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研究:農藥殺蟲 卻害蜜蜂迷路致死

研究:農藥殺蟲 卻害蜜蜂迷路致死

根據今天發表於「科學」(Science)期刊的兩項研究,英、法國團隊專注研究蜂類和新類尼古丁殺蟲劑(neonicotinoid insecticides)。新類尼古丁殺蟲劑在1990年代推出,現為世界最常見的作物用農藥之一。
其中,英國蘇格蘭斯特林大學(Stirling University)研究團隊,讓發展中的大黃蜂蜂群在隔絕區域內自然採集、授粉6週,但是暴露於低劑量的新尼古丁類殺蟲劑之一益達胺(imidacloprid)中,並測量蜂群的成長。





Jurriaan Maessen
In a recent statement put out by “Planet Under Pressure” several scientists call for denser cities in order to mitigate worldwide population growth. When in doubt that UN’s Agenda 21 is not the Mein Kampf of our day, one should consider yet another in-your-face confession from yet another certified biocratic control freak
According to an MSNBC article one of the scientists while speaking about human populations worldwide, stated:
“We certainly don’t want them strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely [together].”

Insisting the world’s population be locked up within the confounds of mega-cities, the elite realizes that if the herd is to be properly controlled walls are needed- thick walls, and by constructing these walls, making the masses go this or that way will be made easier..
Chief scientist Michail Fragkias involved with “Planet under Pressure” told MSNBC that “the answer (to population growth) is denser cities.”


Reports about UFO over Denver, Colorado 

UFO sightings - Suha and Mike Owens took video Wednesday night from their home in Highlands Ranch. It shows a light in the sky that appears to change colors, and it moves left and right, up and down.

"Is it somebody's toy or is it a UFO?" Suha Owens says in the video.

9NEWS received several calls and emails Wednesday around 8:45 p.m. from viewers, all reporting a bright light in the western sky.

9NEWS spoke with Chris Peterson, a researcher at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and Cloudbait Observatory, about the light.


Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing DNA Damage

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

There is a reason that masks are worn while applying herbicides, and warning signs are erected upon recently sprayed land plots; herbicide exposure is known to cause serious health complications.

New research has recently been released showing that glyphosate, the main active ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup Ultra Max, is causing both DNA and cellular damage to cells found in the mouth and throat.

Seeing as the inhalation of herbicides and ingredients like glyphosate is very common, this research alone is enough to raise concern over the safety of such substances which are used on a major scale.

The Institute of Science in Society reports:
…Monsanto’s formulated version of glyphosate called Roundup Ultra Max caused cellular damage and DNA damage including chromosomal abnormalities and ultimately killed the cells at higher concentrations. Importantly, DNA damage occurred at concentrations below those required to induce cell damage, suggesting that the DNA damage was caused directly by glyphosate instead of being an indirect result of cell toxicity.


2012: 美國大規模UFO試驗令到華盛頓恐慌

2012: US Test Of Massive UFO Sparks Panic In Washington

(What Does It Mean?) An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) states that a test launching of a “massive” and “highly secretive” space-type aircraft by the US Navy sparked a panic in Washington State this past week after this crafts Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) / lithium Lorentz force accelerator (LiLFA) engines failed to properly ignite. [Authors note: Are the US elite bugging out right before SHTF? ]
Local news reports from the US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island area, where this test reportedly was conducted, confirm the residents of this area were put into panic this Thursday past (15 March) after the failure of this crafts engines caused a sustained “rumbling” that witnesses described as “sounding like sustained thunder, or God bowling.”  So strong was this “mysterious rumbling” local residents further reported that it “rattled windows, dishes and nerves from Langford to Otter Point, even knocking down an old barn.” Russian space experts in this report state that this was the second failure of this mysterious crafts engines in the past couple of months with the first occurring north of US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island over the Canadian province of British Columbia in late January where people, likewise, described“rumbling” that resembled a freight train so powerful calls flooded into both the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canada’s Department of National Defense.


There’s a new monster on San Diego beaches, and he looks rough.
He’s got a bleach-blonde mohawk, sunburned skin, and a pair of really vicious-looking fangs. And don’t even ask about the body odor, which is bad enough to draw flies. But don’t worry, he (or she) is dead. (Though, like all movie monsters, it might come back to life at the last moment, setting up a sequel.)
Photos of the 24-inch animal carcass were taken last week by a 19-year-old snowboarder visiting San Diego’s Pacific Beach. He showed them to a friend, who passed it along to another friend, who e-mailed them to Rocco Castoro of the blog with the subject line: “Chupacabra/Montauk Monster-looking creature.”
As Castoro noted,
The Ten Commandments of the Internet dictate that anyone who receives images of a “monster” is obligated to disseminate and investigate them, even though incidents like this seem to happen about once a year these days. This one apparently turned up on Pacific Beach in San Diego last week.” Castoro spoke to the man who found it, and the surfer dude “sounded sincere and naive enough (i.e. like Jeff Spicoli) to convince me that he undoubtedly believes this thing was, at one time, a living and breathing mutant hellbeast, or at the very least a member of the aforementioned Chupacabra genus. He also told me it was about two feet in length, and that ‘it had the body shape of a pig—kind of a fat stomach, middle area. And the canines were just ridiculously large…. I didn’t know if it was some creature from around here. I’m from Massachusetts and I don’t see [stuff] like that ever.’”

