations, volunteer organizations as well as local charitable organizations.
The overall Operation Mountain Guardian exercise objectives are: Communications: Assess the ability to establish and maintain multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional communications in response to a terrorism incident.
2. Hazmat Response and Decontamination: Evaluate the capability to coordinate multiple hazmat response teams and assess their ability to perform initial response actions.
3. Public Safety & Security Response: Evaluate the ability to establish scene security and crime scene preservation, coordinate a multi-jurisdictional response, and manage intelligence information in order to mitigate the effects of the event.
4. Explosive Device Response Operations: Evaluate the capability to manage and coordinate explosive device response operations using regional bomb squad teams.
5. Onsite Incident Management: Evaluate the ability to implement the Incident Command System (ICS) and establish multi-jurisdictional command and control.
6. Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment: Examine the ability of EMS to provide effective pre-hospital emergency medical care in response to a terrorism incident.
7. Medical Surge: Evaluate medical surge capability at area hospitals.
- SA gets UFO conference – iAfrica
- Betty And Barney Hill’s Alien Abduction: New Film To Detail First Widely Reported UFO Kidnapping – The Huffington Post
- Freaky Fests: Kecksburg, Pa. – The Duquesne Duke
- Aliens, rockers and extreme sports at Flying Saucer grand opening – Las Vegas Weekly
- UK Crop Circle Compilation – The Epoch Times
阿波羅 10號試圖掩蓋真相? - 月亮後的音樂
Apollo 10's amazing encounter with a VERY bizarre anomaly while behind the far side of the Moon. This segment will give you an up-close look at an astounding audio transcript from the Apollo 10 mission that has never before been publicly analyzed - and that NASA and the Apollo 10 astronauts to this day still refuse to talk about.
You will follow Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, and John Young as they become only the second crew in history to journey behind the lunar far side. During this period of "LOS" (Loss Of Signal), the astronauts encounter something truly incredible - they discover MUSIC behind the Moon!
Throughout the Apollo program, the CSM and LM spacecraft carried what were known as DSE and DSEA "black box" flight data recorders. These instruments recorded the internal LM and CSM crew conversations while the astronauts were around the lunar far side and out of radio contact with Earth. Although NASA has never made the actual DSE/DSEA audio recordings public, transcripts of these far side conversations are available in the NASA archives, and as you will see, they offer up some truly AMAZING surprises!
Here is a link to the Apollo 10 DSEA voice transcript (in PDF format) for those who are interested.
Stay tuned for Jose Escamilla's new motion picture documentary "MOON RISING", where we will go into much further depth about what is, without exaggeration, the most monumental coverup in human

Do UFOs really exist?
Not only are they real, claim some top researchers, the entities that pilot them have bases all over the world.
UFO bases have been pinpointed on every major continent including Antarctica. One of the largest is claimed to be hidden in the Andes mountain range of South America.
North America has a major base too located in one of the Great Lakes: Lake Erie. Evidence suggests the base is underwater.

Amateur photo of lake UFO snapped in 1952.
Lake Erie a hot spot for UFOs
It's true that strange things have been occurring in and around Lake Erie for more than 100 years. The great airship flap of the 1880s occurred throughout the American Midwest and Northeast, the radial patterns of their flight paths often tracked back to a point in the Lake Erie region.

Classic saucer UFO photographed near Cleveland, 1954.
In more modern times it's been suspected for decades that Lake Erie—a hot spot for UFO sightings since the early 1950s—harbors a base.

Squadron of 'scout craft' UFO's photographed over lake.
Back when UFOs were still called flying saucers sightings were rife in the Lake Erie area. Disc shaped craft were seen at all hours. Daylight sightings were common. Many eyewitnesses said they saw saucers rising from the lake or diving into it. The infamous US Air Force Project Grudge—later Project Bluebook—launched investigations several times to research sightings of otherworldly craft near Lake Erie. Their conclusions appeared in cut and dried reports buried within with columns of statistics.

The ominous 'Men in Black' investigated some Lake Erie sightings.
The more interesting investigations were conducted by nameless, ominous men who only identified themselves as "representatives of the United States government." Those men interrogated witnesses and tried to intimidate them into silence. Some of those men later became known in flying saucer circles as the "Men in Black."
Of course the results of their investigations were never released.
Today, most people think of Men in Black as two entertaining comedic films, but back in the 50s no one was laughing.

