

來自: Heydrich(ICPO-Gestapo)
②所羅巴伯所建的聖​​殿,約在紀元前536年,為猶太人從被擄的巴比倫回國後所重建。後被敘利亞王安提安庫·以比反斯(AN-TIOCHUS EPIPHANES)所毀,時在紀元後167年。
④聖經預言聖殿定必重建。自1948年以色列人復國後,即有專家根據以西結書40至46章所載,詳細研究,準備在聖殿原址重建聖殿。 1967年六日戰爭後,以色列收復舊城耶路撒冷,重建聖殿之事已如箭在弦,將急切進行。
但這聖殿重建之後,是否即主耶穌將來要在其中為萬王之王的聖殿? 因為保羅在帖撒羅尼迦後書二章預言那“大罪人”竟然要坐在神的殿裡,自稱為神(4節)。這當然是指將來大罪人,可能亦即敵基督出現時的情形,那是指大災難時期的事。那麼,既然大罪人會在那重建的聖殿中坐著褻瀆神,所以這重建的聖殿並非基督要進去的聖殿,乃是以色列人無形中為那大罪人而建造的。但基督降臨後,聖徒在千禧年國度中另建一聖殿,則真正為基督而建。



一場席捲全球的「金融海嘯」鋪天蓋地而來。這究竟是金融投機導致的偶發事件,還是經濟運行出軌的必然結果?言者莫衷一是。看厭了,聽煩了,也就懶 得再去理那些號稱「經濟學家」的事後諸葛亮們胡扯瞎掰。不久前,聽說在北京的「海歸」圈神秘地流傳著一本「奇書」,叫《The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion》。還聽說此書披露了一個驚心動魄的大陰謀,原來這場「金融海嘯」的源頭一直可以追溯到100年前10個錫安會長老的精心策劃。起初,我總覺得無 非是天方夜譚。後來此類傳說越來越多,還說這本書已經進入了北京最高決策層的視野。我就想找來看看,上網一檢索,不得了!雖然沒有電子版,但卻有外國博物 館藏的希伯來文、俄文、英文和日文等各種版本的圖片。最早的版本是由飛利浦.斯捷潘諾夫於1897年第一次印刷出版,當時只是在他的朋友圈中私下流傳。尼 路斯在1901年以《渺小的偉大》為書名將此公開出版,並在1906年重印。目前大英博物館收藏有這個最古老的版本。後來有了俄文版,但前蘇聯時期一直是 禁書。最初幾年,在蘇聯版圖內的任何地方擁有此書即被視為重罪,一旦發現就地槍決。上世紀二十年代,英國《晨郵報》駐俄記者維克多.馬斯登在大英博物館從 俄文版將此書譯成英文版。翻譯工作完成後沒幾天,他就突然病倒,匆匆離世。
全書篇幅不長,包括24篇錫安長老會的秘密會議紀要。儘管此書剛問世,猶太人就一直申明說它們是偽作。但100多年過去的人類歷史發生的一切都在 在證明:此書披露的錫安長老會征服世界的密謀絕非空穴來風。長老們在這些紀要中密謀「用金錢控制媒體」、「實用主義替代宗」、「支持共產主義者建立政 權」、「挑動世界大戰」等一一變成現實,這難道只是一種巧合嗎?24篇秘密紀要涉及最多的是經濟。錫安長老們聲稱,猶太人「要達到統治世界的目的,無法靠 發動侵佔領土的戰爭,但可以發動經濟上的全面戰爭。」「我們必須使全世界的經濟學家們環繞在我們的周圍。這也是為什麼經濟學成為猶太人育的主要目標。在我 們周圍的將是所有銀行家、企業家和資本家的薈萃──最主要的是百萬富翁。因為從本質上說,所有事情都是由金錢的數額說了算的。」「我們必須迅速著手建立龐 大的壟斷機構,儲蓄巨大的財富,甚至使非猶太人的巨額財富也依賴我們的機構。」一旦「在我們手中有了當今最有力量的東西──金錢」,所有國家「都將置於完 全由我們之手掌控的金錢專政之下。」那麼如何才能完成這個以金錢統治世界的謀略呢?一方面,「必須將非猶太人的注意力引向工業和貿易……劇烈競爭以及散佈 在經濟生活中的恐慌將會創造一個冷漠又殘酷無情的族群。這樣的族群將孕育一種對政治和宗強烈的厭惡情緒。他們唯一的目標是利潤,也就是黃金。因為黃金為他 們帶來物質上的愉悅。」另一方面,「我們控制的國際大資本鼓勵非猶太人政府大把借款」,「這使我們的錢翻了兩倍、三倍,甚至更多。」而「這些貸款以及高額 利息沉重地壓在政府財政頭上,使政府成為大資本的奴隸」。「貨幣的存在就是為了流通。貨幣的任何停滯狀態,對於國家的正常運轉都是毀滅性的。」
也許今天的「金融海嘯」只是整個陰謀的第一步。等到各國政府無法償還巨額債務時,就不得不聽命於一個「猶太超級政權」。有人說,人類歷史正一步步 按照當年錫安會長老們精心策劃的路線圖在沉淪。看到這些100多年前的文字,你能不感到觸目驚心嗎?最近,這本百年奇書的中文版《操縱20世紀歷史的黑 手》已悄然在香港出版。解開黑手之謎後能否找到出路,天曉得.