2012: 美國地質調查局無法解釋Clintonville的怪聲

USGS Can’t Explain Clintonville Strange Sounds

By Tom Rose
Gather USGS officials confirm that Clintonville, Wisconsin was hit by a minor earthquake early Tuesday, but that doesn’t explain why the town has been plagued by strange sounds since Sunday night.
Residents reported booming sounds again on Thursday morning, making it the fourth night in a row the mysterious noises have been heard and felt.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 1.5 magnitude earthquake struck Tuesday just after midnight near Clintonville. Officials stated they don’t believe such a minor quake is usually heard or felt, but concede it’s slightly possible.
It doesn’t explain why the booming noises were first reported early Monday morning and each night since.
Town officials immediately investigated and ruled out a number of man-made causes, including construction, traffic, military exercises, explosives and underground work.
Town officials also announced they’ll be conducting another news conference Thursday at 6 p.m.
It’s not clear what will be revealed, but it’s been reported an outside firm has been setting up monitoring equipment around the town looking for causes.

陰謀論: 尼古拉特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)失落的秘密




Does telepathy conflict with science ?

By Chris Carter
More scientists and skeptics than ever consider psychic phenomena to be a possibility on some level.
The idea of extrasensory perception is not a new one, studies and experiments have been conducted for decades for both scientific research purposes and for use in military applications. While few scientists today would outright state with any certainty that psychic abilities do exist, most would be unwilling to make the claim that they do not either.
Recently, journalist Steven Volk was surprised to discover that leading skeptical psychologist Richard Wiseman has admitted that the evidence for telepathy is so good that “by the standards of any other area of science, [telepathy] is proven.” Mr. Volk goes on to write, “Even more incredibly, as I report in Fringe-ology, another leading skeptic, Chris French, agrees with him.”
Mr. Volk might even be more surprised to learn that back in 1951 psychologist Donald Hebb wrote this:
“Why do we not accept ESP [extrasensory perception] as a psychological fact? [The Rhine Research Center] has offered enough evidence to have convinced us on almost any other issue … Personally, I do not accept ESP for a moment, because it does not make sense. My external criteria, both of physics and of physiology, say that ESP is not a fact despite the behavioral evidence that has been reported. I cannot see what other basis my colleagues have for rejecting it … Rhine may still turn out to be right, improbable as I think that is, and my own rejection of his view is—in the literal sense—prejudice.”
Four years later, George Price, then a research associate at the Department of Medicine at the University of Minnesota, published an article in the prestigious journal Science that began:
“Believers in psychic phenomena … appear to have won a decisive victory and virtually silenced opposition. … This victory is the result of careful experimentation and intelligent argumentation. Dozens of experimenters have obtained positive results in ESP experiments, and the mathematical procedures have been approved by leading statisticians. … Against all this evidence, almost the only defense remaining to the skeptical scientist is ignorance.”
But Price then argued, “ESP is incompatible with current scientific theory,” and asked:
“If, then, parapsychology and modern science are incompatible, why not reject parapsychology? … The choice is between believing in something ‘truly revolutionary’ and ‘radically contradictory to contemporary thought’ and believing in the occurrence of fraud and self-delusion. Which is more reasonable?”

新世界秩序: 以色列軍隊已在伊朗活動

Israeli Soldiers Reportedly Already Active in Iran

According to anonymous Western intelligence sources, Israeli is utilizing a permanent military base in Iraqi Kurdistan as a launching point for cross-border missions into Iran.
While this is not all that surprising given that U.S. officials have already confirmed that the Israeli Mossad is running assassination operations and funding terrorists in Iran, the timing of this release is quite interesting and motivation behind making this information public is also quite mysterious.
If this report is true, this would mean that the Israeli military is violating the sovereignty of Iran in an attempt to find a so-called “smoking gun” which would then give them the justification they need to launch an all-out overt assault.
However, I think it is important to note that this very well might actually be part of a psychological operation intended to turn the Iranian military on itself and breed a sense of paranoia and distrust, weakening their morale, resolve and fighting power.
According to the report, the Israeli special forces troops used Black Hawk helicopters to transport troops into Iran, disguised as members of the Iranian military, and even used Iranian military vehicles to carry out their operations.
They supposedly used sensitive equipment during these covert missions to monitor radioactivity and the magnitude of explosive tests. How exactly they did this, and where they did this from, is unclear.
According to these anonymous Western intelligence sources – who I encourage my readers to approach with a highly skeptical eye as per usual – this is, in fact, nothing new.
They claim that Israeli commandos have actually been carrying out these intelligence operations for several years at this point, which makes one wonder how Iran would not pick up on such a thing.
Recent operations have allegedly been aimed at the Parchin military complex, which is near the Iranian capital of Iran.

陰謀論: 手機正在令人死亡?

Is Your Cell Phone Killing You?

Activist Post

An excellent infographic has been released, which covers many of the physical and mental health problems, as well as the financial burden sold to an increasing number of people who feel they "cannot live without" a cell phone.

As shown below, this obsession manifests in a myriad of ways that affect individual health and social interaction.

It's not mentioned in the graphic, but the attachment to the cell phone has led to a number of states to ban cell phones after seeing that their use while driving is actually worse than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

There is one other area key area that is not covered in the infographic, but is also worth mentioning -- the radiation effects of cell phones, especially on the young.

Experts have said that cell phones are capable of causing a number of health problems, including depression, infertility and damage to your DNA.

In 2011, the WHO/IARC released a report stating that cell phone radiation may have a carcinogenic effect on humans. In fact, the World Health Organization actually said that cell phones are in the same cancer-causing category as lead, engine exhaust, and chloroform. (Source)

The microwave radiation produced by cell phones has been documented in peer-reviewed studies to be harmful to fetal brains, and Mike Barrett from Natural Society writes that:
A recent report with lead author, John Wargo, Ph. D., professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University, shows just how damaging EMFs can be for children. 
Research shows that due to developing organs, lower bone density of the skull, lower body weight, and a less effective blood-brain barrier, children are extremely vulnerable to cell phone radiation. (Source)
The health physical effects of cell phones are wide-ranging, including the cell phone towers themselves, but there are ways to minimize their effect, as they are now nearly ubiquitous among the populations of the developed world.

