星島日報 – 2011年11月30日星期三上午6:09
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Alien, UFO, Conspiracy, 2012, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, World War 3, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vatican, Black Nobility, Fourth Reich, Paranormal Phenomena. Main purpose of this blog is to explore New World Order and how it related to our real life. Blog updated daily. 揭秘外星人,飛碟,陰謀論,2012,共濟會,光明會,新世界秩序,標達堡,第3次世界大戰,錫安長老會紀要,梵蒂岡,黑貴族,德意志第四帝國及超自然現象。資料訊息來自互聯網,Blog每天更新,這是一個開放的平台讓各網友了解有關新世界秩序的最新消息。
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(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)日本研究人員計畫在明年春天出動一千隻野生猴子,探測福島核電廠核災現場附近森林的核輻射水平。猴子會裝上核輻射水平測量儀和全球定位系統(GPS),藉牠們在森林的活動,監察核輻射水平和擴散速度。率領是項計畫的是福島大學教授高橋鷹幸,他說,猴子可在不易到達的地區取得較準確的核輻射水平讀數。 英國《每日郵報》
Are You Eating, Drinking and Breathing Monsanto's New Agent Orange?
Dees Illustration
Sayer Ji, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
In a groundbreaking study published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry last month, researchers found that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide “Roundup,” is flowing freely into the groundwater in areas where it is being applied.
The researchers found that 41% of the 140 groundwater samples taken from Catalonia Spain, had levels beyond the limit of quantification – indicating that, despite manufacturer’s claims, it does not break down rapidly in the environment, and is accumulating there in concerning quantities.
Why Is Groundwater Contamination An Important Finding?
Groundwater is water located beneath the ground surface, that supplies aquifers, wells and springs. If a chemical like glyphosate is mobile enough to get into the groundwater and is intrinsically resistant to being biodegraded (after all, it is being used to kill/degrade living things – not the other way around), significant environmental exposures to humans using the water are inevitable.
Keep in mind that glyphosate is considered by the EPA as a Class III toxic substance, fatal to an adult at 30 grams, and has been linked to over 20 adverse health effects in the peer-reviewed, biomedical literature.
This groundwater contamination study adds to another highly concerning finding from March, published in the journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, where researchers found the chemical in 60-100% of all air and rain samples tested, indicating that glyphosate pollution and exposure is now omnipresent in the US. When simply breathing makes you susceptible to glyphosate exposure, we know we are dealing with a problem of unprecedented scale.
Who Is Responsible For The Groundwater Contamination?
Monsanto is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, presently dominating the global genetically engineered seed market, with 90% market share in the US alone. It is also the world’s largest producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as “Roundup,” among other brand names. If you are eating corn and soy, or any of their ten thousand plus byproducts – and it does not have a USDA organic logo – you are getting the Monsanto “double whammy”: the genetic modification (GM) of your health (and gene expression) that follows the consumption of GM food (because we are – literally – what we eat), and ceaseless chemical exposure to glyphosate, as all Monsanto-engineered foods have been designed to be glyphosate-resistant, and therefore are saturated with it.
Is Monsanto's Herbicide A New Agent Orange?
Roundup is not Monsanto's first entry into the systemic herbicide market. Monsanto admits it manufactured the herbicide/defoliant Agent Orange from 1965 to 1969, which Vietnam estimated killed and maimed 400,000 people and resulted in the 500,000 children being born with birth defects.
Non GMO Heirloom Seed Bank
The true devastation caused by Agent Orange was covered up for many years. We may find that Monsanto's Roundup, and its primary active ingredient glyphosate, may be causing a similar degree of devastation to both environmental and human health under the lidless, though not very watchful eye (as far as business interests are concerned), of our regulatory agencies.
Indeed, glyphosate is a powerful endocrine disrupter. Exceedingly small amounts are capable of mimicking and/or disrupting hormonal pathways, cell receptor sites and signaling. Research culled from The National Library of Medicine links it to 17 adverse pharmacological actions, including carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, neurotoxicty, hepatoxicity, and nephrotoxicity.
But what is most disturbing, and which may make its comparison to Agent Orange all the more appropriate, is its teratrogenicity, i.e. ability to cause fetal malformations.
As recently as 2004, glyphosate was revealed to exhibit endocrine-disruptive and embryotoxic effects, indicating that it may contribute to birth defects and abnormal fetal development.
Now that glyphosate has been found in the majority of air and rain samples tested in the US, and is now likely contaminating our wells, springs and aquifers, exposure is not only likely, its inevitable -- the difference being only a matter of degree.
Eating, Breathing, Drinking ... Dying
The precautionary principle, which is not employed here in the US, would require that if a company produces a novel chemical compound like glyphosate, and would like to use it commercially, it would have to prove its safety to humans before it is released into the environment.
Animal and cell research clearly shows glyphosate is harmful, but because we use a "weight of evidence standard" in this country, the burden of proof that it is harmful to humans is actually on those being harmed by it.
Had Monsanto been required to prove its safety in humans, it is doubtful they would have been able to. There was already enough damning animal research available, and proving a toxic chemical in human studies would require harming them, which is unethical.
This is why the precautionary principle is so powerful and necessary to protect us from corporations like Monsanto. We would not be eating, drinking and breathing glyphosate today, if it had been employed earlier. Instead, chemical companies use animal experiences to determine a LD50 (the dose at which 50% of the animals die), from which an "acceptable level of harm" is extrapolated and applied to human toxicological risk assessments.
An acceptable level of harm? This way of thinking is abusive, especially when applied to the unborn and infants.