關於“紀要”本身在簡介當中就無需多費筆墨了。最早涵蓋其內容的書籍由菲力浦.斯捷潘諾父于1897年第一次印刷出版,其時只是在他私密的朋友圈 中私下流傳。尼路斯在1901年以《渺小中的偉大》為書名第一次印刷出版該紀要,並在1905年重印。大英博物館收藏了該書的影本,上面有“1906年8 月10日取得”的簽字字樣。據我們所知,所有存在於俄國的副本皆在柯林斯基執政期間被銷毀。在其繼任者執政期間,在蘇聯版圖內的任何地方擁有該書被視為重 罪,擁有者一旦被發現會被就地槍決。這一事實本身就充分證實了該“紀要”的真實性。當然,猶太人的刊物一直申明說它們是偽作,並使人們相信,尼 路斯 教 授將它們編入自己的作品當中,並為達到他個人的目的而篡改了它們。  
亨利.福特先生在《紐約時報》於1921年2月17日出版的一則訪談中,為尼 路斯 先生做了簡潔有力但又令人信服的辯護:“我本人對於“紀要” 的唯一論斷是:它們符合當前世界發生的一切,是真實的。它們已經十六歲了,一直符合這個世界的事實,直到今天,仍然如此!”事實的確如此!  
“Protocol”一詞的詞義是指一份檔前面的“摘要”,或底稿,或備忘錄。在這種情況下,“Protocol”的意思是錫安長老會的會議記 錄。這些“紀要”透露了錫安統治者發佈給其核心圈子演講的宗旨。它們透露了猶太民族數代以來竭力發展並不斷被長老們親自修訂更新的計畫。數個世紀以來,隨 著關於長老們的秘密不斷被洩露,這一計畫的細枝末節和摘要也不斷被出版。猶太人宣傳“紀要”為偽造,本身也是其真實性的明證,因為他們從未試圖就“紀要” 中提及的威脅性事實作為任何回應,事實上,這些預言與所發生的事實的高度一致性是如此令人震驚,以至於不能讓人置之不顧或視而不見。而這一點恰恰是猶太人 深悉卻又無法回避的。  
A.H.M.拉姆齊上尉在經典著作《無名戰爭》中記載道,“根據《通俗英語》(一份由北英出版公司出版,由勞德.奧爾弗萊德.道格拉斯主編的週 刊)在 1921年9月3日 發佈的一份信顯示,“長老會的存在,比他們被猜測的時間還要長。我的朋友,阿姆斯特丹的L.D.凡.凡爾克特先生,最近寄給 我一封信,信裏有來自于米爾海姆的猶太教堂的兩份摘錄。包含它們的文卷在拿破崙戰爭期間丟失了,但最近到了L.D.凡.凡爾克特先生手中。它們用德文寫 就,裏面包含了來自米爾海姆猶太教堂高層權威之間來往的信件節錄。他寄給我的第一封所收到的信件如下:  
1647年6月16日 :  
1647年7月12日 ,  
一旦查理被除掉,猶太人被接納,財政援助即有了保證。暗殺太過危險。 應該給予查理逃脫的機會:他的重新被捉會使審判和處死成為可能。資助將非常慷慨大方,但要知道審判開始以及條件達成後才會給予。  
拉姆齊上尉引用了本傑明的父親,肯斯菲爾德伯爵以撒.迪斯萊裏,英國第一位猶太裔首相在其1851年出版的兩卷本《查理一世生平》的描述:“查理 一世期間的英國革命不同於之前任何一次。自那個時代和那次事件起,我們預言了歷史上革命的每個階段”。有更多著名事件步其後塵,尤其在法國發生的大事。在 1897年,所有這些神秘事件的重要線索落入以“錫安長老會紀要”為形式的非猶太人之手。在那份檔中我們讀到了這樣著名的一句“請記住,法國大革命,它的 所有發起秘密我們都洞悉明瞭,因為完全是出自我們之手的傑作(見第十四條紀要的第3條要義)。  
1865年,一個叫瑞澤豪恩的猶太傳教士在布拉格發表了一篇演說。這是一篇對於“錫安長老會紀要”的非常全面而又準確的概括,而紀要是在幾十年之 後才大白於天下,並在11年後被約翰.萊德克裏夫爵士出版,而出版後不就萊德克裏夫爵士就遭暗殺。自那時起,由整個猶太人核心精英層組成的秘密組織的龐大 勢力就被這一暗殺行為充分證實了。  
一個強有裏的假設是:錫安長老會議紀要是在現在猶太複國主義之父,即後來的希歐多爾.赫茨爾主持期間,在1897年巴塞爾召開的首次猶太複國主義 大會上形成的。最近曾出版了赫茨爾的一份“日記”卷宗。其中一部分出現在1922年7月14日的《猶太人紀年》上。在這些章節中,赫茨爾描述了他於 1895年的首次英格蘭之行,以及他與格德斯密德上校之間的對話。格德斯密德上校是個猶太人,自幼作為基督徒被養大,是英國軍隊的一名軍官,但骨子裏一直 是個徹頭徹尾的猶太民族主義者。格德斯密德上校向赫茨爾建議,剝奪英國貴族,也即摧毀英格蘭人反對猶太人統治的保護力量的最好辦法,就是向這個國家的人民 課以重稅。赫茨爾認為這是個極好的主意。這一點最近被發現在第六條紀要中完全體現出來了。這是一個極其顯著的明證,證明猶太世界陰謀的確存在和該紀要的真 實性。任何有頭腦的讀者都會從其對於近代歷史的常識中,並以其自身經歷,確定這些紀要中的每一句都是真實的。正是這一活生生的評論的,使得所有讀者都會研 究馬斯登先生翻譯的這份沒有人性的、令人恐怖的檔。  
下麵是瑞典的猶太主教厄仁普瑞斯博士于1924年對“紀要”所作的評論:“我很早以來就對紀要的內容非常熟悉了。事實上,早在它們在基督教媒體上 發表之前我就盡知了。錫安長老會紀要事實上並不是最早最原始的那份,只不過是一些類似章節的合併本。在傳說的70位錫安長老中,就紀要的原始性及真實性而 言,全世界知道的只有10個人。我和赫茨爾博士一起參加了1897年在巴塞爾召開的第一次錫安大會。赫茨爾是這次猶太人世界大會最重要的角色。20年之 前,赫茨爾就預見了我們要經歷的事情,引發第一次世界大戰的革命。他為我們準備好了將要發生的事情。他預見了土耳其的分裂,英國會控制巴勒斯坦。我們可以 預期世界上所有重要的大事。  
下面是又一個非常重要的史實。赫茨爾的現任繼任人,猶太複國主義運動的領袖維曼博士,引用了1920年10月6日為赫茨爾主教舉行的歡送晚宴上的 一句名言。其時,赫茨爾主教正要去參加威爾士王子登基之旅。維曼博士引用的聖人名言稱,“上帝施與猶太人的最有益的保護,即是已將他們撒遍全球。”(《猶 太衛報》),1920年10月8日)現在請將此與第十一條紀要倒數第2句對照一下:“上帝賦予我們,即他的選民們,分散在世界各地的天性,而這一在所有人 眼中看起來是我們弱點的特性,卻釋放出我們所有的力量。而這力量已將我們帶到統治全世界的權力門檻中。”這些篇章中的顯著一致性,證明了錫安長老們的存 在;證明了維曼博士全都知道,證明了對於巴勒斯坦這個“民族家園”的渴望不過是掩人耳目,是猶太人真實目標的極小環節,證明了世界上的猶太人根本就沒有定 居在巴勒斯坦或其他任何單一國家的打算。所謂“他們或許可以全部明年相聚耶路撒冷”的年度祈禱不過是他們善於欺騙這一特徵的顯示。它們也表明猶太人現在是 全世界的威脅,亞利安人將不得不將他們永久驅趕出歐洲。  
誰是錫安長老?這是一個至今未曾透露的秘密。他們是幕後操縱者。他們不是“代表委員會”(英國的猶太議會),也不是位於巴黎的“以色列統一聯 盟”。後來德國AEG電氣工程公司的瓦爾特.拉特瑙為這個秘密撕開了一個裂口,毫無疑問,他掌握了他們的名字。並且,他自己很有可能也是其中一個主要領導 角色。在1912年12月24日的“維也納自由報”發表的文章中,他寫道:“三百個人,他們互相認識,統治著整個歐洲大陸的命運,並從他們的追隨者中選出 繼任者。”1844年,也就是1848年猶太革命的前夜,本傑明.迪斯萊裏,其真名是伊斯雷爾,一個曾經“受洗”的猶太人,出版了小說《科寧斯比》。書中 出現了一段預言性的文字:“這個世界是由那些與非幕後人士所想像的大相徑庭的人所統治的。”他接著說明這些統治者全部是猶太人。  
《錫安長老會紀要》用第一人稱書寫,以一個錫安長老的身份在長老會議上向新成員介紹如何掌控世界的具體計畫。全書並無嚴整結構,章節內容並不 統一,前後章節也不存在嚴格順序,似乎是以時間作劃分,每一章內容來自一次會議的記錄。全書共分24章,包括的具體話題有:用自由主義消滅非集權制政府, 用經濟集權取代政治集權。傳播達爾文主義、馬克思主義、尼采主義、社會主義、GC主義、無政府主義以製造社會矛盾,國家對立。建立世界政府,迫使各國讓 權。引發世界大戰,消滅敵對集團。推廣普選權,培養愚民群體,以對抗各國精英階層。通過共濟會招籠各國精英,成為代理人。安插民主政府領導人。控制媒體, 加大對言論自由、出版自由、人權和民主的宣傳,使其破壞原有社會秩序,同時使其成為新統治方式的迷霧。控制教育。用娛樂、色情等分散人們注意。消滅基督 教、伊斯蘭教以及其他一切宗教,宣傳唯物主義,以無神論作為過渡,最後代之以猶太教。通過政府徵稅削弱各國資本家實力。通過貸款控制各國財政。消滅金本 位,通過控制貨幣發行量製造經濟危機。長老會通過能力推選國王,在全面統治世界之前,國王不會露面,只是在暗中操縱世界




