

by Benjamin Fulford
from Rense Website

The way Asians view Western history is astounding beyond imagination. We learn that everything we have been taught is a lie. We learn that we are being manipulated and herded like sheep by a secret elite. We learn that we live in a matrix of lies designed to keep us in slavery.

The implications are so vast that it is hard to know where to begin. Ultimately, to really understand, we must go back to the beginnings of Western civilization.

At the very dawn of history humans began farming along the banks of Euphrates river. People soon started digging canals. The resulting cornucopia created a population boom. Fights between alpha males escalated into a never-ending frenzy. From these constant battles for supremacy arose a tyrant who created a system for manipulating and controlling large masses of people.
It was a system of laws combined with a system of mind control. His name was Hamurabi. His system of mind control was to create a book combining folk wisdom with propaganda. Because he could not be everywhere at once, he created the idea of an omniscient, omnipresent being that could see all and know all. In the book where this idea was introduced, Hamurabi had himself referred to as Abraham.
Later a symbol of that god was created: it was an all seeing eye on the top of a pyramid.

So, while the Mesopotamian people built on the idea of an almighty God, there also actually existed, behind the scenes, a bearded man on a throne with god-like powers over his people. To control and awe his people, great displays of miracles and wonders were engineered.

A special sect of slave drivers was created to control the people on behalf of the god-king. This was the origin of the Freemasons. It took place 5771 years ago.

Later the tribe of the god-king invaded Egypt and the Masons added Egyptian slave driving technology to their arsenal.

Thus started, over the millennia, a sort of parallel cultural evolution between a ruling elite and the unwashed masses. We saw the rise of a group of elite families that keep their rule over the ignorant through a combination of control over grain supplies (or money supplies), knowledge, information and finally, control over life and death. People who learned about this elite were either inducted into it, killed or neutralized by assorted other means such as bankruptcy or ridicule.

There were many rebellions against these rulers. One notable one was by a person called Jesus Christ. He talked about things like men being born free and equal, about basic human dignity about the duty to protect the weakest members in society. Although he was executed for treason, his radical ideas spread like wildfire among the poor and down-trodden.

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