Frame of video taken of craft hovering over Lake Erie.
Men in Black often appeared after sightings near Lake Erie and it was back then that prominent flying saucer investigators such as Major Donald Keyhoe, Gray Barker and Morris Jessup focused some of their attention on the mysterious comings and goings of the unidentified aerial craft haunting Erie.
National organizations such as the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) and National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) also had thick files on sightings in and around the growingly eerie Lake Erie.
Researcher Robin S. Swope recently compiled a very impressive case book of stunning sightings occurring around southern Lake Erie over the past few years.
In his book, A Hidden Underwater UFO Base in Lake Erie Swope describes sustained UFO flaps and many sightings of massive craft plunging into the lake.

Artist depiction of incredible U.S. Coast Guard sighting.
He spotlights an amazing encounter between the U.S. Coast Guard and a UFO. They witnessing a mammoth craft landing on the lake and launching a flurry of small scout ships. Of course, as is the norm, the mainstream American media chose to ignore the incident concentrating there attention on the travails of Britney Spears.
The record of incidents since 2000 has ticked upwards and it's safe to say that more UFOs are being tracked, seen and encountered in the Lake Erie area than during all previous years.

Swopes writes in a blog post that "Recently places on the western part of the lake such as Sandusky and Cleveland have been hotbeds of UFO activity and similar lights have been filmed, making them a Youtube sensation.
"These UFOs have been investigated by world-famous UFO researchers [and] Cleveland ufologist Aaron Clark in the March 8, 2007 Cleveland Plain Dealer declared that 'Some believe there's a UFO base on the bottom of the lake.'"
If you've sighted a UFO in the Lake Erie area, please report it to the National UFO Reporting Center here. You may also report sightings using their hotline telephone number: 206-722-3000 (they ask you call them only if the sighting has occurred within the last week).
美國媒體︰經濟增長只是鏡花水月 奧巴馬陷入領導危機(圖)

奧巴馬顯然比選民所意識到的為多,包括振興經濟計劃、阻止汽車公司破產以挽救職位,還有健保改革。然而,這一切還不夠。奧巴馬為那些苦苦掙扎的屋主們 做得太少了,他必須創造更多就業機會。此乃為何奧巴馬日前到國會發表演說,推出一攬子就業計劃。問題在于奧巴馬為此就業計劃而打場硬仗。
中新社洛杉磯9月19日電 根據美國疾病防治中心的數據,2009年以來,美國由于處方藥用量過度造成的死亡人數至少有37480余人,超過交通事故造成的死亡人數。
促使藥品致死率上升的主要原因是濫用具有高度成癮性的止痛藥和鎮靜藥。經常被濫用的藥物有︰Fentanyl (芬太尼)、OxyContin(奧斯康定)、Vicodin(維柯丁)、Xanax(阿普唑侖)等。其中的Fentanyl(芬太尼)更是可以產生比嗎 啡增強50-100倍的效果。醫學專家認為它甚至超過海洛因的上癮程度。這些藥物的致死人數也超過了海洛因等毒品造成的死亡人數。
處方藥上癮問題一方面來自許多善意醫生因為想緩和病人的疼痛,一方面來自制藥公司的大力推銷。洛杉磯縣負責處方藥相關犯罪的警官Steve Opferman說,從某些方面看,處方藥比毒品更危險。因為,它更容易放松人們對藥物過敏及毒副作用的警惕。
中新社洛杉磯9月19日電 根據美國疾病防治中心的數據,2009年以來,美國由于處方藥用量過度造成的死亡人數至少有37480余人,超過交通事故造成的死亡人數。
促使藥品致死率上升的主要原因是濫用具有高度成癮性的止痛藥和鎮靜藥。經常被濫用的藥物有︰Fentanyl (芬太尼)、OxyContin(奧斯康定)、Vicodin(維柯丁)、Xanax(阿普唑侖)等。其中的Fentanyl(芬太尼)更是可以產生比嗎 啡增強50-100倍的效果。醫學專家認為它甚至超過海洛因的上癮程度。這些藥物的致死人數也超過了海洛因等毒品造成的死亡人數。
處方藥上癮問題一方面來自許多善意醫生因為想緩和病人的疼痛,一方面來自制藥公司的大力推銷。洛杉磯縣負責處方藥相關犯罪的警官Steve Opferman說,從某些方面看,處方藥比毒品更危險。因為,它更容易放松人們對藥物過敏及毒副作用的警惕。
依照百年前的法例抓捕佔領華爾街示威者 紐約警方被痛批
美國網民發起「比領華爾街」示威,招來強硬對待。示威組織批評紐約警方濫權,打壓和平示威,胡亂拘捕示威者,包括引用1845年制定的古舊法例,拘捕戴 上V煞面具的示威者,又沒收示威者的攝錄設備,阻礙直播現場情 。組織又聲稱其中一名示威者與警方突期間哮喘病發危殆,惟警方拒絕召救護車。

