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陰謀論:港人愛高鹽食物 增中風機會

日減吃5克 減23%中風機會
2010年,本港共有3,423人死於中風,比2001年上升約9%,過去10年,35至44歲中年人的出血性中風個案有上升趨勢,缺血性中風整體 人數雖然下降,但當中中年個案並沒有下降,中大相信,是因為95至04年間,25歲以上高血壓個案增加6成;醫管局數據顯示,高血壓及相關疾病的出院及死 亡人數,由05年的8,300人,大增83%至09年的15,172人。中大以此推算,將令醫治65歲以上中風者的成本大增,由2010年80億元增至 2036年的220億元。世衞指出,若每日能減少5克鹽份攝取量,全球可減低23%中風風險、每年減少125萬人死亡。
高危少女減鹹 半年減30磅
直至她有朋友中風,終決定改變飲食習慣,戒吃高鹽食品:「對肥妹來說,吃是最重要!」她坦言起初感到「世界突然沒希望,每日都很想喊」,但一個月 後,已習慣清淡飲食,烹調方式以蒸煮少鹽、少醬汁為主,認為「能吃出食物的味道」,上血壓降至119,半年更成功減了30磅,而從前心痛、頭痛等問題已不 再。
促政府與食物商 訂立指引

北 韓 發 射 火 箭 失 敗 碎 片 或 墜 黃 海

北 韓 發 射 火 箭 失 敗 碎 片 或 墜 黃 海

更新:2012/04/13 08:13
北 韓 於 本 港 時 間 早 上 6 時 39 分 發 射 火 箭 升 空 。 不 過 , 美 日 韓 三 國 都 指 , 北 韓 火 箭 發 射 失 敗 , 官 員 稱 , 火 箭 升 空 後 數 分 鐘 已 解 體 , 碎 片 可 能 墜 落 黃 海 。 聯 合 國 安 理 會 今 日 稍 後 開 會 討 論 。 南 韓 傳 媒 最 先 報 道 , 北 韓 當 局 於 本 港 時 間 早 上 6 時 39 分 , 於 東 倉 里 將 「 銀 河 三 號 」 火 箭 發 射 升 空 。 美 、 日 、 韓 當 局 陸 續 證 實 消 息 , 其 中 南 韓 政 府 召 開 緊 急 會 議 , 又 呼 籲 白 翎 島 居 民 緊 急 疏 散 。
南 韓 國 防 部 其 後 表 示 , 火 箭 發 射 後 數 分 鐘 便 解 體 , 並 且 墜 毀 。 有 報 道 指 火 箭 碎 片 或 墜 落 黃 海 一 帶 , 暫 時 無 傷 亡 報 告 。 美 國 及 日 本 亦 指 出 今 次 發 射 失 敗 , 美 國 稱 火 箭 未 曾 飛 出 大 氣 層 ; 而 日 本 指 , 火 箭 升 空 僅 逾 一 分 鐘 便 解 體 , 不 會 對 日 本 造 成 影 響 。 《 日 本 放 送 協 會 》 引 述 防 衛 省 消 息 指 , 火 箭 在 半 空 飛 行 一 百 二 十 公 里 後 便 斷 開 四 截 。
北 韓 官 方 早 前 邀 請 外 國 記 者 到 發 射 場 參 觀 , 多 次 表 明 並 非 試 射 導 彈 , 火 箭 是 搭 載 地 球 觀 測 衛 星 「 光 明 星 三 號 」 升 空 。 聯 合 國 安 理 會 最 快 周 五 開 會 , 討 論 北 韓 發 射 火 箭 及 如 何 回 應 。


2012: The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

They say “A picture paints a thousand words.” Look deep into this picture and you will see what the New World Order is all about – False Flags – Natural Resources & Money – Chip and Pin for everyone – Mass depopulation by whatever means including WMD’s (depleted uranium), Vaccinations (HPV, Swine Flu and other toxic jabs), Mind Control, Forced removal -  Imprisonment – Assassinations/Deaths -  Martial Law – Police State – Drones – CCTV/Internet/Phones Monitoring and Total Control of your life!! Basically do what they say or have your chip switched off making it impossible for you to go to the bank, go shopping, go to hospital or see a doctor etc without these basic needs ones fate is clearly sealed!!

Out of all the articles I have ever written this particular one was probably the most difficult and accordingly it is also very long……. one cannot write a standard article based on the magnitude of this topic and I have no intention of doing so…..basically you can read it or not and likewise you can believe it or not…..the choice is yours……all I can say is whatever your decision just remember this article next time you look into the eyes of your children or grandchildren and say to yourself “I let this happen and did nothing” !!

Despite all my efforts over many years on TV, Radio and writing hundreds of articles on this topic the so called compassionate human beings that grace this planet still go along with this huge cover-up and act like lost sheep in a world that is fast disappearing. I guess there was only one man who appeared to know what the future would hold for us and his name was H.G. Wells who back in 1898 wrote that classic book “War of the Worlds.

His incredible ability to foresee the future goes without saying but maybe he made just one simple mistake……..her referred to the aggressor’s as being “Martians” instead of “The New World Order (NWO).

The book’s underlying message clearly related to “British Imperialism” and in that context he was spot on because the true “Axis of Evil” is right here in the City of London.



Explosive: Monsanto 'Knowingly Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of  Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused "devastating birth defects" in their children.

The farmers are now suing not only Monsanto on behalf of their children, but many big tobacco giants as well. The birth defects that the farmers say occurred as a result are many, and include cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, psychomotor retardation, missing fingers, and blindness.

The farmers come from small family-owned farms in Misiones Province and sell their tobacco to many United States distributors. The family farmers say that major tobacco companies like the Philip Morris company asked them to use Monsanto’s herbicides and pesticides, assuring them that the products were safe. Through asserting that the toxic chemicals were safe, the farmers state in their claim that the tobacco companies "wrongfully caused the parental and infant plaintiffs to be exposed to those chemicals and substances which they both knew, or should have known, would cause the infant offspring of the parental plaintiffs to be born with devastating birth defects."

新世界秩序: 如果大家同意有問題時,必須尊重彼此的解決方案


If we all agree that there is a problem, we must respect each other’s solutions

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle.