Will it take additional decades of cumulative "acceptable" exposures, and thousands of "mysterious" miscarriages, birth defects, and developmental problems for us to how serious the problem is? Or, should we listen to Monsanto, their scientists, and the governmental regulatory agencies that they populate with elected and unelected officials on their payroll?
Dees Illustration
Sayer Ji, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
In a groundbreaking study published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry last month, researchers found that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide “Roundup,” is flowing freely into the groundwater in areas where it is being applied.
The researchers found that 41% of the 140 groundwater samples taken from Catalonia Spain, had levels beyond the limit of quantification – indicating that, despite manufacturer’s claims, it does not break down rapidly in the environment, and is accumulating there in concerning quantities.
Why Is Groundwater Contamination An Important Finding?
Groundwater is water located beneath the ground surface, that supplies aquifers, wells and springs. If a chemical like glyphosate is mobile enough to get into the groundwater and is intrinsically resistant to being biodegraded (after all, it is being used to kill/degrade living things – not the other way around), significant environmental exposures to humans using the water are inevitable.
Keep in mind that glyphosate is considered by the EPA as a Class III toxic substance, fatal to an adult at 30 grams, and has been linked to over 20 adverse health effects in the peer-reviewed, biomedical literature.
This groundwater contamination study adds to another highly concerning finding from March, published in the journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, where researchers found the chemical in 60-100% of all air and rain samples tested, indicating that glyphosate pollution and exposure is now omnipresent in the US. When simply breathing makes you susceptible to glyphosate exposure, we know we are dealing with a problem of unprecedented scale.
Who Is Responsible For The Groundwater Contamination?
Monsanto is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, presently dominating the global genetically engineered seed market, with 90% market share in the US alone. It is also the world’s largest producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as “Roundup,” among other brand names. If you are eating corn and soy, or any of their ten thousand plus byproducts – and it does not have a USDA organic logo – you are getting the Monsanto “double whammy”: the genetic modification (GM) of your health (and gene expression) that follows the consumption of GM food (because we are – literally – what we eat), and ceaseless chemical exposure to glyphosate, as all Monsanto-engineered foods have been designed to be glyphosate-resistant, and therefore are saturated with it.
Is Monsanto's Herbicide A New Agent Orange?
Roundup is not Monsanto's first entry into the systemic herbicide market. Monsanto admits it manufactured the herbicide/defoliant Agent Orange from 1965 to 1969, which Vietnam estimated killed and maimed 400,000 people and resulted in the 500,000 children being born with birth defects.
Non GMO Heirloom Seed Bank
The true devastation caused by Agent Orange was covered up for many years. We may find that Monsanto's Roundup, and its primary active ingredient glyphosate, may be causing a similar degree of devastation to both environmental and human health under the lidless, though not very watchful eye (as far as business interests are concerned), of our regulatory agencies.
Indeed, glyphosate is a powerful endocrine disrupter. Exceedingly small amounts are capable of mimicking and/or disrupting hormonal pathways, cell receptor sites and signaling. Research culled from The National Library of Medicine links it to 17 adverse pharmacological actions, including carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, neurotoxicty, hepatoxicity, and nephrotoxicity.
But what is most disturbing, and which may make its comparison to Agent Orange all the more appropriate, is its teratrogenicity, i.e. ability to cause fetal malformations.
As recently as 2004, glyphosate was revealed to exhibit endocrine-disruptive and embryotoxic effects, indicating that it may contribute to birth defects and abnormal fetal development.
Now that glyphosate has been found in the majority of air and rain samples tested in the US, and is now likely contaminating our wells, springs and aquifers, exposure is not only likely, its inevitable -- the difference being only a matter of degree.
Eating, Breathing, Drinking ... Dying
The precautionary principle, which is not employed here in the US, would require that if a company produces a novel chemical compound like glyphosate, and would like to use it commercially, it would have to prove its safety to humans before it is released into the environment.
Animal and cell research clearly shows glyphosate is harmful, but because we use a "weight of evidence standard" in this country, the burden of proof that it is harmful to humans is actually on those being harmed by it.
Had Monsanto been required to prove its safety in humans, it is doubtful they would have been able to. There was already enough damning animal research available, and proving a toxic chemical in human studies would require harming them, which is unethical.
This is why the precautionary principle is so powerful and necessary to protect us from corporations like Monsanto. We would not be eating, drinking and breathing glyphosate today, if it had been employed earlier. Instead, chemical companies use animal experiences to determine a LD50 (the dose at which 50% of the animals die), from which an "acceptable level of harm" is extrapolated and applied to human toxicological risk assessments.
An acceptable level of harm? This way of thinking is abusive, especially when applied to the unborn and infants.
Will it take additional decades of cumulative "acceptable" exposures, and thousands of "mysterious" miscarriages, birth defects, and developmental problems for us to how serious the problem is? Or, should we listen to Monsanto, their scientists, and the governmental regulatory agencies that they populate with elected and unelected officials on their payroll?
A professor from the Chinese National Defense University says that China should not hesitate to protect Iran, even if it means launching world war three, as more US warships are dispatched to the region amidst heightening tensions.
According to NDTV, a Chinese news station based outside the country, in regard to recent speculation that Iran would be the target of a US-Israeli military assault, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong commented that, "China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war," remarks described as "puzzling to some".
e news report also quotes Professor Xia Ming as paraphrasing Zhaozhong's quote that, "not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs."
China has vehemently reaffirmed its alliance with Iran in recent weeks, most notably yesterday when it refused to criticize Iran for a raid on the British Embassy in Tehran launched by Iranian students earlier this week.www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/china-refuses-to-criticize-i...
