

Monday, December 26, 2011
Syrian NGOs Working Directly With British Government
London-based "Syrian Observatory" Consorting Directly with UK Foreign Minister Hague.

Rami Abdelrahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, leaves the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in central London
Rami Abdelrahman, REUTERS
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

In May 2011's article "The Siege of Syria," it was reported:

The coverage by the corporate-owned Western media exclusively relies on 'activists inside and outside the country,' the London-based 'Syrian Human Rights Monitoring Centre' which apparently has no web presence, the Damascus Center for Human Rights which boasts memberships with the National Endowment for Democracy and Tides Foundation-funded International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, funded by the European Union, the Ford Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, and Humanity United.

Humanity United in turn boast partnerships with the BBC World Service Trust, NED/Open Society/US State Department-funded Benetech, the Open Society Institute, and the NED-funded Solidarity Center which mobilized Egypt's labor unions just as the US-stoked unrest began to falter. In other words, every organization involved interlocks with the vast corporate/foundation-funded imperial network masquerading as individual 'human rights organizations' and benign NGOs. In reality this 'civil society' network seeks to supplant national governments, and interface with global "institutions" like the IMF, World Bank, and the UN, all of which have been contrived by corporate-financier oligarchs. It is a modern-day empire in the making.

The US National Endowment for Democracy's journal, Democracy Digest, would report in their August 2011 article titled, "Syrian military ‘strained’, as Clinton meets opposition activists," (warning: link automatically plays very loud video clip) that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights made one of many joint statements with the above mentioned US-funded Damascus Center for Human Rights. Meanwhile, Reuters featured a photograph of the Observatory's head, Rami Abdelrahman, leaving a meeting with the British Foreign Minister William Hague.

It is quite clear that the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" based in London and receiving the entirety of their reports via "phone" & YouTube videos from Syria, is working in coordination with both US-funded NGOs and the British Foreign Minister. Considering that Hague similarly coddled Libyan opposition leaders in London while playing a key role in promoting the NATO attack on Libya and the subsequent installation of a BP oilman as "prime minister," Abdelrahman's consorting signifies a verbatim repeat of the now openly fraudulent and genocidal NATO campaign in Libya.

Just as in Libya, where "human rights activists" have now admitted to fabricating the evidence used by the International Criminal Court and the United Nations to rubber stamp Wall Street and London's designs for regime change, likewise the "evidence" from Syria has turned out to be a complete fraud, derived by opposition "witnesses" and compiled by a corporate D.C. think-tank director into a UN "human rights report."

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights serves as the exclusive source of "reports" coming out of Syria despite the fact that it is actually, entirely based in London. While it is verified that the NGOs it works in tandem with are US-funded, the Observatory itself fails to publish where its money comes from or the backgrounds of those that constitute its membership. We then, are expected to simply believe on face value a mysterious organization whose head meets with the British government and their unverified "witness accounts" as evidence to initiate military intervention at the cost of potentially millions of lives.

That the corporate-media has utterly failed to hold the Observatory accountable for its lack of transparency, and parrots verbatim its absolutely unverified, undocumented reports as if they were factual, gives us a new appreciation of the level on which we are being deceived across the Western world by the press.

It is already confirmed that NATO-backed Libyan terrorists are on their way to Syria to oversee the "Free Syria Army," led by Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) commander Abdul Belhaj. It should be noted that LIFG is currently listed by the US State Department as a foreign terrorist organization (#26). Shortly thereafter, two bombs detonated in Damascus killing 44 people. France24 reported that the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood's official website claimed responsibility for the bombings, confirming that indeed, the "protests" were armed militants all along.

Despite later retractions by the Brotherhood's London-based leadership, mounting evidence suggests that NATO and its proxies are behind the unrest and increasing violence, while London-based NGOs like the Observatory disingenuously spin responsibility back onto the Syrian government as part of a malicious hoax aimed at triggering the same genocide and destruction that delivered Libyan into the hands of global corporate-fascism.

Tony Cartalucci's articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at
Land Destroyer Report.
