
新世界秩序: 阿蓋達殺手與法國組織的聯繫 NWO: 'Al Qaeda' Killer's Extensive Links To French Authorities

新世界秩序: 阿蓋達殺手與法國組織的聯繫
NWO: 'Al Qaeda' Killer's Extensive Links To French Authorities

'Al Qaeda' Killer's Extensive Links To French Authorities

Brit Dee, Contributor
Activist Post

The man accused of killing seven people during recent gun attacks in Toulouse has been killed, following a 32-hour standoff with police -- as more information has come to light about his extensive links to the French authorities. 

Mohammed Merah, a self-proclaimed Al Qaeda operative, was reportedly found dead on the ground after being shot in the head and falling from his apartment window, following a five-minute gun battle when police stormed the building.

Whilst French authorities claimed to want to end the standoff peacefully and take Merah alive, the siege's fatal finale conveniently removes from the picture a suspect who appears to have had a great deal of contact with both the French intelligence services and the police -- and even with the US military.