1(25)退回到從前,我們是最早高喊“自由、平等、博愛”的,這些套話被那些愚蠢的鸚鵡重複了無數次,他們被這香餌吸引最終放棄了原有 的社會體制,喪失了真正的自由。那些非猶太人(Goyim)中所謂的智者沉于迷夢,無法瞭解自然法則根本不存在什麼平等和自由。……

1(26)地球的每個角落都充斥著“自由、平等、博愛”,感謝那些無知的代理人替我們搖旗呐喊。這些口號就像潰瘍一樣在非猶太人社會肌體 上擴散,所到之處終止一切和平和團結,摧毀國家體系。這將是我們的王牌——摧毀一切貴族政體,代之以我們教育出來的建立在金錢上的新貴。這個新貴階層的資 格將以財富和教育水準衡量,而財富和教育則掌握在我們手中。

2(5)在當今世界有一種在人群中推動思想運動的重要力量,這就是媒體。媒體的作用是提出要求,發出民眾的抱怨,表達不滿。只有通過媒 體,自由言論才能道成肉身。但非猶太人的政府還不懂得如何利用這一力量,而我們則掌握了它。通過媒體我們對社會保持了強大影響力,而我們卻一直躲在暗 處。……



















10(5)為此,我們必須確保所有人不分階級和身份的選舉權,這樣就可以建立遠超過少數有較好修養和思考能力的富裕階層的絕對多數優勢。 我們要摧毀非猶太人的家庭觀念和傳統價值,讓他們失去獨立思考能力。這樣我們培養出一個無知的強大力量,通過我們的代理人作為領袖對它進行引導。



10(10)自由主義建立了憲政國家,取代了唯一能保護非猶太民族的集權國家。而憲政,不過是一個不同聲音的大雜燴,充滿了爭吵、曲解, 無窮無盡的政黨鬥爭,一句話,消耗國家力量的一切東西。……共和體制建立後,我們就從傀儡或奴隸中選一個總統作為政府首腦,這是我們給他們提供的政治模 式。






15(4)我們將在世界範圍建立和擴大共濟會組織,將各國精英納入其中,並通過其發揮我們的影響力。所有這些共濟會分支都將由一個中心機 構管理,這只有我們才知道,也是由我們的長老組成。我們通過共濟會組織將所有自由和革命因素結合起來。我們的政治密謀將通過它們付諸實施。我們還要將國際 和國內的員警系統代理人納入共濟會……






20(20)我們將通過減少流通中的貨幣來在非猶太人社會中製造經濟危機。大資本停止了流動,並將錢從國家收回,而政府正是一直靠它們的 貸款運作的。這些貸款以及高額利息沉重地壓在政府財政頭上,使政府成為大資本的奴隸……大資本將工業集中在手中,將榨幹所有人和所有國家……


















最早將共濟會與猶太人聯繫在一起的是20世紀初俄國出版的《錫安長老會紀要》Протоколы сионских мудрецов。內容是一群所謂的猶太錫安長老陰謀奪取世界政權控制全人類的秘密會議紀要。這是至今為止反共濟會和反猶運動中最為重要的文獻,是當今幾 乎所有陰謀理論的始祖檔。