Both China and Russia have made it clear that they will veto any UN authorization of military action against Iran in the aftermath of claims that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.
"China has noted the tough reactions made by the relevant countries over this event and is concerned over the development of the situation," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters today.www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=338228
"We hope relevant countries will keep calm and exercise restraint and avoid taking emotional actions that may rachet up the confrontation."
Meanwhile, in a related development, three more US warships have been dispatched to join the USS John C. Stennis in the 5th fleet region.
According to NDTV, a Chinese news station based outside the country, in regard to recent speculation that Iran would be the target of a US-Israeli military assault, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong commented that, "China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war," remarks described as "puzzling to some".
e news report also quotes Professor Xia Ming as paraphrasing Zhaozhong's quote that, "not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs."
China has vehemently reaffirmed its alliance with Iran in recent weeks, most notably yesterday when it refused to criticize Iran for a raid on the British Embassy in Tehran launched by Iranian students earlier this week.www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/china-refuses-to-criticize-i...
Both China and Russia have made it clear that they will veto any UN authorization of military action against Iran in the aftermath of claims that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.
"China has noted the tough reactions made by the relevant countries over this event and is concerned over the development of the situation," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters today.www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=338228
"We hope relevant countries will keep calm and exercise restraint and avoid taking emotional actions that may rachet up the confrontation."
Meanwhile, in a related development, three more US warships have been dispatched to join the USS John C. Stennis in the 5th fleet region.
As an American, I am ashamed of the actions of the Federal Govt, CIA, and State Dept of America ...Since 9-11 The so-called "War on Terror" has allowed our Govt to attack anyone they want without any thoughts of who might be hurt or murdered! We have lost our rights and are treated as criminals in our own country to this Regime that puts us all under scrutiny like the Nazi SS!
If your a regular visitor around here, you’ll notice that I have posted a bunch of articles and videos relating to my belief that World War 3 was right around the corner.
Last week, it started.
Many of you have heard that a water treatment center in Illinois was hacked, causing a pump to burn out. Of course, Department of Homeland Security came out and said “No, it was not hacked, it was a malfunction!”. Though if you read the statements provided by the employee’s at the water system, it sure sounded like someone had figured out a way to change the speed of the motor, causing it to burn out. They had also said that it was hacked by a computer in Russia.
This sudden backtracking should be a clear sign that something serious is happening behind closed doors.
To top it off, information was released stating that China had hacked into US Satellites over the last few years, never causing damage but just “looking around”. It seems that the Chinese are very interested in the cyber workings of United States systems.
Then we had the famous “Porn on Facebook” attack. This was originally labeled a “Virus” but after inspecting the hack, I found that it was much more serious than most believed. Then hack-tivist group, Anonymous, claimed responsibilty for the attack. In a video posted in late October, they claimed that they would hack Facebook on November 5th which was the same day the hack started making its rounds on Facebook.
Now I can’t be certain which side controls Anonymous, I do know that they seem to have quite a presence in old Soviet bloc countries.
Today I was floored by the video below. You may have seen the story on Drudge that talked about the Russian’s repositioning their missile systems on NATO’s missile defence system. Enable subtitles by clicking “CC” if you can’t speak Russian.
As well, Russia and the US are positioning for a power play in Syria. Russia has sent warships, and the Americans have started to move naval assets to the region.

All this as the US also prods its NATO stick at the Chinese by upping its military deployments in the region. Hang on, were about to go nuclear!
Read more here about World War 3 here!
Last week, it started.
Many of you have heard that a water treatment center in Illinois was hacked, causing a pump to burn out. Of course, Department of Homeland Security came out and said “No, it was not hacked, it was a malfunction!”. Though if you read the statements provided by the employee’s at the water system, it sure sounded like someone had figured out a way to change the speed of the motor, causing it to burn out. They had also said that it was hacked by a computer in Russia.
This sudden backtracking should be a clear sign that something serious is happening behind closed doors.
To top it off, information was released stating that China had hacked into US Satellites over the last few years, never causing damage but just “looking around”. It seems that the Chinese are very interested in the cyber workings of United States systems.
Then we had the famous “Porn on Facebook” attack. This was originally labeled a “Virus” but after inspecting the hack, I found that it was much more serious than most believed. Then hack-tivist group, Anonymous, claimed responsibilty for the attack. In a video posted in late October, they claimed that they would hack Facebook on November 5th which was the same day the hack started making its rounds on Facebook.
Now I can’t be certain which side controls Anonymous, I do know that they seem to have quite a presence in old Soviet bloc countries.
Today I was floored by the video below. You may have seen the story on Drudge that talked about the Russian’s repositioning their missile systems on NATO’s missile defence system. Enable subtitles by clicking “CC” if you can’t speak Russian.
As well, Russia and the US are positioning for a power play in Syria. Russia has sent warships, and the Americans have started to move naval assets to the region.
All this as the US also prods its NATO stick at the Chinese by upping its military deployments in the region. Hang on, were about to go nuclear!
Read more here about World War 3 here!
Secret Handshakes Of The Illuminati

The secret hand signs of Illuminists are thought to work magic, to evoke supernatural beings, and, of course, to communicate messages. For example, the higher degree Mason, Rosicrucian, or other Illuminist can discern at what ritual level a brother in the Craft is 'at by testing his handshake, or grip. It is, therefore, an important mode of recognition. The commonly used phrase, "Get a grip," has Masonic origins.