新世界秩序: Facebook和Google對世界隱藏的秘密

Custom tailored search results based on the web pages you visit. Sound like SPYING to me. And no wonder you don’t see your friend Bob’s posts on Facebook anymore…apparently they decide for you what is relevant and what’s not. Clear cookies and cache frequently on all your personal computing devices if you value your privacy. Why make it easy for them?

I came across this short TED Talk today just moments ago, although it being over a year old by now.  The premise is that Google and Facebook are now tailoring your internet experience by learning what you like and the types of links you follow and then only showing you more of the same.

There is a great screen shot of two identical search queries resulting in two very different search results.





陰謀論: 垃圾食物讓你上癮,如同吸毒


根據 Bloomberg Businessweek 的報導,最近許多研究數據皆將垃圾食物成癮的嚴重性視同藥物成癮,高果糖玉米糖漿、味精、氫化植物油、精製糖分以及各種加工垃圾食品中的化學添加物對於大腦的影響就如可卡因一樣。
2010 年的一項研究發現,餵食培根、蛋糕、乳酪蛋糕及糖霜的老鼠大腦活動及功能皆產生大幅的轉變,而這些轉變和藥物成癮時的情況一模一樣。




In 1999 the world changed. The money trust changed, the law, technology, and the general direction of the planet. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show how they control everyone on demand, as well as end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public. This web site is my account of the entire last decade. I’m sure I’m missing something here or there, but this is 95% accurate I think.

The Reason for Everything

Let’s just get right too it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.

What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It’s only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies. A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would subsequently allow for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it.
The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma. Obviously, the advantage of such system is that it would not interfere with either the blood flow exchange of gases or produce any type of disruption of brain activity, due to the tiny space occupied in the vascular bed.

What is the Purpose of Chemtrails

Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. Its large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to idiots in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason

Rockefeller: 軟性人口滅絕計劃

For The Record: Rockefeller Soft Kill Depopulation Plans Exposed

Jurriaan Maessen
March 26, 2012
In the course of August and September 2010, I wrote several articles for Infowars on the Rockefeller Foundation’s admitted funding and developing of anti-fertility vaccines intended for “mass-scale distribution.” As the soft-kill depopulation agenda accelerates it seems all the more relevant to re-post these articles as one. I ask the great Infowars-readership to project this information out to as many people as possible. Only by countering the elite’s disinformation with genuine information do we stand a chance against their plans for humanity.
Jurriaan Maessen
1: Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction
In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called “anti-fertility vaccines” and their implementation on a mass-scale. From page 51 onward we read:
(…) several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those that have been tested have serious problems of toxicity. Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.
The possibility of using vaccines to reduce male fertility was something that needed to be investigated further, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, because both the oral pill and the IUD were not suitable for mass-scale distribution:
We are faced with the danger that within a few years these two “modern” methods, for which such high hopes have been held, will in fact turn out to be impracticable on a mass scale.”
The possibility of administrating hormone preparations to reduce fertility was also mentioned, although- states the report- they have been known to “cause bleeding problems, which may limit their usefulness.”
“A semipermanent or renewable subcutaneous implant of these hormones has been suggested, but whether or not the same difficulties would result has not been determined.”
Saying that research thus-far had been too low-grade to produce any substantial results, the report was adamant:
“The Foundation will endeavour to assist in filling this important gap in several ways:
1- “Seeking out or encouraging the development of, and providing partial support to, a few centres of excellence in universities and research institutions in the United States and abroad in which the methods and points of view of molecular biology are teamed with the more traditional approaches of histology, embryology,and endocrinology in research pertinent to development of fertility control methods;”
2- “Supporting research of individual investigators, oriented toward development of contraceptive methods or of basic information on human reproduction relevant to such developments;”
3- “Encouraging, by making research funds available, as well as by other means, established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control;”
4- “Encouraging more biology and biochemistry students to elect careers in reproductive biology and human fertility control, through support of research and teaching programs in departments of zoology, biology, and biochemistry.”
The list goes on and on. Motivation for these activities, according to the RF?
“There are an estimated five million women among America’s poverty and near-poverty groups who need birth control service (…). The unchecked fertility of the indigent does much to perpetuate poverty, undereducation, and underemployment, not only in urban slums, but also in depressed rural areas.”



The Illuminati and Reptilian Hybrids

The Illuminati and Reptilian Hybrids

We are the Illuminati Bloodlines (also known as the Secret Government, the New World Order, the NWO, Blue Bloods, the Royal Families of Earth, etc.). We are a large secret society network that controls planet Earth and have existed for about 6,000 years.

Our logo/symbol is on the United States dollar bill ($1), it is a pyramid with an eye that has Reptilian-like wrinkled skin around it. We were genetically created in Sumer or Sumeria; which then became Babylon, by the Lemurian surviving Draconian Reptilians who live secluded in the inner Earth; which is hollow, by mixing their own Reptilian genetics with the Lyraen/human Caucasian genetics of those who colonized Sumeria from the planet Mars.

We are hybrids of human and Reptilian genetics, and those of us who have the direct 50/50 split between both genetics; have the ability to shapeshift between either our human or Reptilian form. This is because Reptilian and Mammalian genetics are not compatible with each other, so when you mix them together the being takes on the physical characteristics of whichever genetics are predominant in it's physical body. There are also other factors like the Mind-pattern/Soul-personality.

