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Alien, UFO, Conspiracy, 2012, Freemasons, Illuminati, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, World War 3, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Vatican, Black Nobility, Fourth Reich, Paranormal Phenomena. Main purpose of this blog is to explore New World Order and how it related to our real life. Blog updated daily. 揭秘外星人,飛碟,陰謀論,2012,共濟會,光明會,新世界秩序,標達堡,第3次世界大戰,錫安長老會紀要,梵蒂岡,黑貴族,德意志第四帝國及超自然現象。資料訊息來自互聯網,Blog每天更新,這是一個開放的平台讓各網友了解有關新世界秩序的最新消息。
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2011年10月23日 3:09:46
YouTube -- TechWebTV
YouTube -- TechWebTV
2011年10月23日 23:33:10
On Friday, March 19, 2010, an event occurred in Chiquimitio, Michoacán, Mexico, whose characteristics make it extraordinary within the field of cryptozoology, according to the events described:
Chiquimitío, a town of approximately 1,500 residents, is a small community some two thousand twenty meters above sea level, quite close to the city of Morelia. And that's where some local residents encountered a strange creature, small and walking on all fours before standing on two legs. They described the creature as having thin arms, legs and torso, covered with very little hair. Unfortunately, the few witnesses to this event were gripped by fear, and threw themselves against the unknown entity, lopping off its head with a single blow and throwing its small carcass to the local dogs, which devoured it almost immediately. It should also be noted that Chiquimitío is a farming community, and it is customary for residents to carry machetes wherever they go.
Subsequently, the same people involved in the event took what remains, up to this moment, the only evidence of the case: one cell phone video with a duration of 1 minute and 11 seconds, showing the head propped up against what appear to be wooden boards. A quick inspection of the creature's head can be seen through small sticks, as well as three photos showing it in detail. One of them, particularly, displays the head in comparison with a human torso.
After quickly recording this video and photo evidence, the eyewitnesses sadly chose to throw away the head, leaving no possibility for subsequent physical analysis.
On Friday, March 19, 2010, an event occurred in Chiquimitio, Michoacán, Mexico, whose characteristics make it extraordinary within the field of cryptozoology, according to the events described:
Chiquimitío, a town of approximately 1,500 residents, is a small community some two thousand twenty meters above sea level, quite close to the city of Morelia. And that's where some local residents encountered a strange creature, small and walking on all fours before standing on two legs. They described the creature as having thin arms, legs and torso, covered with very little hair. Unfortunately, the few witnesses to this event were gripped by fear, and threw themselves against the unknown entity, lopping off its head with a single blow and throwing its small carcass to the local dogs, which devoured it almost immediately. It should also be noted that Chiquimitío is a farming community, and it is customary for residents to carry machetes wherever they go.
Subsequently, the same people involved in the event took what remains, up to this moment, the only evidence of the case: one cell phone video with a duration of 1 minute and 11 seconds, showing the head propped up against what appear to be wooden boards. A quick inspection of the creature's head can be seen through small sticks, as well as three photos showing it in detail. One of them, particularly, displays the head in comparison with a human torso.
After quickly recording this video and photo evidence, the eyewitnesses sadly chose to throw away the head, leaving no possibility for subsequent physical analysis.
