Imprint of a shoe sole embedded in one billion year old solid granite
Footprints through time
The probability of time travel existing is high, and once time travel is achieved then it exists throughout time.
Knowing that traveling through time is possible and that the universe is already billions of years old, it's conceivable that some other civilization has already manipulated time and perhaps even found ways to travel though it. It's even quite possible that humans someday create ways to travel backwards and forwards in time. If that's true, then time travel already exists.
Inconvenient artifacts
Impossible artifacts litter many of the abandoned, forgotten basements of the world's greatest natural history museums. In the dim, dusty corners—stuck away with the other embarrassments of archaelogy—lie some of the keys to the greatest mysteries of Mankind.
Strange and unlikely artifacts found, studied and discarded are more common than most people know. Thousands of things have been discovered that argue against the natural order that scientists have deemed as the official record of the rise of humanity.

2.8 billion year old machined sphere
Among the artifacts gaped at by amazed scientists and museum curators are aluminum alloy screws dated as being 100 million years old. More amazing yet are the thousands of machine engraved, manufactured spheres found in South Africa. The artifacts are estimated to have been made 2.8 billion years ago. And the incredible list goes on and on and on...Author and researcher Michael Cremo has written several books cataloging anomalous discoveries and documenting them with eyewitness accounts, original newspaper articles and unaltered photographs. Many of the "impossible" artifacts discovered over the past 200 years still exist: they are gathering dust in the basements of some of the world's most prestigious natural history museums!
Lost super-civilizations, ancient astronauts...or time travelers?
What is one to make of a machined screw found embedded in a lump of coal estimated to be 60 million years old? How did the screw get there? Who dropped it in a swamp bed that became a coal bed tens of millions of years later?
There can only be three possible answers:
Non-humans visiting the planet accidentally dropped it, or,
The science of the history and origins of Mankind is completely wrong and the human race existed many tens or hundreds of millions of years ago and had very advanced societies that all collapsed into barbarism, or,
Time travelers from the future surveying the prehistoric past accidentally lost a screw. Sixty million years later coal miners discovered it.
One could make an argument that the discovery of the screw was an elaborate hoax, yet that would fly in the face of the actual documented facts. And the screw is not the only anomalous object discovered in "impossible" places. Bells, jewelry, machined alloys, remnants of unknown languages dug up in rock quarries, these and other artifacts have been tripped over by workmen, miners and excavators for hundreds of years.
With so many artifacts, fossils and discoveries made that are obviously out of place with the time line accepted by orthodox science, the objects lend credence to the hypothesis that the existence of these objects is due to time travelers that unintentionally left traces of their passage.
Time travelers win out simply by the process of elimination. The footprints that span the eons are all definitely human, especially the barefoot prints. Virtually all exo-biologists agree that real visitors from the stars will be truly alien in physical characteristics and appearance. Therefore, although some may be humanoid and bi-pedal, it is against all odds that ancient astronauts exploring the Earth millions of years ago would have left human-like traces behind.
As for the idea that super-civilizations account for the ancient artifacts? Well, while it's true that evidence exists—both physical and written—that one or more truly advanced human civilizations may have preceded ours, those civilizations would have existed 25,000 to 100,000 years ago. No human civilization could have existed several millions or several tens of millions of years ago. None certainly existed 260 million years ago.
The bootprints, sandal prints and barefoot prints can only be accounted for by members of time expeditions exploring the far reaches of the distant past.

Time traveler's shoe print left in solid granite
Beyond impossible artifacts, the best evidence for the existence of time travel and time travelers are the human footprints left behind--from a time when almost everyone can agree no humans could have existed naturally.
James Snyder lives at the base of a mountain in the Cleveland National Forest. Snyder lived a relatively uneventful life until, in 2002, he discovered a fossilized footprint on the mountain above his property. The print had been embeded in the granite, rock estimated to be about one billion years old.
"I go out of my way to make a slip trail where nobody else has been and I was actually looking for gold," Snyder explained about his accidental discovery of the time traveler's shoe print.