This hybridization project took several generations for the Draco to perfect, they consulted the help of the Sirians who are located in the star system of Sirius A. We quickly learned that in order to hold our human form we needed to consume human blood, organs, and/or tissue; preferably that of blonde-haired and blue-eyed Caucasian people, since those genetics are the original Lyraen/human genetics which go way back to the star system of Lyrae; the original home to all human life in the galaxy. We became known as Blue Bloods because we have a copper-based blood. When copper-based blood oxidizes, it has a blue-ish/green color, thats where the term Blue Blood comes from and is still used to describe us royalty and the elite of society.


Media say Pope may resign in April

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The Pope
The Pope

According to Italian daily newspaper "Libero", Pope Benedict XVI is thinking about leaving the papacy next April, when he will turn 85

ANdrea Tornielli Vatican City

There is one front page news story that will certainly not go unnoticed: that is, that the Pope is thinking about resigning during the Spring of 2012. Journalist Antonio Socci has confirmed the same in the Italian daily, Libero.
"For now,” Socci writes, “he is saying that this may be true (Joseph Ratzinger’s personal assumption), but I hope the story does not reach the news. But this rumor is circulating high up in the Vatican and therefore deserves close attention. The Pope has not rejected the possibility of his resignation when he turns 85 in April next year.”
Socci recalls that the assumption he will resign, without any hitches, was the same thing Ratzinger talked about in an interview in the book “Luce del mondo” (Light of the World), when, in response to a question by interviewer Peter Seewald, he said: “When a Pope arrives at a clear awareness that he no longer has the physical, mental, or psychological capacity to carry out the task that has been entrusted to him, then he has the right, and in some cases, even the duty to resign.” Furthermore, in another passage, Benedict XVI wondered if he would be able to “withstand it all, just from the physical point of view.”

新世界秩序: 教宗預言與2012的連繫

The Prophecy Of The Popes & The 2012 Connection
As announced live February 22. 2012 for the Omega Man Radio Show listeners, a world exclusive revelation from the upcoming book Petrus Romanus.
The Belgian Jesuit Rene Thibaut’s book, The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes, has unlocked an entirely different means of investigating the prophecy of the pope’s fulfillment that no one else seems to have imagined possible. His work is deeply mystical and prohibitively complex to explain exhaustively. It is also out of print, exceedingly rare, and written in French which makes it exorbitantly inaccessible to all but the most dedicated. We can only claim to be scratching the surface of what he presents. Frankly, we are astounded that the 2012 meme of the last few years did not bring this forgotten volume to light. Please note that we do realize that date-setting has a well-documented 100 percent failure rate but, even so, we must acknowledge, there it is, 2012, brazened all over the pages of this 1951 tome. The simplest calculation which derives 2012 for the last pope is based on extrapolating the average papal reign of eleven years. Forty popes times eleven years is four hundred forty years: 40 x 11 = 440 Add that to the year 1572 (the year the genuine portion of the prophecy begins) and you land in 2012: 440 + 1572 = 2012 Although Thibaut wrote in 1951, we continued his thesis forward by adding the additional popes. The average eleven-year reign he predicted held true through John Paul II. It certainly did not have to. This was a risky prediction and it was confirmed. If John Paul I had lived a normal lifespan and held a much longer reign instead of dying mysteriously after thirty-three days, this trend might have ended. We even used papal reigns in days to get 1/365th accuracy and our results not only confirmed Thibaut’s work but revealed a potential we did not expect. The following is a chart rendered from a software spread sheet we used to verify Thibaut’s theory:


FBI file says Aliens are here, are human-like and are interested in settling here!!

代糖危害健康: 代糖(Aspartame )是由基因改造廢物制造

Made from Genetically Modified Bacteria Waste, Aspartame Risks Public Health

Andre Evans
Activist Post

Aspartame is one of the most used artificial sweeteners in the food supply today. It also happens to be one of the most dangerous.

Aspartame is used in thousands of products as a substitute to sugar, though consumers would actually be better off eating regular sugar.

Specifically, the toxic substance is often found in diet soft drinks and various candies. You should also be aware that aspartame is even present in a number of lesser-known conventional products as well.

Millions either knowingly or unknowingly consume aspartame on a daily basis. However, if the public was aware of the various dangers aspartame poses to individual health, they would stop — or would they? Aspartame is an addictive substance.

Most people who consume diet sodas regularly soon develop a craving for it. This is because of aspartame’s addictive quality. Soon after consuming the ingredient on a normal basis, many people find themselves unable to kick the habit.

This is concerning due to the fact that aspartame has been linked to a number of diseases, can impair the immune system, and is even known to cause cancer. Aspartame has even been found to create tumors in lab rats. One study showed that of 48 rats experimented on, up to 67 percent of all female rats developed tumors roughly the size of golf balls or larger. This is glaringly in contrast to the perceived nature of what a ‘sugar free alternative’ would entail, which is generally thought to be a ‘healthy’ substitute to sugar.


2012: 關於地磁逆轉和地極轉移

A growing number of scientists are starting to worry that it is the magnetic pole shift that seems to be underway that is the real culprit behind climate change. Not man made air pollution, not the sun, not the underground volcanic activity heating up the oceans, but the slow beginning of a pole shift that has been thought to destroy entire civilizations in the past and be one major factor in mass extinctions. NASA recently discovered and released information about a major breach in the earth’s magnetic field.
This breach in the earth/s magnetic field alone, in that it is allowing solar winds to enter the earths atmosphere, is sufficient to really mess up the weather. Not only is this accelerating magnetic pole shift messing up the weather it is having major effects on geopolitics. These magnetic shifts are not only capable of causing massive global super storms, but can cause certain societies, cultures and whole countries to collapse, even go to war with one another.
All yet remains to be seen, but the magnetic reversal of the earth’s poles seems to be rapidly increasing and IS affecting world weather patterns. The real question is how bad will things get before it all settles backdown to a “new normal?” At one time in history it was thought the North Pole was in the area that is now known as Hudson Bay. If the Hudson Bay area was the last locatoin of the North Pole, where will it go next? And how bad will global super storms and climate change get before it is over? And can we stop blaming each other for causing this and work together to survive it and keep civilization in tact? (Suite101)

陰謀論: 衛生組織承認疫苗有嚴重副作用

Dees Illustration

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination

Swine Flu, Pandemrix and Narcolepsy

Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D.
Activist Post

The swine flu pandemic of 2009 was caused by a type A influenza (H1N1) virus. This virus was originally referred to as "swine flu" because many of the genes of this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America. The H1N1 virus is genetically similar to the 1918 pandemic virus, as determined from victims of the latter who were buried, and later disinterred, in Svalbard. It was responsible for most of the outbreaks up until 1956 and then disappeared.

