

Latest UFO sightings - This interesting video of unidentified flying objects was recorded in the sky above Homestead in Florida on Thursday, 16th February 2012.

Witness report: I'm not a "UFO" "aliens" "I believe" type of person but this was intense -* I saw this on my way to work this morning in Homestead Florida. It was a huge fireball at first that broke up into smaller pieces. I thought it was a huge comet or a piece of the space station. They were coming down hard and fast and then they just stopped in mid air and started hovering back and forth slowly in curved S like movements. They then just disappeared. They were very similar to the el paso UFO sightings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEtTl9cGrJc I know this cause I looked it up after the fact. I have never been into alien ufo sightings. If anyone saw this this morning hit up the comments. It left me shaken for a bit.
