
5個理由去質疑“石油峰值(Peak Oil)”理論

5 Reasons to Question "Peak Oil" Theory

Number Six
Activist Post

“Peak Oil” is the theory that the world is running out of “fossil fuels” whose depletion will turn society on its head. However, there still exist dual theories on the origin of oil, neither of which can yet be fully proven. It is of great importance to weigh both theories and their implications. Special interests, hidden agendas and policy are at stake which could have dire consequences for governments, private interests and individuals if decisions are made based on faulty intelligence.

There also exists the third argument that it is irrelevant whether oil is a “fossil fuel” or “abiotic”, we simply are pumping much faster than the oil wells can renew themselves. This argument tends to be made by “fossil fuel” theorists and those heavily invested in the environmental movement.

“Peak Oil” theory suggests that the world has reached its zenith in terms of extraction and level of oil consumption.

#1 Dmitri Mendeleev Didn’t Buy It

Famous Russian scientist and creator of the periodic table, Dmitri Mendeleev, didn’t buy it. He believed oil to be abiogenic, formed by “non-biological processes deep in the Earth crust and mantle.” [Source]

Co-founder of the 1869 Russian Chemical Society, Mendeleev was described as “a chemist of genius, first-class physicist, a fruitful researcher in the fields of hydrodynamics, meteorology, geology, certain branches of chemical technology (explosives, petroleum, and fuels, for example) and other disciplines adjacent to chemistry and physics, a thorough expert of chemical industry and industry in general, and an original thinker in the field of economy.” [Source]
Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that oil renews itself somewhere deep in the Earth's crust.

It is safe to assume that most elemental gasses rise in to pockets where heat and pressure would allow forming of larger molecules, including hydrocarbons.
Acknowledging this fact is a double dilemma for the ‘environmentalists’ because hydrocarbons then become ‘renewable’ and using petroleum becomes environmentally friendly.
Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev, in the late 19th century proposed that petroleum products could be formed by chemical processes, independent of buried organic biomass. This theory was further expanded by Russian scientists in the 1950s with their abiogenic theory of natural petroleum production. At the same time that Dr. M. King Hubbert was fashioning his Malthus-based “Peak Oil Theory”, claiming pending end of a finite resource.
The Hydrocarbon, Oxygen and Carbon atoms necessary for Earth’s natural Hydrocarbon production are from ‘elemental’ fission production. We are left to guess at what the Earth’s average Hydrocarbon production rate actually is, but it is certain that OIL is a renewable resource. Completely depleted oil fields in the United States have refilled to as much as 1/3 of original capacity.
While Earths Hydrocarbon production does not appear finite in the near term, there is one thing that is FINITE. The Earth only has a finite storage capacity for this daily petroleum production. This is a double blow to the eco-wackos. [Joe Olson, Slaying the Sky Dragon 2]
Additional Source: [Abiotic Deep Origins of Hydrocarbons: Myth or Reality?]
#2 The Totalitarian Technocracy Pushes the Idea of “Fossil Fuels” & “Peak Oil”

August Review think tank founder Patrick Wood has given a much-needed update on the status of humanity’s push toward technocracy. “Peak Oil” theorist Hubbert was a key player in this movement. [Source]
Holding politicians and economists responsible for the debacle of the Great Depression, Technocracy promoted the idea that democracy was a sham and that scientists and engineers should take over the reins of government and impose rationality on the economy.
Technocracy envisioned a no-growth society and the elimination of the price system, to be replaced by the wise administration of the Technocrats. Hubbert believed that a ‘pecuniary’ system, guided by the ‘hieroglyphics’ of economists, was the road to ruin.” [Source]
That a totalitarian technocracy pushes “Peak Oil” theory and wants to reposition humanity under serfdom in their neo-feudal system is not something simply to be brushed aside. 

#3 Failed Predictions

As for their physical availability, the recurring and pessimistic ‘Peak Oil’ reports must be taken with the due grain of salt.  The recent discoveries of ultra-deep oil deposits off the Brazilian coast, in the Gulf of Mexico and other places, besides the promising development of the technologies for exploring the vast and widespread reserves of shale gas, suggest that the alleged limits to the hydrocarbon production expansion are not yet at sight.
By the same token, the possibility of exploring ultra-deep abiotic hydrocarbons must be considered. Although it is contested by the Western mainstream geosciences thinking, the inorganic formation of hydrocarbons is admitted by Russian and Ukrainian scientists since the mid-20th century and certain non-sedimentary oil deposits have been successfully explored in those countries for decades. Such promising possibilities were reinforced by experimental evidences of hydrocarbon formation in the Earth’s upper mantle, in recent experiments performed in the US and Sweden.” [Geraldo Luis Lino, Slaying the Sky Dragon 2]

#4 Club of Rome, Depopulation & Faux “Global Warming” Theory

The Club of Rome, responsible for carving the world up into ten regional blocs, seeks to deindustrialize the planet and bring it under their technocratic control based on myths such as overpopulation, CO2 as a pollutant and the discredited theory of man-made global warming.

They put models out depicting limits to growth instilling fear of total societal collapse. They even cited the 1970s oil shocks as proof of their theory. However, as mentioned below, the oil shocks were a result of deliberate manipulation and no natural occurrence.

They perpetuate the myth of CO2 as a pollutant and voraciously seek to strip humanity of any resource use, having gone so far as to hatefully label humanity as the common enemy upon which we can all unite. They readily admit that their ideas of pollution and global warming were concocted for these purposes! [Source]

The essence of the “Global Warming” theory not unlike its augmenting “Peak Oil” hypothesis is deindustrialization and depopulation.

