


By: Tom Valentine
Date: 2011-08-10

This is a saga of death and deceit that was buried down Orwell’s memory hole like cat shit in a litterbox—The American way.

Despite valiant efforts by a qualified citizen who was first on the scene of a Presidential helicopter crash in Maryland woods near DC on May 19, 1993, is a story with ramifications today for readers and responders here at VT.

We not only have helicopters crashing with Marines or Seals in them, but in discussions of Distance Energy Weapons possibly used in the 9-11 blasts. Allow me to expand:

Have any of you veterans ever heard of the Harry Diamond Labs; Field test area, Blossom Point, MD? See
Data on Harry at Wikipedia.

That facility tested high voltage EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons and projected microwave technology.
When the Black hawk crashed it was in a wooded area, and the men who died in it were Capt. Scott Reynolds, Sgt. Brian Haney, Sgt. Tim Sable, and the pilot Maj. William Barkley.

The only reason this much is known is because a local archeologist with investigative experience, happened to see the chopper go down near Nanjemoy creek, and rushed to the scene.

Frank Owens said that he held the pilot’s hand and said a prayer while awaiting a response team from nearby Quantico Marine base. The bodies appeared “cooked” to him.

Owens smelled cover-up virtually the first week after, and commenced a serious effort to make the government own up. He called Radio Free America and we heard the story; A year later He also called G. Gordon Liddy’s show to get the word out. Liddy is credited with making an effort to blow the whistle. I did not give it the effort it deserved, though I stayed in touch with Owens for a long time after.

The local newspapers, The La Plata Indian Head Ledger and the St. Mary’s Today gave the story of Owens attempts to expose the fact our own government’s toys killed the crew, but the local news, despite being close to the seats of power, did not reach far.

Owens finally tried a weird plan to tell the story to the world; he agreed to work with Craig J. Coley, an engineer familiar with DEW, who commenced writing a novel in order to outline the “national security” expose. Coley wrote a detailed summary of the events and mailed me a copy.

In short, he told how Owens watched television broadcasts about the crash for a week or so, then became more suspicious that things were deliberately left out. It was at that point that Owens met Matt Barkley, the pilot’s brother, and agreed to help the family make a small monument at the site. Going back to the scene, Owens saw “hundreds” of fragments of the wreckage were still strewn in the vicinity. His previous experience told him that the military had been sloppy about policing what must have been classified equipment and so forth.

He opened his own investigation, collecting parts and photo-cataloging them. He already had photos of the bodies in his possession.

Owens quickly ruled out that any explosive device caused the crash and this was perplexing, then by serendipity he read an article about the loss of several Black hawks in Alabama. The suspected cause was EMP. EMP is known to disrupt all kinds of electronics and in 1993 it was not new. Israeli military is said to have used it to stop Egyptian equipment in the 1967 war.  Owens learned that a Harry Diamond facility in Virginia was known to have EMP simulators. The information piqued his thinking—he knew that a Harry Diamond lab was located only seven miles from the crash site.

Owens naively stuck his nose into the facility, talking to employees, etc. He quickly drew fire in the form of harassment where he was charged as a spy and had one helluva time, and he wisely backed off.
Senator Boxer, D-calif. picked up the story as did USA Today reporters, but I’ve never seen clippings.
Coley, said that he would write in the novel how the DEA could use such weapons to wipe out drug gangs in Mexico. Fine and dandy;  Coley thinks the DEA really wants to stop drug flow. He also suggested the government could use them on “The Michigan Militia,” which was bigger time in RFA days.

I have no info on EMP, but I learned a lot about microwaves researching the cooking and food aspects, written extensively in VT earlier. Microwaves react with water molecules. Snapping them back and forth millions or more times per second. It is this friction that generates the instant heat.

The human body is about 70 percent water, so microwave cooking would be a snap, so to speak. In 2001, the Air Force announced they had a “crowd control weapon that “burned” the skin but did not kill people protesting government. Recently, I suggested that such microwaves from DEW equipment could easily have been used to enhance the power of the thermite plus conventional explosives used to turn the towers into fine dust. Just add a little water to the target.

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