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受污染袋裝蔬菜回收 2011年10月20日 09:12 星島日報
  ( 美聯社薩林納斯電)


  位於蒙特利縣(Monterey)薩林納斯(Salinas)的「Taylor Farms Retail Inc.」周三稱,收到華盛頓州農業局抽樣調查其出品的一包菠菜後,採取該項回收行動。


  回收的袋裝沙拉品牌為「Fresh Selections」、「HEB」、「Marketside」和「Taylor Farms」,袋上標明的「此日期前食用為佳」為10月18日至21日。有疑問可致電1-877-323-7374查詢。

美國指責中國“封鎖”其網站 稱或將提交世貿組織 2011年10月20日 18:04 中國新聞網




  美國貿易代表辦公室還對中國提出一系列問題,包括:誰或是哪一個産業,應當為這些網站在華受阻負責;對於外國網站的封堵,中國是否有相關的指導意見或條文;是否是政府直接決定對某個外國網站實施封堵等。(記者 楊帆 霍斯歐)

費城恐怖地牢 十四人遭囚凌虐 2011年10月20日 14:56 澳洲日報

  美國費城驚爆駭人聽聞的恐怖綁架案!五十一歲的婦女韋斯頓(Linda Weston),在陰暗污穢的自家地下室,囚禁十四名成人與青少年。除了對他們百般凌虐,並利用被害人的身分資料,詐領社福津貼。







利比亞狂人 格達費遭擊斃


(的黎波里二十日電)鐵腕統治利比亞42年的「非洲萬王之王」格達費(Moammar Gadhafi)8月開始下落不明,20日從老巢蘇爾特(Sirte)逃竄途中遇阻,躲入下水道涵洞,隨即落在他鄙視為「鼠輩」的反抗軍之手,並在他殘部和反抗軍交火中受傷喪生。(相關報導見A3、A4頁)

















今秘密下葬 臨時總理喊統一

利比亞強人格達費的遺體半裸全身是血,稍晚在秘密地點火速下葬。臨時總理吉布瑞(Mahmoud Jibril)表示:「利比亞將展開新的一頁,統一利比亞的時候到了。」



阿拉伯之春 格達費下場最慘


前突尼西亞總統班阿里(Zine El Abidine BenAli)下台後逃往沙烏地阿拉伯,即使他不在國內,突尼西亞仍對他進行審判。埃及前總統穆巴拉克(HosniMubarak)目前正接受審判。

敘利亞總統阿塞德(Bashar Assad)及葉門總統沙雷(Ali Abdullah Saleh)即使每天都面臨反政權抗議,仍緊抓權力不放。

可與格達費比擬的或許只有伊拉克前總統海珊(Saddam Hussein),他在藏匿的時候,遭到美軍逮捕。海珊接受伊拉克政府審判之後處以絞刑。格達費唯一的女兒愛莎‧格達費(Aisha)是律師,當時還曾幫海珊辯護,但是敗訴。

羅生門 格達費死因講不清


路透社報導,黎明祈禱前不久,格達費在數十名忠心保鑣以及前軍事首長賈柏(Abu Bakr Younis Jabr)陪伴下,衝出蘇爾特西逃,但不久即遭空襲。

格達費私人保鑣隊長達烏(Mansour Daou)直到主子死前不久仍隨侍左右。他接受杜拜的阿拉伯電視台(Al-Arabiya television)訪問時表示,空襲生還者「分作好幾股,各自逃命」。


政府部隊稱格達費與同夥逃進排水溝。1名戰士巴基爾(Salem Bakeer)表示:「1名支持者走出來,揮舞步槍大叫投降。」「但是他一看到我的臉,馬上朝我開火。」





這名士兵肖恩(Omran Jouma Shawan)說:「格達費1名護衛朝他胸部開槍。」


車上醫生阿布德拉吉茲(Abdel-Jalil Abdel-Aziz)指出,格達費致命傷有兩處,分別在頭部和胸部。


1位國家過渡委員會(National TransitionalCouncil)匿名高層消息來源告訴路透社:「他被活逮押走時,遭毒打殺害。這可是戰爭。」「他可能有抵抗。」