1903年8月27到9月7日聖彼德堡的旗幟報Znamya(Знамя)連載了一系列文章,題目叫做《猶太人控制世界的計畫》。而報中 稱這份檔的原題叫做《共濟會與錫安長老會世界聯盟會議紀要》The Protocols of the Sessions of the World Alliance of Freemasons and of the Sages of Zion。

1905年,俄國神學家瑟爾基•尼路斯Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus的《渺小中的偉大,即將到來的反基督政治可能性。一個東正教信徒的筆記》The Great within the Small and Antichrist, an Imminent Political Possibility. Notes of an Orthodox Believer一書中,將其編入最後一章作為該書的第二版發表,並宣稱這本草案來自1897年瑞士巴塞爾召開的第一次錫安主義者大會First Zionist Congress。新上任的俄國首相斯托雷平Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin為此成立了一個秘密調查委員會,認為檔內容最早來自1897至1898年巴黎的反猶團體。然而至今並未發現原稿。由於材料來源不明,沙皇 尼古拉斯二世查禁了這本書。然而1906年錫安長老草案的單行本在聖彼德堡被俄羅斯人民聯盟Union of the Russian People以《人類的敵人》為題出版,並且迅速在俄國傳播開。
1917年俄國十月革命的爆發似乎驗證了《紀要》的預言,尤其是領導革命的布爾什維克高層領導人中,猶太人占了大多數,最著名的如托洛斯基 Leon Trotsky。之後的俄國內戰中,白軍也將其作為反對布爾什維克的重要宣傳工具。在此時《紀要》被翻譯成各種文字傳遍歐洲。   在此期間,美國福特汽車公司創始人亨利•福特Henry Ford對《錫安長老會紀要》傳播起到了巨大作用,1920年就在美國發行了50萬本。在他的《得堡獨立報》The Dearborn Independent報上,以《國際猶太勢力:世界的首要問題》The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem為題,發表了包括《紀要》在內的揭露猶太金融勢力對各國進行控制的一系列文章。1921年2月,福特在接受紐約世界報New York World採訪時表示,“對這部《紀要》我只是想說,它符合正在發生的一切。”"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on." 系列文章結集出版後,在德國受到極大歡迎,福特也成為希特勒的偶像。希特勒表示要將福特的理論付諸實踐,並仿照福特的T型車,為人民製造汽車。這也是德國 大眾汽車的由來。

通讀了《世界進入墳墓》之後,再來看錫安長老會紀要就很有意思。他們這群雜碎和怪物,真是毀人不倦啊。他們也知道自己要死, 還要這樣無所 不用其極的來禍害人類,真他媽夠惡,或許是鉈們出生時太痛苦,太用力擠出自己老娘的子宮,以至於他們終生都記恨于心中,從來不放過任何一次機會來毒害人 類。 
從錫安長老會紀要來看,猶太的陰謀確實是成功的實施了。他們應該下地獄,上不了天堂。不幸的人們,卻下了猶太設計好的“地獄”。錫安長老會 紀要透露出了猶太的理論體系和奴役這個世界的方法,雖然內容有些會摻假,但其內容的核心,卻是不容置疑的,這就是他們的理論基礎   

一、儘量用物質來引誘和敗壞他們的青年,鼓勵他們藐視、鄙視、進一步公開反對他們原來接受的思想教育,特別是GC主義教條。替他們製造對色情奔放 的興趣和機會,進而鼓勵他們進行性的濫交。讓他們不以膚淺、虛榮為羞恥。一定要毀掉他們強調過的刻苦耐勞精神。二、一定要盡一切可能,做好傳播工作,包括 電影、書籍、電視、無線電波……和新式的宗教傳播。只要他們嚮往我們的衣、食、住、行、娛樂和教育的方式,就是成功的一半。
六、在任何情況下都要宣揚民主。一有機會,不管是大型小型,有形無形,都要抓緊發動民主運動。無論在什麼場合,什麼情況下,我們都要不斷對他 們(政府)要求民主和人權。只要我們每一個人都不斷地說同樣的話,他們的人民就一定會相信我們說的是真理。我們抓住一個人是一個人,我們占住一個地盤是一 個地盤。

根據秘密猶太教的記錄,所羅門和其他猶太長老們早在西元前929年,就設想出了一個錫安山將以和平方式征服整個宇宙的陰謀框架。隨著歷史的發展, 這一陰謀計畫逐步在細節上成形,並逐步由那些發動此計畫的人完成。這些長老們決定用象徵狡猾之蛇,用和平手段征服世界。蛇頭代表那些發動此計畫的猶太高 層,蛇的身體代表猶太人民---高層永遠是機密的,即使是來自猶太本族的那些人。  
當這條大蛇鑽入它所遇到的國家核心層時,它就會摧毀併吞掉這些國家政權中的所有非猶勢力。有預言說,這條蛇還沒有完成它的任務,仍緊密執行著最初 的計畫,直到它的行動路線回到它的頭部,錫安山。通過此種手段,這條蛇已經完成了它對歐洲的行程並包圍了它。這樣,通過鎖住整個歐洲,它就囊括了整個世 界。為達到這一目的,它用盡各種手段,用一種“經濟侵略”的手段削弱其他國家。  
只有在將歐洲的所有主權國家的力量削弱,也就是說,通過經濟危機以及隨之而來的全面破壞,並由之帶來的精神崩潰及主要由猶太女人偽裝成法國人、義 大利人而帶來的道德衰敗的幫助下,將這些國家的力量削弱之後,蛇頭才會返回錫安山。這些女人是將這些國家領導人物拖入淫蕩生活的法寶。象徵之蛇的行程圖如 下所示:它在歐洲的第一步是在西元前429年的希臘。在那兒,在伯裏克利執政時期,這條蛇首先吃掉了這個國家的權力。第二步是在奧古斯都時代的羅馬,大約 只西元前69年。第三步是在西元1552年查理五世時代的馬德里。第四步是在1790年,路易十六時期的巴黎。第五步是在1814年以後(拿破崙倒臺之 後)的倫敦。第六步是在波法戰爭之後1871年的柏林。第七步是在1881年,在那年,蛇頭鑽進了聖彼德堡。[現在這條蛇已經被畫到了美洲和美國。現在它 的部分身份可以識別為“外交關係委員會”(CFR)與“三邊委員會”]。這條蛇所穿越經過的所有政權的憲政基礎都被動搖了。德國,儘管實力赫然,也毫無例 外,沒有逃出厄運。就經濟狀況而言,英國和德國似乎被忽略了,但也就持續到大蛇吞沒沙俄時。在那時,也就是1905年,它集中其所有的力量將其征服。大蛇 的下一步路線在這張圖上沒有顯示,但箭頭表明它的下一步動向是莫斯科、基埔與奧德賽。現在對於我們而言已經明確知道那些後來的城市將成為好戰的猶太種族的 中心。君士坦丁堡顯示成為大蛇到達耶路撒冷前的最後一站。(這張圖在“青年土耳其人”即土耳其的猶太人起義發生之前就被畫好了)。


