
陰謀論: 美國人每天被汽水豆腐薯片毒害 Poisoning Americans Daily: Genetically-Modified Soda, Tofu, and Chips

陰謀論: 美國人每天被汽水豆腐薯片毒害
Poisoning Americans Daily: Genetically-Modified Soda, Tofu, and Chips

Frank Liz
Americans are poisoning themselves daily and they don’t know it.

Americans are eating genetically-engineered foods every day and they don’t know it. That’s why they don’t know they’re poisoning themselves.

In the United States, 88 percent of the corn, 93 percent of the canola, and 94 percent of the soybeans are genetically-modified. Genetically modified tomatoes, pork, and salmon, among many other foods, are also in our stores. In 2011, the country had 69 million hectares (170.5 million acres) of GM cropland.

Are you a vegetarian who uses textured vegetable protein (TVP) or tempeh in your recipes? TVP and tempeh are derived from soybeans. If the package didn’t say organic, then you’re probably eating genetically-modified products. As for soy milk, tofu, and miso . . . well, you get the idea.

For babies allergic to dairy, there is even
soy-based infant formula.

Are you a carnivore? Livestock feed for cattle, pigs, chickens, and aquaculture catfish is dominated by corn and soy . . . genetically modified corn and soybeans. In fact, 98 percent of the American soy crop is used in livestock feed. So, when you eat meat, you’re eating a GM product.

Approximately 75 percent of the processed food in American grocery stores has genetically-engineered ingredients. High fructose corn syrup, for example, is found in most sodas, many snack foods, ketchup, and even commercial bread and that syrup usually comes from GM corn.

If the food label has words like ascorbate, lysine, maltodextrin, modified food starch, or xanthan gum than you’re probably eating GM-derived food.

What do GM foods have to do with poison?

They are poison. Literally.

Genetic engineering has produced toxins never seen before, and those toxins are in the GM foods we’re eating. It has increased the level of allergens in GM crops, altered the composition of protein and other nutrients, and increased the GM crop’s absorption of pesticides and other chemicals. It doesn’t matter how much we wash an ear of corn. We’re eating those pesticides and chemicals, too.

Scientists have linked microRNA (ribonucleic acid) to cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, among other illnesses. It is found in GM crops, like rice, and in the blood and organs of people who eat those GM crops. Recently, Chinese scientists found that microRNA survives the human digestive process and affects, among other things, our cholesterol function.

GM scientists now propose splicing microRNA into more seeds to block the function of specific genes in insects, so that the GM crops can better resist pest infestations. Unfortunately, humans and insects share a lot of the same DNA. Thus, the microRNA in a GM crop would undoubtedly impact human genes as well when it is eaten.

In independent laboratories from the U.S. to Russia, animals fed GM foods suffered damage to their kidneys, livers, hearts, adrenal glands, spleens, and the haemotopoietic (blood-forming) system. They slowed immune response times, provoked often severe inflammatory (allergic) responses, and altered testicles and sperm cells in males. Infant size and weight dropped. Infant mortality rates skyrocketed to over 50 percent.

In a 2011 published study of human consumption of GM foods, scientists found that the genetic material inserted into GM soybeans transferred into bacteria living inside human intestines, stayed there, and continued to function.

Traces of Bt toxin from Monsanto Bt corn were found in the blood of 93 percent of the women studied and in 80 percent of their umbilical cord and fetal blood.

In Europe, the German chemical company, BASF, moved its GM plant-science headquarters from Germany to Raleigh, North Carolina. Widespread opposition from citizens, farmers, and politicians to its GM crops, like the Amflora potato, meant that BASF had no market for its GM seeds.

GM giant Monsanto has stopped developing genetically-engineered crops to be grown in Europe, because most European countries refuse to allow them to be grown.

In America, however, the Food & Drug Administration’s Deputy Commissioner for Food Safety is a former Monsanto executive. In February 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture sped up the approval process for genetically-modified foods.

When he was campaigning for the presidency in 2007 and 2008, Barack Obama promised to introduce legislation mandating the labeling of GM foods. So far, he’s done nothing. So, grassroots movements in several states like California and Florida and Vermont are putting GM labeling bills on their ballots.

If they pass, people will at least have the information they need to decide whether to poison themselves or not.