

Vaccine Information Website Hacked in Attempt to Remove Data
Activist Post

Several days ago, we announced that we would be taking part in the Vaccine awareness initiative started by the Natural Society. Yesterday, some of our readers reported that they were getting a virus alert when signing into our website. Our tech team researched the issue and concluded that this alert was triggered by the links leading to the Natural Society website. We immediately removed all links and advised website owner and writer Anthony Gucciardi about the issue. This morning Anthony wrote the following update to the situation:

If you visited the site yesterday, you may have experienced something out of the ordinary. When attempting to view any of the site’s content, a page would pop up warning you of “suspicious activity” or “malware” risks. What was that all about?

Well, it seems we may be speaking the truth too loudly for some people with our recent launch of the highly successful Vaccine Information Week campaign. In fact, the attackers aimed to redirect and delete integral pages on our site that were receiving thousands of shares and views due to Vaccine Information Week. Rest assured that there was no risk to readers, as the point of this attack was to delete and redirect important vaccine and GMO-related articles that were causing shockwaves around the web through social media and bookmarking.

In effect, they were attempting to discredit the movement as a whole. This, of course, only strengthens the message of the campaign. We have since upgraded to a bulletproof dedicated server, with a number of powerful safeguards in place to block any further attacks. In addition, Google has removed the warning after reviewing the facts.

Please do not allow the failed attacks to halt the amazing response to the campaign that we are seeing on a daily basis. Hundreds of websites have decided to participate in the movement, and THOUSANDS of individuals. Instead of retreating from these attacks, continue to share this information on an even greater scale, refusing to succumb to such dirty tactics.

Vaccine Information Week, and the overall message of this website and its readers will not be silenced by petty cyber attacks.

At this point we would like to assure readers that Activist Post is also safe to visit. This incident proves more than ever that we need to widely share information that challenges the establishment version of reality.

The ultimate protection against hacks, censorship, and disinformation is to have our message decentralized to such an extent that there are too many sources to shut down. Every time you take action and share information such as this vaccine awareness campaign you are contributing to freedom, as well as demonstrating resistance against those who would love nothing more than to close your mind and restrict your range of choice.

Official page: http://naturalsociety.com/Vaccine-Information-Week
Be a part of the movement: Contact@NaturalSociety.com