J.G. Vibes
Activist Post

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed that the freedom movement is quickly becoming just as polarized and divided as the mainstream political circles that are presented in the media.  While it is absolutely important that we stay true to our individual principles, that doesn’t mean that it is productive for us to immediately disregard anyone who doesn’t see the world exactly as we see it.  Likewise, this especially does not give us the right to belittle or ridicule those who have different ideas than we do.

The truth is that we all have blind spots in our thinking, and we all have things to learn from other people.  It is possible to have a friendly conversation with someone who sees the world completely different from you, without sacrificing your beliefs and without expecting them to sacrifice theirs.

That’s not to say that there are no right or wrong answers, because in many cases there are things which can be verified and proven, but standing on opposing ends of an issue and shoving ideas down one another’s throats as fast as possible is how the republicrats communicate, it is not how we should be communicating in the freedom movement.

For those of us standing outside of the left/right political paradigm we can see the stagnation and inefficiency that is caused by this sort of divisive approach at communication and problem solving.  Debates in political circles are always centered more around scoring points and showing off, instead of being focused on actually solving the problems at hand, which is one of the many reasons why there are never any real “political” solutions to any of the world’s problems.

新世界秩序: 反伊朗宣傳和AEI造謠

Anti-Iranian propaganda and disinformation courtesy of AEI


Iran allegedly identifies and arrests Israeli terrorist cell ‘preparing to carry out terrorist acts’

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced that they have identified and captured a “major terrorist group” also characterized as “a large and sophisticated Israeli terror and sabotage network” after months of intelligence gathering.

In the recent past there have also been reports of Israeli commandos already operating in Iran, supposedly in an attempt to uncover a smoking gun which would give the West the green light to overtly attack Iran.

In November of last year, an Iranian lawmaker announced that they captured a dozen agents of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who were working with the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and in February of this year U.S. officials confirmed that the Mossad has been training and running assassination operations in Iran through the terrorist group, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

Given the many mysterious incidents and indications of foul play in Iran, this announcement is hardly surprising, although one can be safe in assuming that Israel and its allies will act as if the accusation came out of the blue and holds no merit.

Jerusalem World News characterized the announcement as “long on rhetoric but short on information,” although they do note that “Iran’s official IRNA news agency and the semi-official Fars said details of the intelligence operation would be released later.”

陰謀論: 澳洲碳排放稅的真正代價

The Real Cost of the Australian Carbon Tax

Andrew Puhanic, Contributor
Activist Post

On July 1, 2012, the Australian Government will introduce a Globalist-backed carbon tax. The carbon tax will begin at a fixed price of $23 per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere.

Cloaked by the lies and deception of the science that has persuaded the Australian Government that climate change is real, the Globalists have now began to change the fundamental structure of the booming Australian economy. The real cost of a carbon tax on the Australian economy and how it will affect Australian families directly was hidden by the Globalists and the Australian Government when they were selling the carbon tax to the Australian public. Now that Australia is about to introduce a Globalist carbon tax, Australian businesses have begun to change the way they do business in Australia and this is now impacting ordinary Australians.

Firstly, the immediate impact of a carbon tax will be felt by charitable organizations. The Salvation Army, one of Australia’s largest charitable organizations, has revealed that a carbon tax will cost them an additional $3.5 million dollars and that this could impact on the services they provide to about 300,000 people a year of which includes emergency accommodation and drug and alcohol counseling.

Secondly, to make matters even worse for charitable organisations and ordinary Australians, electricity companies are refusing to tell struggling families and businesses exactly how much the carbon tax will add to their power bills.

The Australian federal government estimates electricity prices will increase by up to 10 per cent when the tax kicks in on July 1, 2012, however there have been reports that electricity prices will in fact increase by up to 20% and more.


白宮﹕勿過度報道朝鮮射衛星 干預新聞自由 網民稱心寒

【明報專訊】美國新聞網站Politico記者爆料稱,正當朝鮮(北韓)就「發射衛星」一事大打「透明牌」,罕有邀請 美國CNN、美聯社等外國記者到發射場採訪,甚至派員觀看發射之際,美國政府的應對策略,是私下警告本國傳媒切勿「過分報道」,以免「淪為對方的宣傳機 器」。事件惹來干預新聞自由的非議,有美國專家亦反對華府的做法。
Politico記者拜爾斯(Dylan Byers)發表網誌文章稱,白宮國家安全委員會的發言人菲托爾(Tommy Vietor)周一提醒記者「提防為朝鮮宣傳」。菲托爾聲言﹕「你毋須是火箭學家都知道到這是(朝鮮的)文宣。記者須提防不要被收買。」

由 於朝鮮罕有廣邀國際傳媒採訪發射,包括CNN、全國廣播公司(NBC)、美國廣播公司(ABC)等美國電視台和媒體都派員遠赴朝鮮,幾乎天天發表採訪報 道。菲托爾質疑朝鮮想「利用傳媒」,向世界宣傳今次發射是一趟「宇宙開發」,他堅稱,朝鮮的運送衛星火箭,「實質是測試導彈技術」。他同時指出,朝鮮規範 了外國記者採訪範圍,令近一周鋪天蓋地的報道,大都聚焦於發射一事,卻無法走訪農村地帶了解捱餓的人民。

但拜爾斯指出,不少美國的朝鮮問題 專家,都認為這次發射是一次大事,絕對值得大幅報道,他引述小布殊時代的東亞事務官員里維爾(Evans Revere)說,現在是朝鮮涉嫌違反安理會決議發射火箭,是重要事件。回應拜爾斯文章的網民,普遍反對白宮限制傳媒報道的做法。一網民說﹕「華府如此經 常公開指使傳媒怎樣去作跟官方政策符合的報道,令人心寒。」另一網民說﹕「奧巴馬聲稱其政府是史上最透明的說法,是個笑話。」


負 責運送地球觀察衛星「光明星3」號的朝鮮火箭裝組已完成,預定於明天(周四)至下周一之間,朝南方發射,料將掠過沖繩上空。日本稱已作好攔截火箭準備,又 開始廣播通知船舶提防有火箭殘骸物落下。全日空、日本航空、菲律賓航空等涉及往來美日韓星菲的數十班航機屆時將改道避開火箭發射。中國外交部昨呼籲各方保 持冷靜克制,同時宣布推遲軍委副主席郭伯雄原定中旬訪日的行程。北京學者高海寬解釋,對於朝鮮這次發射,日本表現比過去激烈,部署了攔截導彈,在朝鮮問題 上,中日有較大分歧,「不讓中國支持朝鮮」是不易實現的。


明報專訊】美國「國家科學院學報」 (Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences)發表的一項研究顯示,台灣尿道癌和腎臟癌病例,近六成和含馬兜鈴酸的中草藥有關。台灣有三分之一人口近年曾攝取馬兜鈴酸。台灣人罹患尿 道癌和腎臟癌的病例較不常食馬兜鈴的西方國家高出4倍。

新世界秩序: 為何美國要在亞洲稱霸?

pipelineWhy Does The U.S. Have An Empire In Asia?

