

2011年12月17日 13:23:48
  Mac Slavo
December 16th, 2011
If you’ve followed trend forecaster Gerald Celente for any period of time you’ve probably realized he knows what he’s talking about. For the better part of two decades Celente and his Trends Journal have been forecasting political, financial, economic and social trends with an uncanny ability for accuracy.
In his latest interview Celente discusses a variety of different topics – from Iran and Europe to domestic militarization and the economy – and warns that our worst fears will soon be realized.
Bottom line? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet:
Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense Radio:
This passed (National Defense Authorization Act) the Senate by 93-7. I’m mentioning this because all the pieces are in place now.
The economy is going to crash. There is going to be chaos. Economic martial law will be called. Banks will close. And, chaos will ensure.
The law is now in place for the military to come in and take over. Fascism has come to America.
And if anyone thinks that I’m over blowing this, you may recall, for those of you who have been listening to Jeff Rense for the years that I’ve been on, that when Obama got elected I said there was a high probability, in 2009, of a bank holiday because of the disastrous economic conditions.

I came across a video that’s on Youtube… June of 2009… Corzine is running for re-election for Governor of New Jersey… and there’s Joe Biden… he’s campaigning for Corzine… He’s telling the audience, you know, ‘the day that we were sworn into office, the top of our agenda, the top of our list, was whether or not to call a bank holiday.’
…The point that I want to make is, and I want to drive this home, it should be headline news – the Obama administration was prepared to call a bank holiday in 2009. Economic conditions are much worse now.

In an interview with Lew Rockwell on November 30, Celente provided a timeline for events, suggesting that things may start heating up as soon as the first quarter of 2012.