This is why Ugandans and Hondurans are currently being massacred by United Nations and European Union contracted mercenaries as a CO2 sacrifice to the Mother Earth goddess Gaia.

The problem is not overpopulation but the distribution of resources and these same powerful interests are at fault for deliberately preventing this from happening due to their hatred of humanity. Tonnes of food are thrown away daily in developed countries while the Third World dies of starvation.

The Council on Foreign Relations also provided an updated report in addition to the Club of Rome’s called The Global 2000 Report to the President. They state that “basic natural resources--farmlands, fisheries, forests, minerals, energy, air, and water--must be conserved and better managed.” Of course, the technocracy will be the ones to manage our land for us in their neo-feudal society.

[Available in full here] 

#5 A Mode of Societal Control

In 1967 a dozen high-level government officials reportedly met in underground “contingency of government” (COG) mountain bunkers to discuss the ultimate means of social control and world order. This came to be published incidentally as the Report from Iron Mountain and eventually corroborated by collaborator John Galbraith (subsequently refuted by the same).

The report suggested numerous methods of social control. Of course, it was in tune with the 1909 Carnegie Endowment meeting minutes uncovered by Norman Dodd and the Reece Commission, in their investigation of the tax-exempt foundations. In those old minutes, Carnegie suggested war was the ultimate mode of social control and later begged the question on how they could start a war.

The Iron Mountain report suggested the fabrication of alternate enemies such as terrorists to control society (from the Red Scare to the omnipresent Al-Qaeda to now the “Haqqani Network”).

It then went on to suggest fabricating fear via a global environmental threat, with the possibility of selectively increasing the rate of pollution themselves if their lie wasn’t plausible enough. Think geo-engineering and the BP Gulf oil spill.

The report even suggested staging a fake alien invasion to unite humanity. Of course, our present leaders are playing along with this script, from Nobel economist Paul Krugman to the United Nations and Vatican preparations for “alien contact.”

It is interesting to note that a discovery of aliens would again solely target Christianity and no other faith. [Source]

Prominent ufologists such as Jacques Vallee and J. Allen Hynek suggest that UFO’s are extra-dimensional and not extra-terrestrial phenomena. 

Pretext for Deindustrialization

The evidence suggests the elites may yet be pulling another fast one on us. “Peak Oil” clamor largely emanates from the malicious technocracy and discredited “Global Warming” crowds.

Exxon heads themselves have stated the oil barrel price range should be between $60 and $70 based on supply and demand fundamentals sans price manipulation.

This artificial manipulation is stimulated by powerful private interests such as one occurrence in 1973, where such a group (Bilderberg) met and deliberately raised oil prices 400%. It was a fake crisis, but continues to be cited by “Peak Oil” theorists. [Source]

A Saudi Sheikh stated “: 'I am 100 per cent sure that the Americans were behind the increase in the price of oil. The oil companies were in real trouble at that time, they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed a high oil price to save them.'

He says he was convinced of this by the attitude of the Shah of Iran, who in one crucial day in 1974 moved from the Saudi view, that a hike would be dangerous to Opec because it would alienate the US, to advocating higher prices.

'King Faisal sent me to the Shah of Iran, who said: 'Why are you against the increase in the price of oil? That is what they want? Ask Henry Kissinger - he is the one who wants a higher price'.'

Yamani contends that proof of his long-held belief has recently emerged in the minutes of a secret meeting on a Swedish island, where UK and US officials determined to orchestrate a 400 per cent increase in the oil price.” [Source]

The actual report may be accessed here. It also talks of creating an “international federal reserve.”

Additional Source: [Confessions of an “ex” Peak Oil Believer] 


What if “Peak Oil” need not be a problem? Why fret and clamor for inadequate energy sources such as solar and wind energy? If oil is renewable, why not explore the Russian-Ukrainian theory and attempt to determine the rate of renewability and extract this resource appropriately?

What about all of the other suppressed technologies? Prohibition was largely a ploy by the ruling oil barons and bankers to eliminate alternate sources of fuel, such as alcohol and other various fuel sources. Why can’t we go back to producing engines which make use of these alternate fuels such as alcohol and deal with the current problems surrounding the production of ethanol (which is extremely inefficient)?

Rudolf Diesel’s engine also ran on peanut and vegetable oil. As his patents were being taken away from him, as done to Nikola Tesla, Diesel was found floating in the sea. [Source]

Collapse may be coming for a variety of reasons, not necessarily because of oil. It may be inevitable given the historic scale of the Ponzi scheme that is called the global economy.

I personally do not even own a car. For those that do, it would be wise to utilize the variety of alternatives that are out there and not be dependent on the technocracy. Water, air, alcohol and vegetable oil fuel cars are already in existence. However, numerous proponents of such independent fuel sources are blackmailed or murdered.

While certain admirable researchers, economists and analysts seem to get one-side of the equation they still cling to the muddy waters of the “Peak Oil” theory, bathed in the eco-fascism of the environmental and technocracy movements.

A recent interview with a person in a position of public influence attests to this. In his body of work, musician Michael Franti notes well the corruption of certain elites through his travels to Iraq and beyond, yet buys into the discredited eco-fascist movement. Incredibly, he even wrote Obama a song. Others such as Dmitry Orlov and Mike Ruppert offer sound and very valuable analysis on a variety of subjects yet promote the “Peak Oil” theory.

I hope people question the origins of “Peak Oil” theory and the enviro-fascism that comes with it; the power of having such individuals positioned against the technocracy would make a great difference in the further struggle against totalitarianism.