By Paul Craig Roberts – BLN Contributing Writer
Published on 11-06-2009
The US government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of the House and Senate.
Voters will vent their frustrations over their impotence on the president, which implies a future of one-term presidents. Soon our presidents will be as ineffective as Roman emperors in the final days of that empire.
Obama is already set on the course to a one-term presidency. He promised change, but has delivered none. His health care bill is held hostage by the private insurance companies seeking greater profits. The most likely outcome will be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund wars that enrich the military/security complex and the many companies created by privatizing services that the military once provided for itself at far lower costs. It would be interesting to know the percentage of the $700+ billion“defense” spending that goes to private companies. In American “capitalism,” an amazing amount of taxpayers’ earnings go to private firms via the government. Yet, Republicans scream about “socializing” health care.
Republicans and Democrats saw opportunities to create new sources of campaign contributions by privatizing as many military functions as possible. There are now a large number of private companies that have never made a dollar in the market, feeding instead at the public trough that drains taxpayers of dollars while loading Americans with debt service obligations.

陰謀論: 美軍正為“外星人入侵”作準備

FALSE FLAG ALERT: The U.S. Military Is Officially Preparing For An "Alien Invasion"





1.      基因改造作物導致器官受損等生物損害
儘管已經有確切的證據顯示食用基因改造作物可導致器官受損等許多健康問題,孟山都卻持續以解決飢荒及授權農民為幌子向開發中國家推行基因改造作物。 一份涵蓋 19 項研究的綜合分析檢驗了玉米及黃豆等基因改造作物的危險性,科學家對這些作物的安全性提出了令人震驚的結論;他們總結,攝取基因改造玉米及黃豆,實際上可 導致實驗中動物的器官大幅受損。
器官受損以肝臟及腎臟為主,這兩個器官對於清除毒素是關鍵的;美國超過 93% 的黃豆都經過基因改造,而這個數字仍在增加中。這表示大眾的健康仍然持續的受到全球糧食供應的威脅。
2.      基因改造 Bt 作物促使昆蟲突變
利用基因改造技術,孟山都進一步製造出了充滿有毒生化農藥 Bt 的改造作物。植入作物當中以驅除蟲害的 Bt 已經導致能夠抵抗農藥成分的突變昆蟲出現,現在已經有大約 8 種昆蟲群種能夠抵抗 Bt 農藥;其中 2 種特別能夠抵抗 Bt 噴劑,而另外 6 種則能夠抵抗 Bt 作物。
由於對於 Bt 的抵抗性,農民被迫增加農藥的用量。同時,孟山都仍不停發展新的 Bt 改造作物,以克服昆蟲抗藥性的問題。然而,研究已經發現,即使經過進一步改造,Bt 作物對於蟲害的抵抗能力仍然非常有限,甚至無法發揮作用。如果孟山都持續使用這種方式,無疑只會使得農藥使用量增加。
3.      抗農達造成超級雜草叢生
拜孟山都生產的抗農達除草劑所賜,全球已經有超過 1 億 2000 萬公頃的農地受到超級雜草侵襲。全球的農地都正遭受能夠抵抗除草劑的超級雜草的侵襲,而且似乎沒有停止的跡象。這些都是經過孟山都協助及授權的農地。這種 超級雜草發展出能夠抵抗草甘膦 (抗農達中的主要成分) 的能力。2010 年時,專家估計超級雜草已經佔據全球超過 1 億 2000 萬公頃的土地。澳洲、阿根廷、巴西、智利、歐洲及南非等國家皆面臨超級雜草增加的問題。
4.      孟山都也製造阿斯巴甜
獨立報在 1999 年進行的一項調查發現,阿斯巴甜實際上是由基因改造細菌所製造的,這篇報導的標題是「全球最普遍使用的甘味劑是由基因改造細菌所製」,而孟山都的發言人也在報導中承認這項事實。阿斯巴甜已經被證實可導致大腦腫瘤等健康問題。



Arsenic, caffeine, banned antibiotics, pharmaceuticals and more found in chickens

Madison Ruppert, Contributor
Activist Post

Many people are well aware of the fact that chickens are regularly given roxarsone, what amounts to arsenic, in an attempt to both fight parasites and increase the growth rate of chickens while making the flesh of the chicken that certain “appetizing” shade of pink.

However, the worrisome substances in present in the chickens we eat do not end there. This is just one of the many fronts in the war on our health and the freedom to choose foods free from extraneous chemicals. For more on this subject, listen to our interview with Heather Callaghan of Activist Post on End the Lie radio below:

以研發疫苗 可治九成癌症

以色列一間藥廠跟特拉維夫大學研究員合作,研發出適用出治療 90%種類癌症的疫苗,可令病人的免疫系統辨別出癌細胞並加以攻擊,又可預防癌症復發或擴散。


由於癌細胞由病人本身細胞異常所致,往往能逃過免疫系統的攻擊。但科學家最新發現,在 90%種類癌細胞表層找到大量 MUC1分子,可用來協助免疫系統偵測癌細胞。
新 疫苗 ImMucin就是用小部份 MUC1分子研製而成。 10名血癌病人接受初步臨床測試,共要接受 12劑藥,但全部病人接受了 2至 4劑後,免疫力已增強;其中 7人至今完成療程,他們對抗癌細胞能力都加強,當中 3人更完全康復,不再驗到癌細胞。研究員將要進一步測試,以確定疫苗效能,若順利疫苗可於六年內面市。

研特製頭盔 腦電波轉訊號 美「讀心部隊」會互通思想

研特製頭盔 腦電波轉訊號 美「讀心部隊」會互通思想

《星期日泰晤士報》記者上周接觸加州大學爾灣分校,但科學家不願意多談。科學期刊《動腦》(The Brain)最近發表一份報告,指科學家保持謹慎,不會隨便發表評論,因為許多人已經聽聞有這種研究進行,也有許多加州人發出電郵給他們,表達憤怒,擔心 政府會監察人民的思想。一名科學家說笑道:「還未去到這一步。」


