

2011年12月16日 14:25:06
Inception should have been called "Insertion." The movie shows the application of behaviour-changing thought insertion.

The Illuminati goal is to enslave us. Mind control is their chosen method.

"The announcement, in the mainstream media, of the "precursor" form of this technology is meant to prepare the population for what is yet to come: voluntary personality alteration, via thought-inducing technology."

by Aspen

A month ago Dr. Makow published a precursor to this article which made the claim that "The Illuminati have the means to introduce thoughts, to influence nighttime dreams, and to produce visual projections seemingly in real time space. They have sponsored brain-pattern science because the ability to produce a controlling mental signal is the final key to controlling humanity."

"The operating principle of this mind-control technology is a 'sixth sense' -- the electromagnetic brain field. The scientific assessment is that this field is responsive -- therefore, control is possible."

a Daily Mail article has appeared: "'Downloading' new skills into our brains like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists"

The article states:

"Learning a martial art, how to fly a plane or how to speak a new language without even being awake is set to become a reality, say researchers. Scientists at Boston University and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, believe that in the future learning a new skill might involve nothing more than sitting in front of a computer screen and waiting for it to 'upload'.

"They have been studying how a functional magnetic resonance machine (FMRI) can 'induce' knowledge in someone through their visual cortex by sending signals that change their brain activity pattern.

"This process is called Decoded Neurofeedback, or 'DecNef'.

"No medication is needed and the subject doesn't even have to be awake, he or she simply has their brain activity changed to a 'target' pattern, which could be anything from that of a star footballer to a master chess player.