The handshake, or grip, is a sign of unity, oneness of purpose and allegiance or devotion to joint cause. It is considered a bond, or seal, of acknowledgment between Illuminist brethren. The Masonic authorities speak of a "mystic tie" or spiritual union. Certainly, demon powers do congregate together and enjoy one another's foul company.
The God of Fidelity
The Illuminist handshake, the clasping or joining of hands, can have many meanings. Its simplest is as a symbol of fidelity. Interestingly, Dr. Cathy Burns, in her informative expose, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star, notes that even at this basic level, the Illuminist is signifying allegiance to a deity other than the Christian God.
The instructions issued the candidate of the Entered Apprentice, or First Degree, of Freemasonry include these given here.
Notice that the candidate is asked, "How shall I know you to be a Mason?" His answer:
In volume 1 of Albert Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, a large section is devoted to a discussion of the hand and hand signs. Mackey states:
Examples of Grips and Handshakes
I have included in this section of Codex Magica drawings of a number of Masonic handshakes taken from official Masonic publications and from other objective sources. In addition to Freemasonry, there are scores of Illuminati secret societies and many have their own unique handgrips and signs.
Subject to Interpretation
It is true that a handshake can be a questionable thing in its interpretation. All of us have attempted handshakes when greeting old friends and meeting new acquaintances. Sometimes your hand and theirs do not quite meet and clasp as you and they intended. It might be the fit of the hands due to the relative difference in size of each person's hands; or perhaps the distance between the two persons' bodies, causing a longer or shorter reach; or some other factor (Maybe the individual is short or tall, is just not good at shaking hands, etc.)
I have done my best to take all these uncontrollable factors into consideration here and I include only what I believe to be indisputable Masonic and Illuminist handshakes, tokens, and grips. Naturally, one must especially consider who is shaking whose hand — and whether the person is known to be an Illuminist, a Mason, a Rosicrucian, an O.T.O. adept, or so forth. With these caveats in mind, let us take a look at the secret handshakes of the Illuminati. But first this brief article by Christopher Story.
(NOTE: The following article by Englishman Christopher Story was originally published in the Economic Intelligence Review, (Westminster, England) and was reprinted in Des Griffin's Midnight Messenger (May/June 2004). It is reprinted here for the reader's interest.)
2011年12月12日 5:34:25

The secret hand signs of Illuminists are thought to work magic, to evoke supernatural beings, and, of course, to communicate messages. For example, the higher degree Mason, Rosicrucian, or other Illuminist can discern at what ritual level a brother in the Craft is 'at by testing his handshake, or grip. It is, therefore, an important mode of recognition. The commonly used phrase, "Get a grip," has Masonic origins.
The handshake, or grip, is a sign of unity, oneness of purpose and allegiance or devotion to joint cause. It is considered a bond, or seal, of acknowledgment between Illuminist brethren. The Masonic authorities speak of a "mystic tie" or spiritual union. Certainly, demon powers do congregate together and enjoy one another's foul company.
The God of Fidelity
The Illuminist handshake, the clasping or joining of hands, can have many meanings. Its simplest is as a symbol of fidelity. Interestingly, Dr. Cathy Burns, in her informative expose, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star, notes that even at this basic level, the Illuminist is signifying allegiance to a deity other than the Christian God.
The instructions issued the candidate of the Entered Apprentice, or First Degree, of Freemasonry include these given here.

"By certain signs, a token, a word, and the perfect points of my entrance."
Then, when he is asked,
"What are tokens?," he replies, "Certain friendly or brotherly grips, by which one Mason may know another in the dark as well as in the light."(Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, p. 42)
For example, Dr. Burns quotes Albert Mackey, 33°, former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, who admits:
The right hand has in all ages been deemed an emblem of fidelity, and our ancient brethren worshipped Deity under the name of Fides or Fidelity, which was sometimes represented by two right hands joined...
Numa was the first who erected an altar to Fides under which name the Goddess of Oaths and Honesty was worshipped.1
Burns points out that this reference to the worship of the Roman pagan Goddess is literally repeated by the initiate in the very first degree of the Masonic ritual.
In volume 1 of Albert Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, a large section is devoted to a discussion of the hand and hand signs. Mackey states:
"In Freemasonry, the hand as a symbol holds a high place...The same symbol is found in the most ancient religions and some of their analogies to Masonic symbolism are peculiar."
Mackey revealingly says that the hand is deemed important "as that symbol of mystical intelligence by which one Mason knows another in the dark as well as in the light."
He goes on to discuss the use of the hand in such ancient Mystery Religions as Mithraism and in worship of the Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian Gods. He notes that the tradition of the red seal attached to important documents is a throwback to the ancient use of the bloody hand as a way of authenticating documents.
He goes on to discuss the use of the hand in such ancient Mystery Religions as Mithraism and in worship of the Sumerian, Assyrian, and Babylonian Gods. He notes that the tradition of the red seal attached to important documents is a throwback to the ancient use of the bloody hand as a way of authenticating documents.
Examples of Grips and Handshakes
I have included in this section of Codex Magica drawings of a number of Masonic handshakes taken from official Masonic publications and from other objective sources. In addition to Freemasonry, there are scores of Illuminati secret societies and many have their own unique handgrips and signs.
Moreover, the Mormon Church, the Sufi Muslim Brotherhood, and even the notorious Mafia have their own identifying handgrips and signs. In the pages that follow in this chapter, you'll see a large number of well-known persons sharing handgrips and handshakes that clearly are Masonic and Illuminist.