新世界秩序: 麻省理工和羅馬預言: 2030年全球經濟大蕭條和人口減少

Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030: MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy
Michael EdwardsActivist Post

As tyranny continues its march out into the open, it is increasingly becoming cloaked in green.  Under the guise of saving humanity, a chorus of recent announcements within elite circles, think-tanks, educational institutions, and the halls of science are calling for drastic measures to stop the planet’s inevitable implosion from an overshot carrying capacity.
A U.N policy paper recently outlined the building blocks for a world government that would enforce a “heavy-handed” approach toward humanity’s impact on the environment, as this new epoch of The Anthropocene Age has begun to negatively alter the planet in irrevocable ways.
A rather infamous book, from a rather infamous group called The Club of Rome, is making a reappearance as humanity hurtles toward demise if its stewardship is not turned over to technocrats.  Limits to Growth (1972) is nothing short of a blueprint for population reduction and neo-feudalism; or, as Yale economist Henry Wallich stated at the time of its release, its implementation means “consigning billions to poverty.”
It appears that this plan has been green-lighted by the elite, as recent MIT research validates the conclusions drawn by Limits to Growth at this crucial time when we see the world economy imploding, and a jack-booted green police ready to hit the streets.  According to MIT, we are headed toward a guaranteed planet-wide economic collapse and “precipitous population decline” if we do not heed the words of The Club of Rome.


Flying Saucers and Science is a comprehensive look at the scientific data on the flying saucer phenomenon. Nuclear physicist and lecturer Stanton T. Friedman has distilled more than 40 years of research on UFOs, and shares his work on a wide variety of classified advanced nuclear and space systems. He answers a number of physics questions in layman’s terms, and establishes that travel to nearby stars is within reach without violating the laws of physics.

Photographs of little known, far-out advanced propulsion systems, on some of which he worked, are included. Friedman also presents data demonstrating the ability to withstand high accelerations with some surprising results. He clearly shows that government policy on this subject has been to provide false, misleading claims and disinformation, and establishes that the subject truly represents a Cosmic Watergate.


基因改造: 孟山都公司的Roundup改變兩棲動物的身體形態

Monsanto’s Roundup Altering the Physical Shape of Amphibians

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

Monsanto’s Roundup, which is the most popular herbicide used today, has been found to ignite morphological changes in amphibians.
The research, conducted using tadpoles, found that environmentally relevant concentrations of Roundup are enough to cause two species of amphibians to actually change shape. This is the first research to show that herbicides can have such an effect on animals.

Setting up outdoor tanks closely resembling the environment of natural wetlands, study researcher Rick Relyea, University of Pittsburgh professor of biological sciences in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and director of Pitt’s Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, added 3 tadpoles to each tank and exposed them to a range of Roundup concentrations over a 3 week period. The cages also contained large predators, which naturally cause changes in tadpole morphology. These natural changes include a larger tail, due to chemical emissions.

While it wasn’t surprising to see morphological changes take part due to the naturally emitted chemicals from predators, it was rather shocking to find out that Roundup had the same effects — causing the tails of the tadpoles to grow in size.

What’s more, the combination of the naturally emitted chemicals and Roundup caused the tadpoles’ tails to grow twice as large.


DevilsHole 150x150 Amazing video of Devil’s Hole seiche rocked by earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico

2012: Amazing video of Devil’s Hole seiche rocked by earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico

Watch never-captured footage of a seismic wave rocking the whole pool at Nevada’s famed Devils Hole.
A fortunate National Park Service biologist and a Scientific American reporter were standing at a deep natural pool in Death Valley when it began to be dramatically rocked by the underground tsunami, resulted from seismic waves emanating from a 7.4-magnitude earthquake, 12 miles deep, near the Mexican state of Oaxaca, 2,000 miles distant. Violent oscillations decimated the small breeding area of the endangered species of pupfish that live nowhere else on earth but in these hot water.

全球食品業逐漸將 BPA 從包裝移除

為了順應消費趨勢及新的政府規範,主要食品業者開始宣佈去除產品包裝中干擾荷爾蒙的化學物質 BPA (酚甲烷、雙酚 A) 的計畫。
美國有九成的人檢測出體內含有 BPA,這種化學物質已經陸續被指出和癌症、心臟病、不孕症、性無能及甚至精神發育遲緩有關,從手機殼、運動用品到商店收據都可以發現它的蹤跡,最令人擔心的是嬰兒奶瓶、水瓶及食品包裝也都含有這種成分。
BPA 等塑化劑是用來製造安全帽、牙齒填充物、鏡片及食品包裝等各種用品的塑料成分,研究已經顯示這種成分會干擾內分泌並影響免疫系統及抵抗疾病的能力,同時阻擾人體荷爾蒙的自然訊號。
在最近的調查中詢問了 26 家主要食品業者對於這種化學成分採取的政策,幾乎一半的業者表示計畫從產品中移除 (去年只有 23% 的業者這樣表示)。由於尋找替代方案需要時間,不含 BPA 的產品並不會馬上遍佈市面;但是政府監管機構規範 BPA 的意圖逐漸增溫,業者看來應該儘速採取行動。
目前,加拿大已經將 BPA 列為有毒化學物質,美國許多州政府也已經禁止嬰兒用品使用這種成分。雖然歐洲食品安全局表示它是安全的,許多歐洲國家依然禁用。


(有片)遠古外星人: 達文西的陰謀論

da vinci code 150x150 Ancient Aliens   The Da Vinci ConspiracyAncient Aliens – The Da Vinci Conspiracy

Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519), was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.
Leonardo da Vinci is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.
His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote.
However, that while there is much speculation about Leonardo, his vision of the world is essentially logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unusual for his time.
Leonardo da Vinci’s masterful paintings and sketches are examined in search of a possible connection to alien technology.