However, this new virus was actually quite different from the typical swine flu viruses. This virus first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April, 2009. This novel H1N1 flu spread from person to person, unlike typical swine flu. In 2009 vaccines were being developed for the prevention of swine flu in humans. (Source)

On 11 June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the swine flu had developed into a full-scale world epidemic -- a pandemic alert to Phase 6. Margaret Chan, the Director-General of WHO, commented on the situation in a somewhat ambiguous way. While stressing that the swine flu had reached a serious pandemic level, she declared later in the same statement that the illness seemed to be mild and that most of the patients would recover without medical intervention. (Source)


Daytime UFO activity over Wainscott, New York 24-Mar-2012

Latest UFO sightings - This daytime unidentified flying object or orb was hovering above Wainscott in New York on Saturday, 24th March 2012.

Witness report: I was outside with my dog, and I had seen several objects in the night sky which is frequent, I have reported these repeat occurences to MUFON..I saw a white star like object ascend over my tree line in the North West direction, where it then hovered. I was able to get two cameras from inside the house, when I returned moments later, the object was in same place. I have video footage, not that clear in some clips, but quite clear in others. This object was in the sky heading in an south Easterly direction for approx 1 1/4 hours. I called Mufon NY director,[moved name/CMS/der], and we reviewed all possible objects via Stellarium, and could find no such objects that matched. I was able to send him footage, as I was on the phone with him (I think I woke him up I called so sorry [moved name/CMS/der]!) I was able to maintain visual contact with this white star like orb. In that I had no more avail space on my camera memory card, I looked at object right before it disappeared behind treeline on adjacent side of property from where it had originated, and the object appeared to be reflective, and elongated, almost rectangular shaped. I do not have equip to document telescope visual, only my verbal description.
Author (source: mufon)


(有片)遠古外星人: 外星人與大腳八 S4E7

(有片)遠古外星人: 外星人與大腳八 S4E7
HST: Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot S4E7

Ancient Aliens: Aliens and Bigfoot
History Channel, Season 4 Episode 7
Friday, 23rd March 2012

People on every continent have claimed to see the footprints of Bigfoot. And ancient myths and legends speak of an ape-like giant stalking the earth. What if, as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe, there is evidence to connect Bigfoot with an alien species that once visited Earth in the distant past?


一開始英國小鎮 Todmorden (座落於約克夏郡及蘭開夏郡之間) 在鎮內各處開闢田園及種植蔬果的時候,可能並未想到這樣新穎但是簡單的構想竟能夠使小鎮成為未來自給自足生活模式的勵志模範。

這都是出自一項稱作 Incredible Edible 的計畫,由當地的兩位居民所開創。這兩人的共同目標是將 Todmorden 打造成英國首座能夠完全自給糧食的城鎮,而他們的努力成功了,至少頗能符合當地人對於產品的需求。
這項計畫到目前為止使用了 70 處城鎮中的花圃,種植覆盆子、杏子、蘋果、黑醋栗、紅醋栗、草莓、豆類、櫻桃、薄荷、迷迭香、百里香、茴香、馬鈴薯、羽衣甘藍、紅蘿蔔、萵苣及洋蔥等蔬菜 和藥草。當地人不僅很快接受這項計畫並開始採收這些農作物,他們也普遍尊重這個體系,並不濫用。
將以往用來放置垃圾或提供寵物便溺的地方轉變成種植藥草及果樹的田園,人們絕不會咨意破壞。計劃開創人表示,他們曾經擔心免費提供蔬果可能導致犯罪事件,但結果恰好相反 ─ 這項計畫反而改善了社區關係,而且犯罪率從計劃開始施行之後逐年下降。
這項計畫的成功已經促使許多英國及海外其他地區開始想進行自己的公眾田園計畫;除了改善社區關係及降低犯罪率之外,Incredible Edible 也讓人重新重視食物的價值和栽種方式,並讓下一代對於栽種食物重燃興趣,這是世界上許多進步社區所羨慕的。




配備有無線網路的筆記型電腦讓我們幾乎能夠在任何地方遨遊網路,但是新的研究指出,無線網路的輻射可能造成精子活動力下降,並損害精子的 DNA ,造成生育能力降低。

這項刊載於《Fertility and Sterility》醫學期刊的研究觀察了筆記型電腦無線網路散發的輻射對於精蟲健康的影響。阿根廷的研究人員將 29 名健康男性的精液樣本曝露在筆記型電腦無線網路的輻射線當中 4 個小時,並測量精蟲的活動力;控制組的精蟲放置在同樣溫度的環境下持續同樣時間,但是未曝露在無線網路的輻射當中。
結果 4 個小時之後,曝露在輻射當中的精蟲有 25% 停止活動,而未曝露在輻射中的精蟲只有 14% 停止游動;曝露在輻射當中的精蟲顯示 9% 的 DNA 或遺傳密碼受到損害,而控制組的精蟲只有 3% 受到損害。