水淹曼谷 泰開閘門 疏洪入海



擋不住了! 泰總理盈拉籲民眾團結應變 共赴國難




盈拉此前曾樂觀表示曼谷不會淹水,但當時曼谷市長素坤攀親王(Sukhumbhand Paribatra)持不同看法。面對這場上任以來最大危機,神情嚴峻的盈拉在設於廊曼機場的救災指揮中心警告,大水從四面八方而來,無法永遠將其阻絕於外,「阻擋愈久,水勢愈兇」,政府將選擇讓洪水流過曼谷部分地區,以減輕損失。




曼谷郊區已陸續淹水,災民怨聲載道。知名的郎喜世紀公園百貨公司(Future Park Rangsit)已宣佈休業,蘇凡納布國際機場已加強防洪措施,泰國空軍也已將部分軍機撤離廊曼,當局下令增調五萬名軍方部隊和三萬名員警待命,伺機救援,並已備妥可容納四萬五千人的避難收容所。



法向富人開刀 通過課徵附加稅







伊朗輪船在波斯灣沉沒 5死





在 2008 年人類受精及胚胎學法案 (Human Fertilisation Embryology Act) 的推行及政府的全力支持下,英國的瘋狂科學家至今已經製造出 150 個動物與人類混種的胚胎。根據英國每日郵報的報導,一個科學家委員會近來告發這項行動,並表示這些實驗已經「太超過了」,簡直是電影的真實情節。

英國科學家製造這些混種生物已經持續三年,他們使用的方式包括以人類精子授精的動物卵子,以及將人類細胞核植入動物細胞的細胞質混合胚胎 (Cytoplasmic Hybrid,簡稱 Cybrid);甚至,他們也製造人類與動物細胞結合而成的嵌合體 (Chimera),就像電影「決戰猩球」裡發生的事情一樣。
儘管英國的法律規定這些胚胎必須在 14 天之內銷毀,但是在實驗室中的科學家卻沒有受到監控,而且消遙在法律之外,實驗室中可能已經有以科學為名進行研究的活生生半人猿。
英國獲得政府核准進行實驗的實驗室共有三間:倫敦國王學院、紐卡索大學及華威大學。科學家聲稱這是作為治療不治之症的胚胎幹細胞研究,實際上他們藉 此在秘密實驗室裡製造一批被囚禁的半人猿,採集他們的細胞並提供製藥業者販售。一如往常,這只是利用生命賺取利益的另一種方式。
英國的科學界正在進行的這項秘密無疑震驚了許多人,為求利益,道德的界線已經模糊。如同另一個驚人的例子一樣,小兒麻痺疫苗實際上也是未經許可就利 用精神病患者進行非法醫學實驗的醫學犯罪。類似這樣的醫學「科學」對於道德沒有絲毫的尊重,為了賺取利益屢次試圖扮演上帝,卻使全人類陷入未知的風險。


不讓你知道的秘密( Part 6)

Translated by Coco Lee

為什麼有些人拒絕接種疫苗Why do some people refuse to get vaccinated?

Since vaccines have become widely available, many diseases have become less of a threat to the global population. However, some people believe that vaccines aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Tune in and learn more about vaccination conspiracy theories.

世界石油耗盡Is the world running out of oil?

Modern civilization depends on energy from fossil fuels. But in a world of increasing consumption and decreasing resources, how long will fossil fuel supplies last?

什麼是處理債務上限理論What’s the Deal with Debt Ceiling Theories?

The US government recently raised the debt ceiling in a political conflict between the President and members of Congress. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and some conspiracy theorists believe there’s more to the story. But what, exactly?

朝鮮薊項目Project ARTICHOKE

Could drugs and psychological torture turn an average person into an unwilling assassin? It sounds like the stuff of sci-fi — so why do some people believe the CIA tried to do it in real life?