2012: First ‘Alien Earth’ May Be Found by 2014
The first true “alien Earth” will likely be discovered in the next two years, a NASA scientist says.
Astronomers have found more than 750 alien planets to date, and NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has flagged 2,300 additional “candidates” awaiting confirmation by follow-up studies. This haul has not yet included an Earth-like exoplanet — one that’s the size of our planet and orbits at the right distance from its star to support liquid water and, possibly, life as we know it.
But that could change soon, according to Shawn Domagal-Goldman, a researcher at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. who specializes in exoplanet biology.
“I believe Kepler will find a ‘Goldilocks planet’ within the next two years,” Domagal-Goldman said in a statement. “We’ll be able to point at a specific star in the night sky and say ‘There it is — a planet that could support life!’” [Video: How to Find Earth's Alien Twin]

Studying a ‘Goldilocks planet’

Some NASA officials appear to share Domagal-Goldman’s optimism, for the agency is already looking into ways to study alien Earths once they’re found.
It’s difficult to investigate such worlds directly, since faraway Earth-size planets are small and faint, their dim light almost completely drowned out by the bright glare of their parent stars. But researchers are confident that an indirect approach, called transit spectroscopy, can reveal a lot about Goldilocks worlds.


HAARP1 Something Weird on Google Earth   HAARP Facility in China?
What’s going on in China? New HAARP Facility?

Those of us familiar with “dark technology” like HAARP are used to seeing football size antennae farms with hundreds of towers and aluminum dipoles. But that’s an era of the past. Today, fractal antenna systems are the cutting edge of radiant communication systems. And this brings us to HAARP – or I should say, “ionosphere heaters” like HAARP.

Something weird, yet familiar, can be found at  N 43 04 51.75, E 92 48 26.85

At first we thought this site was a runway. Perhaps it was designed to look that way, but some professional pilots who reviewed these photos noticed several oddities that would appear to discourage that assumption. There are no approach lights, no traces of wheels striking the runway — and the runway itself is far too small with many obstructions (like the huge saucer shaped thing) to allow all but a light drone to land here… No, it’s not a runway. But then, what is it?

Then there are those weird shapes on the “arms” of the structure. They are oddly symmetrical, like new antennae designs.
The surrounding area reveals no power sources for the complex, but there is reason enough to believe that the works are hidden underground. The nearest village is called “Jiefang” (Liberation) “Kan’erjing” (underground caverns).


UFO activity filmed over Dallas, Texas 3-Apr-2012

UFO videos - This footage of strange lights in the sky was recorded in Dallas, Texas on Tuesday, 3rd April 2012.

NLE 2012年:這年的結果會是一個假的網絡攻擊嗎?

NLE 2012: Will This Years Drill Go Live and Result in a False Flag Cyber Attack?

Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas
The Intelhub
The summer of 2012 is fast approaching. As it inches closer, we will start to see a major increase in US and foreign troop movements as well as military equipment movements throughout the CONUS (Continental United States).
While many of the upcoming sightings may well be normal operations as the military does like to do training in the summer, the fact is that parts of our own military, along with foreign and UN troops, are actively planning to take on the American people.
National Level Exercise drills have been in effect for years now and have been covered by many alternative news sources, including The Intel Hub through our yearly Operation Overwatch which we use to gain intel and tips from the public in order to relay them to our readers.
Over the years many people have worried about the numerous National Level Preparedness drills and, in most cases, for good reason.
In 2011, the NLE focused around an earthquake on the New Madrid Fault Zone and the year before resulted in 70 thousand people being evacuated from a Texas city after a fertilizer fire.
Interestingly enough, this years FEMA national preparedness drill is focusing on the threat of a major cyber attack on America’s infrastructure.
The last year has seen dozens of cyber attacks on government websites as well as government propagandists pushing the fear of a cyber attack on the populace. Now we have the Department of Homeland Security making cyber security the main component of their annual preparedness drill.

陰謀論: 美國軍事部門DARPA尋求更逼真的人形機械人來應付即將到來的大挑戰

DARPA seeks more lifelike humanoid robots in upcoming Grand Challenge

Madison Ruppert, Contributor
Activist Post

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is now looking for more lifelike humanoid robots to add to the military’s arsenal, which already has some quite creepy devices in the work including the SAFFiR robot, the jumping “sand flea” robot and an unbelievably fast legged robot.

DARPA’s next contest will task robotics specialists around the globe with the behemoth challenge of creating robots capable of navigating their surroundings and even handle tools with skills and dexterity near that of a human. One must expect that DARPA will have high standards this year given the recent leaps forward the military has made when it comes to robotics.


「靜到癲」密室 極限捱45分鐘 99.99%靜音 待久令人生幻覺




研發人奧菲爾德(Steven Orfield)表示:「我們邀請挑戰者坐在黑暗的密室中……當一切寂靜一片時,耳朵會適應環境,當周遭環境愈靜,你能聽到的愈多。你會聽到自己的心跳, 有時你還能聽到肺部的起伏和胃部的響聲。在密室中,你是一切聲響的來源。」奧菲爾德稱,這是一個很迷失的經驗,使人倉皇失措,必須坐下才能捱過。

This morning, we're talking about noise pollution and the negative health affects it can cause. In Minneapolis' Seward neighborhood, you can find the world's quietest room.
The room, which holds the Guinness World Record designation, is located in the Orfield Laboratories. The recording studios where "Funkytown" and Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" were recorded are also in this building.
The world's quietest room is called an anechoic chamber, which means there is no echo as it absorbs sound. Sound doesn't bounce off the walls the way it does in a regular room.
A typical quiet room you sleep in at night measures about 30 decibels. A normal conversation is about 60 decibels. This room has been measured at -9 decibels.
Orfield Labs uses the room to test products, including switches that go on car dashboards and the sound an LED display makes on a cell phone to make sure they're not too loud.
To get into the anechoic chamber, you go through two bank vault-like doors. The floor in the room is mesh like a trampoline so there's nothing on the floor for the sound to bounce off of. The walls are lined with sound-proofing wedges that are a meter long so they absorb the sound.
"When you sit in any rooms a person normally sits in, you hear the sound and all its reflections," said Steven Orfield, president of Orfield Labs. "When you go into an anechoic chamber, there are zero reflections. So if you listen to me talk and hear my voice, you're hearing my voice exactly. And if I turn around and talk, the only thing you'll hear is the sound bending around my head."

人工病毒: 三病毒齊發惡 流感再奪7命





上周死亡個案 最年輕僅44歲




RSV病毒檢測 較上月初增44%





Texas Tornado Outbreak Illustrates HAARP Signatures

Nicholas West
Activist Post

It is indisputable that weather weapons have been considered as a means for agricultural and societal control.  Elite grand master, Zbigniew Brzezinski, stated in his book Between Two Ages (1970) that "Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." (Source)  Moreover, it is a stated military goal to "Own the Weather by 2025."

