by Andy Lloyd October 2001 - December 2003
I have been investigating the symbols used by secret societies and mystery cults to try and establish the existence of a hidden seam of golden knowledge about the Dark Star.
My premise is that these symbols are very ancient, and have survived the ravages of persecutions down the years, as monotheism and dogmatic religious authorities have attempted to stamp out the old teachings. We now live in more enlightened times (one would hope), and the secret esoteric symbols have been gradually emerging from their shells.
However, the guardians of these teachings have really no better idea of what they mean than any of the rest of us. The esotericists have interpreted these symbols, it is true, but these interpretations are more a reflection of their modern spiritual values than those of the ancients themselves. Many might disagree with this view, but I start with this as my initial premise.
In DarkStar19 I began an examination of Alchemy and showed how a standard astrological interpretation of this esoteric school of thought leaves a lot to be desired.

I will soon release alchemical images that show clearly the role of Nibiru as the Messianic Star, or the Dark Sun.
On this page I will show more of the alchemical images (1), but with the onus upon Freemasonry, another secret society that appears to hold promise for this research. This 16th Century image (right), for instance, seems to show a red fiery globe, among a field of 7 stars (its moons?), between the Sun and Luna (2).
Clutching this globe, the alchemist appears to be moving onto solid ground, perhaps even moving between planets...Note how the coronal discharge of the red orb is swept back from the Sun, as one would expect when the brown dwarf's coronal discharge interacts with the Solar Wind.
This is the origin of the appearance of the Winged Disc during Nibiru's perihelion passage.
The Blazing Star
The Freemasons have a tremendous interest in a 'Blazing Star' that is said to represent Sothis, or Sirius.
They have this Star motif placed in prominent places in their Temples, or Lodges. Many of their rituals are derived from Isian rites, and ancient Egyptian symbols feature strongly in the Craft, even though many of their degrees are actually Mosaic, or sometimes Christian, in character.
There is emphasis placed upon the appearance of a bright light in the darkness, derived from the 'Black Rite', described by Isis in 'The Virgin of the World'. This celestial entity known as the 'Night' "weaves her web with rapid light though it be less than Sun's" (3).

Combine this with the Freemason's worship of the Divine Being as represented by a 'bright, shining light in the East' that breaks through the darkness of the Lodge, and one can begin to piece together a common strand. Although connected with Sirius, this light is an altogether different entity.
The alchemical image shown here contains Masonic symbols (4).

Combine this with the Freemason's worship of the Divine Being as represented by a 'bright, shining light in the East' that breaks through the darkness of the Lodge, and one can begin to piece together a common strand. Although connected with Sirius, this light is an altogether different entity.
The alchemical image shown here contains Masonic symbols (4).
The five visible planets and the Sun and Luna make up the standard set of planetary symbols, but the rebus is stood upon the alchemical dragon, Azoth, who breathes fire.
He, in turn, lies upon a Winged Disc that is evidently neither the Sun nor Mercury.
Geometrical workings are at play within the disc, in keeping with the other Masonic symbols, and the numbers 4 and 3 appear to hint at that magic number 7 again...
The Equilateral Triangle

Matthew Scanlan has described the Triangular Lodge of Rushton in Northamptonshire and links much of the symbolism used within its architecture to alchemy (5).
(I am particularly impressed by a motif of the 'seven eyes of God within a hexagon (sic)' on the building).
The Equilateral Triangle is one of the oldest of the sacred symbols, according to James Churchward, and represents the Trinity or the Triune Godhead:
"Whenever or wherever this symbol is found, in any form of record or inscription, it is either in reference to, or represents, the ancient Trinity and Heaven... The Truine Godhead of the Egyptians consisted of "Shu, Set and Horus" (6).

We are also treated to a red burning orb and seven raindrops (Water and Fire, or seven moons and the brown dwarf Nibiru?)
So the Freemasons have inherited a very ancient series of symbols, and Alchemy demonstrates that this Masonic equilateral triangle has some sort of celestial significance.
So the Freemasons have inherited a very ancient series of symbols, and Alchemy demonstrates that this Masonic equilateral triangle has some sort of celestial significance.
It is often shown with an enclosed eye, the 'all-seeing eye of Osiris' according to Churchward, who notes that this combined symbol was often seen "in ancient Catholic churches, over the main altar" (6).
Americans will be very well acquainted with this symbol, as it is part of the Masonic imagery shown on their One Dollar bills.