如果对犹太一点都不了解的话,很多人都会觉得路德的言论过激.但是就拿犹太的塔木德来说就会明白" 我建议没收他们所有的祈祷书和犹太法典文稿,因为里面全是教唆人们通奸、撒谎、诅咒和亵渎的话…"这一条完全有道理
The Truth About the Talmud

The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians are very knowledgeable of the Old Testament. However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4:

"The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis of modern traditions never came their way."

Because they are not traffickers in Talmudic tradition, the black Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state.

Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law). Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000 rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership.

N.Y. Times religion reporter Ari Goldman described the basis of the rabbi's authority:

"Soloveitchik came from a long line of distinguished Talmudic scholars...Until his early 20s, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the study of the Talmud...He came to Yeshiva University's Elchanan Theological Seminary where he remained the pre-eminent teacher in the Talmud...He held the title of Leib Merkin professor of Talmud...sitting with his feet crossed in front of a table bearing an open volume of the Talmud." (N.Y. Times, April 10, 1993, p. 38).

Nowhere does Goldman refer to Soloveitchik's knowledge of the Bible as the basis for being one of the leading authorities on Jewish law.

The rabbi's credentials are all predicated upon his mastery of the Talmud. Other studies are clearly secondary. Britain's Jewish Chronicle of March 26, 1993 states that in religious school (yeshiva), Jews are "devoted to the Talmud to the exclusion of everything else."

The Talmud Nullifies the Bible

The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form. These had not yet been written down in Jesus' time. Christ condemned the traditions of the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and Pharisees), because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of the Holy Bible.

Shmuel Safrai in The Literature of the Sages Part One (p.164), points out that in chapters 4 and 5 of the Talmud's Gittin Tractate, the Talmud nullifies the Biblical teaching concerning money-lending: "Hillel decreed the prozbul for the betterment of the world. The prozbul is a legal fiction which allows debts to be collected after the Sabbatical year and it was Hillel's intention thereby to overcome the fear that money-lenders had of losing their money."

The famous warning of Jesus Christ about the tradition of men that voids Scripture (Mark 7:1-13), is in fact, a direct reference to the Talmud, or more specifically, the forerunner of the first part of it, the Mishnah, which existed in oral form during Christ's lifetime, before being committed to writing. Mark chapter 7, from verse one through thirteen, represents Our Lord's pointed condemnation of the Mishnah.

Unfortunately, due to the abysmal ignorance of our day, the widespread "Judeo-Christian" notion is that the Old Testament is the supreme book of Judaism. But this is not so. The Pharisees teach for doctrine the commandments of rabbis, not God.

The Talmudic commentary on the Bible is their supreme law, and not the Bible itself. That commentary does indeed, as Jesus said, void the laws of God, not uphold them. As students of the Talmud, we know this to be true.

Jewish scholar Hyam Maccoby, in Judaism on Trial, quotes Rabbi Yehiel ben Joseph: "Further, without the Talmud, we would not be able to understand passages in the Bible...God has handed this authority to the sages and tradition is a necessity as well as scripture. The Sages also made enactments of their own...anyone who does not study the Talmud cannot understand Scripture."

There is a tiny Jewish sect which makes considerable effort to eschew Talmud and adhere to the Old Testament alone. These are the Karaites, a group which, historically, has been most hated and severely persecuted by orthodox Jewish rabbinate.

To the Mishnah the rabbis later added the Gemara (rabbinical commentaries). Together these comprise the Talmud. There are two versions, the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud.

The Babylonian Talmud is regarded as the authoritative version: "The authority of the Babylonian Talmud is also greater than that of the Jerusalem Talmud. In cases of doubt the former is decisive." (R.C. Musaph-Andriesse, From Torah to Kabbalah: A Basic Introduction to the Writings of Judaism, p. 40).

This study is based on the Jewish-authorized Babylonian Talmud. We have published herein the authenticated sayings of the Jewish Talmud. Look them up for yourself.

We publish the following irrefutable documentation in the hope of liberating all people, including Jewish people, from the corrosive delusions and racism of this Talmudic hate literature, which is the manual of Orthodox and Hasidic Jews the world over.

The implementation by Jewish supremacists of Talmudic hate literature has caused untold suffering throughout history and now, in occupied Palestine, it is used as a justification for the mass murder of Palestinian civilians. The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals.

Some Teachings of the Jewish Talmud

Where a Jew Should Do Evil

Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

Penalty for Disobeying Rabbis

Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

Jews Have Superior Legal Status

Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."

Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b). Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."

Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Insults Against Blessed Mary

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

Gloats over Christ Dying Young

A passage from Sanhedrin 106 gloats over the early age at which Jesus died: "Hast thou heard how old Balaam (Jesus) was?--He replied: It is not actually stated but since it is written, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old."

Jesus in the Talmud:

Horrible Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ

While it is the standard disinformation practice of apologists for the Talmud to deny that it contains any scurrilous references to Jesus Christ, certain Orthodox Jewish organizations are more forthcoming and admit that the Talmud not only mentions Jesus but disparages him (as a sorcerer and a demented sex freak). These orthodox Jewish organizations make this admission perhaps out of the belief that Jewish supremacy is so well-established in the modern world that they need not concern themselves with adverse reactions.

For example, on the website of the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic Lubavitch group--one of the largest in the world--we find the following statement, complete with Talmudic citations:

"The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene':

1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).

3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh, which is also explicitly banned in the Bible (Shabbos 104b).

End quote from http://www.noahide.com/yeshu.htm (Lubavitch website) June 20, 2000.