This HAARP facility and its substations scattered throughout the U.S. have been tracked by intrepid weather researcher Dutchsinse who has made some startlingly accurate predictions based on the tell-tale radar flares of these facilities, already linked to earthquakes in the area of the New Madrid seismic zone.

Beyond earthquakes, however, there is an increasing body of evidence to suggest that the injection of frequencies into storm systems can prolong, or intensify their output. The massive system that moved through the Dallas area yesterday seems to bear the signatures of a similar frequency injection that Dutchsinse has used to predict previous tornado outbreaks.  The patterns show up as HAARP rings (circle sweeps) or scalar squares (square waves) which are pinpointed below.

Incidentally, I have two friends who live in the Dallas area and they observed very different cloud behavior than previous tornadic systems. Whether or not HAARP is to blame in this instance, the manipulation of earth's ionosphere should not go without further open-minded study.


If We Discover Aliens, What’s Our Protocol for Making Contact?

Natalie Wolchover
It is conceivable that humans could someday discover aliens. We scour the cosmos looking for their radio signals, and though we’re not capable of interstellar space travel, it is remotely possible that we could find what we’re looking for right here in our solar system.
Life could theoretically exist on Mars, or on Europa, a moon of Jupiter, which appears to have an underground ocean. It’s even possible (though highly unlikely) that these nearby life forms could be sentient. “It is consistent with current human exploration of the solar system that intelligent beings could have evolved in the deep oceans of Europa,” said Jacob Haqq-Misra, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University.
Another possibility, Haqq-Misra said, is that “intelligent extraterrestrial beings have traveled from a distant star system and taken up residence in the solar system. They might be living in an underground base on Mars or the moon, or they could be residing in the asteroid belt (or any number of other plausible, albeit unlikely, options).”


Two fast UFOs caught on tape over Melbourne, Australia 2-Apr-2012

UFO sightings - These two fastwalkers were recorded flying across the sky above Melbourne, the capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria on 2nd April 2012.


HAARP陰謀論: 日本同時被暴風兩及暴風雪襲擊




日本暴風雪吹至北海道 有旅遊巴翻側23傷


中國滅亡: 美大使稱美軍駐扎澳洲維護亞太和平

首批約二百名美國海軍陸戰隊隊員,由夏威 夷開抵澳洲北部達爾文港駐扎,開始執行軍事任務。美國駐澳洲大使布里奇表示,亞太區是全球最具活力,及經濟增長最快的地區,美方要維護區內和平、繁榮及穩 定,美國總統奧巴馬去年十一月訪問澳洲,雙方達成協議,美軍將輪駐達爾文港,到二零一七年駐軍規模將達到二千五百人,分析認為,美軍進駐達爾文,更便利支 援盟友,在南海抗衡中國。

軍事: 日本將愛國者導彈運抵沖繩那霸及宮古島





爭建最強望遠鏡 南非澳洲爆罵戰

【明報專訊】由中國、英國、加拿大、德國、意大利、荷蘭、南非及澳洲組成的國際財團,今天將會宣布全球歷來最強的天文 望遠鏡「花落誰家」,選址現時只剩下最後兩強的南非及澳洲,但兩國為爭奪望遠鏡落戶而展開罵戰,澳洲指在南非這個罪案率甚高的國家興建昂貴望遠鏡有保安問 題,而南非則指澳洲大搞抹黑及泄露遴選機密。
計劃興建的望遠鏡稱為「平方公里陣列」(Square Kilometer Array,SKA),完工後將會是全球最強的射電望遠鏡(radio telescope),較目前最強射電望遠鏡的敏感度高50倍、反應快1000倍,整個計劃涉資高達20億歐元(約200億港元),預計2016年興建、 2021年完工,可以觀測到50光年外星體上的無線電波信號。出資興建望遠鏡的財團稱,望遠鏡將會讓天文學家對大爆炸後星體形成有更多的理解。

涉資200億 中國有份參建
「平 方公里陣列」計劃早在1993年開始提出,由3000座碟型天線組成,以螺旋形排列,而天線碟的面積加起來多達1平方公里,故名為「平方公里陣列」。射電 天文望遠鏡的運作模式與一般光學望遠鏡不同,是透過接收外太空無線電波段輻射後,透過超級電腦分析資料構成影像。望遠鏡的口徑愈大,解像度則愈高。中國及 阿根廷亦曾參與競逐興建「平方公里陣列」,但最終因地理位置及電離層問題而落選,最終只剩下南非及澳洲兩強。
由於成功爭取建造望遠鏡可為當 地帶來經濟及天文科技帶來好處,兩國均力指對方不是建造望遠鏡的好選擇。澳洲指出,南非罪案率高企,但望遠鏡的造價不菲,若在治安欠佳的南非興建昂貴望遠 鏡,需要擔心望遠鏡的安全。澳洲的傳媒亦指遴選委員會傾向以南非作為選址,並不是因為南非的天文科技較澳洲好,而只是希望協助帶起非洲的經濟。
澳批治安差 南非斥抹黑

軍事: 日英擬共同開發國防裝備




house rock 254x300 Alien Ship Allegedly Found by Apollo 16 AstronautsAlien Ship Allegedly Found by Apollo 16 Astronauts

Moon explorations have been carried out not only by the U.S. and Russia but also countries from Asia including Japan, China and India. Even the European Space Agency has also sent robotic spacecraft to the moon.
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) of NASA is most likely the most productive among all moon explorations as it already gathered almost a million pictures on the surface of the moon that are so vivid, even a coffee table can be seen in the midst of boulders.
Citizen science program has been encouraged by physicist and astrobiologist Paul Davies to examine closely these public-accessible photos of LRO to locate any artifacts that are extraterrestrial in origin.
However, parapsychology followers believe that NASA has been hiding evidence of aliens discovered on the surface of the moon. They say mind-travelers, who use a psychic technique known as remote viewing to travel other planets, have seen alien-looking things on the lunar surface.
The popularity of remote viewing started when U.S. government supported different parapsychology studies in 1970s and lasted until 1990s. After the funding was ended, an executive summary concluded that the psychic technique test results were “vague and ambiguous.”