原片: 土耳其7.2級大地震的直擊
2011年10月24日 8:59:24
10/23/2011 -- RAW first person shot of Eastern Turkey Earthquake- (USGS 7.2M) 6.6magnitude
From: dutchsinse | Oct 23, 2011 | 51,515 views
Sent to me by a viewer --- ! Location Van - Turkey.. thanks to youtube userLINK`http`www.youtube.com/user/Atatuerk1938`margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-size: 11px; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; `LINK
David Icke: 精神控制和新世界秩序
2011年10月24日 8:32:12
Tens of millions of people across the globe are now turning to David Icke's extraordinary information as the world he has predicted in his books and talks are becoming part of our daily experience. We are seeing the pages of George Orwell's novel, 1984, turning by the hour as what he calls the Big Brother surveillance State expands towards its goal of a global fascist dictatorship. David Icke has spent virtually 20 years researching in more than 45 countries and uncovering the cabal of interbreeding families behind this agenda for human enslavement and their goals and methods of operation and manipulation. If you want to know what is really happening in your world, and why, this presentation by David Icke is not to be missed. Your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren could very well depend upon it... UFO TV
莫森基地的UFO - 澳大利亞南極局
2011年10月24日 6:37:15
666 - 獸名印記
666 - 獸名印記
2011年10月24日 7:48:10
2011年10月24日 7:48:10
If we calculate the number of the beast we find many interesting connections to the corporate world. Consider that if you transliterate the numbers 666 into English you get FOX. This is how this works: F is the 6th letter in the alphabet, O is the 15th, and X is the 24th, the final computation is 6, 1+5=6, and 2+4=6. So, we have 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight (referring to Lucifer) and Fox Mulder. It has been shown that Fox and Scully’s characters can be equated with the story of Osiris and Isis. Looking into numerology in the X—Files we find that Chris Carter’s production company is ten-thirteen. This is the infamous Friday the 13th when the Templars were burnt at the stake. Chris Carter showed us the entire “truth” about 9/11 in the pilot episode of “The Lone Gunmen”, a spin-off from the X-Files and this psi-op show is used to discredit anything “out of the ordinary”.

Let go a little deeper. The type of magic that is being practiced by our leaders is Kabalah. This is based in Hebrew. Therefore, in Hebrew 666 would look like VVV because 6=V in Hebrew. The VW logo incorporates the VVV in its logo with 2 V’s interlaced making a third, equaling 666. The 2 V’s symbolize the number of the Qlippoth; of the “Dark Side”. See our president “VV” as he stands in front of the Woodrow Wilson Center For Science with the interlaced VV’s. That’s a lot of Beasts!

Our corporate logos can be classified within Masonic ritual and therefore within the Kabalah. Freemasonry is Kabalism. So, when you see a pentagram on Texaco and a shell on Shell you can know these are symbols of Venus. Venus is Lucifer.
Go a step further and you see Phillips 66 (VV) and we’re back to the “Dark Side” which is also defined as excrement. Excrement, “W”? That fits. He is the grandson of the Beast 666.
You might also notice that Phillip’s 66 crest has 6 points and we’re back to the Number of the Beast. Could this be real?
Let’s try another. Conoco, hmmm? Hebrew does not use vowels so we’ll pull the O’s to the side for a second.
Now, we have CNC. In Hebrew C = 20 and N = 50 therefore CNC = 90. The mysticism of the Kabalah is encoded in the Tarot. In the Tarot the number 90 is equal to the Star and were back to the pentagram.
Now for the O’s. In modern Hebrew V,O, and U are considered the same. Therefore, Conoco’s logo can be transliterated into the Pentagram and the Number of the Beast, 666.

Now let’s look at CERN’s logo. What do you see?
666 coupled with a Stargate to another dimension?
In case you're not sure of their intentions, check out the statue in front of CERN

Skull and Bones is what I see.
Should we be conCERNed about "Red-Button" Day? "The Grid" has many capabilities that are not discussed by Faux News. Here's what they say: The latest spin-off from CERN, the particle physics centre that created the web, the grid could also provide the kind of power needed to transmit holographic images; allow instant online gaming with hundreds of thousands of players; and offer high-definition video telephony for the price of a local call.
David Britton, professor of physics at Glasgow University and a leading figure in the grid project, believes grid technologies could "revolutionise" society. "With this kind of computing power, future generations will have the ability to collaborate and communicate in ways older people like me cannot even imagine," he said.
The power of the grid will become apparent this summer after what scientists at CERN have termed their "red button" day - the switching-on of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the new particle accelerator built to probe the origin of the universe.
"The Grid" will be activated at the same time to capture the data it generates. CERN has placed a statue of Shiva in front of their building complete with "Skull and Bones" motif. This God of creation and destruction has a plaque quoting from Fritjof Capra's "Tao of Physics" which explains the significance of the metaphor of Shiva's cosmic dance.