警方發言人稱,截至周二已拘捕16名「擾亂秩序」的示威者。《紐約時報》稱,警方引用源自1845年的紐約州法例,指在公眾場所舉行集會時「禁止兩人 或以上戴上面具」,拘捕最少5人,包括周末兩名戴面具、嘗試進入美國銀行大廈的男子,以及周一游行中兩名戴上滑雪面具的男子和一名「把膠面具帶在頭後」的 女子,女子所帶的相信是V煞面具。
另外,一名男子周一游行時,向命令他繼續前進的警員稱自己難以前行,結果警方將他拘捕,控以擾亂秩序。同日另一女子在祖科蒂公園(Zuccotti Park)附近的行人路上用粉筆寫字句,因涂鴉罪被捕。

警方發言人稱,截至周二已拘捕16名「擾亂秩序」的示威者。《紐約時報》稱,警方引用源自1845年的紐約州法例,指在公眾場所舉行集會時「禁止兩人 或以上戴上面具」,拘捕最少5人,包括周末兩名戴面具、嘗試進入美國銀行大廈的男子,以及周一游行中兩名戴上滑雪面具的男子和一名「把膠面具帶在頭後」的 女子,女子所帶的相信是V煞面具。
另外,一名男子周一游行時,向命令他繼續前進的警員稱自己難以前行,結果警方將他拘捕,控以擾亂秩序。同日另一女子在祖科蒂公園(Zuccotti Park)附近的行人路上用粉筆寫字句,因涂鴉罪被捕。

上周末,印度基礎設施行業巨頭GVK Power& Infrastructure Ltd.(下稱GVK)宣布將購買澳大利亞Hancock Coal在昆士蘭Galilee盆地的部分煤礦資產。GVK購買開采權的資產佔到了Galilee盆地煤炭儲量的40%。此外,印度Adani集團也擁有 該煤田近78億噸儲量的開采權。
中國則通過與擁有該煤田37億噸儲量的澳大利亞億萬富翁克里夫-帕爾默(Clive Palmer)進行合作,從而獲得未來20年每年以較低價格進口3000萬噸高品質動力煤(供火力發電使用)的優惠條件。這筆交易涉及的資金總額高達 600億美元。至此,在昆士蘭蓋利里盆地200多億噸煤炭儲量中,僅剩下大約12億噸儲量沒有被印度和中國的公司包攬。
中國在非洲麻煩大了︰贊比亞大選 反對派大打反華牌(圖)

非洲國家贊比亞周二舉行總統大選,選舉議題的重點,竟然是中國!中國近年與非洲最大產銅國贊比亞商貿頻繁,現任總統班達向來歡迎中國投資,走民粹路線 的反對派領袖薩塔,則猛烈抨擊中國在當地「肆意開發和剝削」,大選結果最快今天公布,據昨天的初步點票情 顯示,薩塔暫時諏閽。雖然薩塔最近已放軟對華的 口氣,不再打反華牌,但今次選舉對中國在非洲的長遠外交策略,無疑是一次擊。
贊比亞是前英國殖民地。中、贊友好關系可追溯至40年前,中國在文革的艱難時期仍援建坦贊(坦桑尼亞至贊比亞)鐵路,令很多贊比亞人首次接觸中國這遙 遠國度。在2008至09年金融危機,贊比亞多個傳統西方經濟伙伴放棄了當地投資,中國卻願提供資金和技術,使當地沉寂一時的礦區再次繁盛,並在銅帶省建 立兩國的經貿合作區,是中國在非洲建境外經貿合作區的首例。班達政府甚至容許中銀在首都盧薩卡設分行,提供人民幣直接存取服務,屬非洲首次。
現年74歲的班達(Rupiah Banda)2008年上台以來一直靠攏中國,甚至派發中國波板糖為大選宣傳。不過反對派和西方輿論卻質疑他「收受中國政治獻金」競選連任。班達的競選王 牌,是贊比亞經濟自他2008年上任以來急速發展,受惠于中國投資及銅價上揚,創造逾10萬職位。政府大搞基建,迄今建了逾百條橋、27間醫院等。
75歲的薩塔(Michael Sata)一直力爭這些選民支持,早在上次大選(2006年)時便打反華牌,指控中國經營的銅礦只是支付「奴隸級別工資」、輕視勞動法規,還威脅將中國投 資者驅逐出境。雖然在今次競選中,薩塔對華態度已稍見放軟,聲稱若中國投資者尊重贊比亞勞工法,會接納他們,但他一旦上台,對中贊合作恐仍帶來芥蒂。
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