Press Tv
A US Marine Corps veteran and author asserts that Israel masterminded the 9/11 attacks, saying if Americans were informed of this, they would exterminate the Zionist regime.
“I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period,” Alan Sabrosky, writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs, said in a clip appearing on the public video-sharing website You Tube.
Sabrosky said his colleagues who are still serving in uniform initially react with incredulity to his assertions but upon his explanations regarding the controlled demolition of the buildings their disbelief gives way to rage.
“First is disbelief, and what I show them immediately afterwards is an interview with a Danish demolitions expert named Danny Jowenko, and it shows the third building at the World Trade Center going down – WTC7.”
“The thing that’s necessary is to tell people: three buildings went down; the third was not hit by a plane, it was wired for controlled demolition, therefore, all of them were wired for controlled demolition. And at that point the reaction is rage. First disbelief, and then rage,” he added.
Sabrosky said if the Americans were apprised of the truth behind the attacks, they would not hesitate to eliminate Israel without any consideration for the costs involved.
“If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth,” he said.

報告: 俄羅斯驅逐艦駛向敘利亞港口

Russian destroyer heads for Syrian port: Report

A Russian navy destroyer has set out on a planned mission to the Syrian port of Tartus, where it will arrive in a few days, reports say.
According to Russian military officials the warship left its Black Sea base of Sevastopol for the Mediterranean during the weekend and will soon arrive at Syria’s second largest port of Tartus.
Navy officials said that the ship would receive fresh supplies of food and water before carrying out planned exercises maneuvers near the Syrian coast.

“This will be a purely technical port call that is conducted by almost all Russian navy ships conducting exercises in the Mediterranean,” Interfax news agency quoted a senior source in the Russian navy as saying.
The team on board the destroyer will not be leaving the ship while it is docked, the source added.
The Port of Tartus that lies on Syria’s western shores is the only base used by Russia in the Mediterranean Sea.


Euro zone unemployment reaches near 15-year high

(Reuters) – Unemployment in the euro zone reached its highest level in almost 15 years in February, with more than 17 million people out of work, and economists said they expected job office queues to grow even longer later this year.

Joblessness in the 17-nation currency zone rose to 10.8 percent – in line with a Reuters poll of economists – and 0.1 points worse than in January, Eurostat said on Monday.

Economists are divided over the wisdom of European governments’ drive to bring down fiscal deficits so aggressively as economic troubles hit tax revenues, consumers’ spending power and business confidence which collapsed late last year.

February’s unemployment level – last hit in June 1997 – marked the 10th straight monthly rise and contrasts sharply with the United States where the economy has been adding jobs since late last year.

“We expect it to go higher, to reach 11 percent by the end of the year,” said Raphael Brun-Aguerre, an economist at JP Morgan in London. “You have public sector job cuts, income going down, weak consumption. The economic growth outlook is negative and is going to worsen unemployment.”

Separate data released on Monday showed manufacturing activity in the euro zone shrank for an eighth successive month in March, providing further evidence for Brussels’ forecast that euro zone output will shrink 0.3 percent this year.

The European Commission, which along with Berlin is a driving force behind the EU’s debt reduction strategy, said joblessness showed countries must enact difficult reforms.

新世界秩序: 基因與人類的將來

Genetics and Humanity's Future

Our ability to create an educated, informed, responsible citizenry will determine whether our collective future is bright or a nightmarish dystopia.

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer

Imagine a human cell is like a car -- a piece of machinery serving a particular task. Imagine the cell's genetic instructions like a driver. The machine's potential is determine as much by its engineering and design as it is by its operator. The same could be said about a human cell and the instructions carried within its DNA.

Our genetic code is what makes us who we are -- it determines predispositions that may help or hinder us throughout our lives. And while our ability to reason and invent can help us overcome many of our genetic predispositions, there are many that cannot currently be overcome -- or require costly, inadequate solutions to do so.

One such genetic predisposition is hemophilia - a genetic condition that prevents the blood from properly clotting. Such a condition can allow an otherwise minor injury to become potentially life threatening -- as no matter how long one waits with hemophilia, they continue to bleed. A series of pharmaceutical treatments have been developed to manage the symptoms of hemophilia and preserve the lives of those with the condition, but until now, little progress has been made in addressing the cause -- a fault found within one's genetic code.

Just as changing or training a deficient driver can exponentially improve the performance of a car, tweaking the genetic code can likewise improve the performance of one's cells and in turn one's collective physiology. An example of this being done today comes to us from University College London and St Jude Children's Research Hospital who have been doing revolutionary work toward curing hemophilia.

The method of "training the driver" in this case comes in the form of identifying the part of genetic code responsible for causing hemophilia and replacing it. A virus is used -- replacing its genetic material with a corrected form of human code -- to deliver the correction to targeted cells from the patient. When a cell reproduces, human DNA replicates in a process comparable to copying a document - whatever exists in the corrected DNA code is perpetuated with each and every new copy made during cell division.

Image: One method of gene therapy - taking human cells, "editing" them genetically, and reinserting them into the human body where they will replicate and carry out their newly designed functions. (Microsoft Encarta Online Concise Encyclopedia)


陰謀論: 電磁重力推進系統(Electrogravitics) -簡單描述

Electrogravitics – A Simplified Description

Amaterasu Solar

Electrogravitics. This technology was being developed and tested in all major aerospace companies in the 1950s.  Martin, Convair, Lear, Sperry, Raytheon, and many others all were eagerly studying electrogravitics.  But in 1959 or early 1960, the technology became highly classified and the path to energy abundance was stymied.  Here is a basic description of electrogravitics:

First, One has to understand that the model offered by Einstein is flawed . . . there are other models.

The model, which I say is a far better one than relativity, is subquantum kinetics (SQK). Its developer, Dr. Paul A. LaViolette (an interesting character, to say the least), started with chemical kinetics (as above, so below?) and came up with SQK after becoming very concerned by its gravitational predictions. He had not heard of the Biefeld-Brown Effect, nor the work of T. Townsend Brown. He struggled with these predictions until he encountered Brown's work, discovering that SQK predicted exactly what Brown was showing experimentally.

Why is SQK better than relativity?

It takes no element on faith: Einstein's relativity is based on the faith that matter somehow "bends" space-time. Nowhere does he explain (or even try to) how or why this might be. One just has to take it on faith.

It explains things without the need for "renormalization;" relativity ends in infinities without this mathematical fudge. 

It integrates EM with gravity. Einstein himself died still trying to do so.

