
新世界秩序: 麻省理工和羅馬預言: 2030年全球經濟大蕭條和人口減少

Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030: MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy
Michael EdwardsActivist Post

As tyranny continues its march out into the open, it is increasingly becoming cloaked in green.  Under the guise of saving humanity, a chorus of recent announcements within elite circles, think-tanks, educational institutions, and the halls of science are calling for drastic measures to stop the planet’s inevitable implosion from an overshot carrying capacity.
A U.N policy paper recently outlined the building blocks for a world government that would enforce a “heavy-handed” approach toward humanity’s impact on the environment, as this new epoch of The Anthropocene Age has begun to negatively alter the planet in irrevocable ways.
A rather infamous book, from a rather infamous group called The Club of Rome, is making a reappearance as humanity hurtles toward demise if its stewardship is not turned over to technocrats.  Limits to Growth (1972) is nothing short of a blueprint for population reduction and neo-feudalism; or, as Yale economist Henry Wallich stated at the time of its release, its implementation means “consigning billions to poverty.”
It appears that this plan has been green-lighted by the elite, as recent MIT research validates the conclusions drawn by Limits to Growth at this crucial time when we see the world economy imploding, and a jack-booted green police ready to hit the streets.  According to MIT, we are headed toward a guaranteed planet-wide economic collapse and “precipitous population decline” if we do not heed the words of The Club of Rome.

Austerity riots and suicides are filling the streets throughout Europe, as draconian measures are being taken to curb runaway debt.  This debt has provably been created by the Ponzi scheme of international banksters who have employed a loan-shark framework that is only paying dividends to those in position to buy up deliberately collapsed assets for pennies on the dollar.
The global elite continue to ignore that the problems which have been generated across the globe have very little to do with true resource shortages, unsustainable economies, or overpopulation; but rather the centralized control, mismanagement, and outright theft by corporate entities using globalization as a means of reducing sovereignty and self-determination.
Resource-rich countries in places like Africa and those in the Middle East have long been targeted for plunder by colonialists and have never been rightly permitted to exist free of outside manipulation.  This stratagem has now entered the West, where we are seeing Europe looted in similar fashion, and the resulting strife is used to divide and rule.  It is the coordinated agenda of a network of think-tanks, NGOs, and international financiers well-versed in the methods of divide and conquer that form the real government of the world.
When one begins to piece together the scope of this deliberate looting, and the inevitable call for solutions from the very same players who should be held responsible, one might conclude that any of their calls for intervention based on humanitarian ideals should bejudged a complete scam.
At or near the center of a web which has been woven using academia, top economists, mainstream media propaganda, climatologists, anthropologists, NGO’s, think-tanks and human rights groups — well meaning, and not-so well meaning — is The Club of Rome.
First, it is important to understand the genesis of The Club of Rome and its philosophy, as it might demonstrate an inherent misanthropy that should make us skeptical of their calls for sustainability, true equality, or the betterment for individuals who comprise the human race.

