

2011年10月9日 2:23:04
In Economic Apocalypse Goes Mainstream we opined that the financial, economic and political collapses occuring around the globe will eventually lead the industrialized nations of the world to war. The signs should already be apparent, especially in areas like the middle east, where the U.S. is vying for resource domination, monetary superiority and political control. As economies around the world implode, and citizens become more frustrated with their governments, things can quickly begin to spiral out of control domestically – regardless of whether you’re in the United States, China, Russia or Europe. As a result, politicians will do what they’ve done historically in such instances, which is to deflect responsibility (either out of fear or by design) from themselves onto others. Usually, this means leaders and citizens oceans away will get blamed for the malaise.
Aaron Hawkins of Storm Clouds Gathering provides some key insights into the many variables that will ultimately lead the world into perhaps the greatest war in history.
When playing chess the outcome of the game is usually determined in the early stages by the positions that are built up by each player even before the first pawn falls. These moves may seem innocuous to the untrained eye, but an experienced player can read the threats which grow and develop at each stage. They can see the traps which are being laid.
Right now, the nations of the world are organizing and positioning themselves – financially, diplomatically, and militarily – for a struggle which will alter the global power structure irrevocably.
It would be impossible to understand the economic collapse which is slowly unfolding, and the great war which wall almost certainly follow, without taking into account the stakes of this global chess game.

World War III is not going to be an accident. It will not be caused by an unfortunate chain events that the U.S. struggles to avoid. It is a goal, a specific objective that must be reached in order to force a cultural shift that the population would otherwise never accept. It is only from this context that the events unfolding in the world right now make any sense.

While we can’t predict exactly how or when such a war will take shape, it should be clear that game play on the grand chessboard is in full swing. The key players – which include national leaders and elite power brokers behind the scenes – are actively positioning their pieces, just as they did for the two decades preceding World War I and World War II.
Surviving economic collapse and political instability may be the least of our problems.
Hat tip John Rolls, Storm Cloud Gathering
This article has been contributed by SHTF Plan. Visit www.SHTFplan.com for alternative news, commentary and preparedness info.

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