Subject to Interpretation
It is true that a handshake can be a questionable thing in its interpretation. All of us have attempted handshakes when greeting old friends and meeting new acquaintances. Sometimes your hand and theirs do not quite meet and clasp as you and they intended. It might be the fit of the hands due to the relative difference in size of each person's hands; or perhaps the distance between the two persons' bodies, causing a longer or shorter reach; or some other factor (Maybe the individual is short or tall, is just not good at shaking hands, etc.)
I have done my best to take all these uncontrollable factors into consideration here and I include only what I believe to be indisputable Masonic and Illuminist handshakes, tokens, and grips. Naturally, one must especially consider who is shaking whose hand — and whether the person is known to be an Illuminist, a Mason, a Rosicrucian, an O.T.O. adept, or so forth. With these caveats in mind, let us take a look at the secret handshakes of the Illuminati. But first this brief article by Christopher Story.
(NOTE: The following article by Englishman Christopher Story was originally published in the Economic Intelligence Review, (Westminster, England) and was reprinted in Des Griffin's Midnight Messenger (May/June 2004). It is reprinted here for the reader's interest.)
Handshake Diplomacy: An Outbreak of the "Grips"
"They are out of the gate, and nothing will stop them." This description, by one of the sharpest of our informants, with the hectic pace associated with the imposition of the New Underworld Order, sums up the way the world is being turned upside down "as we speak." That's why the press is publishing all these "grips." And the newspaper editors have shown themselves to be only too willing to oblige.A huge photograph showed Tony Blair, our Fabian revolutionary Prime Minister, shaking hands with Adrian Nastase, the son of Illie, a leading Communist who "survived" the fall of Ceausescu. The Romanian Prime Minister is shown doing a five-knuckle grip (five-point degree), indicating to those whom Lenin called "the interested" that he's "a member of the club." Masons call their handshakes "grips" —hence the saying, "Get a grip."
Let's "get a grip" with what's going on here. All of a sudden, newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic have taken to publishing large photos of our "chosen ones" indulging in various manifestations of Masonic "grips." There was that Kerry-Clinton handshake published in The Washington Times in March.
In that instance, Clinton was demonstrating, for those "in the know," just who was boss, and how high up in the geomasonic stratosphere he is (right at the top). The "grip" in question was a Ma-Ha-Bone Lion's Paw Grip, which leaves the junior party in no doubt who's in charge (and in pain as a consequence).
On 26th March, British newspapers carried an enormous picture of Tony Blair's "grip moment" with Libyan dictator, Muammar Qadhaffi. Before proceeding, it needs to be said that these close-ups of Qadhaffi's face reveal this man to be burdened with the most evil physiognomies on record —far nastier than those of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein combined: in fact Saddam looks quite benevolent beside this creature.For his part, Blair looked extremely uneasy, his eyes watery, and his faced tensed up after what may have been some unspeakable encounter or other about which the record is silent (worse case scenario). Beneath the main picture, The Times had taken the trouble to provide us with three smaller close-ups of the "grip moment"-the newspaper's management being clearly signed up, in advance, to the significance of these New Underworld Order handshakes.
Our expert geomasonic handshake analyst writes that "the Blair-Qadhaffi handshake" is a Shibboleth Grip which denotes fellowship and total agreement. The purpose of these photographs is to tell fellow Masons that these two are 'one.' Beneath the photograph was a caption containing the following odd language:
"Clearly he (Blair) has not read Emily Post, the doyenne of 20th Century etiquette."The proper handshake,' she wrote, 'is made briefly... and one should look into the countenance of the person whose hand one takes' (Blair was looking at the camera instead of course). But more to the point, this gratuitous reference to Emily Post was intended, our U.S. based expert writes, 'to show compatibility with the USA Scottish Rite. The palmetto in the background (there was a garish green wallpaper behind the pair—Ed.) reminds me of the State Flag of South Carolina (Charleston, on the 33rd parallel is the headquarters of the US Scottish Rite masonry — Ed.), and also relates to the prominence of the Middle East in all things occult."
On the same day (i.e., the photo research had been done well in advance), The Independent newspaper carried a double spread entitled:
It showed the following geomasonic grips:
- Gerry Adams and Clinton, 12th December 1995: Shibboleth
- Kim Jong-Il and Kim Dae-Jung (of the two Koreas), 12th December 2000 (Ma-Ha-Bone Grip (master masons)
- Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin, with top Mason Clinton looking on, 13th September 1993: Ma-Ha-Bone Grip (Lion's Paw, master mason
- Pervez Musharraf and Atal Vajpayee, 6th January 2002: Shibboleth Grip ("friendship")
- and most revealing of all Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, meeting for the first time in Versoix, Switzerland, 9th November 1985
In this picture, Reagan is shown gripping with the Supreme Master Grip with a pronounced Ma-Ha-Bone Lion's Paw. Gorbachev attempts the same but Reagan won't allow the same grip. This shows that Reagan demanded (and kept) the "upper hand."
As reported in The New York Times, November 25, 1963, New York City's Mayor Wagner welcomes Ireland's President Eamon de Valera to the "Big Apple." The Irish leader was at New York's Idlewild Airport on his way to Washington, D.C. for the slain President John F. Kennedy's funeral. Strangely, the smiling Mayor looks in high spirits, though most of America was in deep mourning.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, scientist who oversaw development of the first nuclear bomb in Project Manhattan, receives a Masonic handshake from President Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson earned only the 3rd degree of Master Mason.