梁振英當選特首 香港千人抗議

(法新社香港25日電) 繼現場電視轉播後,香港官 方今天也宣布特首選舉結果出爐,由前政府顧問、產業 顧問梁振英當選香港特首。 57歲的梁振英在1200張選舉委員會選票中贏得689 票,大幅領先對手唐英年和何俊仁,6月將接替現任特 首曾蔭權。 特首選舉於香港會議展覽中心舉行,數以千計抗議 民眾在中心外聚集,要求半自治的香港實施完全民主。 計票間內可以聽到外頭抗議民眾大聲疾呼,不過抗 議活動大體上和平進行。 梁振英說:「每位居民對選舉都有自己的看法。我 會盡力去除人民對這場選舉的負面觀感。」(譯者:中 央社樂羽嘉)








New videos of UFO activity over Bangkok, Thailand 21-Mar-2012

UFO sightings - Two new videos of fast UFOs or orbs flying across the night sky of Bangkok in Thailand. Both clips were taken on Wednesday, 21st March 2012.

新世界秩序: Aether Flow-真正的電流? NWO: Aether Flow — The True Electric Current?

NWO: Aether Flow — The True Electric Current?

Could it be that the flow of aether in the form of electric field is the true “electric current”, and electron flow is only a byproduct? Some researchers, including potentially Nikola Tesla, seem to think so!

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

The modern day concept of electricity is pretty straightforward. Electrical current is defined by the motion of electrons traveling through a conductive material — usually a metal such as copper. With a few basic formulas engineers are able to electrify our world, keeping our lights and appliances running.

However, there are some researchers who argue that mainstream science ignores the “true” nature of electricity, and what really constitutes electric current. They claim mainstream science incorrectly eliminated the concept of the aether, or the all pervasive medium in which electromagnetic waves were originally thought to travel. By ignoring the work of the early pioneers of electromagnetism, and dumbing down the original equations of Maxwell (the father of electromagnetism) they are obscuring the aether as the true source of electricity.
Nikola Tesla is an example of an individual who was convinced the aether existed, and built systems to harness it for the benefit of mankind. Some of his systems (today known as Tesla coils) used high frequency, high voltage discharges from capacitors to create disturbances in the aether. In some of his writings, he called these disturbances “impulses”, because he could feel radiant effects from them. Typically, he would have a primary coil of a few turns of wire that would direct these impulses towards a secondary coil. The secondary coil in the system was a flat pancake coil of many turns of wire that was placed inside of the primary. When in operation, the secondary coil would increase the “voltage” produced to very high levels. In his systems, the “tension” as he called it, could reach millions of volts.

新世界秩序: 你的電視機正監視著你!!!

NWO: Is your TV watching you? Samsung’s latest sets with built-in cameras spark concerns
Samsung’s latest breed of plasmas and HDTVs may allow hackers, or even the company itself, to see and hear you and your family, and collect extremely personal data.

The new models, which are closer than ever to personal computers, offer high-tech features that have previously been unavailable, including a built-in HD camera, microphone set and face and speech recognition software.

This software allows Samsung to recognise who is viewing the TV and personalises each person’s experience accordingly. The TV also listens and responds to specific voice commands.
High-tech: Samsung’s latest sets feature built-in HD cameras, microphone sets and face and speech recognition software

But some critics have suggested that the TV company could be spying on you, or even watching and listening to you – without your knowledge – through these features.

Gary Merson, who runs website HD guru, said that because there is no way of disconnecting the camera and microphone, users cannot be 100 per cent sure that Samsung is not collecting data and passing it on to third parties.

2012:隨著奧巴馬政府正式批准銷售,全美國現可將墮胎嬰兒切碎給研究人員做實驗 2012: Aborted Babies Are Being Chopped Up And Sold To Researchers All Over America With The Full Approval Of The Obama Administration

2012: Aborted Babies Are Being Chopped Up And Sold To Researchers All Over America With The Full Approval Of The Obama Administration
Did you know that aborted babies are being chopped up and sold to medical researchers all over America?  There is a federal law which is supposed to ban this practice, but it contains a gigantic loophole that abortion clinics are using to sell huge amounts of aborted baby parts to the scientific community.  The loophole in the federal law allows “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”  But there are no guidelines as to what those “reasonable payments” should be and the Obama administration is not about to start prosecuting abortion clinics.  So aborted baby parts from American babies will continue to be very quietly sold for profit to medical researchers and most Americans will never hear anything about it.  But future generations will look back in horror at what we allowed to be done right under our noses.
With the full approval of the Obama administration, one company in the United States has plans to inject aborted baby brain cells into the eyes of patients to see if that will help improve their vision.  The following is from a recent article on….

2012: 為不可想像的事做準備 2012: Preparing for the Unimaginable

2012: Preparing for the Unimaginable

Dave Pollard
One of the lessons of Nassim Taleb’s The Black Swan is that the events that have caused the greatest changes (and collectively most of the substantive change) to our civilization and our way of life were completely unexpected, unpredictable “black swan” events. His new book argues that rather than trying to plan and prepare for a future we can’t predict, we should do things that improve our resilience, and create systems that are “anti-fragile”. Unlike most fragile, complicated human-made systems, “anti-fragile” systems (such as evolution and other complex natural systems) actively adapt to, learn from and benefit from upheaval and dramatic change.
I have often said that that I believe the key to resilience in the coming decades will be our ability, in the moment, to imagine ways around the crises we cannot prevent, predict or plan for, and then navigate them.
So now I am sitting down with a small group of colleagues here on Bowen Island, starting to think about creating what the Transition Movement calls an “energy descent” plan for our island, and wondering how we can hope to plan for the unpredictable, unforeseeable, and unimaginable future we face.