新世界秩序: 了解奴隸心態

Understanding The Slave Mentality

Brandon Smith, Contributor

In the initial stages of nearly every recorded tyranny, the saucer-eyed dumbstruck masses exhibit astonishing and masterful skill when denying reality. The facts behind their dire circumstances and of their antagonistic government become a source of cynical psychological gameplay rather than a source of legitimate concern.

Their desperate need to maintain their normalcy bias creates a memory and observation vacuum in which all that runs counter to their false assumptions and preconceptions disappears forever. It is as if they truly cannot see the color of the sky, or the boot on their face. The concrete world of truth becomes a dream, an illusion that can be heeded or completely ignored depending on one’s mood. For them, life is a constant struggle of dissociation, where the tangible is not welcome….

This is the problem that we in the Liberty Movement deal with most often in our writings and films. Our confrontation with willful ignorance has been epic, even by far reaching historical standards. The gains in social awareness have been substantial, and yet the obstacles are incredible. Unprecedented. As an activist trend, we have an almost obsessive drive to draw back the curtain so that the public has at least the opportunity to see what is on the other side. Unfortunately, there is another danger that must be taken into account….

It is one thing to bear witness to the rejection of truth in our time and the oblivious attitudes of many towards the growth of totalitarianism. Eventually, though, a second phase in the development of oligarchy arises. I am speaking of the point at which tyranny becomes so blatant that the skeptics have to acknowledge its existence, but after doing so, they choose to rationalize it as necessary. Yes, there are many in this world that will laugh at the prospect of the Orwellian nightmare only to happily embrace it when it arrives in full color.


Possible UFO sighting filmed in Hong Kong, China 1-Apr-2012

Latest UFO sightings - This interesting UFO activity was allegedly caught in tape in Hong Kong, China on Sunday, 1st April 2012.

What do you think of this footage? Real of fake? Please leave your comments below!

2012: 新西蘭的UFO燃燒起來

UFO burns up over New Zealand 2012

Reports have come in of a bright light seen moving over the sky in Wellington and Christchurch.

WeatherWatch says it has been inundated with reports of a spectacular meteor over central New Zealand this evening.

Eyewitnesses from Wellington and Christchurch are talking of a fireball that rushed across the sky leaving a large trail behind it.


UFOs seen and recorded over Burbank, Washington 24-Mar-2012

Just before midnight on March 24, Mike Klug saw what he described as an orb with a bright light inside of it. "It looked like a glass ball with an arc welder's light inside of it," said Klug, who grew up in Pasco and has lived in Burbank for 26 years. Klug described it as being no more than 500 feet off the ground and moving at 15 mph east toward Walla Walla.

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America is Freemasonry’s “New Atlantis”

The United States of America has never been a country in its own right. It was established by British Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of ‘freedom for the people.’

By John Hamer

Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis as an ideal society destroyed in some unknown cataclysmic event, thousands of years previously.

This event may have been a gigantic tsunami, an earthquake or the result of massive volcanic activity, but the real reason for its sudden demise is not known.

Ever since Plato’s description of this ‘utopian’ world became widely known, the elites have attempted to recreate it in all its glory.

In the early 17th century, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote his classic work ‘The New Atlantis’, citing America as the ideal location for the fulfilment of the long-held dreams of the Rosicrucians and the other forerunners of Freemasonry.

Bacon was the leader of the Rosicrucian movement and the fledgling organisation that would become the Freemasonry. The Rosicrucians and Freemasons arrived in America in their great numbers during the mass migrations of the first half of the seventeenth century.

Freemasons practised their art in much the same way as in Europe, embedding their secret designs in both individual buildings and indeed, entire cities and wider areas. For example, the original American major cities, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston are all in perfect alignment along a 400 mile line, in effect connecting them together along the eastern seaboard of the US. This line, if continued eastwards also aligns perfectly with Stonehenge and then London. Can this be a coincidence?

Despite what you may believe, the American Revolution was conceived and perpetrated by Freemasonry to further the financial interests of the North American Elite and create an impression of independence from British money interests and the ‘Crown.’ It was not, as we are told, the product of a popular uprising against British tyranny. Indeed most ‘ordinary’ Americans were of British ancestry, and were fiercely loyal to King George III.

Benjamin Franklin, the American ‘hero’ was in reality an agent of British intelligence working towards the goal of transition of the American colonies from overt to covert control in a microcosm of what was taking place on a worldwide basis as openly monarchies were replaced by a manufactured ‘democracy’ to create the false impression of ‘government by the people, for the people’.

According to official history, the spark that ignited the conflict was when a band of men dressed as Mohawk Indians dumped all the tea from the British clipper, Dartmouth into Boston harbor. In reality, the ‘Indians’ were members of the St. Andrew’s Freemasonic lodge in Boston, led by their junior warden, Paul Revere. The easy access to the ship was facilitated with ‘insider’ help from the colonial militia detailed to guard the waterfront at Boston harbour. The Captain of this militia was a certain Edward Proctor who was a senior member of the St. Andrew’s Lodge. Another lodge member also happened to be John Hancock, the first signatory of the Declaration of Independence and whose name has become synonymous with ‘signature’ as a result.


Pyramids of Glass Submerged in the Bermuda Triangle (video)

BeforeItsNews | These strange underwater pyramid structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day Japan have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive – each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

Recently American and French scientists as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that have never been known. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above sea level. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.
When talking about size, this newly re-discovered pyramid is larger in scale than the pyramids of ancient Egypt. On top of the pyramid there are two very large holes, sea water at high speed move through the second hole, and therefore the raging waves roll by forming a giant vortex that makes the waters around this cause a massive surge waves and mist on the sea surface. This new discovery makes scientists wonder if this is having an affect on passing boats and planes and could be the reason for all the mystery surrounding the area.

普京准研發 「喪屍槍」控人腦

普京准研發 「喪屍槍」控人腦

英國《每日郵報》引述莫斯科消息人士指稱,普京曾經形容「喪屍槍」的威力足以媲美核武,但它在政治及軍事意識形態更易被接受。防長謝爾久科夫上周也曾經悄 悄地公布有關開發新武器的計劃,指使用微波的武器會是俄羅斯新開發項目的其中一環。過往有研究指,高量低頻微波可影響人類腦細胞,甚至從外部向人的意識灌 輸指令。


斐濟嚴重水災 籲遊客暫避