Oppenheimer, a Jewish cabalist, held the 33rd degree. Andrew Jackson ("Old Hickory"), the historical figure in the painting on the wall, was also a 33rd degree Mason. Oppenheimer lost his security clearance when it became clear to security officials that he was most likely a Communist espionage agent and certainly was a Communist sympathizer. Both the Soviet Union and the nation of Israel were given secret plans to the atomic bomb weapon by Jewish spies burrowed deep inside the United States military science establishments.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), left, and a fellow legislator in a Masonic grip. (USA Today, May 19, 2005, p. 6A)
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Afghani leader Karzai prominently display their Masonic grip. (Newsweek, May 12, 2003, p. 32)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Both men are Masons.
Freemason Shimon Peres, who was educated by Jesuits as a youth in Poland and was the Prime Minister of Israel and that nation's Minister of Foreign Affairs, is being welcomed to the Council on Foreign Relations, based in New York's Harold Pratt House, by its Chairman of the Board, fellow Illuminist, Peter G. Peterson.
Pat Robertson meets with Red Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in 1998. The 700 Club host has invested millions of dollars in Red China and supports its policy of forced abortions, all the time pretending to be "pro-life."
The cover of Stephen Knight's expose, The Brotherhood—The Secret World of the Freemasons. This book caused a sensation and a furor upon its publication because Knight revealed that the police, judiciary, and government of Great Britain are riddled with Freemasons who give job preference and show official favoritism to their Masonic cohorts.
Pope Pius XII greets Cardinal Spellman of New York.
New York's powerful Cardinal Spellman shakes hand of Pope John XXIII, who succeeded Pope Pius XII.
Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law and Catholic Priest Paul Shanley exchange greetings. Subsequently, Shanley, a founding member of NAMBLA, was exposed as a pedophile criminal and convicted of molesting young altar boys. Meanwhile, Cardinal Law, forced by public scorn to leave the United States, was promoted to a top position inside the Vatican. At the death of Pope John Paul II in April 2005, Law surfaced once again, being given the high-visibility role of conducting a mass for the dead Pontiff that was viewed around the world on TV. This was the Vatican's way of retorting to those angered or concerned over priest pedophelia: "Get Lost!"
(有片)月球Matrix及月球的神與罪:光明會Part 10
Last secret doors of Great Pyramid 'to be opened in 2012', says British company
- 'Micro-snake' robot to explore 8in shafts hidden in 4,500-year-old pyramid
- 'I am very confident we can resume our work in 2012' - expedition leader
- Will solve archaeological puzzle that has remained unsolved since 1872
Last updated at 1:45 PM on 13th December 2011
The secret gates at the heart of the Great Pyramid may be opened for the first time in 2012, a British robot company believes - solving a mystery that has puzzled archaeologists since 1872.
Scoutek UK had already begun exploring behind the gates earlier this year - and produced the first-ever images from behind the gates using a 'micro snake' robot. But the exploration was halted by the recent unrest in Egypt.
Expedition leader Shaun Whitehead said, 'I'm very confident we can resume work in 2012.'

The secret gates Great Pyramid of Khufu could open for the first time next year, as Leicester robot company Scoutek UK hopes to conclude their exploration of the legendary inner chamber in 2012

But it has recently started granting permits again.
'We're still waiting for permission to return to the pyramid,' Whitehead told Mail Online today. 'In the meantime, we have been working on enhancing the robot.'
'The main plan is to carefully survey and document the shafts, to gather as much information as possible to allow archaeologists to determine their purpose. We also still plan to look beyond the blocking stones at the ends of the shafts, if it is safe and practical to do so.'
The expedition is named Djedi after the magician who Khufu consulted while building the pyramid. It is a joint project founded by Dr Ng from Hong Kong University, and Scoutek UK, in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt, Dassault Systèmes in France and the University of Leeds.
The four narrow shafts deep inside the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid have puzzled archaeologists ever since they were first found in 1872.
The shafts are just eight inches across - and thus can't be explored by human explorers. Many experts believe that the shaft was designed to provide an 'exit' for the Pharaoh's spirit into.

Khufu had the Great Pyramid of Giza built as a monumental tomb, inside of which are tomb chambers, ante-rooms, chambers, ventilation shafts and access tunnels.
There are three main chambers: The King's Chamber, the Queen's Chamber and the Grand Gallery.
The King's Chamber has two shafts connected to outside, but two tunnels from the Queen's Chamber deep inside the widest part of the pyramid have two stone doors.
Some experts now believe this may indicate a secret chamber, further still within the pyramid.

The Great Pyramid of Giza was the largest pyramid ever built. It is made of over 2.5 million stone blocks weighing around 2.5 tons each.
The pyramid was constructed over a 14 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC.
Originally standing 480.6 ft tall, the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
Built for the Pharaoh Khufu as a tomb, inside would have been necessities needed for the afterlife, including his sarcophagus.
Originally, the entire casing was finished in a polished limestone
The burial chamber is located in the center of the pyramid. It can be reached by a series of passages including a 30ft high gallery. Many of the passages were filled with traps to stop possible graverobbers.
Khufu left behind him three wives, who were interred in three smaller pyramids, and fathered fifteen daughters and nine sons.
The pyramid was constructed over a 14 to 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC.
Originally standing 480.6 ft tall, the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
Built for the Pharaoh Khufu as a tomb, inside would have been necessities needed for the afterlife, including his sarcophagus.
Originally, the entire casing was finished in a polished limestone
The burial chamber is located in the center of the pyramid. It can be reached by a series of passages including a 30ft high gallery. Many of the passages were filled with traps to stop possible graverobbers.
Khufu left behind him three wives, who were interred in three smaller pyramids, and fathered fifteen daughters and nine sons.
In 1993 a robot discovered a small door set with metal pins, the first time any metal had been found inside the pyramid, igniting speculation that the pins were keys or door handles.