[Note: we have printed and preserved in our files a hard copy of this statement from the Lubavitch"Noah's Covenant Website," as it appeared on their website at http://www.noahide.com on June 20, 2000, in the event that denials are later issued and the statement itself suppressed].

Let us examine further some of these anti-Christ Talmud passages:

Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery: "It is taught that on the eve of Passover Jesus was hung, and forty days before this the proclamation was made: Jesus is to be stoned to death because he has practiced sorcery and has lured the people to idolatry...He was an enticer and of such thou shalt not pity or condone."

Kallah 51a."The elders were once sitting in the gate when two young lads passed by; one covered his head and the other uncovered his head. Of him who uncovered his head Rabbi Eliezer remarked that he is a bastard. Rabbi Joshua remarked that he is the son of a niddah (a child conceived during a woman's menstrual period). Rabbi Akiba said that he is both a bastard and a son of a niddah.

"They said, 'What induced you to contradict the opinion of your colleagues?' He replied, "I will prove it concerning him." He went to the lad's mother and found her sitting in the market selling beans.

"He said to her, 'My daughter, if you will answer the question I will put to you, I will bring you to the world to come.' (eternal life). She said to him, 'Swear it to me.'

"Rabbi Akiba, taking the oath with his lips but annulling it in his heart, said to her, 'What is the status of your son?' She replied, 'When I entered the bridal chamber I was niddah (menstruating) and my husband kept away from me; but my best man had intercourse with me and this son was born to me.' Consequently the child was both a bastard and the son of a niddah.

"It was declared, '..Blessed be the God of Israel Who Revealed His Secret to Rabbi Akiba..."

In addition to the theme that God rewards clever liars, the preceding Talmud discussion is actually about Jesus Christ (the bastard boy who "uncovered his head" and was conceived in the filth of menstruation). The boy's adulterous mother in this Talmud story is the mother of Christ, Blessed Mary (called Miriam and sometimes, Miriam the hairdresser, in the Talmud).

"The Editio Princeps of the complete Code of Talmudic Law, Maimonides' Mishneh Torah -- replete not only with the most offensive precepts against all Gentiles but also with explicit attacks on Christianity and on Jesus (after whose name the author adds piously, 'May the name of the wicked perish')... --Dr. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p. 21.

"The Talmud contains a few explicit references to Jesus...These references are certainly not complimentary...There seems little doubt that the account of the execution of Jesus on the eve of Passover does refer to the Christian Jesus...The passage in which Jesus' punishment in hell is described also seems to refer to the Christian Jesus. It is a piece of anti-Christian polemic dating from the post-70 CE period..." --Hyam Maccoby, Judaism on Trial, pp. 26-27.

"According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned.

"The more popular accounts--which were nevertheless taken quite seriously--such as the notorious Toldot Yeshu are even worse, for in addition to the above crimes they accuse him of witchcraft. The very name 'Jesus' was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable and this popular tradition still persists...

"The Hebrew form of the name Jesus--Yeshu--was interpreted as an acronym for the curse, 'may his name and memory be wiped out,' which is used as an extreme form of abuse. In fact, anti-zionist Orthodox Jews (such as Neturey Qarta) sometimes refer to Herzl as 'Herzl Jesus' and I have found in religious zionist writings expressions such as "Nasser Jesus" and more recently 'Arafat Jesus." --Dr. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, pp. 97- 98, 118.

Talmud Attacks Christians and Christian Books

Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians (minnim) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.

Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books") will have no portion in the world to come.

Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.

Dr. Israel Shahak of Hebrew University reports that the Israelis burned hundreds of New Testament Bibles in occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p. 21).

Sick and Insane Teachings of the Talmud

Gittin 69a . To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix with honey and eat it.

Shabbath 41a. The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given.

Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.

Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with. On one of his whorehouse romps, Rabbi Eleazar leanred that there was one particular prostitute residing in a whorehouse near the sea, who would receive a bag of money for her services. He took a bag of money and went to her, crossing seven rivers to do so. During their intercourse the prostitute farted. After this the whore told Rabbi Eleazar: "Just as this gas will never return to my anus, Rabbi Eleazar will never get to heaven."

Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.

Gittin 70a. The Rabbis taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic."

Gittin 69b. To heal the disease of pleurisy ("catarrh") a Jew should "take the excrement of a white dog and knead it with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog's excrement as it loosens the limbs."

Pesahim 111a. It is forbidden for dogs, women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads.

Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.

Tall Tales of a Roman Holocaust

Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion Jews).

A Revealing Admission

Abodah Zarah 70a. The question was asked of the rabbi whether wine stolen in Pumbeditha might be used or if it was defiled, due to the fact that the thieves might have been gentiles (a gentile touching wine would make the wine unclean). The rabbi says not to worry, that the wine is permissible for Jewish use because the majority of the thieves in Pumbeditha, the place where the wine was stolen, are Jews. (Also cf. Gemara Rosh Hashanah 25b).

Pharisaic Rituals

Erubin 21b. "Rabbi Akiba said to him, "Give me some water to wash my hands."

"It will not suffice for drinking," the other complained, "will it suffice for washing your hands?"

"What can I do?' the former replied, "when for neglecting the words of the Rabbis one deserves death? It is better that I myself should die than that I transgress against the opinion of my colleagues." [This is the ritual hand washing condemned by Jesus in Matthew 15: 1-9].

Genocide Advocated by the Talmud

Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog ("Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed").

This passage is from the original Hebrew of the Babylonian Talmud as quoted by the 1907 Jewish Encyclopedia, published by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer, under the entry, "Gentile," (p. 617).

This original Talmud passage has been concealed in translation. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that, "...in the various versions the reading has been altered, 'The best among the Egyptians' being generally substituted." In the Soncino version: "the best of the heathens" (Minor Tractates, Soferim 41a-b].

Israelis annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Simon ben Yohai, to honor this rabbi who advocated the extermination of non-Jews. (Jewish Press, June 9, 1989, p. 56B).

On Purim, Feb. 25, 1994, Israeli army officer Baruch Goldstein, an orthodox Jew from Brooklyn, massacred 40 Palestinian civilians, including children, while they knelt in prayer in a mosque. Goldstein was a disciple of the late Brooklyn Rabbi Meir Kahane, who told CBS News that his teaching that Arabs are "dogs" is derived "from the Talmud." (CBS 60 Minutes, "Kahane").