Here is the text of the plaque: Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, seeing beyond the unsurpassed rhythm, beauty, power and grace of the Nataraja, once wrote of it "It is the clearest image of the activity of God which any art or religion can boast of." More recently, Fritjof Capra explained that "Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter," and that "For the modern physicists, then, Shiva's dance is the dance of subatomic matter."
It is indeed as Capra concluded: "Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern physics." The statue is a gift from India, celebrating CERN's long association with India which started in the 1960's and continues strongly today. It was unveiled by the Director General, Dr Robert Aymar, His Excellency Mr K. M. Chandrasekhar, Ambassador (WTO-Geneva) and Dr Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary, Dept of Atomic Energy, India.
In the Hindu religion, this form of the dancing Lord Shiva is known as the Nataraj and symbolizes Shakti, or life force. As a plaque alongside the statue explains, the belief is that Lord Shiva danced the Universe into existence, motivates it, and will eventually extinguish it. Carl Sagan drew the metaphor between the cosmic dance of the Nataraj and the modern study of the 'cosmic dance' of subatomic particles. MORE HERE
If we calculate the number of the beast we find many interesting connections to the corporate world. Consider that if you transliterate the numbers 666 into English you get FOX. This is how this works: F is the 6th letter in the alphabet, O is the 15th, and X is the 24th, the final computation is 6, 1+5=6, and 2+4=6. So, we have 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight (referring to Lucifer) and Fox Mulder. It has been shown that Fox and Scully’s characters can be equated with the story of Osiris and Isis. Looking into numerology in the X—Files we find that Chris Carter’s production company is ten-thirteen. This is the infamous Friday the 13th when the Templars were burnt at the stake. Chris Carter showed us the entire “truth” about 9/11 in the pilot episode of “The Lone Gunmen”, a spin-off from the X-Files and this psi-op show is used to discredit anything “out of the ordinary”.

Let go a little deeper. The type of magic that is being practiced by our leaders is Kabalah. This is based in Hebrew. Therefore, in Hebrew 666 would look like VVV because 6=V in Hebrew. The VW logo incorporates the VVV in its logo with 2 V’s interlaced making a third, equaling 666. The 2 V’s symbolize the number of the Qlippoth; of the “Dark Side”. See our president “VV” as he stands in front of the Woodrow Wilson Center For Science with the interlaced VV’s. That’s a lot of Beasts!

Our corporate logos can be classified within Masonic ritual and therefore within the Kabalah. Freemasonry is Kabalism. So, when you see a pentagram on Texaco and a shell on Shell you can know these are symbols of Venus. Venus is Lucifer.
Go a step further and you see Phillips 66 (VV) and we’re back to the “Dark Side” which is also defined as excrement. Excrement, “W”? That fits. He is the grandson of the Beast 666.

Let’s try another. Conoco, hmmm? Hebrew does not use vowels so we’ll pull the O’s to the side for a second.
Now, we have CNC. In Hebrew C = 20 and N = 50 therefore CNC = 90. The mysticism of the Kabalah is encoded in the Tarot. In the Tarot the number 90 is equal to the Star and were back to the pentagram.
Now for the O’s. In modern Hebrew V,O, and U are considered the same. Therefore, Conoco’s logo can be transliterated into the Pentagram and the Number of the Beast, 666.

Now let’s look at CERN’s logo. What do you see?
666 coupled with a Stargate to another dimension?
In case you're not sure of their intentions, check out the statue in front of CERN

Skull and Bones is what I see.
Should we be conCERNed about "Red-Button" Day? "The Grid" has many capabilities that are not discussed by Faux News. Here's what they say: The latest spin-off from CERN, the particle physics centre that created the web, the grid could also provide the kind of power needed to transmit holographic images; allow instant online gaming with hundreds of thousands of players; and offer high-definition video telephony for the price of a local call.
David Britton, professor of physics at Glasgow University and a leading figure in the grid project, believes grid technologies could "revolutionise" society. "With this kind of computing power, future generations will have the ability to collaborate and communicate in ways older people like me cannot even imagine," he said.
The power of the grid will become apparent this summer after what scientists at CERN have termed their "red button" day - the switching-on of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the new particle accelerator built to probe the origin of the universe.