In 2002 a different robot filmed a small chamber blocked by a stone after managing to drill through the first stone block.
The latest robot, built by UK company Scoutek, is a 'micro-snake' armed with a camera, designed to explore small spaces.
Designer Whitehead also worked on sensors for the Beagle 2 Mars exploration craft.
The door which still puzzles experts can be seen to be polished, thanks to the bendy camera, marking it out as an important part of the structure rather than simply as something to stop debris entering the chamber, says camera designer Shaun Whitehead.
Egyptologist Kate Spence of Cambridge University says the tunnels may purely be symbolic and relate to the stars.
Although she is not involved directly in the study of the Giza pyramid, Spence does not believe there is a further, hidden chamber behind the door, suggesting instead that the shafts could have been built to allow the Pharoah's spirit to cross to the afterlife.

Credit: NASA/Ted Stryk
Attempt no landing there
Use them together use them in peace
Despite that famous cryptic warning in the film 2010: The Year We Make Contact, NASA is planning for a possible attempted landing on Jupiter’s moon Europa. This is a mission that many people have been hoping for, since Europa is believed to have a liquid water ocean beneath the icy surface (as well as lakes within the surface crust itself), making it a prime location in the search for life elsewhere in the solar system. Two landers are being proposed which would launch in 2020 and land about six years later…
See Universe Today for the full article.
公司類型 | 私人軍事公司 |
成立於 | 1997年 |
創辦人 | Erik Prince |
總部地點 | 北卡羅來納州 |
業務地區 | 軍事,安全顧問 |
重要人物 | Gary Jackson Bill Mathews Chris Taylor |
產業 | 軍事包商,安全顧問 |
所有權 | Erik Prince |
主要部門 | 黑水訓練中心 黑水安全顧問 黑水警犬 黑水裝甲與標靶 黑水後勤 黑水飛艇 渡鴉開發 北方黑水 黑水傘兵小組(BWPT) |
子公司 | 黑水載具,灰石有限 |
網站 | blackwaterusa.com/xecompany.com |
目錄[隐藏] |
對軍隊、政府和執法機構提供戰術和武器訓練。黑水訓練中心每年也會不定期的辦些對外開放的短期訓練課程,例如徒手戰鬥課程、狙擊手訓練課程等。在這裡受過訓練的有5萬多人。新進招募人員在經過嚴格的背景調查、犯罪紀錄調查以及通過體能測驗與臨床心理學測驗後可進入「黑水學院(Blackwater Academy)」接受訓練,並於結訓後進入公司服務。黑水標靶系統
黑水安全顧問 (BSC) 成立於 2002年。它是伊拉克戰爭中受雇負責保護政府官員,建立與訓練伊拉克新陸軍、警察的60多家私營保安公司之一。[4]黑水安全顧問有非常好的裝備,目前已知的有:
- MD-530F 直昇機, 配屬於快速反應小組(QRF)。
- Sikorsky S-92 直昇機。
- AB 412 直昇機,使用於伊拉克。
- RG-31 人員運輸裝甲車,主要使用於伊拉克巴格達機場與綠區間的愛爾蘭路徑(Route Irish)。
- Force Protection Industries的Cougar H裝甲車。[5]
黑水飛艇公司 成立於 2006年1月,主要業務是建造及提供遙控飛艇(RPAV)監控服務。黑水載具
為設計與建造美國黑水於北卡羅來納州的訓練中心於 1997年成立。環球航空服務
飛機維修與策略性運輸,擁有「Presidential Airways」 與 「STI Aviation」兩家航空公司。Presidential Airways 聲稱獲得美國國防部的機密設施使用許可。[7]黑水傘兵小組(BWPT)
黑水的創建人Erik Prince[8] 總裁 Gary Jackson、執行副總裁 Bill Mathews 以及各個部門的負責人都曾是海豹部隊(Navy SEAL)的成員。[编辑] 設施
黑水在北卡羅來納州的設施佔地超過 7,000 英畝 (28 km²),其中有數個室內、室外靶場、城市摹擬環境靶場。黑水在公司的簡介上說「全國最大的私營武器訓練設施」,事實上是全世界最大的武器訓練設施。2006年11月,美國黑水宣佈取得位於芝加哥西邊的一處佔地 80英畝的設施。該設施目前以「北方黑水」的名稱營運。
- 2003年4月虐囚門事件。
- 2004年3月31日,4名美國黑水的雇傭兵在伊拉克費盧傑遭到伏擊全部死亡,之後他們的屍體被伊拉克武裝分子和當地人焚燒,還拖著燒焦的屍體遊街。[13][14]
- 2005年4月一架美國黑水的Mi-8直升機在伊拉克被擊落,機上6名美籍傭兵、3名保加利亞籍機師以及2名斐濟槍手全部死亡,乘員都是美國黑水的雇員[15]
- 2007年1月23日,5名美國黑水的雇傭兵,所搭乘的H-6直升機在伊拉克被擊落,全部死亡。[16][17]
- 2007年9月17日,伊拉克內政部宣布,由於黑水的警衛在16日保護美國國務院的一隊車隊時,涉嫌開槍殺死八名平民,另擊傷十三人,其在伊拉克的經營牌照一度被吊銷[18][19]。
- 2007年9月22日,兩名前黑水僱員於北卡羅來納州法 院承認,走私軍火到伊拉克黑市,並表示會合作以換取減刑。不過黑水公司隨即發表聲明,否認公司有走私軍火到伊拉克,亦不清楚其員工是否走私軍火的行為。之 前,有美國媒體報導,黑水涉嫌走私軍火到伊拉克,給一個同時被美國、歐盟、北約列為恐怖份子的庫爾德人武裝組織。土耳其亦聲稱從庫爾德工人黨手中繳獲了一批美國製造的武器。
- 2007年9月30日,美國的「新聞週刊」報導,伊拉克警方掌握的證據,包括多位目擊證人的證詞,以及一捲錄影帶顯示美國黑水的僱員,於9月16日在巴格達的槍擊事件中,在沒有受到挑釁的情形下開槍濫射。
- 2008年11月9日,黑水因未經授權向伊拉克和約旦運輸軍火,可能面臨商務部的刑事指控,和數百萬美元的罰款。[20]
- 2010年08月21日,黑水因違反美國政府規定,遭到美國政府處以4200萬美元的罰金。[21]
- ^ Risen, James; Williams, Timothy. U.S. Looks for Blackwater Replacement in Iraq. The New York Times. 29 January 2009 [28 February 2009].