新世界秩序: 羅富齊為美國所做的計劃 NWO: Rothschild's Plan for America

新世界秩序: 羅富齊為美國所做的計劃
NWO: Rothschild's Plan for America

U.S.A. Death Knell: Our Fate Has Been Decided

Rothschild's Plan for America

"The American economy is in the grip of what the eminent Harvard Professor Joseph Schumpeter many years ago called, ‘creative destruction.' "
Alan Greenspan
Chairman, Federal Reserve Board
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."
John 10:10
America is dying, inflicted with a fatal, terminal disease. Few understand this. Most citizens are in denial. The glories of yesteryear—the halcyon days of Washington, Jefferson, Audie Murphy, and John Wayne—will return, the die-hard optimists say—"Just you wait and see."

But these bright-eyed people are wrong. No dreaded disease can be conquered by the misguided patient who fails to realize he is sick and dying. Knowledge leads to victory, and in America today, the people perish for lack of knowledge.

Cut Off From Our Roots

The reason why America is dying is simple. We have been cut off from our roots, including our Christian moorings, our Bill of Rights, and our patriotic heritage. All plants cut off at the roots eventually die, from lack of nutrition. The life force ebbs from their branches and leaves, and their limbs and vines atrophy and dissipate. So, too, do the limbs and constituent parts of nations die when separated from the nurturing substances that give them life.

America’s terminal illness is not an accident of fate. It is a planned event. This is the working out of "Rothschild’s Plan for America," a plan which I detail at length in my CD/audiotape offering of the same title (Order your copy today by clicking Tape or CD).

The greedy Rothschild is a thief, a global thief, and as Jesus told us, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."

2012:西伯利亞200公斤金屬"UFO" 從天上掉下來

2012: Russian space experts examine 200-kilo metal ‘UFO dustbin lid’ which fell from the sky in Siberia

  • Six foot metal fragment fell near remote village in Siberia
  •     Does not appear to be from earthly missiles or rockets
  •     Russian space experts say, ‘The object is not related to space technology
  •     Under police guard as experts examine it
Space experts are trying to solve the mystery of ‘a UFO fragment’ which crashed close to a village in Siberia.
Locals insist the metallic object – which resembles a large rubbish bin – fell from the skies but initial checks by experts have concluded it is neither from a rocket nor a missile.
It is now under police guard as interest in the ‘visitor’ intensifies.

新世界秩序: 阿蓋達殺手與法國組織的聯繫 NWO: 'Al Qaeda' Killer's Extensive Links To French Authorities

新世界秩序: 阿蓋達殺手與法國組織的聯繫
NWO: 'Al Qaeda' Killer's Extensive Links To French Authorities

'Al Qaeda' Killer's Extensive Links To French Authorities

Brit Dee, Contributor
Activist Post

The man accused of killing seven people during recent gun attacks in Toulouse has been killed, following a 32-hour standoff with police -- as more information has come to light about his extensive links to the French authorities. 

Mohammed Merah, a self-proclaimed Al Qaeda operative, was reportedly found dead on the ground after being shot in the head and falling from his apartment window, following a five-minute gun battle when police stormed the building.

Whilst French authorities claimed to want to end the standoff peacefully and take Merah alive, the siege's fatal finale conveniently removes from the picture a suspect who appears to have had a great deal of contact with both the French intelligence services and the police -- and even with the US military.

新世界秩序: 孟山都用書本為兒童洗腦 NWO: Monsanto ‘Biotechnology Book for Kids’ Caught Brainwashing

新世界秩序: 孟山都用書本為兒童洗腦
NWO: Monsanto ‘Biotechnology Book for Kids’ Caught Brainwashing Children

Monsanto ‘Biotechnology Book for Kids’ Caught Brainwashing Children

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Facing direct opposition from the public, biotechnology giants like Monsanto and Dow are now making a disturbing attempt to brainwash developing minds into accepting their genetically modified foods using blatant lies and propaganda.

In a last ditch effort to potentially sway public opinion, the Council for Biotechnology Information (CBI)  has launched the “Biotechnology Basics Activity Book” for kids.

With the intent to be used by ‘agriculture and science teachers’, the activity book spreads absurd lies about GMO crops — even going as far as to say that they ‘improve our health’ and ‘help the environment’.

The book can be seen on the organization’s website, and makes it extremely apparent that it is full of misinformation and propaganda that completely ignores scientific research surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

In fact, let’s examine some claims made by this book that serves as an ‘educational’ tool to be used by teachers.


陰謀論: 美國人每天被汽水豆腐薯片毒害 Poisoning Americans Daily: Genetically-Modified Soda, Tofu, and Chips

陰謀論: 美國人每天被汽水豆腐薯片毒害
Poisoning Americans Daily: Genetically-Modified Soda, Tofu, and Chips

Frank Liz
Americans are poisoning themselves daily and they don’t know it.

Americans are eating genetically-engineered foods every day and they don’t know it. That’s why they don’t know they’re poisoning themselves.

In the United States, 88 percent of the corn, 93 percent of the canola, and 94 percent of the soybeans are genetically-modified. Genetically modified tomatoes, pork, and salmon, among many other foods, are also in our stores. In 2011, the country had 69 million hectares (170.5 million acres) of GM cropland.

Are you a vegetarian who uses textured vegetable protein (TVP) or tempeh in your recipes? TVP and tempeh are derived from soybeans. If the package didn’t say organic, then you’re probably eating genetically-modified products. As for soy milk, tofu, and miso . . . well, you get the idea.

For babies allergic to dairy, there is even
soy-based infant formula.

Are you a carnivore? Livestock feed for cattle, pigs, chickens, and aquaculture catfish is dominated by corn and soy . . . genetically modified corn and soybeans. In fact, 98 percent of the American soy crop is used in livestock feed. So, when you eat meat, you’re eating a GM product.