The Club of Rome think-tank is likely to have been conceived in 1965 at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy at an international conference called “The Conditions of World Order.” Twenty-one “scholars, writers, and scientists” met to discuss the role of “intellectuals” in the formation of a new world.
It was their larger follow-up meeting of 75 people in Rome, 1968 when the group formally took the name, The Club of Rome, which has come to comprise the very top echelonwithin all fields relating to human development and politics.
Despite its trappings of being devoted to a better world for all mankind, it is overwhelmingly staffed by those born and bred from mega wealth, and those who have a stated worldview that is not compatible with many of the Club’s purported goals.
This worldview was encapsulated in a follow-up book to Limits to Growth, called The First Global Revolution, which 21 years later laments and chastises the failure of wider humanity to aggressively implement the Club’s previous suggestions, while openly touting manipulation as a way toward global unity.
There are many key passages in this book that give a clear indication of the mindset leading us through the present into the future, but a particularly striking section comes when they discuss the “limits of democracy:”
Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything, and is unaware of its own limits.
In its present form democracy is not well suited for the tasks ahead.
We overlook (psychologically speaking, we deny) our ignorance and say we lack the political will.  The crucial need is to revitalize democracy and give it a breadth of perspective that will enable it to cope with the evolving global situation. In other words, is this new world we find ourselves in governable?  The answer is probably not with the existing structures and attitudes. (page 71-72, online edition)
This is an interesting statement in light of the one made by University of Oregon Professor, Kari Norgaard, who recently suggested that those who believe that man-made climate change is a hoax should be treated as mentally defective racists.  In a letter to Obama, she stated:
‘Policymakers should not wait for public opinion to take necessary action,’ she writes, adding, ‘Public opinion does matter in a democracy, but this is a time when following it would be a serious mistake.’ (Source)
And of course, “policymakers” are very often not even the democratically elected governments themselves, but international institutions and councils — like the Club of Rome.
In order to justify such rapid movement taking place outside the framework of democracy, a threat so vast and so all-encompassing that mobilization against it must be swift and aggressive is to be sought.  The Club of Rome sought it … and they found it, by their own admission:
The common enemy of humanity is man.  In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted together.  But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we already have warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.  The real enemy is humanity itself.  (page 75, online edition)
How is it that if these elite intellectuals truly care for the human race, we see the suppression of true alternative energy, the manipulation of climate science to achieve anti-human ends, and a centralization of power that has only lead to a runaway train ofelite-induced death?
We are told of how vaccines will make us healthier when they kill and maim.  Without our knowledge or oversight, GMOs have been introduced to combat food shortages, when they are leading to mass starvation, suicide, and horrible consequences for human health and the environment; all while self-sufficiency based on organic principles has shown to be the consistent solution that could actually feed the planet and establish sustainable economies. And, of course, we are told that fiat, debt-based currency will lead to global enrichment, when it only has led us to our current age of austerity.
The all-encompassing problem faced by humanity on a global scale is indeed real.  However, the proven track records of those like the Club of Rome claiming the right to uplift humanity is dismal. In the foundational areas of human peace and prosperity — economy, health, environment, science, law, politics, and philosophy — these so-called elites have failed dramatically.  Due to the length of time their misdirection has been in effect, it would be unwise to dismiss this as an extended series of miscalculations that approaches statistical impossibility. Rather, it must be concluded that it is by design.  Once we draw that inevitable conclusion, their advice takes on new, much darker meaning; one that inspires us to say with confidence: the collective problem faced by humanity is collectivism itself, under the umbrella of a global administration with an agenda to deliberately collapse the economy and reduce the population.
As hard as it is to admit, the stated agenda by green global government for uplifting humanity cannot be the real goal — for how can the destiny of humankind be uplifted through reduced living conditions and extermination?
We are at the crossroads now, as humanity faces the apocalypse brought about by nihilists and misanthropes. As the Club of Rome itself has stated:
The acceleration of critical trends and cross-impacts among them indicates that the ‘window of opportunity’ for pulling out of the present global crisis and breaking through to a more peaceful and sustainable world is likely to beno more than four to five years from the end of 2008. This is close in time to the Mayan 2012 prophecy for the end of the current world. The period around the end of 2012 is likely to be a turbulent one for this and other reasons. Predictions coming from the physical sciences foresee disturbances in the geomagnetic, electromagnetic and related fields that embed the planet causing significant damage to telecommunications and impacting many aspects of human activity and health. For the esoteric traditions the end of 2012 will be the end of the known world, although the more optimistic interpretations speak of a new world taking the place of the old. (Source)
The time from 2012 until the threshold of 2030 is the time when humanity will face two divergent paths leading to this “new world:” The first possibility is massive decentralization away from harmful bureaucratic and autocratic rule that has caused economic booms and busts, industrial and corporate cronyism and abuse, and neo-feudal serfdom; the second is a path down which we are dragged kicking and screaming through the collapse point prophesied for 2030, ushered in by the technocracy self-fulfilling a world that it wants to be fully born in 2052.  That world redefines what dystopia means for the average human subjected to its ultimately transhuman agenda.
Again, The Club of Rome describes the world of 2052 under its philosophy and esteemed leadership:
  • Redefining the values which effectively guide the development of society
  • Developing a new economy, both in theory and practice, so that
    • natural and social capital are correctly valued
    • new financial markets deliver the goods and services mankind needs in and for a sustainable world
    • sufficient jobs are created to allow a decent income for all
  • Creating appropriate governance institutions on a global, national and local level
Its six goals to “shape” this future are:
  1. Societal values, which are essential for a sustainable and equitable society, are fully reflected in all economic decisions.
  2. The economies of the world reflect the value of natural and social capital, markets operate in a fair and transparent manner and deliver the goods and services required for a sustainable society.
  3. A more equitable distribution of income both within and between countries.
  4. Access to meaningful work, which provides enough income to lead a decent life, is guaranteed and recognized as an essential human right. Job generation has become a top priority for all investments, costs for unemployment are considered in decision-making.
  5. Ecology is seen as a binding constraint for all forms of human activity and is therefore managed in a manner which reflects its biophysical and economic value. Never should the world be in overshoot.
  6. Appropriate governance systems at a local, national and global level, which can manage the transition into an equitable and sustainable global world, are established.
Even if some of these guidelines seem attractive on the surface, we must always return to who is directing the implementation.  The systematic looting of individual wealth and production has been collectivized by the power elite with the intention of giving it back to humanity at a fraction of its initial worth — this is their track record with such initiatives asAgenda 21, and the world we currently see as we look around.  It is the playbook of every tyranny that has ever disgraced the planet.
When we admit to ourselves that what elites state as the world they wish to see, versus the world they are bound to create based on their actions, then we have to admit that the conclusions drawn by MIT in support of the Club of Rome are not those they plan to avoid, but something they desire to use to assert further control.  And it will take place a lot faster with them and their like in charge of all decisions.
We really are about to witness The First Global Revolution, and it is rooted in information and ideas. Despite the challenges we face to alter our course from the one that has been chosen for us, there is one concept that we should take from their mission, for it represents the secret to all they have done so far:
Change the Story — Change the System  (Club of Rome)
Let’s start telling a story that future generations will be pleased to hear, instead of the one we are currently forced to recount.