- ^ No License, but Blackwater Still in Iraq. MSNBC. 2009-04-20 [2009-04-20].
- ^ http://www.blackwaterusa.com/targetsystems/
- ^ Role of security companies likely to become more visible
- ^ http://www.forceprotection.net/news/news_article.html?id=21
- ^ Blackwater Product Page
- ^ http://baltimorechronicle.com/2007/032607Cherbonnier.html
- ^ http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?story=107985&ran=89575
- ^ http://www.10news.com/news/13308753/detail.html
- ^ http://www.thespywhobilledme.com/the_spy_who_billed_me/2007/04/blackwater_usa_.html
- ^ http://www.sdreader.com/php/cityshow.php?id=1566
- ^ http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/op-ed/vandeerlin/20070419-9999-lz1e19vandeer.html
- ^ The High Risk Contracting Business
- ^ 'Residents hang slain Americans' bodies from bridge'—CNN.com
- ^ http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/04/23/iraq.main/index.html
- ^ U.S. crew of downed helicopter shot at close range—CNN.com
- ^ 4 Americans in Iraq Crash Shot in Head—WTOP.com
- ^ http://news.xinhuanet.com/mil/2007-09/17/content_6743628.htm
- ^ http://news.eastday.com/w/20070918/u1a3113344.html
- ^ http://www.pubrecord.org/component/content/479.html?task=view
- ^ http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=255177&id=1&id2=2
- Blackwater USA's official website
- Blackwater's "Greystone" (international division) website
- Blackwater USA's Terrorism Research Center
- A news story about the 2004 CPA Headquarters rescue mission and video
- Alternet story on Blackwater, Mercenaries 'R' Us, March 24, 2004
- AP: NC firm was providing security for food delivery in Iraq
- Blackwater discussion at CombatContractor.com
- Blackwater in the Crosshairs: The Families of Four Private Security Contractors Killed in Fallujah File a Ground-Breaking Lawsuit—Democracy Now! coverage April 20, 2006
- Blackwater: Inside America's Private Army
- Company press release describing its role in the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts on the Gulf Coast
- FRONTLINE documentary on private military contractors, Private Warriors, first aired June 21, 2005. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/warriors/view/ Includes piece on Blackwater USA contractors.
- Langfitt, Frank NPR Radio Interview: Private Military Firm Pitches Its Services in Darfur May 26, 2006
- 2007 Interview with Jeremy Scahill about his book 'Blackwater' on The Hour
- Scahill, Jeremy. The Nation Mercenary Jackpot: US Pays Blackwater $320 Million in Secretive Global 'Security' Program August 11, 2006
- Hemingway, Mark. "Warriors for Hire: Blackwater USA and the rise of private military contractors." The Weekly Standard 012, no. 14 (2006)
- Boot, Max. "A Mercenary Force for Darfur." Wall Street Journal 10/25/2006
- New York Observer article describing the company's role in the Iraq War
- New York Times article describing the company's role in the Iraq War
- The News & Observer series on the rise of Blackwater USA and the deaths in Fallujah.
- Our Mercenaries in Iraq: Blackwater Inc and Bush's Undeclared Surge—Democracy Now! coverage January 26, 2007
- Radio Interview: Journalist Scahill Charts the Rise of Blackwater USA—from NPR.org: March 19, 2007
- Weiner, Rebecca Ulam. "The Boston Globe" Corp. As the international community dithers over Darfur, private military companies say they've got what it takes to stop the carnage, if only someone would hire them. Boston Globe
- [1] Robert Young Pelton's article in Popular Mechanics about his month spent with Blackwater running Route Irish between the Green Zone and Baghdad International Airport.
- Jeremy Scahill, "Bush's Shadow Army"—from The Nation: March 15, 2007
- Stories by Jeremy Scahill, many of them on Blackwater USA—from AlterNet.org
- Ted Koppel Op-Ed: "These Guns for Hire" May 22, 2006
- The Nation article "Blackwater Down" about Blackwater USA's time in New Orleans
- Unofficial video of a 2004 Blackwater rescue mission at the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Headquarters in Al Najaf, Iraq
- Washington Post article on the 2004 CPA Headquarters rescue mission
- Washington Post article describing the company's role in the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts on the Gulf Coast
- Witter, Willis. "The Washington Times" Private Military Firms Eye Darfur Washington Times 10/02/2006
- Barry Yeoman, Soldiers of Good Fortune, Mother Jones
(有片)戰爭學院: 黑水國際為代少少錢返回伊拉克
'Academi' of War: Blackwater back in Iraq for a little greenback
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