Human tracks next to dinosaur tracks
Other ancient tracks left behind by other time travelersH.W. Harkness, M.D, is quoted by the Proceedings of the California Academy of Science from August 1882. The proceedings describe Harkness's discovery and mentions that he found six sets of human tracks, each with from one to 17 footprints of apparently shoe-soled feet.
The tracks were apparently made by more than one person. Over the years many experienced trackers noted the fossilized tracks. All agreed the footprints were mande by humans.
The stride was close to that of a normal-sized man, approximately two feet--sometimes as much as three feet.
The professor believed the tracks were made during the Pliocene period. He estimated the date to be as far back as 1.8 million years.
Dr. Harkness remarked, "If the impressions were those of any unshod animal, be it mammalian, biped, quadruped, or bird, they might differ in size, but would all be of the same pattern, which is not the case. Such a difference in shape becomes, however, quite intelligible if we suppose the footprints [were] made by men."
"Discovery of footprints in sandstone, so human in appearance that they might have been made by one of the earliest ancestors of man, was announced here today by Dr. Wilbur G. Burroughs, head of the Department of Geology at Berea College.
'The tracks, ten in all,' Dr. Burroughs said, 'are about 150 feet above the bottom of the Pottsville formation of the upper carboniferous system.'
"The Upper Carboniferous—or Pennsylvanian—spanned from 310 to 290 million years ago, the beginning of the Permian Period."
One paleontologist described a print found in Triassic rock. It appeared to be the fossilized leather sole of a shoe, about size 13, which showed a double line of sewed stitches, one line close to the outside edge and the other parallel at a distance of about a third of an inch. The edges of the sole were rounded off smoothly as if cut, and the right side of the heel seems to be more worn than the left [Victoria Institute, 1948]
The State Geologist of Kentucky performed extensive tests on footprints found near Berea. The prints were discovered when the overburden from a sandstone formation was removed in logging operations about 1930. One series of prints found included some arranged in a normal walking stride. Microscopic studies showed that the grain counts were greater in the soles than in the adjacent sandstone, showing greater compression within the print areas.
A shoeprint was discovered in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Pershing County, Nevada. The imprint of the sole is so clear that traces of sewed thread are visible. The age of the coal is estimated to be more than 15,000,000 years.

A barefoot, human footprint: 290 million years old
New Mexico footprints 290 million years oldPaleontologist Jerry MacDonald found a wide variety of fossilized tracks in 1987. The ancient tracks were made by a variety of animals and birds, located in a Permian strata.
Among the various fossilized tracks MacDonald discovered undeniable prints of a naked human foot impossibly located in the Permian strata.
The Permian strata dates from 290 to 248 million years ago—many millions of years before animals, birds, dinosaurs, and man existed.
In July 1992, the Smithsonian Magazine ran an article on MacDonald's tracks, "Petrified Footprints: A Puzzling Parade of Permian Beasts."
Smithsonian admitted the mystery and acknowledged "what paleontologists like to call, 'problematica.'" It described what appeared to be human footprints. Humans "evolved long after the Permian period, yet these tracks are clearly Permian."
Does time travel really exist?
The probability of time travel existing is unknown; the possibilities are endless. As has been pointed out, if time travel is ever accomplished then it exists throughout time.
We are a young race orbiting a third generation star on the outskirts of our galaxy. To declare that time travel is impossible—or that almost anything is impossible—would be shutting the doors on reason and imagination. It would also be the height of arrogance.
In a sense we are all already time travelers, like flotsam drifting with the current of a river. When we learn how to swim upstream and downstream then we will have the answer to the question.
And perhaps someday it will be our children's children that steps into the past of 260 million years ago and leaves a fossilized record of their adventure for all to see.
Links of interest
Museum of forbidden archaeology
Anomalous artifacts