行屍走肉The Walking Dead

Nowadays, zombies are big business. But outside of the horror films and video games, is there any truth to the zombie legends?

通靈戰士和冷戰Psychic Soldiers and the Cold War

Project STARGATE may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but for years taxpayer cash funded experiments with psychic powers. Tune in to learn more about the Cold War psychics — and why some people believe these programs continue today.


Everyone has heard stories about sasquatch sightings, and tales of wild ape-men date back into prehistory. So why haven’t we caught one yet?

遠古外星人Ancient Aliens

For centuries, the achievements of the past baffled modern societies. How could ancient empires build architectural marvels like the pyramids or the Nazca lines? Tune in and learn more about the conspiracy theorists who think they’ve found the answer.

外交關係委員會The CFR

Formed in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations is one of the most influential organizations in the United States — but who are they? Strap on your tinfoil hat and take a look at the conspiracy theories surrounding the CFR and one-world government.

威廉賴希和奥根宇宙能Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

Wilhelm Reich was a big fan of Freudian psychology, but he took it one step further. Tune in to learn more about Reich’s alleged discovery of orgone energy — and why some people think the US government suppressed his studies.

不讓你知道的秘密( Part 5)

Translated by Coco Lee

戴安娜:意外陰謀?The Death of Diana: Accident or Conspiracy?

When Princess Diana died as a result of a horrendous car crash in Paris, the United Kingdom was shaken to the core. As more details emerged, some people became convinced that Diana’s death was not an accident.

什麼是錢坑What is the Money Pit?

Located off the coast of Nova Scotia, Oak Island seems like an unremarkable place — except, that is, for the mysterious site known as the money pit. But what is it, exactly? Who built it? Most importantly, what does it contain?

法老王詛咒是真的Is the Curse of the Pharaohs Real?

In 1922, Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tut. According to rumors, Carter’s group was cursed for defiling the pharaoh’s grave. Tune in to learn more about the pharaoh’s cure — and why some believe there may be a grain of truth to the story.

以美國為首走向惡性通貨膨脹Is the US Headed Toward Hyperinflation?

A dollar doesn’t buy what it used to, and some worry that the US is headed toward disastrous hyperinflation. And, according to some conspiracy theorists, this isn’t an accident.

如果冷戰從來沒有結束What if the Cold War Never Ended?

Most historians agree that the fall of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, and the KGB was dissolved in the same year. Or was it? Tune in to learn how a Soviet defector convinced high-level members of the US government that the KGB still controls Russia.

殺害馬丁路德金的陰謀Was There a Conspiracy to Kill Dr. Martin Luther King?

When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered at a Memphis motel, the world recoiled in shock. Two months later James Earl Ray was arrested and, ultimately, convicted of the crime. So why do some people think there’s a cover-up?

什麼煉金術What is Alchemy?

Stuck halfway between the superstitions of magic and the methodology of science, alchemy was an intellectual haven for some of history’s most influential thinkers, including Isaac Newton. But what exactly is it — and why do some people believe it works?

政府掩蓋水力壓裂風險Is the Government Covering up the Risks of Fracking?

Hydraulic fracturing is a process used to enhance the output of oil wells, and an estimated 90% of natural gas in the US comes from wells using this process. The EPA claims the process is not harmful — but not everyone agrees.

三邊委員會什麼What is the Trilateral Commission?

With around 390 members, the Trilateral Commission is a fairly small group — so why do they get so much attention from conspiracy theorists?

吸血鬼恐慌Vampire Panic

Between 1799 to 1892, families across New England dug up the corpses of their children, parents and siblings, desecrating the bodies in an effort to prevent them from rising from the grave.

不讓你知道的秘密( Part 4)

Translated by Coco Lee

波希米亞樹叢發生什麼事What happens at Bohemian Grove?

For decades rumors about Bohemian Grove have run wild through the conspiracy world — but what actually happens at Bohemian Grove?