"The Grid" will be activated at the same time to capture the data it generates. CERN has placed a statue of Shiva in front of their building complete with "Skull and Bones" motif. This God of creation and destruction has a plaque quoting from Fritjof Capra's "Tao of Physics" which explains the significance of the metaphor of Shiva's cosmic dance.
Here is the text of the plaque: Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, seeing beyond the unsurpassed rhythm, beauty, power and grace of the Nataraja, once wrote of it "It is the clearest image of the activity of God which any art or religion can boast of." More recently, Fritjof Capra explained that "Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter," and that "For the modern physicists, then, Shiva's dance is the dance of subatomic matter."
It is indeed as Capra concluded: "Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern physics." The statue is a gift from India, celebrating CERN's long association with India which started in the 1960's and continues strongly today. It was unveiled by the Director General, Dr Robert Aymar, His Excellency Mr K. M. Chandrasekhar, Ambassador (WTO-Geneva) and Dr Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary, Dept of Atomic Energy, India.
In the Hindu religion, this form of the dancing Lord Shiva is known as the Nataraj and symbolizes Shakti, or life force. As a plaque alongside the statue explains, the belief is that Lord Shiva danced the Universe into existence, motivates it, and will eventually extinguish it. Carl Sagan drew the metaphor between the cosmic dance of the Nataraj and the modern study of the 'cosmic dance' of subatomic particles. MORE HERE
有一天... 當我們關閉系統!
2011年10月24日 3:33:26
2011年10月23日 23:21:50
Story at-a-glance
- RBGH is the largest selling dairy animal drug in America. But it is banned in Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and in the 27 countries of the European Union because of its dangers to human health
- IGF-1 in rBGH is common in non-organic milk and increases your risk for breast cancer by promoting conversion of normal breast tissue cells into cancerous ones
- Non organic dairy farms frequently have RBGH-injected cows that suffer at least 16 different adverse health conditions, including very high rates of mastitis that contaminate milk with pus and antibiotics
- Those who have attempted to expose the truth about the health dangers of rBGH in milk have been threatened with “dire consequences” by Monsanto’s lawyers
- The best way to avoid rBGH is to drink only raw milk from a small dairy farmer you know and trust or is certified organic, which prohibits the use of rBGH
By Dr. Mercola
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. If you're a woman, your chance of getting breast cancer in your lifetime is about one in eight.
Researchers at a breast cancer conference stated that up to one-third of breast cancers could be avoided by making different lifestyle choices, such as the foods you choose to eat.
There is one food you may be surprised to learn, that is directly linked to breast cancer—and that is pasteurized dairy in the form of milk or milk products.
The risk lies in consuming milk from cows treated with a synthetic, genetically engineered growth hormone called rBGH, and unfortunately, this applies to about one third of the dairy cows in America.
When you consume dairy products from these cows, every product made from their milk is contaminated with this dangerous hormone—be it cheese, ice cream, yogurt, butter—or just plain milk.
Cows are injected with rBGH to boost their milk production.
But science has proven this practice, although profitable to the industry, comes at a high price to you, as well as to dairy cows. RBGH, or recombinant bovine growth hormone, is a synthetic version of natural bovine somatotropin (BST), a hormone produced in cows' pituitary glands.
Monsanto developed the recombinant version from genetically engineered E. coli bacteria and markets it under the brand name "Posilac."
RBGH is the largest selling dairy animal drug in America.
But it is banned in Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and in the 27 countries of the European Union because of its dangers to human health. Many have tried to inform the public of the risks of using this hormone in dairy cows, but their attempts have been met with overwhelming opposition by the powerful dairy and pharmaceutical industries, and their government liaisons.
孟山都的律師威脅告密者會有“嚴重後果” Monsanto Lawyers Threaten "Dire Consequences" for Whistleblowers
In 1997, two Fox-affiliate investigative journalists, Jane Akre and Steve Wilson, attempted to air a program exposing the truth about the dangers of rBGH. Lawyers for Monsanto, a major advertiser with the Florida network, sent letters promising "dire consequences" if the story aired.