University of Jerusalem Prof. Ehud Sprinzak described Kahane and Goldstein's philosophy: "They believe it's God's will that they commit violence against goyim, a Hebrew term for non-Jews." (NY Daily News, Feb. 26, 1994, p. 5).

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared, "We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing." (NY Times, June 6, 1989, p.5).

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin said, "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." (NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6).

Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human

The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes Gentiles as not being descendants of Adam. Here are some of the Talmud passages which relate to this topic.

Kerithoth 6b: Uses of Oil of Anointing. "Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels is not guilty; if over gentiles (goyim) or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is right, for it is written: "Upon the flesh of man (Adam), shall it not be poured (Exodus 30:32]); and cattle and vessels are not man (Adam).

"Also with regard to the dead, [it is plausible] that he is exempt, since after death one is called corpse and not a man (Adam). But why is one exempt in the case of gentiles (goyim); are they not in the category of man (Adam)? No, it is written: 'And ye my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are man" (Adam); [Ezekiel 34:31]: Ye are called man (Adam) but gentiles (goyim) are not called man (Adam)."

In the preceding passage, the rabbis are discussing the portion of the Mosaic law which forbids applying the holy oil to men.

The Talmud states that it is not a sin to apply the holy oil to Gentiles, because Gentiles are not human beings (i.e. are not of Adam).

Another example from tractate Yebamoth 61a: "It was taught: And so did R. Simeon ben Yohai state (61a) that the graves of gentiles (goyim) do not impart levitical uncleanness by an ohel [standing or bending over a grave], for it is said, 'And ye my sheep the sheep of my pasture, are men (Adam), [Ezekiel 34:31]; you are called men (Adam) but the idolaters are not called men (Adam)."

The Old Testament Mosaic law states that touching a human corpse or the grave of a human imparts uncleanness to those who touch it. But the Talmud teaches that if a Jew touches the grave of a Gentile, the Jew is not rendered unclean, since Gentiles are not human (not of Adam).

From Baba Mezia 114b: ""A Jewish priest was standing in a graveyard. When asked why he was standing there in apparent violation of the Mosaic law, he replied that it was permissible, since the law only prohibits Jews from coming into contact with the graves of humans (Adamites), and he was standing in a gentile graveyard. For it has been taught by Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: 'The graves of gentiles [goyim] do not defile. For it is written, 'And ye my flock, the flock of my pastures, are men (Adam)' (Ezekiel 34:31); only ye are designated men (Adam)."

Ezekiel 34:31 is the alleged Biblical proof text repeatedly cited in the preceding three Talmud passages. But Ezekiel 34:31 does not in fact support the Talmudic notion that only Israelites are human. What these rabbinical, anti-Gentile racists and ideologues have done in asserting the preceding absurdities about Gentiles is distort an Old Testament passage in order to justify their bigotry.

In Berakoth 58a the Talmud uses Ezekiel 23:20 as proof of the sub-human status of gentiles. It also teaches that anyone (even a Jewish man) who reveals this Talmudic teaching about non-Jews deserves death, since revealing it makes Gentiles wrathful and causes the repression of Judaism.

The Talmudic citation of this scripture from Ezekiel as a "proof-text" is specious, since the passage does not prove that Gentiles are animals. The passage from Ezekiel only says that some Egyptians had large genital organs and copious emissions. This does not in any way prove or even connote that the Egyptians being referred to in the Bible were considered animals. Once again, the Talmud has falsified the Bible by means of distorted interpretation.

Other Talmud passages which expound on Ezekiel 23:20 in this racist fashion are: Arakin 19b, Berakoth 25b, Niddah 45a, Shabbath 150a, Yebamoth 98a. Moreover, the original text of Sanhedrin 37a applies God's approval only to the saving of Jewish lives (cf. the Hesronot Ha-shas, Cracow, 1894).

Moses Maimonides: Advocate of Extermination

We will now examine the post-Talmudic commentator Rambam (Moses Maimonides). This revered "sage" taught that Christians should be exterminated. He has the highest stature in Judaism:

"Moses Maimonides is considered the greatest codifier and philosopher in Jewish history. He is often affectionately referred to as the Rambam, after the initials of his name and title, Rabenu Moshe Ben Maimon, "Our Rabbi, Moses son of Maimon." [Maimonides' Principles, edited by Aryeh Kaplan, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America,, p. 3].

Here is what Maimonides (Rambam) taught concerning saving people's lives, especially concerning saving the lives of gentiles and Christians, or even Jews who dared to deny the "divine inspiration" of the Talmud:

Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, (Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, 1990, Chapter 10, English Translation), p. 184: "Accordingly, if we see an idolater (gentile) being swept away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him." The Hebrew text of the Feldheim 1981 edition of Mishnah Torah states this as well.

Immediately after Maimonides' admonition that it is a duty for Jews not to save a drowning or perishing gentile, he informs us of the Talmudic duty of Jews towards Christians, and also towards Jews who deny the Talmud. Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, (Chapter 10), p. 184:

"It is a mitzvah [religious duty], however, to eradicate Jewish traitors, minnim, and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot."

The Jewish publisher's commentary accompanying the preceding statement of Maimonides states that Jesus was an example of a min (plural: minnim).

The commentary also states that the students of Tzadok were defined as those Jews who deny the truth of the Talmud and who uphold only the written law (i.e. the Old Testament).

According to Maimonides' Principles, p. 5, Maimonides "spent twelve years extracting every decision and law from the Talmud, and arranging them all into 14 systematic volumes. The work was finally completed in 1180, and was called Mishnah Torah, or "Code of the Torah."

Maimonides taught in another part of the Mishnah Torah that gentiles are not human: "Man alone, and not vessels, can contract uncleanness by carriage. ...The corpse of a gentile, however, does not convey uncleanness by overshadowing. ...a gentile does not contract corpse uncleanness; and if a gentile touches, carries, or overshadows a corpse he is as one who did not touch it.

"To what is this like? It is like a beast which touches a corpse or overshadows it. And this applies not to corpse uncleanness only but to any other kind of uncleanness: neither gentiles nor cattle are susceptible to any uncleanness." (The Code of Maimonides, vol. 10, translated by Herbert Danby, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1954, pp. 8-9).

Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Rotze'ach 2:11: "A Jew who killed a righteous gentile is not executed in a court of law. It says in Exodus 21:14, 'If a man schemes against his fellow man and kills the man deliberately, take him away from the altar and put him to death.' But a gentile is not considered a man, and even more so, a Jew is not executed for killing an unrighteous gentile."

The Schindler's List Quote

The Talmud (i.e., the Babylonian Talmud) text of Sanhedrin 37a restricts the duty to save life to saving only Jewish lives.

The book on Hebrew censorship, written by Jews themselves (Hesronot Ha-shas), notes that some Talmud texts use the universalist phrase:

"Whoever destroys the life of a single human being...it is as if he had destroyed an entire world; and whoever preserves the life of a single human being ...it is as if he had preserved an entire world."

However, Hesronot Ha-shas points out that these are not the authentic words of the original Talmud.

In other words, the preceding universalist rendering is not the authentic text of the Talmud and thus, for example, this universalist version which Steven Spielberg in his famous movie, Schindler's List attributed to the Talmud (and which became the motto of the movie on posters and in advertisements), is a hoax and constitutes propaganda intended to give a humanistic gloss to a Talmud which is, in its essence, racist and chauvinist hate literature.

In the authentic, original Talmud text it states that "whoever preserves a single soul of Israel, it is as if he had preserved an entire world" (emphasis supplied). The authentic Talmud text sanctions only the saving of Jewish lives.

Jewish Deception and Dissimulation

The response of the orthodox rabbis to documentation regarding the racism and hatred in their sacred texts is simply to brazenly lie, in keeping with the Talmud's Baba Kamma 113a which states that Jews may use lies ("subterfuge") to circumvent a Gentile.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a multi-million dollar rabbinical propaganda center dispatched Rabbi Daniel Landes in 1995 to deny that the Talmud dehumanizes non-Jews. "This is utter rot," he said. His proof? Why, his word, of course.

Lying to "circumvent a Gentile" has a long patrimony in Judaism. Take for example the 13th century Talmud debate in Paris between Nicholas of Donin, a Jewish convert to Christianity, whom Hyam Maccoby admits had "a good knowledge of the Talmud" ( "The Jews on Trial," p. 26) and Rabbi Yehiel. Yehiel was not under threat of death, bodily injury, imprisonment or fine. Yet he brazenly lied during the course of the debate.

When asked by Donin whether there were attacks on Jesus in the Talmud, Yehiel denied that there were any. Donin, a Hebrew and Aramaic scholar, knew this to be false. Hyam Maccoby, a 20th century Jewish commentator on the debate, defends Rabbi Yehiel's lying in this way:

"The question may be asked, however, whether Yehiel really believed that Jesus was not mentioned in the Talmud, or whether he put this forward as an ingenious ploy in the desperate situation in which he found himself...It would certainly have been pardonable of the rabbi to attempt some condonation in which he did not fully believe, to prevent such tyrannical proceedings by one religious culture against another." ( Maccoby, "The Jews on Trial," p. 28).

This is how Jewish denial of the existence of hateful Talmud texts is justified to this day. A fanciful word for Jewish lying is conjured ("condonation") and deemed "pardonable," while any scrutiny of Jewish holy books by Christian investigators is characterized as a "tyrannical proceeding."

In 1994, Rabbi Tzvi Marx, director of Applied Education at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, made a remarkable admission concerning how Jewish rabbis in the past have issued two sets of texts: the authentic Talmudic texts with which they instruct their own youth in the Talmud schools (yeshiviot) and "censured and amended" versions which they disseminate to gullible non-Jews for public consumption.

Rabbi Marx states that in the version of Maimonides' teachings published for public consumption, Maimonides is made to say that whoever kills a human being transgresses the law.

But, Rabbi Marx points out "...this only reflects the censured and amended printed text, whereas the original manuscripts have it only as 'whoever kills an Israelite."(Tikkun: A Bi-Monthly Jewish Critique May-June, 1994).

The Jewish book, Hesronot Ha-shas ("that which is removed from the Talmud"), is important in this regard. (Cf. William Popper, The Censorship of Hebrew Books p. 59).

Hesronot Ha-shas was reprinted in 1989 by Sinai Publishing of Tel-Aviv. Hesronot Ha-shas is valuable because it lists both the original Talmud texts that were later changed or omitted, and the falsified texts cited for Gentile consumption as authentic.

Historian William Popper states: "It was not always that long passages...were censored...but often single words alone were omitted...Often, in these cases, another method of correction was used in place of omission--substitution." (Cf. William Popper, The Censorship of Hebrew Books pp. 58-59).

For example, the translators of the English Soncino version of the Talmud sometimes render the Hebrew word goyim (Gentiles) under any number of disguise words such as "heathen, Cuthean, Kushite, Egyptian, idolater" etc. But these are actually references to Gentiles (all non-Jews). Footnotes for certain passages in the Soncino Talmud translation state: "Cuthean (Samaritan) was here substituted for the original goy..."

The heirs of the Pharisees often deny the existence of the Talmud passages here cited, in order to brazenly claim that such passages are the "fabrications of anti-Semites."

In 1994, the 80 year old Lady Jane Birdwood was arrested and prosecuted in a criminal court in London, England for the "crime" of publishing in her pamphlet, The Longest Hatred, the truthful statement that the Talmud contains anti-Gentile and anti-Christian passages. (She was accused of violating the Public Order Act of 1986).

In the course of her Orwellian thought-crime trial, which was ignored by the U.S. media, a rabbi was called as a prosecution witness. The rabbi proceeded to flatly deny that the Talmud contained anti-Gentile or anti-Christian passages and on the basis of the rabbi's "prestige," this elderly and ailing woman was sentenced to three months in jail and fined the equivalent of $1,000.
Jewish Law Requires Christians be Executed

Israeli "Torah scholars" have ruled that:

"The Torah maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the World to Come. But not all religious Gentiles earn eternal life by virtue of observing their religion...And while the Christians do generally accept the Hebrew Bible as truly from God, many of them (those who accept the so-called divinity of Jesus) are idolaters according to the Torah, punishable by death, and certainly will not enjoy the World to Come."

--Israeli Mechon-Mamre website, June 26, 2000; 12 Hayyim Vital St., Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine. ("Mechon Mamre is a small group of Torah scholars in Israel...").