聯邦緊急事務管理局馬德里斷層FEMA, the New Madrid Fault

Experts say there’s a 10% chance that the US will experience a severe earthquake within the next 50 years. However, some conspiracy theorists believe a quake is due much sooner — and that FEMA is preparing for it in secret.

鬼魂存在證據Is there evidence that ghosts exist?

People have always been preoccupied with what happens to us after we die, leading some to believe in the existence of ghosts. But is there any real, conclusive evidence that these supernatural beings exist?

費城實驗事實還是虛構?The Philadelphia Experiment: Fact or Fiction?

Nowadays many people are familiar with the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment — but how did it all begin?

阿斯巴甜為什麼是一個有爭議添加劑Why is aspartame such a controversial additive?

Aspartame is sweeter than sugar and packs less of a caloric punch. Sounds cool, right? So why has aspartame become one of the most controversial food additives in history?

真正的莎士比亞,請你站起來Will the real Shakespeare please stand up?

William Shakespeare is one of the most well-known, influential writers in the English language — at least, that is, if he actually wrote it. Tune in to learn more about the controversial debate surrounding William Shakespeare’s identity.

納粹黨真的會用魔法嗎?Did Nazis really practice magic?

After World War II, conspiracy theorists started making increasingly strange claims about the Nazi party: One of the strangest claims concerns magic. But why do people believe the Nazi party practiced magic — even more importantly, is it true?

搜索尼斯湖水怪The Search for The Loch Ness Monster

Scientists from around the world have scoured Scotland’s Loch Ness in an attempt to discover the infamous Loch Ness monster (affectionately known as ‘Nessie’).

中國在殖民非洲Is China colonizing Africa?

There’s no denying that China has major investments in countries across Africa, but what does it mean in the long-term? Tune in to learn why some politicians and conspiracy theorists believe that China is actually colonizing Africa.

其他月球陰謀理論The Other Lunar Conspiracy Theories

Most people have already heard the most popular lunar conspiracy theory — that no one actually landed on the moon — but what about the rest? Tune in to learn more about other moon-based conspiracy theories, including lunar structures and UFO sightings.

不讓你知道的秘密( Part 3)

Translated by Coco Lee

誰是黑超特警Who are the men in black?

Forget Will Smith: The real men in black are much more sinister — at least, that is, if they exist at all. But what exactly are the men in black? Listen in to learn more about the conspiracy theories concerning these mysterious individuals.


Whistleblowers are a controversial — and, some would argue, crucial — part of the modern world. Watch the first installment of this three-part series to learn more about the history and future of whistleblowing.

水晶頭骨有什麼大不了?What’s the deal with crystal skulls?

When Anne Mitchell-Hedges found a crystal skull at a Belizean excavation site, rumors spread like wildfire. People claimed that the skulls possessed supernatural powers. Science has debunked these claims, but they still persist.

全球暖化陰謀論Global Warming Conspiracy Theories

Global warming has historically been a controversial topic. Today mainstream scientists and politicians still debate the potential consequences of the phenomenon.

打擊毒品戰是陰謀一部分Is the War on Drugs part of a conspiracy?

The War on Drugs has continued for decades, yet the U.S. remains the world’s largest market for illegal drugs. But, according to some, this is a war the U.S. was never meant to win.

誰在製造這些麥田圈Who’s Making All Those Crop Circles?

Cereologists don’t all agree on how crop circles form, but there are some wild theories out there, including freak weather and UFOs. Also, hoaxers confessed to making hundreds of circles.

為什麼有些害怕食品法規Why are some people afraid of food regulations?

The FDA is meant to protect consumers, but some conspiracy theorists believe it was built to control the food supply. In fact, they claim UN accords take this plan one step further.

馬耳他騎士The Knights of Malta

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a centuries-old organization that conducts humanitarian missions around the world. So why do some people believe it isn’t as innocent as it appears?

蜜蜂發生了什麼事What’s happening to the bees?

