
新世界秩序 : 紅肉或是假肉正在消滅我們嗎?

NWO: Is Red Meat – Or FAKE Meat – Killing Us?

Does Eating Red Meat Kill You … Or Is The Problem That We’re Eating FAKE Meat?

Harvard Medical School found that 1 in 10 premature deaths is caused by eating red meat:

Small quantities of processed meat such as bacon, sausages or salami can increase the likelihood of dying by a fifth, researchers from Harvard School of Medicine found. Eating steak increases the risk of dying by 12%.


Red meat often contains high amounts of saturated fat, while bacon and salami contain large amounts of salt. Replacing red meat with poultry, fish or vegetables, whole grains and other healthy foods cut the risk of dying by up to one fifth, the study found.


The study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine followed more than 100,000 people for around 28 years asking them periodically about their diet and lifestyle.

It was found that for every serving of red meat – equivalent to 3 ounces (85 grams) – eaten each day there was an 18 per cent increased risk of dying from heart disease and a 10 per cent increased risk of dying from cancer.