
光明會的秘密簡史 - “摩利亞”和“影子政府

by Wes Penre

November 27, 2003
Last Updated: June 10, 2005
from Illuminati-News Website
This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. I encourage you to read this introduction, overview article before you read anything else from my website, unless you are already familiar with the Illuminati. Even then it would probably be refreshing to read it.
This article is what I state that it is - an overview.

The evidence is not provided in this particular article; it only summarizes what is discussed on the rest of my website.
So after you have finished reading this overview, you need to look for references and evidence among the rest of the articles in this huge web database. It is similar to laying a puzzle; you need to lay one piece at the time to fit it into the big picture. Sometimes you have to remove a puzzle piece, because you notice it did not fit 100%, and replace it with one that does. This is the way to finding the truth in an overload of Media lies, cover-ups and half-truths. It is not an easy task, but if we have the willingness and a certain amount of patience we can do it.
I believe you will have information enough on this web site to get the whole picture of what is going on and who is pulling the strings, so if you look at it with an open mind, I think that after a while you will have little doubt that there IS a Shadow Government trying to create a New World Order above our heads, and that it is NOT to our benefit.
I am not pretending to convince you that I have the whole truth and nothing but the truth in my hands, but I do say that I am very certain that an agenda to take over the world and create a super-socialistic state, much worse than the former Soviet Union, is being planned, is happening, and is well in progress.

Most of us can agree upon that something is very wrong with this planet. Civil wars, diseases, famine, ethnic cleansing, religious wars, different violations of human rights ... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all those bad conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common source?

All I ask from you is to think for yourself. Throw away everything "you’ve been told", things "you’ve learnt in school", what you’ve "heard on the radio", what you’ve "seen on Television", what "politicians have told you" etc. - just for a moment.

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