Approximately 75 percent of the processed food in American grocery stores has genetically-engineered ingredients. High fructose corn syrup, for example, is found in most sodas, many snack foods, ketchup, and even commercial bread and that syrup usually comes from GM corn.

If the food label has words like ascorbate, lysine, maltodextrin, modified food starch, or xanthan gum than you’re probably eating GM-derived food.

What do GM foods have to do with poison?

They are poison. Literally.

Genetic engineering has produced toxins never seen before, and those toxins are in the GM foods we’re eating. It has increased the level of allergens in GM crops, altered the composition of protein and other nutrients, and increased the GM crop’s absorption of pesticides and other chemicals. It doesn’t matter how much we wash an ear of corn. We’re eating those pesticides and chemicals, too.

Scientists have linked microRNA (ribonucleic acid) to cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, among other illnesses. It is found in GM crops, like rice, and in the blood and organs of people who eat those GM crops. Recently, Chinese scientists found that microRNA survives the human digestive process and affects, among other things, our cholesterol function.

GM scientists now propose splicing microRNA into more seeds to block the function of specific genes in insects, so that the GM crops can better resist pest infestations. Unfortunately, humans and insects share a lot of the same DNA. Thus, the microRNA in a GM crop would undoubtedly impact human genes as well when it is eaten.

In independent laboratories from the U.S. to Russia, animals fed GM foods suffered damage to their kidneys, livers, hearts, adrenal glands, spleens, and the haemotopoietic (blood-forming) system. They slowed immune response times, provoked often severe inflammatory (allergic) responses, and altered testicles and sperm cells in males. Infant size and weight dropped. Infant mortality rates skyrocketed to over 50 percent.

In a 2011 published study of human consumption of GM foods, scientists found that the genetic material inserted into GM soybeans transferred into bacteria living inside human intestines, stayed there, and continued to function.

Traces of Bt toxin from Monsanto Bt corn were found in the blood of 93 percent of the women studied and in 80 percent of their umbilical cord and fetal blood.

In Europe, the German chemical company, BASF, moved its GM plant-science headquarters from Germany to Raleigh, North Carolina. Widespread opposition from citizens, farmers, and politicians to its GM crops, like the Amflora potato, meant that BASF had no market for its GM seeds.

GM giant Monsanto has stopped developing genetically-engineered crops to be grown in Europe, because most European countries refuse to allow them to be grown.

In America, however, the Food & Drug Administration’s Deputy Commissioner for Food Safety is a former Monsanto executive. In February 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture sped up the approval process for genetically-modified foods.

When he was campaigning for the presidency in 2007 and 2008, Barack Obama promised to introduce legislation mandating the labeling of GM foods. So far, he’s done nothing. So, grassroots movements in several states like California and Florida and Vermont are putting GM labeling bills on their ballots.

If they pass, people will at least have the information they need to decide whether to poison themselves or not.

NWO: 號外新世界秩序在中國贏了共產黨!!! "溫總提平反六四 內地網站解禁"


英國《金融時報》( Financial Times)引述中共高層消息人士指,國務院總理溫家寶近年曾三次在中共高層秘密會議上提出「平反六四」,但每次都遭到反對,其中反對最激烈者之一就是身兼政治局委員的重慶前市委書記薄熙來。事件顯示溫正試探性準備為 1989年六四學運平反,啟動他近年多次呼籲的政治改革。消息曝光後,內地網民發現當局對網上有關六四的內容審查,似有放鬆。

《金融時報》指,迄今為止,中共官方一直把這場民主運動定為「反革命暴亂」,並從中國民眾的集體意識中抹去此一事件。報道指,溫家寶上周在全國人大記者會上呼籲重新評估文革,他實際上是向外界發出信號,打算為 1989年的天安門運動做同樣的事。

據該報引述接近中共領導層的消息透露,近年來在中共高層舉行的秘密會議上,溫家寶曾在三個不同的場合裏,提出這一建議,但每次都遭到反對,反對最激烈者之一就是薄熙來。薄是薄一波的兒子。 1989年,天安門民主運動擴展到全國各地時,薄一波等中共元老一再向鄧小平施壓,要求鄧採取強硬立場,調軍隊到現場鎮壓。

報道認為,事件反映溫家寶正在試探性地準備為天安門學生抗議運動平反,重新評價 1989年 6月 4日派軍隊去天安門、屠殺手無寸鐵的示威者的決定,以打破中國現有政治秩序,啟動他近年來多次呼籲的政改。

2008年,溫家寶在美國接受有線電視新聞網 CNN的採訪,主持人拿出當年出任中共中央辦公廳主任的溫,陪同中共總書記趙紫陽在天安門廣場探望絕食學生的照片時,溫緊抿雙唇保持微笑,但下巴卻在不停地微微顫抖。他思索一會回答說:「我相信,在推動經濟改革的同時,我們還需要推動政治改革……。」由於溫將於今年秋天中共十八大換屆上,退下中央政治局常委一職,總理職位又將於明年 3月屆滿,該報指他可能認為是時候糾正歷史錯誤、推動政改。
北京獨立學者高瑜指,溫家寶因為與趙紫陽的關係,六四 20多年來遭到不少非難,六四中他作為中辦主任,拒絕執行總書記的指示。趙去世前 15年從來沒有過問看過老上級。在他任期最後關頭,他空談政改多年,政改一步都沒走,現在他抓住這麼大的事,推動一下,目的還是想青史留名。
昨天內地網民發現一度可在百度網站搜索到有關 1989年六四事件的內容,如對六四事件的介紹、香港支聯會義工說領略六四事件的重要性,以及趙紫陽禁書《改革歷程》有關六四的內容等。