(PressCore) The CIA is preparing to destroy the United Nations building in New York City. They are posing as construction contractors in order to complete their mission to bring down the asbestos condemned United Nations building. Just like in the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001 the CIA is planning and preparing to place a small tactical nuke in an excavated hole in the center of the UN building basement. The CIA attack is to be blamed on Iran
This CIA false flag attack has the full support of Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Joints Chiefs of Staff, Defence Secretary (former CIA director and staunch Roman Catholic who graduated from the University of Santa Clara, the Jesuit college of California) LeonPanetta, the United Nations and its Vatican superiors. The US Congress has already financed this false flag attack by providing $2.65 billion to FEMA on September 29, 2011.
Like the World Trade Center Towers the presence of asbestos has made the renovations of the UN headquarters too expensive and impractical. The cost to safely remove the asbestos from the ceilings of the building doubled the initial projected cost of $1.2 billion. That is the official revised cost. The actual cost is much higher. Some estimates put it as much as 10 times more expensive. Now that they have discovered that the UN pipes are also lined with asbestos the cost to remove and replace all of the piping in the building makes the UN building a perfect site for another CIA false flag attack.
With the United States and many European countries now bankrupt, no one is able (or willing) to pay for the sky rocketing costs to renovate the UN. Most Americans don’t even want it on U.S. soil. The Vatican will have no more real use for it after its New World Order takes effect. The Vatican fully supports a false flag attack against an empty asbestos condemned building if it will help expedite the establishing of a Global Holy Roman Empire. After all the UN was formed to bring about the New World Order. Attack and destroy it and blame it on Iran or some other Middle Eastern or Asian non-Catholic country and spark another unholy Crusade against Muslims, Jews and Orthodox Christians. The Vatican won’t lose any of its own loyal subordinates in the attack as all U.N. employees, contractors and accredited media representatives have already moved out of the UN and into temporary offices throughout Manhattan.
So here’s hoping the New City police will be vigilant and keep tabs on who and what goes in and out of the UN building. They could very well thwart another false flag attack against the United States and save thousands of New Yorkers.