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陰謀論:港人愛高鹽食物 增中風機會

日減吃5克 減23%中風機會
2010年,本港共有3,423人死於中風,比2001年上升約9%,過去10年,35至44歲中年人的出血性中風個案有上升趨勢,缺血性中風整體 人數雖然下降,但當中中年個案並沒有下降,中大相信,是因為95至04年間,25歲以上高血壓個案增加6成;醫管局數據顯示,高血壓及相關疾病的出院及死 亡人數,由05年的8,300人,大增83%至09年的15,172人。中大以此推算,將令醫治65歲以上中風者的成本大增,由2010年80億元增至 2036年的220億元。世衞指出,若每日能減少5克鹽份攝取量,全球可減低23%中風風險、每年減少125萬人死亡。
高危少女減鹹 半年減30磅
直至她有朋友中風,終決定改變飲食習慣,戒吃高鹽食品:「對肥妹來說,吃是最重要!」她坦言起初感到「世界突然沒希望,每日都很想喊」,但一個月 後,已習慣清淡飲食,烹調方式以蒸煮少鹽、少醬汁為主,認為「能吃出食物的味道」,上血壓降至119,半年更成功減了30磅,而從前心痛、頭痛等問題已不 再。
促政府與食物商 訂立指引

北 韓 發 射 火 箭 失 敗 碎 片 或 墜 黃 海

北 韓 發 射 火 箭 失 敗 碎 片 或 墜 黃 海

更新:2012/04/13 08:13
北 韓 於 本 港 時 間 早 上 6 時 39 分 發 射 火 箭 升 空 。 不 過 , 美 日 韓 三 國 都 指 , 北 韓 火 箭 發 射 失 敗 , 官 員 稱 , 火 箭 升 空 後 數 分 鐘 已 解 體 , 碎 片 可 能 墜 落 黃 海 。 聯 合 國 安 理 會 今 日 稍 後 開 會 討 論 。 南 韓 傳 媒 最 先 報 道 , 北 韓 當 局 於 本 港 時 間 早 上 6 時 39 分 , 於 東 倉 里 將 「 銀 河 三 號 」 火 箭 發 射 升 空 。 美 、 日 、 韓 當 局 陸 續 證 實 消 息 , 其 中 南 韓 政 府 召 開 緊 急 會 議 , 又 呼 籲 白 翎 島 居 民 緊 急 疏 散 。
南 韓 國 防 部 其 後 表 示 , 火 箭 發 射 後 數 分 鐘 便 解 體 , 並 且 墜 毀 。 有 報 道 指 火 箭 碎 片 或 墜 落 黃 海 一 帶 , 暫 時 無 傷 亡 報 告 。 美 國 及 日 本 亦 指 出 今 次 發 射 失 敗 , 美 國 稱 火 箭 未 曾 飛 出 大 氣 層 ; 而 日 本 指 , 火 箭 升 空 僅 逾 一 分 鐘 便 解 體 , 不 會 對 日 本 造 成 影 響 。 《 日 本 放 送 協 會 》 引 述 防 衛 省 消 息 指 , 火 箭 在 半 空 飛 行 一 百 二 十 公 里 後 便 斷 開 四 截 。
北 韓 官 方 早 前 邀 請 外 國 記 者 到 發 射 場 參 觀 , 多 次 表 明 並 非 試 射 導 彈 , 火 箭 是 搭 載 地 球 觀 測 衛 星 「 光 明 星 三 號 」 升 空 。 聯 合 國 安 理 會 最 快 周 五 開 會 , 討 論 北 韓 發 射 火 箭 及 如 何 回 應 。


2012: The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

They say “A picture paints a thousand words.” Look deep into this picture and you will see what the New World Order is all about – False Flags – Natural Resources & Money – Chip and Pin for everyone – Mass depopulation by whatever means including WMD’s (depleted uranium), Vaccinations (HPV, Swine Flu and other toxic jabs), Mind Control, Forced removal -  Imprisonment – Assassinations/Deaths -  Martial Law – Police State – Drones – CCTV/Internet/Phones Monitoring and Total Control of your life!! Basically do what they say or have your chip switched off making it impossible for you to go to the bank, go shopping, go to hospital or see a doctor etc without these basic needs ones fate is clearly sealed!!

Out of all the articles I have ever written this particular one was probably the most difficult and accordingly it is also very long……. one cannot write a standard article based on the magnitude of this topic and I have no intention of doing so…..basically you can read it or not and likewise you can believe it or not…..the choice is yours……all I can say is whatever your decision just remember this article next time you look into the eyes of your children or grandchildren and say to yourself “I let this happen and did nothing” !!

Despite all my efforts over many years on TV, Radio and writing hundreds of articles on this topic the so called compassionate human beings that grace this planet still go along with this huge cover-up and act like lost sheep in a world that is fast disappearing. I guess there was only one man who appeared to know what the future would hold for us and his name was H.G. Wells who back in 1898 wrote that classic book “War of the Worlds.

His incredible ability to foresee the future goes without saying but maybe he made just one simple mistake……..her referred to the aggressor’s as being “Martians” instead of “The New World Order (NWO).

The book’s underlying message clearly related to “British Imperialism” and in that context he was spot on because the true “Axis of Evil” is right here in the City of London.



Explosive: Monsanto 'Knowingly Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of  Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused "devastating birth defects" in their children.

The farmers are now suing not only Monsanto on behalf of their children, but many big tobacco giants as well. The birth defects that the farmers say occurred as a result are many, and include cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, psychomotor retardation, missing fingers, and blindness.

The farmers come from small family-owned farms in Misiones Province and sell their tobacco to many United States distributors. The family farmers say that major tobacco companies like the Philip Morris company asked them to use Monsanto’s herbicides and pesticides, assuring them that the products were safe. Through asserting that the toxic chemicals were safe, the farmers state in their claim that the tobacco companies "wrongfully caused the parental and infant plaintiffs to be exposed to those chemicals and substances which they both knew, or should have known, would cause the infant offspring of the parental plaintiffs to be born with devastating birth defects."

新世界秩序: 如果大家同意有問題時,必須尊重彼此的解決方案


If we all agree that there is a problem, we must respect each other’s solutions

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle.

J.G. Vibes
Activist Post

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed that the freedom movement is quickly becoming just as polarized and divided as the mainstream political circles that are presented in the media.  While it is absolutely important that we stay true to our individual principles, that doesn’t mean that it is productive for us to immediately disregard anyone who doesn’t see the world exactly as we see it.  Likewise, this especially does not give us the right to belittle or ridicule those who have different ideas than we do.

The truth is that we all have blind spots in our thinking, and we all have things to learn from other people.  It is possible to have a friendly conversation with someone who sees the world completely different from you, without sacrificing your beliefs and without expecting them to sacrifice theirs.

That’s not to say that there are no right or wrong answers, because in many cases there are things which can be verified and proven, but standing on opposing ends of an issue and shoving ideas down one another’s throats as fast as possible is how the republicrats communicate, it is not how we should be communicating in the freedom movement.

For those of us standing outside of the left/right political paradigm we can see the stagnation and inefficiency that is caused by this sort of divisive approach at communication and problem solving.  Debates in political circles are always centered more around scoring points and showing off, instead of being focused on actually solving the problems at hand, which is one of the many reasons why there are never any real “political” solutions to any of the world’s problems.