

Iran allegedly identifies and arrests Israeli terrorist cell ‘preparing to carry out terrorist acts’

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced that they have identified and captured a “major terrorist group” also characterized as “a large and sophisticated Israeli terror and sabotage network” after months of intelligence gathering.

In the recent past there have also been reports of Israeli commandos already operating in Iran, supposedly in an attempt to uncover a smoking gun which would give the West the green light to overtly attack Iran.

In November of last year, an Iranian lawmaker announced that they captured a dozen agents of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who were working with the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and in February of this year U.S. officials confirmed that the Mossad has been training and running assassination operations in Iran through the terrorist group, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

Given the many mysterious incidents and indications of foul play in Iran, this announcement is hardly surprising, although one can be safe in assuming that Israel and its allies will act as if the accusation came out of the blue and holds no merit.

Jerusalem World News characterized the announcement as “long on rhetoric but short on information,” although they do note that “Iran’s official IRNA news agency and the semi-official Fars said details of the intelligence operation would be released later.”

According to Jerusalem World News, the announcement said that the operations were conducted along the Iranian borders and in a neighboring “central” nation, which is likely Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan recently signed a $1.6 billion arms deal with Israel and arrested a group of 22 of their own citizens as alleged Iranian spies.

Azerbaijan is also a significant player in the Western effort to encircle the few countries which have yet to completely bow down to the hegemon, such as Russia, China, Iran and Syria.

However, Reuters reported that the arrests were “made in border and central provinces,” which makes it seem like the operation was entirely conducted within Iran.

According to Israel’s YNet News, Iran also seized “a considerable number of bombs, machine guns, military and communication equipments” when capturing the suspected terrorists.

“Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced it has identified a major terrorist group from the Zionist regime (of Israel) and has arrested some of its protected operational members inside the country,” the Iranian official news agency IRNA reported.

The Fars News Agency (FNA) reported that the alleged terrorists were arrested “while preparing to carry out terrorist acts,” which would explain the large number of explosives and weapons.

Further details are being withheld due to “possible attempts by the Zionist regime to carry out harassing operations.”

While the West continues to pretend that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons despite the statements of U.S. intelligence agencies and U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, taking a wholly antagonistic approach as advocated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran continues to insist that their program is purely peaceful.

Recently there have been a slew of allegedly Iranian-linked terrorist incidents including the ones in Georgia and India and a reported attempt at an attack on an Israeli ship in the Suez Canal.

With the West building up forces in the Persian Gulf region and with plans in place to continue to bring military assets into the region, it appears to be only a matter of time until a spark of some kind ignites the situation, although obviously I hope that this entire thing will fizzle out without a single shot fired.

Let’s not forget, the Pentagon already has plans in place to strike Iran and the military hardware in place to do it (with even more on the way).