

Alien Cover-Up: Have We Really Met Extraterrestials?

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A scene from Steven Spielberg’s 1977 sci-fi film Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

Thursday February 16,2012 By Adrian Lee

THIS week’s story that an American president made secret contact with beings from another planet is just the latest claim that our leaders know more than they are letting on about whether we’re alone in the universe.

See here:Eisenhower 'Had 3 Secret Meetings With Extra Terrestrials'

THE US government is categorical when it comes to aliens: “No such thing… nope… sorry, there is nothing out there.” Recently there has been yet another official denial of any cover-ups including the statement that there has never been any contact between humans and extraterrestrials.

So the claim by a credible witness that a former president not only believed in aliens but had a series of secret meetings with visitors from outer space in the Fifties is causing consternation.

Timothy Good, a former US ­Congress and Pentagon consultant, says Dwight D Eisenhower and FBI officials made contact with the aliens by sending out telepathic messages. Talks then followed with the space creatures at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.

Good claims that an agreement was signed between Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, and a group known as “Alien Greys”.

Dwight D Eisenhower is well known to have been a believer in alien life forms and rumours that contact was made have ­circulated for years.

Eisenhower is well known to have been a believer in alien life forms and rumours that contact was made have ­circulated for years. However, this is the first time that such a prominent figure has come forward.

The claim by Good, who was speaking on Frank Skinner’s Opinionated chat show on BBC2, will fuel conspiracy theories that regimes around the world have consistently lied about aliens.

Good, now an academic and author, insists there have been encounters for decades. He says: “Aliens have made both formal and informal contact with thousands of people throughout the world. Certainly I can tell you that in 1954 President Eisenhower set up meetings with aliens.”