

Illuminati Use Cancer to Hold us Hostage
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer,  discovered that not only cancer but all
diseases are triggered by unexpected shocks and traumas.
Thugs showed up and threatened that if he didn't disown
his findings, things would become unpleasant.
by Stephen Coleman

In 1978, Dr. Hamer's son Dirk was mortally wounded in a shooting accident, shot by the crown prince of Italy. Dirk died 4 months later.

Six months later Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He had the cancer surgically removed.

Since Dr. Hamer never had been seriously ill, he wondered if the sudden shock of his son's accident may have triggered his cancer. While working in a large cancer clinic, he visited the ward with testicular cancer patients and began asking them questions. He noted that, prior to the diagnosis, every patient has had a serious conflict, or loss of a loved one.

He visited the ovarian cancer ward and the patients also had lost a dear loved one prior to diagnosis. He learned in the university that the testicles and ovaries were of the same embryonic origins.

Dr. Hamer then noted on brain CT scans that every testicular and ovarian cancer patient had a dark spot in the same location.  He concluded that not only cancers but all disease is triggered by unexpected shocks and traumas. Later he came to the conclusion that various related smaller emotional triggers can accumulate over years or even decades to manifest as disease.

In 1981, he submitted his findings in a post doctoral thesis at the University at Tubingen, Germany. Within days, a couple of thugs showed up at his home. They threatened that if he didn't disown his findings things would become unpleasant. Dr. Hamer refused. He had made a momentous discovery and had rigorously proved it.

Meanwhile Dr. Hamer and his wife were the target of constant harassment from the the powerful Italian Savoy family who were responsible for their son's death. Dr Hamer believes that this constant persecution eventually caused the death of his wife in 1985.

A few months later the University of Tubingen rejected his thesis without any testing or serious review.

They refused to accept the link between the psyche and disease.  Years later, the court ordered the university to test Hamer's findings. Despite this the university has never complied.