After attempts by Fox to bribe the reporters to keep quiet failed, the station agreed to air a revised version of the report. An unheard of 83 edits later, the report was shelved and the courts took over. Although a lower court ruled in favor of the reporters for some $425,000, a Florida appeals court denied them whistleblower protection, claiming Fox (and the media in general) have no obligation to tell the truth and have the freedom to report, essentially, fact OR fiction as real news.
They tell their story in an article at PR Watch.
It is stories like this that reignite my determination to bring you factual information about these important issues regarding your health.
Despite decades of evidence about the dangers of rBGH, the FDA still maintains it's safe for human consumption and ignores scientific evidence to the contrary. According to Dr. Samuel Epstein, a well-respected professional in cancer prevention and toxicology and chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, the FDA has responded to evidence that rBGH is unsafe with a wide range of "tenuous and inconsistent claims" based on "highly speculative and misleading calculations…based on a wide range of assumptions," often citing flawed scientific studies that simply are not meaningful.
In 1999, the United Nations Safety Agency ruled unanimously not to endorse or set safety standards for rBGH milk, which has effectively resulted in an international ban on U.S. milk. The Cancer Prevention Coalition, trying for years to get the use of rBGH by the dairy industry banned, resubmitted a petition to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, MD, in January 2010.
They are still waiting for a response. Although the FDA stubbornly sticks to its position that milk from rBGH-treated cows is no different than milk from untreated cows, this is just plain false and is not supported by science.
經"牛生長激素"處理和未經處理的牛奶之間的差異Differences Between RBGH-Treated and Untreated Milk
According to Dr. Epstein, RBGH milk differs from natural milk nutritionally, pharmacologically, immunologically, and hormonally, and he cites the following differences. RBGH milk contains:
ALL of the factors above can cause or contribute to health problems for people. But people aren't the only ones suffering—as it turns out, the cows getting injected with these hormones are suffering as well.
- Increased levels of insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1)
- Contamination with illegal antibiotics and drugs used to treat mastitis and other rBGH-induced diseases, as well as pus from increased rates of mastitis among the cows injected with rBGH
- Increased levels of the thyroid hormone enzyme thyroxin-5'-monodeiodinase
- Reduced casein content (a milk protein)
- Increased concentration of long-chain fatty acids and decreased concentration of short-chain fatty acids
"牛生長激素"在乳牛身上引發16個不同的疾病問題RBGH Causes 16 Different Medical Problems in Dairy Cows
As mentioned above, the cows receiving this synthetic hormone suffer massively high rates of mastitis, a painful infection of their udders. Monsanto's own data show up to an 80 percent incidence of mastitis in hormone-treated cattle, resulting in the need for routine administration of antibiotics and other drugs. This increases the frequency of allergic reactions and fuels antibiotic resistance. But mastitis is not the only adverse veterinary effect. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research (2003) found 16 different harmful medical conditions resulting from rBGH administration to dairy cattle... MORE HERE
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Natural News
The mainstream media is abuzz with excitement over GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) latest offering, a malaria trial vaccine that the company claims can cut the risk of clinical and severe malaria in children by 56 percent and 47 percent, respectively. But what GSK and the media are failing to report are the deadly side effects that may accompany the vaccine.
Unveiled at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's recent Malaria Forum conference in Seattle, Wash., the results of the Phase III African study on the malaria vaccine, known as RTS,S, suggest that children who receive three doses of it can derive additional protection against malaria when used in conjunction with other disease control methods. But the findings also show that vaccinated children are at a high risk of serious injury or death as well.
A report by EarthTimes explains that the full gamut of long term side effects associated with RTS,S will not be known until at least the end of 2014. It also states that "serious adverse events (very serious side effects) for [RTS,S] are around the same level as in those who were given a control drug" (http://www.earthtimes.org/health/ma...). But what exactly was the control drug, and what are these "same level" side effects?
A quick look at the study results, which have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, explain that children in the "control" group received a "non-malaria comparator vaccine" (http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.105...). Those five to 17 months of age got a rabies vaccine (VeroRab, Sanofi-Pasteur), and younger children six to 12 weeks of age received a meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine (Menjugate, Novartis).
