

Chile: UFO Caught On Tape Over Santiago Air Base

At the 2012 International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona, retired Chilean General Ricardo Bermudez discussed the results of a remarkable multiple-witness UFO case. The UFO was spotted on the morning of November 4, 2010, during an air parade at the Air Force Academy in El Bosque, Santiago. Although no one noticed anything unusual during the parade, seven witnesses came forward afterward with different videos all showing a strange metallic object moving at extremely high speeds.

Upon closer examination, Bermudez says each video shows what appears to be a round metallic object with a dome moving across the screen. Bermudez is the director of the Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA), which is an arm of Chile's version of the FAA. During their analysis, Bermudez says CEFAA first went to skeptical astronomers. Despite their disbelief in UFOs, the astronomers estimated the speed of one of the objects at 10,000 KM.

UFO Video Baffles Chilean Government
