

2011年11月12日 5:08:49

Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities closed the Great Pyramids today over fears that numerous groups were planning ceremonies around the pyramids.
The groups included a Jewish Masonic outfit that had reportedly planned to place a Star of David atop one of the pyramids.
One SCA employee claimed that a crew of 1,200 Jews were planning to attend the event, crowning the mightiest of the three structures with a Star of David in order to assert the claim that Jewish slaves built the pyramids, and not the ancient Egyptians, Egyptian daily Al Ahram reported. Source
The tale of Giza’s brush with new age spiritualism – which ended with the popular tourist attraction being partially closed off to visitors following newspaper reports of planned Masonic rituals inside the pyramid – has gripped Egypt for days, after reports surfaced that shadowy groups were planning events at the site to mark the palindromic moment when the clock ticked over to the 11th minute of the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month in the 11th year of the new millennium. Source
Panicked by unconfirmed rumours in the local press that the activities would include Masonic rituals and the attempted placing of a Jewish Star of David atop the pyramid itself, the authorities moved this week to shut down access to the Great Pyramid altogether, blaming essential maintenance work for the move.
The decision was taken after Egyptologists denounced the various ceremonies and a series of campaigns sprung up online to oppose them, including one spearheaded by an offshoot of the revolutionary April 6th movement, whose members vowed to hold a sit-in at the Giza complex and block access to new age revellers.




中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2011-11-12 13:56   
中新網11月12日電 據俄新網消息,2011年11月11日,因為日期中有“六個一”,引發了各方的興趣。有媒體報道稱,外國公司計劃當地時間2011年11月11日11時舉行“共濟會典禮儀式”。對此,埃及吉薩金字塔正常對遊客開發,只是加強了警戒。
美國時代雜誌曾選出了歷史上流傳最廣、最有影 響力的“十大陰謀論”。其中陰謀論者認為,諸如“共濟會”這樣的秘密團體已經組成了所謂世界“影子政府”,他們專門吸納社會名人和位高權重人士成為會員, 希望能夠通過他們影響各國政府和各種勢力,來暗中操縱世界風雲變化繼而統治整個世界。肯尼迪遇刺、越戰爆發等事件都由這個“影子政府”一手促成,因為對於 他們來説,世界的動蕩不安只要是在他們的控制之下,就都能成為這些人獲利的良機。
文章來源: 中國新聞網 責任編輯: 葉子http://big5.china.com.cn/international/txt/2011-11/12/content_23896816.htm