Both of these vaccines carry with them their own list of side effects, which means they really do not qualify as a legitimate study of "controls." But hardly anyone is paying much attention to this because they are too busy lauding praise on GSK for developing the vaccine and allegedly expecting to make no profit from it.
It all sounds so wonderful and humanitarian, but the fact of the matter is that nearly 18 percent of children in the older vaccinated group suffered serious adverse events from the vaccine, while more than 13 percent in the youngest group suffered the same. And more than 150 children from both groups died during the study (http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.105...).
And since very little is known about how the vaccine affects fertility, neurological function, bodily organs, immunity, and many other aspects of health and well-being in the long term, it is hardly a time to be celebrating.
Sources for this article include:
Sunday, October 23, 2011
![]() |
Source: EPA |
Al Jazeera
A simple swim in the Gulf of Mexico has complicated Steven Aguinaga's life in ways he could have never imagined.
In July 2010, Aguinaga, now 33-years-old, had gone on a vacation with his wife and some friends to Fort Walton Beach, Florida. After he and his close friend Merrick Vallian went swimming in the Gulf, they both became extremely sick from what Aguinaga believes were chemicals in BP's oil and dispersants from the largest marine oil spill in US history that began in April 2010.
The 4.9 million barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf continues to affect people living near the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.
Compounding the problem, BP has admitted to using at least 1.9 million gallons of toxic dispersants, which are banned by some countries, including the UK. According to many scientists, these dispersants create an even more toxic substance when mixed with crude oil.
Aguinaga's blood has tested positive for high levels of chemicals present in BP's oil, and he described his ailments to Al Jazeera.
"I have terrible chest pain, at times I can't seem to get enough oxygen, and I'm constantly tired with pains all over my body. At times I'm pissing blood, vomiting dark brown stuff, and every pore of my body is dispensing water."
His symptoms mirror those which scores of other Gulf Coast residents have told to Al Jazeera, all of them also having had their blood tests reveal chemicals in BP's oil.
Yet Aguinaga's hardships have not ended with his health problems.
"After we got back from our vacation in Florida, Merrick went to work for a company contracted by BP to clean up oil in Grand Isle, Louisiana. Two weeks after that he dropped dead."
New battles
This Spring Aguinaga filed a lawsuit against BP in hopes of obtaining compensation for his deteriorating health.
Aguinaga's attorney encouraged him with the prospect of setting a precedent for other health-related lawsuits against BP. But instead of bringing Aguinaga relief, the process has turned his life upside down.
Within 30 days of filing the lawsuit, Aguinaga had his home in Hazelhurst, Mississippi broken into.
"I found the Norton Security alert on my laptop warning me that someone had tried to access my information, and the door to my house was left open," he explained. "I think somebody wanted me to know they could get in easily."
Aguinaga's employer, Star Services, who had placed him on workers' compensation for a work-related injury, cut off his cheques after he filed the lawsuit against BP.
According to Aguinaga, both he and his wife are being followed, while in early September a truck tried to run him off the road near a bridge.
Three of his four security dogs were recently killed, and the fourth was stabbed.
While Aguinaga's story is the fodder of conspiracy theorists, it has precedent.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
(來源: euro v. facebook.org)
Laura Locke
Translated by Coco Lee
來自愛爾蘭數據保護專員(IDC),其中,福克斯新聞網今日報導,推出“全面”對 FACEBOOK愛爾蘭的調查,從目前的用戶中提取數據 - 未經其同意或通知,和創建還沒有人在使用的“影子戶口”。FACEBOOK正在收集姓名,電話號碼,電郵地址,工作信息,甚至更敏感信息,如性取向,政治派別和宗教信仰,並可能被濫用,愛爾蘭當局要求索賠償。
有趣的是,Facebook的在美國或加拿大之外用戶與 Facebook愛爾蘭是有合約的。承包與 Facebook公司總部設在加利福尼亞州,美國和加拿大境內居住的Facebook用戶。運行與隱私的法律之間的衝突更有利Facebook於美國以外的地方經營,尤其是在歐洲,公司的隱私法比美國嚴格得多。
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