Recently, U.S. beekeepers have reported a disturbing increase in hive failures. Experts are still trying to learn what’s driving the collapse of these hives — but some conspiracy theorists claim the government knew about this before it hit the news.

不讓你知道的秘密( Part 2)

Translated by Coco Lee

美元貶值北美聯盟崛起The Declining Dollar and the Rise of the NAU

What if Canada, Mexico and the United States became part of something like the European Union? According to conspiracy theorists, the North American Union is already under construction and the dollar’s decline is no accident.

為什麼這麼多農民基因改造食品的問題Why do so many farmers have a problem with GM food?

Jonestown到底發生了什麼事?What really happened at Jonestown?

In 1978, hundreds of Peoples Temple members committed mass suicide by swallowing poison at Jim Jones’ command. But how did this happen? Why do some people believe it was part of a government plot?

為什麼有些人認為納粹黨有UFOWhy do some people think Nazis built UFOs?

Everyone’s familiar with the idea of UFOs, those mysterious airborne objects often linked with extraterrestrials — but what if there weren’t any aliens involved? Tune in and learn why some people believe Nazis may be responsible for modern UFO sightings.

梵蒂岡的秘密歸檔What’s in the Vatican’s secret archive

For decades before the publication of Dan Brown’s novels, conspiracy theorists were convinced that the Catholic Church held numerous Earth-shaking revelations within its secret archives. But what’s really in there?

百慕大三角危險嗎?Is the Bermuda Triangle dangerous?

Decades of strange accidents and alleged disappearances have given the Bermuda triangle a terrible reputation — but how much of this is deserved? Tune in to learn more about the paranormal theories and skepticism concerning the Bermuda Triangle.

為什麼沒有停止核武器擴散Why hasn’t the spread of nuclear weapons stopped?

On July 16th, 1945 the first atomic bomb test ushered in a new era of warfare, with weapons capable of killing millions. But how many countries own nukes today, and how did they get them?

西弗吉尼亞州發生了什麼What Happened in Point Pleasant, West Virginia?

Between 1966 and 1967, witnesses across Point Pleasant reported a rash of paranormal activity, leading up to the largest bridge collapse in US history. But what actually happened — and what on Earth is the Mothman?

中央情報局用毒品的錢在尼加拉瓜的戰爭?Did the CIA use drug money to fund war in Nicaragua?

Gary Webb was a journalist who alleged that the CIA allowed Nicaraguan Contras to smuggle huge amounts of cocaine into LA as a way to fund wars in their home country. His claims were criticized or ignored, and eventually he committed suicide — or did he?

為什麼沒更多的電動Why aren’t there more electric cars?

If electric cars have been around since the 19th century, then why haven’t they become more widespread? Skeptics say the technology isn’t viable yet, but conspiracy theorists think there’s more to the story.

總管家和商業陰謀General Butler and the Business Plot

By all accounts, General Butler was a national hero. So when he told Congress that a group of businessmen were periously close to overthrowing the US government, lawmakers took him seriously.

安慰劑效應和製藥公司The Placebo Effect and Pharmaceutical Companies

Scientists have noticed that patients may experience improvements just from thinking they’ve had medicine, even if that medicine is fake. But why does the placebo effect work, and why do some researchers believe it’s growing stronger?

什麼激發了狼人傳說What inspired the werewolf legends?

Today werewolves are staple monsters in horror movies and Halloween costume shops, but for centuries people believed that human beings could transform into wolves.


Thousands of people across the globe believe the world will end in 2012 — but why?

若望保祿一世發生了什麼事What happened to John Paul I?

Pope John Paul I had one of the shortest reigns in Papal history, dying thirty-three days after his appointment. The official cause of death was heart failure, but some journalists and conspiracy theorists suspect foul play.

驅魔真實的嗎?Are exorcisms real?

Human beings have believed in possession — and exorcism — for thousands of years. Nowadays most people associate exorcisms with horror movies, but are there any real exorcisms in the modern age?